The Evil Within 2

The Evil Within 2

51 Achievements


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You Asked For It... Again

You Asked For It... Again

Completed the game in Classic Mode.


How to unlock the You Asked For It... Again achievement in The Evil Within 2 - Definitive Guide

This is more of just tips than a guide but I figured these will help.

Your 7 saves should be spaced out to avoid lengthy replays (obviously)
Personally I saved 1: ch4 right before entering the marrow
2: ch7 right before boss fight with Stefano
3: ch9 right before cabin fight (save where crank puzzle is)
4: ch13 before leaving the safe house (the second one, not the one in the marrow)
5: ch14 right after escorting Hoffman
6: ch15 right after Theodore boss fight
7: ch16 right before final boss fight (last save point in the game)
You can variate as you see fit but this worked for me (I prefer having safety at the end)

A few tips:
You dont have to do a ton of looting in the game but it is suggested to go for a few things.
There is 2 pistol ammo pouches and a shotgun pouch in ch3, they will make your life a little easier. Look up a guide on pouches and get the ones that are not to far out of the way on your adventure. I ended up with 4 pistol pouches, 2 shotgun, 1 crossbow, and 1 syringe.

GO FOR KEYS: The game does not troll you with gel in the lockers. It provides a ton of crafting materials and ammo. I ended with about 22 opened lockers and easily could have had more. Typically i would run a circle on the open levels going clockwise picking up loot and keys that were on the way before continuing the main mission.

Save ammo: if you can sneak, then sneak. If you can run, run. Avoid fights as often as possible to stay filled with ammo. If you conserve well enough you can cheese the later sections of the game (this is what I did cause I was so ready to beat it lol). By cheese I mean spamming shotgun stomp or using smoke/stun bolts to open gates instead of clearing out the rooms.

Make use of stealth sprinting. I really do not see people using this but it helps out so much when your trying to stealth through a room. You can run to cover even when crouched by hitting the (B) button when a chevron or white ^ is shown. pick up this skill and even enemies on crazy patrol patterns will fall victim to you.

Crafting health items in the field use the same amount of materials as it does at a work bench so do not be afraid to do so. On the other hand, try not to craft anything else unless it is at a workbench. It requires way to much to field craft ammo

In chapter 4, when you have to wait for the door to open in the marrow, you can just stay on the ladder (have left hand on the second to top handle of ladder) and wait out the timer. Takes a while but you are completely safe and save a ton of ammo. Plus those witches are best avoided at all times anyways

In chapter 5 boss fight, did you get the achievement for avoiding this fight? Well do it again! To make sure she does not catch up to you and cut you in half while your opening the door, as the fight starts run to the left and bait her into the cage (make sure she enters from the side further away from the building). As soon as she enters (she takes a second to knock down the first side) run out and run around the left of the building, shooting the barrels along the way. The second set of crates has a barrel behind them to speed thing up. You should have enough time to pick up both explosive bolts and open the door unharmed. You are able to take one hit before opening the door if you are a little slow.

Chapter 8 boss Stefano can be stunned with electric bolts when he is teleporting to you. Just use shotgun until you run out (if you run out) and he should be cake. Also if you saved an axe it will take a huge chunk of his life in second phase.

Chapter 9 prison area was rough at first. Personally before grabbing the crank I killed everything behind bars to make everything easier. A headshot from the spike bolts should 1-hit most everything. Once you grab the crank a witch will be in the center room, go for stealth if you like but i just shot an explosive bolt then ran to crank room till she resumed patrol and repeated that until she was dead. ( I do not like to take risks against witches cause they will destroy you if your not careful). Do not forget the pouch that is in the room she came from and the key in a cell opposite of crank room.

Chapter 10 cabin fight (lot of re4 throwbacks). Use Torres as bait, you just have to heal her if she loses all her health, no worries of game over (unlike Joseph). Try to just use pistol here until the witch shows up, then do what you got to do to kill that monster (I still had explosive bolts and also saved the explosive barrel for her too!). Then just shotgun the crawlers and you should be good to go! Later in this section try to be as stealthy as possible getting to the hide out. If you do get spotted (like I did) just run for the hatch and use the open area to fight the lava men. Either shotgun stomp or stun stomp them, just time it to where they are not flaming when you go for the kill.

Chapter 11: You can use smoke bolts to hide your self while the door is opening in case you get caught in the lab area. Also pick up the med pouch upstairs too. Boss fight! I ended up using every bit of ammo (excluding gun powder, try to never use gun powder outside of a workbench) on O'neal. Luckily if you run out of ammo, just circle the arena to find pistol ammo given to you at random locations (this would be after you picked up all original loot in the arena). I would suggest not destroying the flamethrower so you can keep your distance, if you do destroy it he will constantly try to melee you and it gets very frustrating. Right after the fight be sure to make a couple clips worth of pistol and shotgun ammo in Sebastion's room.

Chapter 12: If you have not saved since before chapter 10 (like I did) then take this area very slowly. If you get spotted try to finish the enemy off quickly with out running around. Last thing you want to do is attract more enemies. The big guys that explode will one hit you if your not at full health so make sure you stealth kill the one by the crank. In the 3rd section, if you get spotted you can opt to just run for the stairs, just make sure you craft some syringes in case the crawlers hit you.

Chapter 13: Escorting Hoffman is not a walk in the park. Use the pistol as soon as one spawns going for headshots as much as possible. When you get overwhelmed pull out shot gun, 2-shots to the head always gave me a kill. Use smoke/stun bolts if it gets out of hand. Just make sure you can craft about 2-3 smoke bolts and 4-5 stun bolts for chapter 14.

Chapter 14: In the first section of enemies just sneak right and stealth kill the lava guy by the lever. Sneak to the door and run through when/if you get caught. In the second area just run run run till you get to the area on the right where you shoot to stop the flames. After shooting it place a shock bolt here and another right under the crank then start the crank and hit (A) as fast as you can and you should make it through unscathed (use a smoke if you just want to feel safe). In the third area I just used the rest of my smoke bolts to hid from the crawlers since you really will not need them anymore. Boss fight! Keepers should not give you to much trouble, use the sniper if you got it since for the first time you finally get free ammo for it. Use whatever you have to just make sure you save 2 shock bolts for Laura. For Laura just run around until you give her the slip and turn each valve. Once the fire is ready use a stun to keep her in center and pull the lever. Repeat and boom chapter complete.

