The Evil Within 2

The Evil Within 2

51 Achievements


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They Never Even Stood A Chance

They Never Even Stood A Chance

Completely upgraded all weapons.


How to unlock the They Never Even Stood A Chance achievement in The Evil Within 2 - Definitive Guide

This is more a guide of when you can expect to unlock this with a tip to help.

I got this...
•New game plus (you get more gel and scrap and your upgrades from the first playthrough carry on through)
•Just after the camera obscura boss
•And after doing the shooting range (unlocked after chapter three - you get even better gel and scrap rewards this time round)
- with your upgrades you should find this fairly easy

•Weapon types you need to upgrade - handguns - shotguns - sniper rifle - crossbow - assault rifle - magnum (need to complete the game first).
- NB: Upgrading the pistol upgrades all pistols (same for shotguns)

Ok this is going to take a little while and the most annoying part is that new game plus has to be in the same difficulty you completed the story - so you have to do this cheevo first before moving on to the next hard/hardest difficulty.

After you complete the story you can access new game plus which will make this easier as you get a lot more gel and upgrade components. You will not be getting this cheevo in one playthrough.

Playthrough one I was the biggest scavenger but still didn't max out gel or weapon upgrades.

Jumped on new game plus, scavenged a lot again and didn't get it til the camera boss.

Edit. LoL @ negative votes.
What even is the point?

Edit. Thanks to Xx bRICKed xX for this vid suggesting all Red Gel/High Grade Weapon Parts locations:

25 Oct 2017 21:51

While I didn't neg you, I can tell likely why. You failed to mention the most important thing, you need High-Grade weapon parts to fully upgrade guns. Running through and just getting scrap wont get you anything but wasted time.
By asTroLogiCaL on 01 Nov 2017 14:24
A list of known high grade weapon parts locations would be really helpful, you end up swimming in scrap but are locked behind high grade walls
By John Connor M on 18 Nov 2017 19:40
If this helps, I found this video that shows you all Red Gel/High Grade Weapon Parts locations:
By Xx bRICKed xX on 22 Nov 2017 15:37
Do you need to upgrade each type of crossbow bolt? Thanks.
By VinnyML on 17 Dec 2017 03:50
Yeah everything....I think. There is a separate cheevo for fully upgrading one bolt
By odiedodie on 17 Dec 2017 10:00
Is it confirmed that every type of bolt is needed for this? If so, I’ll be one high grade weapon part short after my NG+ :(. Is it possible to do NG+ off of an NG+ save? Lol
By thepack1221 on 13 Jan 2018 05:25
I suppose you will be able to confirm it if it pops
I imagine it’s all required
By odiedodie on 13 Jan 2018 10:25
All of the bolts are required.
By thepack1221 on 14 Jan 2018 07:58
So the magnum is definitely needed?
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 05 Dec 2018 01:33
I got the magnum. You can’t get enough gel/scraps in one playthrough. I scavenged.
By odiedodie on 05 Dec 2018 15:58
Is there even enough high grade weapon parts in 2 playthroughs? It doesnt seem like it. The assault rifle and magnum require a ridiculous amount.
By ICoN xLeViAtHaN on 10 Sep 2019 20:57
There should be. I don’t think I used a guide but it was a while ago now
By odiedodie on 11 Sep 2019 14:36
I wonder if playing NG+ on easy would award more scrap?
By Kanchanaburi on 18 Dec 2019 17:34
You do not need to play New Game+ on the same difficulty as your first game. I completed the game on Nightmare and then finished collecting scrap on Casual.
By Tozi Tiberius on 25 Dec 2019 16:47
This glitched on me…not sure why…
By CorleoneGang on 11 Feb 2023 03:38
Way too many achievements in this game are not popping when they should. Some popped later for me, but not all so do NOT trust them. This one not popping scares me. Will attempt to hard shutdown xbox and start it back up to try again. This game was ruined for me with so many glitched chievos.
By TrueWickedone on 03 May 2023 20:44
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This is ONLY a protip for getting a lot of extra Weapon Parts from the Shooting Range, and is a game changer if you're struggling with getting the required points. You will want to do this on your initial playthrough (Nightmare, if you're following the Walkthrough) and then again on your New Game Plus playthrough. I recommend doing this as soon as you have enough gels to buy the Combat Skill called Synaptic Focus. This lets you push the Y button to go into slow motion aiming, which when coupled with using the Unlimited Stamina cheat in the Options menu makes the range laughably easy.

Shooting Range: When the timer begins, press the Y button to go into slo-mo and hold the Left Trigger the ENTIRE TIME. The entirety of the challenge will be in slow motion and you should blow past the required thresholds for each difficulty. Playing through every level up to very hard will net you huge amounts of weapon parts and green gel.

Chain Attack: When the timer begins, press the Y button to go into slo-mo and hold the Left Trigger the ENTIRE TIME. You won't be able to see the colours of the tiles but they all have the same symbol on them so match them up that way. The second you get at least twelve tiles of the same symbol vibrating, shoot them for points.

With slo-mo enabled, you have all the time in the world to carefully make matches. In fact, I was regularly over 60 seconds shortly after my first few tile matches. You want to score 100,000 points which will net you huge amounts of weapon parts and green gel.

19 Jun 2021 23:51

To upgrade weapons, you must be at a workbench. Workbenches can be found at various locations throughout the game, but the workbench you’ll be visiting the most is the one that can be accessed at Sebastian’s office by using one of the mirrors.

You’re going to have to gather up a total of around 25,000 weapon parts. You’ll be needing a few high-grade weapon parts as well. Fortunately, weapon parts are plentiful in new game +, just like green gel. You must completely upgrade the Handgun, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Warden Crossbow, Assault Rifle, and Magnum.

For a list of the weapons that can be acquired in the game, see the “Powerhouse” achievement below.

Here is a list of the locations where high-grade weapon parts can be found in the game:

Chapter 3:

  • The first one can be found at the end of one of the train cars on the west side of the map, hiding inside of some crates.
  • Another is located in the hidden supply cache underneath the Auto Repair Shop on the west side of the map. Go below ground, and when you get to the door that requires a security code, punch in "9676" on the security panel. Enter the door and you’ll find the parts inside a duffel bag to your right.
  • Your search for Lily will lead you to the large warehouse in the scrapyard. In the warehouse, head upstairs, then enter the first door on your left. The parts are sitting on the workbench.

Chapter 6

  • Continue past Hoffman’s saferoom and leave the Marrow. You’ll have to go to Union: Post Plus. As soon as you arrive at Post Plus, turn around and the parts are in a duffel bag.

Chapter 7

  • Save Sykes and complete his “Getting Back Online” side mission. Then go to the tool shed in the north east corner of the map where the Full Barreled Shotgun is found. The tool shed is locked, and you’ll need a storage key located on a body in the south west corner of the map. Once you’ve opened the tool shed with the storage key, go inside the tool shed and open the orange box. The parts are inside the orange box.

Chapter 11

  • At the beginning of the chapter, go through the door by Torres. Then enter the door immediately on your right. A mirror will be here, and the parts are on a shelf to your left.
  • Soon after the previous part, you’ll be chasing after Hoffman. You’ll have to enter an elevator, but before going into the elevator, look to the room on the right. The parts will be in here.
  • After defeating the Harbinger boss, go through the door next to the boss and immediately turn to your right and you’ll see the parts on a table.

Chapter 13

  • You need to have saved Sykes and completed his “Getting Back Online” side mission for these next two parts. Go inside the same exact tool shed where you found the high grade part in chapter 7 and open the same orange box again. There is another part here in the same exact location as the one in chapter 7.
  • This next part is in the same tool shed as the last part. Go to the back of the tool shed and it’s on the desk.

Chapter 15

  • After the fog room/cutscene with Myra near the beginning of the chapter, go right and continue down the stairs. Go through the doorway next to the mirror and look to the ground on your right for the parts.

To upgrade weapons, you must be at a workbench. Workbenches can be found at various locations throughout the game, but the workbench you’ll be visiting the most is the one that can be accessed at Sebastian’s office by using one of the mirrors.

You’re going to have to gather up a total of around 25,000 weapon parts. You’ll be needing a few high-grade weapon parts as well. Fortunately, weapon parts are plentiful in new game +, just like green gel. You must completely upgrade the Handgun, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Warden Crossbow, Assault Rifle, and Magnum.

For a list of the weapons that can be acquired in the game, see the “Powerhouse” achievement below.

Here is a list of the locations where high-grade weapon parts can be found in the game:

Chapter 3:

  • The first one can be found at the end of one of the train cars on the west side of the map, hiding inside of some crates.
  • Another is located in the hidden supply cache underneath the Auto Repair Shop on the west side of the map. Go below ground, and when you get to the door that requires a security code, punch in "9676" on the security panel. Enter the door and you’ll find the parts inside a duffel bag to your right.
  • Your search for Lily will lead you to the large warehouse in the scrapyard. In the warehouse, head upstairs, then enter the first door on your left. The parts are sitting on the workbench.

Chapter 6

  • Continue past Hoffman’s saferoom and leave the Marrow. You’ll have to go to Union: Post Plus. As soon as you arrive at Post Plus, turn around and the parts are in a duffel bag.

Chapter 7

  • Save Sykes and complete his “Getting Back Online” side mission. Then go to the tool shed in the north east corner of the map where the Full Barreled Shotgun is found. The tool shed is locked, and you’ll need a storage key located on a body in the south west corner of the map. Once you’ve opened the tool shed with the storage key, go inside the tool shed and open the orange box. The parts are inside the orange box.

Chapter 11

  • At the beginning of the chapter, go through the door by Torres. Then enter the door immediately on your right. A mirror will be here, and the parts are on a shelf to your left.
  • Soon after the previous part, you’ll be chasing after Hoffman. You’ll have to enter an elevator, but before going into the elevator, look to the room on the right. The parts will be in here.
  • After defeating the Harbinger boss, go through the door next to the boss and immediately turn to your right and you’ll see the parts on a table.