Chapter 15: By this point hopefully you have saved a lot of ammo and can just run through this section. I literally just shotgun stomped every enemy here until telephone booth boss. Once you get to him you are free to use up whatever ammo you have or any bolts you can craft. Just try to save pistol ammo.

Chapter 16: Final boss, for me pistol was the easiest weapon to use (burst pistol if you have dlc) just dodge left or right avoiding arm slams and returning fire when possible. It was not a quick fight for me but was pretty easy. If you do run out of ammo she will spawn the baby spider things to replenish your supply. If you find your out of ammo and she is not spawning more, double check the area to see if there was something you missed and check that each type of gun is empty (for example laser sight pistol and burst pistol do not share loaded clip).

And with that the rest should be smooth sailing! Let me know if there are any spots your stuck on and I will try to help as much as possible. This is my first guide(tips really) so feedback would be appreciated! Thanks and good luck on your runs!

19 Oct 2017 23:03

very useful tips, love the guide - I never realized crafting at the bench used less materials >.<
By Kreeper V on 19 Oct 2017 23:24
I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to write such a helpful guide. i went ahead and gave you a thumbs up and i believe i will be using your guide for my classic mode.
By LORD DEATH 1989 on 20 Oct 2017 00:17
@Kreeper V - real men don't read tutorials ? : P
By xGamBeaTx on 20 Oct 2017 03:48
if I beat the game on normal and then on classic, does nightmare difficulty achievement stack with this classic mode?
By Findlayfiend on 20 Oct 2017 12:37
@xGamBeaTx - no way, that's what TA is for! facepalm

@Findlayfiend - yep! the difficulty cheevos stack
By Kreeper V on 20 Oct 2017 16:25
@Findlayfiend - like Kreeper V said it does stack but just a heads up, if you skip nightmare then you will have to run a ng+ of your classic run for the weapon achievement. Since the brass knuckles are only unlocked on those two difficulties, but of course you can just change it to easy and run through with infinite ammo with your magnum!
By CaII Me RED on 20 Oct 2017 17:06
Unless I'm mistaken, the upgrade-all-weapon achievement cannot be done on Classic Mode, the reason being that such a function is not available on this difficulty.

Therefore, the best way (in my humble opinion) to minimise playthroughs is to play on Nightmare Mode right away, and then do half of a NG+ playthrough to get the necessary weapon parts to upgrade all weapons.

After that, since we already have 1.5 to 2 playthroughs on Nightmare, we should be familiar with the enemy difficulty and locations, which should reduce some stress when going for Classic Mode.

My only concern about Classic Mode is the boss fights; some of them burn through all my ammos even though I upgraded my weapons. So what should I do with absolutely no upgrades?
By on 21 Oct 2017 01:31
Excellent tips. I personally cannot be arsed however :)
By odiedodie on 22 Oct 2017 20:51
Finished Classic Mode today!

One tip I can give regarding Ch.13 firewall walk, is to rely on Shock Bolts and Explosive Bolts for the final round.

1. Shoot one Shock Bolt on Yukiko; yes, she won't trigger the bolt. This shock bolt is kind of a last defense in case a Disciple gets too close.

2. As soon as the safety dome shrinks, start shooting Explosive Bolts to the front and back, consecutively, onto the road. They could slow down incoming Disicples and deal a considerable amount of damage to them.

3. Just in case one or two Disciples get close, ready any shotgun to shoot them.

For the rest of the time, the pistol is the ideal weapon.

I would also suggest using Medical Kits over Syringes; as soon as you get hit, immediately heal yourself back to full health, which is VERY important because those Disciples' charge attack could one-hit-kill Sebastian if his health isn't full.
By on 26 Oct 2017 13:47
my problem is this game is very long, save points too few and i just get far too fuckin stoned before the next save point, i once got to obscura, a boss that has never beaten me, with all but 2 keys 450 gunpowder and nearly everything done, and obscura fucking facerolled me like a cheap whore.
By JakThaRiPP3R84 on 31 May 2018 23:15
That sound like a problem of your own making Jak, haha.
By EarthboundX on 07 Sep 2018 07:08
quick question, would finishing the game on akumu mode unlock the classic mode achievement? would be thankful for any advice on that since I had a blast playing the last game on akumu and not being able to save more than 7 times does not sound like fun
By eXitus676 on 25 Oct 2018 20:19
There is no Akuma mode in The Evil Within 2.
By EarthboundX on 26 Oct 2018 00:01
For those still looking to get this, you can now use in-game cheats and ALL achievements are unlockable (much like assists in Celeste.) You just need to sync your account up to your/a Bethesda account and you have cheat access.

These cheats include invincibility and 1 hit kills.

People have reported that they have done Classic mode in around 5 hours without a crash.
By NoHeroes94 on 30 Oct 2018 10:12
Huh I figured those new cheats would have disabled the achievements.
By EarthboundX on 31 Oct 2018 04:03
Fuck off. I do this without the cheats and that this cheats dont disable the achievements is a punch in the face for all where get it clean.
By Mr Greneda on 02 Nov 2018 17:55
@Mr Greneda - Congrats for doing it legit. The cheats aren't really gamers fault, and for people like me who usually do everything legit with a full time job and masters, if I'm given lemons I'm going to made the lemonade.

The challenge is still there for people to do it, and a week after released, the game still has <5% of players maxing it out, with only around 50 in the week, so it would appear that the ratios aren't going to be completely skewed anyway.
By NoHeroes94 on 06 Nov 2018 12:28
If I played this on Akuma mode would I unlock all the other difficulty achievements, including classic? Also in Akuma are you only able to save 7 times in one playthrough or does that only apply to classic mode?
By DE4N MUFC on 23 Nov 2018 14:58
Question..does this stack for against all odds..i.e. If I beat this it unlocks the achievement for beating it on nightmare or higher? Thanks!
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 29 Nov 2018 23:23
@zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz Yes beating it on classic will also pop the nightmare difficulty achievement.