Chapter 13

  • You need to have saved Sykes and completed his “Getting Back Online” side mission for these next two parts. Go inside the same exact tool shed where you found the high grade part in chapter 7 and open the same orange box again. There is another part here in the same exact location as the one in chapter 7.
  • This next part is in the same tool shed as the last part. Go to the back of the tool shed and it’s on the desk.

Chapter 15

  • After the fog room/cutscene with Myra near the beginning of the chapter, go right and continue down the stairs. Go through the doorway next to the mirror and look to the ground on your right for the parts.
This trophy is strictly related to Powerhouse and there are high chance that you will get both near the end of the second step. Also, to get this one, you need to get Sykes Out and check Backup Ain't Coming.

You can upgrade your weapons on the Working Bench inside Sebastian’s Office and inside some of the safe houses. To upgrade the weapons, you need:

- Weapon parts: can be found all around Union. You can find them inside locked chest, on the ground, inside the wooden crates. They’re pretty everywhere and you will recognize them as they look like bolts. You need a big amount of them to upgrade completely all of your weapon.

- High-Grade Weapon parts: they are more rare and they're like collectables. Some of them are hard to find. You need 2 of them for each weapon to reach higher level of upgrading. Unluckily, like the red gels, they're not enough in one playthrough, forcing you to search for them on NG+ casual. You will need 6 more, try to get them as soon as possible as your goal is to get all upgrades in Chapter 14.

The weapons you need to upgrade are:

- Gun
- Shotgun
- Sniper Rifle
- Warden Crossbow and bolts
- Assault Rifle
- Magnum

You don’t need to upgrade bare-hands weapons like the knife and you don't need to upgrade the flamethrower. Also, when you upgrade one of this kind of weapon, you will automatically upgrade all the other weapon of the same kind. For example: Upgrading the gun, you will automatically upgrade Handgun, Revolver, Silenced Handgun and so on.

For the location of the weapons, refer to Powerhouse.

For the location of High-Grade weapon parts, follow this guide by Trophy Germany: LINK

You will find other suggestions about collectables in the trophy description of Story-related trophies, as there are no-return points and you should get all the parts before reaching that points. I will enlighten you here so you will have the situation under control at every moment:
  • Chapter 3 = Get the High-Grade weapon part in Chapter 3, before entering the warehouse. The second one is inside the warehouse.
  • Chapter 6-7 = The high-grade weapon parts are outside the Marrow. To get the second one, you need to find a key to open a warehouse and complete the secondary quest of Syke to open the locked chest. Do this before entering the theatre.
  • Chapter 11 = Get the first two High-Grade Parts before removing the chip from the head of the Mobius Guard. The last one is after the boss battle.
  • Chapter 15 = The last one is in the room right behind the mirror.
The funny thing is that in 1 playthrough of a survival nightmare you can pump up 2-3 guns, and on the 2nd playthrough the parts for pumping up drop 2 times more, well, you understand, to pump up everything you need to play through the game 2 times

16 Oct 2017 16:11

You can upgrade everything on “survival”, since brass knuckles cannot be upgraded.
By Firetin86 on 09 Aug 2020 19:47
to collect all the reinforced parts you will have to play NG+ until chapter 13
By MADDEN on 26 Nov 2018 02:02
Upgrading weapons in the new game + will be hampered by special details that block access to further upgrades. As was written in the tip above, in NG+ there will be many more parts dropped, but the number of special parts will remain the same. In just 1 playthrough you can collect only 9 of these parts.
Video showing location of special parts
By DARTH ROMUL on 20 Oct 2017 02:10
all special parts and red gel
By lishin357 on 21 Jan 2018 14:22
Of course, on the first playthrough there weren’t enough special bolts to upgrade weapons, but when enough of them were collected (at level 11), it turned out that there weren’t enough regular parts! I had to run all the way to the middle of chapter 14.

So, whoever goes for platinum, collect regular parts carefully. They will come in handy.
By alxoutlaw on 19 Aug 2021 22:43
The video does not show all bolt locations. For example, in the third chapter you can find an additional bolt in one of the train cars. In Chapter 13 there are also 2 bolts in a locked room located next to the post office (surrounded by bushes on the map).
So in one playthrough you can collect at least 12 parts.
PS To open the box you need to restore the server in the side quest “The Last Step” (it is not necessary to pass the mission after activating the connection, unless of course you want to get the “Sykes Out” trophy at the same time). Going back to Sykes is not necessary if you have already received the Shotgun, the slide, the file and the trophy itself at the end of the mission in the previous playthrough.
By AGWKubatur on 06 Nov 2017 16:52
On NG+ I recommend going through the shooting range again. This will save a lot of time and allow you to earn extra parts for an upgrade.

And keep in mind that the first special bolt in the carriage does not appear immediately at the beginning of the game, but approximately in the middle of Chapter 3, do not immediately run there headlong.
By xmen-00 on 13 Apr 2020 00:24
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