@DE4N MUFC sorry I am not sure about that one since Akuma is pretty recent update, I would suggest just doing the classic run just in case if your strictly going for the 1k as easy as possible
By CaII Me RED on 04 Dec 2018 19:58
I guess devs are getting tired of people bitching about the difficulty of their games.
By SoulyTheDude on 24 Dec 2019 21:32
This "guide" is shit.
By xx STARS RPD xx on 14 Dec 2020 00:58
This "guide" is shit.
He literally said this is just tips.
By GingerJamess on 17 Dec 2020 17:23
I have been trying this for a while now. It crashes during the theater section every time at random points. I've done every "fix" imaginable. I think I'm doomed and I'm not interested in repeating the inevitable anymore.

Series X if curious.
By Heazie Man on 10 Jul 2021 16:42
I DID IT AND NO ACHIEVEMENT ANY FIXES??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By ShadowBotboi on 16 Apr 2023 22:20
Can i use the cheats?
By Covil on 24 May 2024 15:05
The weapon achievement I was referring to was the one for acquiring all weapons. But yes, it would probably be faster starting off right away on nightmare. Personally I opted for normal my first run to make all side-quests and collectibles a bit easier, but it cost me an extra half playthrough on my classic save file (which I of course downgraded to easy on). Classic is definitely closer to nightmare as far as preparation goes, but I was use to Akumu from the first so I just jumped straight to it.

As far as ammo for bosses goes, I recommend grabbing pouches if you can and saving as much ammo/bolts for every weapon you can except for pistol. I only ran out ammo on O'neal and the final boss but could have crafted if I wanted too. The boss arenas will spawn pistol ammo if you run out of everything so you should be fine.

Also do not forget to grab keys. The lockers will provide you with plenty of extra ammo and materials to craft more. I was so stingy with gun powder that I ended up having more than 400 by the time I reached chapter 15. Hence why I was able to just shotgun stomp every enemy in that level.
By CaII Me RED on 21 Oct 2017 05:14
That tip about just staying on the ladder in Chapter 4 was a big help, I was dreading that area, since that Witch killed me a few times there on Nightmare.

But boy, it took me over 6 hours to get to the first save before City Hall. Chapter 3 is just so damned long if you are trying to be careful and also gather supplies.

Oh come on! I was just about to get to the second save, and one of those poison Laments manages to corner me, grab me and one shot kill me at full health right after I grabbed the Full Barrel Shotgun on my way to enter the theater. She just happened to be at the door when I opened it, guess I'll make sure to sneak kill her next time. This is definitely easier then Akuma, but bah, lost 2 hours of progress.

Ugh, ended up crashing 3 times total, but I finally made it to the second save spot.

Classic mode completed, super easy compared to Akuma, even if those crashes were very frustrating.
By EarthboundX on 10 Sep 2018 02:19
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To any who have yet to do this, a patch on 10/18 added cheats that you can unlock by linking your Bethesda account.

These can be accessed in the options menu, & most importantly, they do not void achievements.

You can do any achievement in this game with the cheats on.

There are 3 cheats & the effects are: unlimited health, unlimited stamina & any damage you inflict kills an enemy (firearm or melee, menu description is misleading)

It should be noted that you can still die with the cheats on, failing a scripted sequence or getting grabbed by a boss (saw lady, flamethrower guy etc.) will get you killed however seeing as everything including bosses dies in a single shot, that latter shouldn't be much of an issue.

If/when this get's patched out, I'll delete this solution.

27 Oct 2018 02:08

Just finished with a clear time of 3 hours and 10 minutes. It's a total joke now, definitely get on this ASAP in case achievements are disabled in the future.

Use your saves every 2 or 3 chapters just in case the game crashes or something. I recommend saving before entering the theater in chapter 8 just in case you mess up the blue light of death segment. Not sure if it would kill you, but I didn't want to chance it. I also recommend saving right after killing O'Neal because in chapter 12 the door crank glitched on me and I was stuck in the animation and couldn't move. Had to reload back to start of chapter 9 and wasted half an hour.
By IXI FalcoN on 28 Oct 2018 08:06
Does anybody know if the cheats work on the JP version?
By Nate1528 on 30 Oct 2018 00:50
^^^ The cheats are not availabe yet!
Not sure if they will be either! :'(
By SDREW44 on 30 Oct 2018 02:50
Yeah, I booted up the JP version to take a look and I don't see them either. The JP version got other updates like first-person mode, so hopefully, they get the cheats also. Otherwise, I'll just have to do it legit again, it's not too bad.
By Nate1528 on 30 Oct 2018 04:26
Did they get the update awhile after the Normal Version?
By SDREW44 on 30 Oct 2018 04:53
Use a second save (or your first) at the end of chapter 6. The game crashed on me three times when destroying Stefano’s art in chapter 7.
By Skrubits on 30 Oct 2018 17:20
A note that some bosses take several hits to further the fight especially the final one. Note that the one hit kills do not apply in scripted events where you have to shoot something that’s grabbed you. Have to unload like normal.
By TVthePunisher on 01 Nov 2018 15:28
Is this still working?
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 15 Nov 2018 23:05
I have not seen anything on the JP version for connecting with Bethesda.
By bobby trippe on 04 Mar 2019 02:01
Great! Best tip! I was about to give up the game on Nightmare difficulty. Following your guidance, I won the Classic mode. Appreciate.
By JWPeacemaker on 01 Mar 2020 19:24
As of Nov 2020 still works with cheats on! My speedrun was 3hr 37min. I definitely recommend using your saves before sections where you're at risk for an instakill (between Chapters 5/6 before you go back into the Marrow and the Watcher can kill you) or after long scripted sequences that are painfully tedious to replay (Chapters 9-10 are almost constant unskippable bullshit and/or sections where Sebastian is forced to walk while someone talks at him, save either once you get to Torres' safehouse or in the small computer room before you enter the labs - this can also serve as your pre-ONeal boss fight save).
One other enemy to watch out for is the skinny things with the green smoke. They do actually have an instakill, but they have to be right on top of you to use long as you're keeping your distance to shoot them they shouldn't be a problem. But make sure that you do kill them if they're around rather than just depending on running away.
By DenverMax27 on 18 Nov 2020 18:50
As of July 2021 Classic Mode can still be completed with all cheats on.

Considering the game came out in 2017, this will probably never be patched. Either they don't realize, don't see it as an issue, or don't care that you're able to.
By Connorforce on 02 Jul 2021 00:08
Can confirm this still works as of January 2023. It's very unlikely this gets patched out now years later. I believe it's a safe bet for anyone reading this in the future if you're not wanting to go through it normally - you can speed through a large chunk of the game knowing where to go and what to do. The only concern is watching out for insta kill moves or enemies, as well as battle QTE events (so don't look away in an unskippable cutscene just in case!).
By HaIfaxa on 12 Jan 2023 13:47
Confirmed it works as of 7th November 2023. But I was playing it safe by disabling the cheats before the end of the final chapter.
By ReD S1X on 21 Nov 2023 08:07
Still works! Just completed the game on classic mode, with cheats on and cheevo popped :)
By Ra1D3nHUN on 21 Nov 2018 14:18
Still works. Assume its will always work its the same on the ps4. Unless the people that genuinely did it cause enough of a fuss. Which is unlikely because very few people did.
By Fingers87 on 08 Dec 2018 15:26
Did it yesterday, took 2hours 48minutes with cheats. It could be done even faster but I played too safe. I suggest skipping as many enemies as you can, you only really need a few bullets in the entire game (Obscura and Final boss has to be shot I think).
Things that can kill you even with invincibility:
Chapter 2 when you meet Stefano for the first time and have to sneak away
Chapter 2 the monster stiched together from body parts, when she chases you and when she grabs you later in a cutscene
Chapter 6 white snot boss when he grabs you in a cutscene
Chapter 7 should save before burning the paintings because the game tends to freeze there until you get in the theater
Chapter 8 the blue camera light if it catches you too long you are dead
Chapter 13: not really you but the asian girl can be killed easily by the burning men I suggest a save before the firewalk, you should have plenty
Chapter 14: the chainsaw guy when he chases you and when you have to cut him later
Chapter 16: the final boss sends out her hand to grab on you, similar to the snot boss if you don't shoot it you will die
Chapter 17: Kidman takes damage normally! Guess the cheats are for the STEM not real life...
By HUN playmore on 25 Jan 2019 11:05
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You will need to beat the game once to be able to play Classic Mode in a New Game. Classic Mode is Nightmare Difficulty (the previous hardest difficulty) with the removal of autosaves and the ability to upgrade your weapons or skills.

You're given 7 manual saves to use through your game in any of the normal spots. Here is where I used mine:

1 - After the gas room, before City Hall (end of Chapter 4)
2 - After dodging the light, just before the Stefano boss fight (halfway through Chapter 8)
3 - After completing the wheel puzzle but before the shootout with Torres (end of Chapter 9)
4 - After fighting with O'Neal but before having Torres blow up the Emitter (end of Chapter 11)
5 - After reaching the hotel (a mirror will appear when you tell Hoffman you are not yet ready for the fire escort near the end of Chapter 13)
6 - At the elevator just before the Theodore bosses (end of Chapter 14)
7 - In Sebastian's room before Myra (Chapter 16)

Here are some tips you might keep in mind when going for this achievement:

-Most bosses will give you an infinite supply of ammo to kill them with if you run out of handgun ammo
-A lot of locker keys are easy to access and will give you a good amount of materials to use
-The shooting gallery will give you a large amount of materials to use for free
-Using a Medical Syringe replenishes some stamina as well which is useful when you are being chased
-Bottles can be very handy for bypassing a group of enemies and you'll find them everywhere
-Stomping an enemy makes you invulnerable for a moment and will always kill them instantly
-Take advantage of stealth kills to save materials and get easy instant kills
-The hand axe will often kill basic enemies in its one swing
-You cannot upgrade your weapons but you CAN loot ammo pouch upgrades
-The crossbow bolts are all very useful, I suggest getting a feel for what they all can do because even in their basic forms they can allow you to instant kill enemies or distract a room you're having trouble with

Finally, if a visual example is more for you, I have made a video of a Classic Mode run with some commentary below:

I'm very open to feedback if you have suggestions on improving this guide so please let me know :)
Good Luck!

19 Oct 2017 22:07

Nice video walk through! Couple of parts I wish I had watched before I did my run haha
By CaII Me RED on 21 Oct 2017 05:20
Great guide. Video helped me through the nightmare! Highly recommend everyone use this video guide.
By xHybrid Shadowx on 22 Oct 2017 07:35
Great guide, it helped me a lot! Just got it done.
One thing, you kept crafting in the field when a bench was available (even inside Sebastian’s room) but it uses more materials than using a work bench!
By z I ToP CaT I z on 25 Nov 2017 22:49
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Hi everyone, welcome to my take on the You Asked For It… Again classic playthrough.

In my run through Classic mode I saved on Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 and Chapter 15. Throughout your playthrough you’ll want to grab as many keys as you can since the contents inside the lockers are imperative to your survival.

Below I am going to go through chapter by chapter of what I did to try and help, hopefully it works for you.

Chapter 1
This chapter is straight forward, it’s all just scripted events so it’s impossible for you to die in this chapter.

Chapter 2
Only real threats in this chapter are the Guardian, Stefano and the group of Lost that you encounter towards the door in front of O’Neal’s Safe house. When in front of O’Neal’s safe house best to try and assassinate the three lost near the door.

On Chapter 2 when you kill your very first enemy you'll want to shoot her 4 times in the chest to take her down, then run upstairs and grab some pistol ammo. Then a lost will come to the door kick the door open and run down the road to lose sight of him.

When you get to the section where O'Neal runs to the safe house, you are gonna want to try and stealth kill the enemies near the door.
Or you can just run for the door, once your inside talk to O'Neal and you'll be on Chapter 3.

Chapter 3
In this chapter you will want to get the Warden's Crossbow, the two parts for the sniper rifle, the sawed-off shotgun. You will also want to start collecting as many keys as you can.

Keys to avoid is the key inside the church and the key by the sign on the north-east side of the map directly south of the petrol station.

Chapter 4
First tricky part is where you've got to wait for the door to open. Before completing the frequency puzzle go up the ladder and into the room to find the Warden's Crossbow ammo pouch.

Best way I found to tackle this area is to run around and keep going up and down the ladder and jumping off the ledge on the right side.

Next up is the gas section where you encounter a Lament. Just take your time and make sure to pick up the locker key in that area and use the cover to your advantage.

Chapter 5
Only hard parts is the first encounter with the Guardian, don't bother to try and fight her, just run to the left and you see some explosive barrels shoot them and continue running on the left side of the building.

When running to the side door make sure to grab the Explosive Bolts, and when coming near the door shoot a few Smoke Bolts and Shock Bolts near the door to allow you enough time to get through the door.

Obscura section
For this part just keep on moving and sprinting away when the Obscura attacks. Try shooting the camera with the pistol and shotgun to make the timer go down again.

Chapter 6
Only tricky moment is when you encounter the Watcher, best to navigate him is to just run for it. When he grabs your I recommend changing your sensitivity to at least 50 when he grabs you, so you can aim easier.

Also in this chapter make sure to get the Key and the Handgun ammo pouch.

Chapter 7
Only tricky part is when you've got to destroy both pieces of art.

The first piece I went to was the Obscura, what I did was sneak and got the key and then ran for it whilst shooting shock bolts and smoke bolts at the floor. If she hits you'll want to heal yourself as I died whilst on the other side of the gate when she managed to hit me.

Second piece of art has loads of lost blocking your exit when you get the key, best way I found was to go for it head for the door whilst firing smoke and shock bolts at your feet allowing you time to open the gate.

Chapter 8
In this chapter there's only 2 hard sections I'd say, first is when you encounter the Aperture, just make sure you stay out of the blue light and grab the locker key in that section.

Stefano Boss
Best weapons I found to use were the Semi-Automatic Pistol, Shotgun, and the Warden's Crossbow with the Explosive Bolts. Just shoot one bullet at Stefano and he'll start teleporting. When he's teleporting around don't use your stamina, only use it when he's charging at you or when he's taking a photo slowing you down if you didn't manage to get away.

In the second phase just make sure to stay away from the yellow orbs floating above the ground as they can inflict massive amounts of damage. Also take a note of when the Aperture is going to slam his tentacles.

Chapter 9
Only hard part is when have to open the door with the door crank, when you pick it up all the cell doors will open. Just take your time, stay back and try and stealth assassinate. Be careful through as there is a Hysteric lurking about.

When all enemies are dead make sure to grab the locker key in that section to proceed to the door puzzle make sure to complete the puzzle and grab the locker key from the statues hand and then save again before chapter 10.

Chapter 10
Quite hectic the beginning of this chapter, best weapons I found to use were the Sawed-Off Shotgun, the Warden’s Crossbow with Explosive and Shock Bolts and the Sniper Rifle. First phase isn’t that bad since a few lost will spawn and then a Hysteric will spawn. Best way to take her out is to use a shock bolt on her and try and shoot her in the head with the Sniper Rifle. Doing this will result in you being able to kill her with 1 - 2 shots to the head. After killing the Hysteric knock over the Red Barrel which will come in handy in the next phase.

Next phase is when a Spawn crashes through the wall, shoot the oil on the floor near where it will come out and shoot it three times with the shotgun, then another Spawn will come crashing through the ceiling use a shock bolt and shoot it three times with the shotgun. Once they’re dead take care of the remaining lost and get the locker in that is in the ceiling in the next room.

Outside section
Best way I found was to do it stealthily but if you get caught using shock bolts will be a good option too. Just take your time when doing it in stealth use the bushes to you advantage. You don’t have to kill all of the Disciple’s.

Chapter 11
Only hard parts are when you’ve got to get the chip to open the door and when you face off O’Neal.

Getting the chip for the door
Make sure to grab the medical pouch upgrade in Lab 2, be sure to explore Lab 1 to get extra supplies if need be. When you’ve got the chip from Lab three head right outside the door and keep going down the corridor. Use a bottle to get the lost attention and wait for him to run around and assassinate him. Then make your way down the stairs and there’s going to be a Lament and a Hysteric moving about no need to worry about the Hysteric as it only move up and down the corridor on the far right side of the room and Lament will be going up and down the middle of the room. Wait for the lament to go near the door and turn around, then sneak your way to the door and wait in the right corner for it to open.

O’Neal boss
Pretty easy this boss was I found, keep your distance and AVOID destroying his fuel canister on his back. Best weapons I found to use were the Semi-Automatic Pistol, Wardens Crossbow, Freeze, Smoke and Harpoon Bolts. What I did was run around the pillar near the door and the curtain near the door where you entered the room. Every time O’Neal followed you to the curtain use the sprinklers in the corridor then wait by the pillar for him to come out and shoot him and rinse and repeat.

Chapter 12
Quite straight forward this chapter since it's short. In the first area try and assassinate the Glutton that's by the gate. When through the first area bare left until you get to the area where Lily's door is located, then make your way to the stairs, nut watch out there's a Spawn scouring the area near the stairs.

Overall, stay out of sight and keep your distance from the enemies since this chapter is quite dark.

Chapter 13
Hard parts I found with this chapter was getting to the Hotel and the fire walk section.

Best way I found to get to the hotel was to head left when you leave the safe house and make your way to the dinner. Go past it and turn left and sneak your way down the road, watch out for Glutton's at the intersection and also there will be a Harbinger nearby. Run past him to get to the hotel.

Fire Walk Section
Best way I found was to use the Burst Handgun since it can kill a Disciple in 2 bursts, other good weapons are the Warden's Crossbow with Shock, Freeze and Smoke Bolt and the Sawed-Off Shotgun.

When making your way forward be on the lookout for boxes containing ammo and syringes.

Chapter 14
In this chapter I completed all the shooting range challenges as I could, this will be very useful in Chapters 15 - 16.

Overall, I think this part was quite tricky in the first section where you've got to activate the leaver to open the door. When the in game cutscene has finished head left straight away and try and assassinate the Disciple from behind, the head through the door on your right and down the corridor and grab the key in the red wheel barrow.

Try and use a glass bottle in that corridor to get the Disciple's attention and assassinate him, then pull the leaver. Then fire a smoke bolt into the middle of the section in front of the gate and run for it and you'll have no problem.

Next section is where you've got a Harbinger and a regular lost in close proximity, when they're both together fire a freeze bolt at them and another one near the leaver giving you time to use it.

You've then got to open another door with a valve and you'll go into a room with several Spawn Waiting for you. When against the Spawn use the Shock, Explosive and the Shotgun to deal with them. don't' bother going for the Key on the left-hand side of this room, since the enemies that you got past can come near the gate and shoot you throw it.

Next hard section is the Keeper (Box Head) and Laura boss fights.

Keeper section
Only one Keeper will spawn at first fire 6 - 7 Harpoon shots at him to take him down with ease. However, two Keepers will spawn simultaneously. Best strategy I found was to try and group them up together and fire a freeze bolt at them along with explosive bolts too. The Sniper Rifle is a good weapon against the Keepers.

Laura boss
This went better than I expected. It's important that you turn the two valves in this area as it will activate the fire trap in the middle of the room.

When that's done use a shock bolt or freeze bolt to stun her for a few moments giving you time to activate the trap. Do this twice and she'll be burnt to a crisp.

Chapter 15
Only tricky parts I found in these chapters were the encountering the last few enemies in this game and they are as follows. Albedo's, Effigy and the Matriarch.

Albedo Section
These enemies are very tough to take down since they're basically made of rock. Best way I found to take care of them was to try and assassinate a few of them to lower their numbers, sine you'll need a fair bit of ammo and resources for chapter 16.

If all hell breaks loose then shoot them with Explosive, Freeze and Shock Bolts. Also a shot in the head with the Harpoon bolt will kill one of them in a single hit but hard to pull off.

Effigy Boss
For this section just keep moving, when it slams the telephone pole onto the ground get out your Sniper/Harpoon Bolt and shoot him in the red area of his chest.

Chapter 16
Only real threat in this chapter is the final boss

Matriarch Boss
Now onto the last boss in this game. Overall I found this quite easy and did it on my first try on Classic which I though was very satisfying. However, you'll want to have sufficient herbs to keep healing yourself if need be. Throughout the fight you'll want to be constantly moving and taking note of where the arm is going to land, try and avoid it if possible. Best weapons I found were the Sniper Rifle, this can take out a limb in three shots, the Harpoon Bolt is a good option too.

When the Matriarch grabs you it's best to change your sensitivity to about 50 so you can aim more easily when she's moving you about.

Also in this boss battle, be on the lookout for Eggs that spawn containing spiders, shoot the Eggs with one bullet with the pistol and it will stop them from spawning.

Chapter 17
Julie Kidman section
Very last part of the game, just take your time on this section when shooting the Mobius agents as you take barely any damage from their shots.

Overall I hope this playthrough has helped some people, I really enjoyed it.

03 Nov 2017 20:53

If you don’t want to go through the hard work in getting this achievement there was a patch update that added cheats that don’t disable achievements such as super strength, infinite health, and infinite Stamina making all of these achievements a joke

23 Jun 2023 21:30

Classic Mode is locked from the start of the game and cannot be unlocked until you have completed The Evil Within 2 at least once on any difficulty. Classic Mode is the same difficulty as Nightmare, but this time around there are no autosaves or checkpoints, and you are given only seven manual saves to use throughout your entire Classic Mode playthrough. You will not be able to upgrade any of Sebastian’s weapons or abilities.

I would recommend that you spread your seven saves across the following locations:

  • End of chapter 4/very beginning of chapter 5, before encountering the Guardian boss outside of City Hall
  • In the darkroom during chapter 8 before the Stephano boss fight
  • During the end of chapter 9 (right after you solve the puzzle on the floor and the gate opens, do not proceed through the gate, but go back the way you initially came where a mirror can be found and save inside Sebastian's office)
  • End of chapter 11 after defeating the Harbinger boss
  • Just before pushing Theodore’s stronghold with Hoffman at the end of chapter 13 (when talking to Hoffman in the Sanctuary Hotel, say "No, not ready yet" when the dialogue option appears, then enter the mirror and save in Sebastian's office)
  • Towards the end of chapter 14 before fighting the Sadist/three Keepers/Laura
  • Before the final boss fight in chapter 16, at the last safe room

Try to look for some locker keys as you make your way through Classic Mode. Lockers will provide crafting materials and additional ammo if you need it, so locker keys can be a great backup. Conserve ammo and use stealth in situations with common enemies so you can avoid unnecessary conflict. Take advantage of stealth kills when you can, but don’t try to be too aggressive if it has been a while since your last save.

When I played Classic mode, the weapons I primarily used were the Semi-Automatic Handgun, the Sniper Rifle, the Warden Crossbow, and the Sawed-Off Shotgun.

For an abbreviated walkthrough for this achievement, refer to the following post.

Classic Mode Abbreviated Walkthrough

Patch 1.05:
If you are using the invincibility cheat for assistance during your Classic Mode playthrough, remember that there are a few spots where you can be killed instantly despite enabling invincibility. These situations are as follows:

Chapter 2:
- Once you see Stefano kill for the first time and the game introduces cover mechanics, it's possible to die if you leave cover here and Stefano sees you
- Guardian (red hallway, after leaving the vents) can kill you if you don't run away from it
- Guardian (same area as above, right after Stefano throws the knife at Sebastian) can kill Sebastian during a QTE sequence where you must tap the A button repeatedly. Failing the QTE results in death.

Chapter 6:
- The Watcher can kill you in the Marrow tunnels (like I mentioned in the OP) but not during the initial encounter where it's possible to sneak around it or fight it. There's a moment just after the initial Watcher encounter where Sebastian opens a set of doors, but one of the Watcher's arms grabs Sebastian from behind, and you have to shoot the Watcher in the face five times before it can eat Sebastian (this part has really weird sensitivity when it comes to aiming the pistol, but at least you have infinite ammo for a brief moment).

Chapter 8:
- Before the boss fight with Stefano in this chapter, there's a part where you have to stay out of Aperture's (the giant camera/tentacle thing) line of sight, represented by blue light. If Aperture spots you, then you have an extremely short window of time to get back in cover, but if you don't find cover then Aperture quickly squashes Sebastian in a cutscene, resulting in a game over.

Chapter 14
- During the confrontation with the Sadist (chainsaw wielding character), you have to run away. If you stand still or don't run away then the Sadist will kill you.
- There's a little QTE battle with the Sadist shortly after the moment you run away from him. You need to tap the A button to win the QTE battle or else you'll be killed.

Chapter 16:
- In the final boss battle, after you shoot off one of the boss' shoulders, there's a moment where the detached arm grabs Sebastian and you have to shoot the glowing spot on the arm four or five times to free yourself. If you don't do this in time then the boss will kill you (this is similar to the moment where you can be killed by the Watcher in chapter 6).

Chapter 17:
- Even with the invincibility cheat enabled, I still took damage during the final shooting gallery section with Kidman, oddly enough. It's possible to die here if you're a really bad shot or if you spend too much time out of cover, but you have to spend a LOT of time out of cover in order to be killed during this sequence.

This should cover most, if not every scenario where it is possible to be killed while having invincibility turned on. If there was something I missed, then leave a response to me in this thread and I will update the guide.


Classic Mode is locked from the start of the game and cannot be unlocked until you have completed The Evil Within 2 at least once on any difficulty. Classic Mode is the same difficulty as Nightmare, but this time around there are no autosaves or checkpoints, and you are given only seven manual saves to use throughout your entire Classic Mode playthrough. You will not be able to upgrade any of Sebastian’s weapons or abilities.

I would recommend that you spread your seven saves across the following locations:

  • End of chapter 4/very beginning of chapter 5, before encountering the Guardian boss outside of City Hall
  • In the darkroom during chapter 8 before the Stephano boss fight
  • During the end of chapter 9 (right after you solve the puzzle on the floor and the gate opens, do not proceed through the gate, but go back the way you initially came where a mirror can be found and save inside Sebastian's office)
  • End of chapter 11 after defeating the Harbinger boss
  • Just before pushing Theodore’s stronghold with Hoffman at the end of chapter 13 (when talking to Hoffman in the Sanctuary Hotel, say "No, not ready yet" when the dialogue option appears, then enter the mirror and save in Sebastian's office)
  • Towards the end of chapter 14 before fighting the Sadist/three Keepers/Laura
  • Before the final boss fight in chapter 16, at the last safe room

Try to look for some locker keys as you make your way through Classic Mode. Lockers will provide crafting materials and additional ammo if you need it, so locker keys can be a great backup. Conserve ammo and use stealth in situations with common enemies so you can avoid unnecessary conflict. Take advantage of stealth kills when you can, but don’t try to be too aggressive if it has been a while since your last save.

When I played Classic mode, the weapons I primarily used were the Semi-Automatic Handgun, the Sniper Rifle, the Warden Crossbow, and the Sawed-Off Shotgun.

For an abbreviated walkthrough for this achievement, refer to the following post.

Classic Mode Abbreviated Walkthrough

Patch 1.05:
If you are using the invincibility cheat for assistance during your Classic Mode playthrough, remember that there are a few spots where you can be killed instantly despite enabling invincibility. These situations are as follows:

Chapter 2:
- Once you see Stefano kill for the first time and the game introduces cover mechanics, it's possible to die if you leave cover here and Stefano sees you
- Guardian (red hallway, after leaving the vents) can kill you if you don't run away from it
- Guardian (same area as above, right after Stefano throws the knife at Sebastian) can kill Sebastian during a QTE sequence where you must tap the A button repeatedly. Failing the QTE results in death.

Chapter 6:
- The Watcher can kill you in the Marrow tunnels (like I mentioned in the OP) but not during the initial encounter where it's possible to sneak around it or fight it. There's a moment just after the initial Watcher encounter where Sebastian opens a set of doors, but one of the Watcher's arms grabs Sebastian from behind, and you have to shoot the Watcher in the face five times before it can eat Sebastian (this part has really weird sensitivity when it comes to aiming the pistol, but at least you have infinite ammo for a brief moment).

Chapter 8:
- Before the boss fight with Stefano in this chapter, there's a part where you have to stay out of Aperture's (the giant camera/tentacle thing) line of sight, represented by blue light. If Aperture spots you, then you have an extremely short window of time to get back in cover, but if you don't find cover then Aperture quickly squashes Sebastian in a cutscene, resulting in a game over.

Chapter 14
- During the confrontation with the Sadist (chainsaw wielding character), you have to run away. If you stand still or don't run away then the Sadist will kill you.
- There's a little QTE battle with the Sadist shortly after the moment you run away from him. You need to tap the A button to win the QTE battle or else you'll be killed.

Chapter 16:
- In the final boss battle, after you shoot off one of the boss' shoulders, there's a moment where the detached arm grabs Sebastian and you have to shoot the glowing spot on the arm four or five times to free yourself. If you don't do this in time then the boss will kill you (this is similar to the moment where you can be killed by the Watcher in chapter 6).

Chapter 17:
- Even with the invincibility cheat enabled, I still took damage during the final shooting gallery section with Kidman, oddly enough. It's possible to die here if you're a really bad shot or if you spend too much time out of cover, but you have to spend a LOT of time out of cover in order to be killed during this sequence.

This should cover most, if not every scenario where it is possible to be killed while having invincibility turned on. If there was something I missed, then leave a response to me in this thread and I will update the guide.

Basically he ran, there is no need to pick up a weapon other than a crossbow, the shotgun will be found in the story in the factory, on the second floor in one of the rooms, and the sniper
. Ammo will never run out on bosses; as soon as “out of ammo”, ammo respawn will begin in the location.
Saved like this:

By the way, there is one life hack that will make life easier: during the passage, at the end of chapter 3, there will be a stage where you will be locked in a room until the door opens. In order not to worry, we just climb onto the stairs and sit on it until we win, no one will touch you. In chapter 14
Elementary final
And one more thing, don’t forget about the bottle, you can throw it in the face, the bot will stop, run up and finish it off .

21 Oct 2017 12:32

now you can easily go through who doesn’t want to bother with achievement, in the main menu press go to your Bethesda account and then in the settings set cheats for every taste
By sabaisun on 01 Nov 2018 01:40
Some useful tips:
1. As soon as Chapter 4 begins, we immediately go to the shooting range and go through all its stages. This will provide you with supplies until the very end of the game.
2. You can craft syringes right on the go, that is, handicraft. The amount of resources required for crafting at a workbench and on the go is the same, 3 herbs per unit. This makes you virtually invulnerable.
3. They are best preserved in the following places:
1. Chapter 3 - beginning, in the room with O'Neill.
2. Chapter 6 - the very end, when you reach the post office, before you go destroy the paintings.
3. In front of the puzzle on the floor.
4. Before Boss O'Neill.
5. Before going through the wall of fire.
6. Before the bosses from the first part.
7. Before the final boss.

I recommend going through the game on this difficulty directly, that is, not being distracted by unnecessary skirmishes and additional missions. If there is an opportunity to run past enemies, we run and do not tempt fate. You should be especially careful when going from chapter 3 to the end of chapter 6, if you are guided by the save locations as I described above. I do not recommend combining this passage with knocking out other achievements.
By HeavyCrash on 22 Jan 2018 23:21
The game has a “quick turn”, but for some reason it is not written anywhere how to do it. It is done like this - R1 + stick back, allows you to turn 180 degrees like in rubber bands.
By Firetin86 on 09 Aug 2020 19:50
In addition to the previous hint for getting a revolver, in Chapter 3 you should also take the Woman's Diary in the house northwest of Nile's shelter.
By derosabysintex on 04 Jan 2018 09:09
I highly recommend it when going through the classic mode.
Location of all pouches. Since there are no more upgrades, increasing your ammunition is the only thing that will make your progress easier (not counting tactics in specific locations).
This speedrun helped in some other places
There is no point in repeating exactly the same, but some points are worth taking into account.
By Junkie on 09 Jan 2018 20:11
For average players like me, the most optimal:
1 - 3rd chapter. Before going to town
2 - 6th chapter. Before going to town
3 - 8th chapter. Before the fight with Stefano
4 - 9th chapter. Before defending the house
5 - 13th chapter. In front of the wall of fire
6 - 14th chapter. Before bosses from the past
7 - 16th chapter. Before the final boss
And save, gentlemen, save and collect everything you see! I went to the last boss without syringes and with 4 cartridges in the pistol... And still
By Motoviluch on 13 Feb 2018 19:19
It's easier to play with cheats, I only saved three times
By DEATH1989G on 25 Jan 2021 01:39
My advice is to go through the game in this mode, collect all the weapons, because if, like me, you don’t take Sykes’ sawn-off shotgun in Chapter 13, you’ll have to go through it again, wasting extra time with NG+.
By HeJIandHeJI on 08 Jan 2019 11:42
For some reason, no one wrote about the most important thing, BE SURE to collect your keys . Not all, only those that are relatively safe, don’t be lazy to spend a couple of minutes running after them.
In Chapter 13, before the wall of fire, I had about 700 gunpowder, 90 grass and supplies to create 20-30 bolts of each type, which made it much easier to pass, in my opinion, the most difficult chapters of the game.
By Alorasi on 17 Mar 2018 09:33
And I saved
Chapter 4 (immediately after talking with Kidman)
Chapter 7 (before the fight with Stefano)
Chapter 9 (Before the defense of the house)
Chapter 13 (Before the Wall of Fire)
Chapter 14 (Before the bosses from the past)
Chapter 15 (before 1st final boss)
Chapter 16 (Before the final boss)

But here is a video of playthroughs of the game on the classics, in some chapters it should help you pass without saving, for example before the city hall, I didn’t save there at all and passed it the first time, or for example when you have to destroy the paintings. In general, I think, starting from chapter 4 and ending with the chapter before Stefano, if you go through without spending a single save, then you will have saves until the very end of the game, this is the key stage of playing the classics. I had to suffer with the fire wall and the final boss.
Chapter 1, 2, 3 ;
Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 ;
Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ;
Chapter 13, 14, 15 ;
Chapter 16, 17 .
By Red_White on 23 Jan 2020 01:00
I would also like to add a couple of tips about chapter 3:
1) The meeting with the crawlers at the gas station (where you need to pick up the Lily doll) can be easily avoided; to do this, after exploring the garbage dump on the street, just leave the gas station on the right side (towards the figurine with the key).
2) You can also run away from the second batch with the sliders (after leaving the warehouse). To do this, in advance on the street you need to move the yellow container to the boxes near the fence (approximately in the left corner from the entrance) so that you can later climb along it and jump over the fence, after which the crawlers will disappear. The main thing will be to get to it (well, electric bolts come in handy here).

As a result, taking into account the hint about the stairs that is written above (it seems that this is already chapter 4), most of the difficult places can be avoided, and the first save can be left right up to chapter 5 before the boss. If anything was saved like this:
1) Chapter 5 - before the boss
2) chapter 8 - in front of the photographer (in chapter 7 I crashed once meh)
3) Chapter 9 - after the puzzle with blood and valves (since further there is a mess in the house, for me it’s probably one of the two most difficult places, or rather the easiest places to leave)
4) Chapter 11 - in front of O’Neill (I really didn’t want to drag myself to him again, knowing how he could shoot one)
5) Chapter 13 - before the mission with Hoffman (mandatory save)
6) Chapter 14 - before the nostalgic boss rush
7) Chapter 16 - final boss
By Zell on 02 Nov 2017 03:49
My options for points that caused difficulty for some
Closed Laboratory - Boss O'Neil
On Fire with Hoffman
Boss of the World
By Fear2105 on 09 Dec 2018 15:52
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To open this difficulty of the game, you first need to beat the game on any difficulty. It will open after completing 1 game. I want to warn you right away that be careful on this difficulty as it is similar to the nightmare difficulty. The difference is that there are no autosaves, a limited number of saves, and there is no way to improve your character’s skills (you will have to go through with the basic skills that are given at the beginning of the game). Save saves and ammo, and most importantly, remember difficult moments and how to get through them.

13 Oct 2017 19:24

There are 7 saves in total.
By Madtapki on 14 Oct 2017 12:36
The most important advice that will help save not only Lily, but also your nervous system when completing the game in this mode. DO NOT OPEN THE SAFE UNTIL YOU HAVE SAVED!!!! There is a bug in the game, a very rare one, because of it the button disappears on the safe selection screen to go out and get up from the chair.
It looks like this:
By xDestroyer on 20 Oct 2017 18:35
We make the first save in front of the saw bucket in the fifth chapter. And yes, in the place where you need to wait until the door opens there is a life hack, since after the first part the enemies have degraded, they cannot kill you on the stairs. Just hang on the stairs until the door opens.
2nd save before the battle with Stefano. Just run away from him more often and everything will be fine. He ran back, shot, ran away. You will be happy.
The 3rd save is saved in front of the puzzle on the floor. Holding back enemies with Torres may be problematic, but not so much, just let Torres deal with them, was she captured? - But in the side of the enemy! Did they kill her? Shoot what's left and raise her to her feet.
4th save before the flamethrower. Maybe I’m crooked, maybe my hands are crooked, but no matter how I tried stealth, it didn’t work, so the good old run-and-gun method works as always.
5th save before the walk with the Buryat woman under the dome, problems may arise here, just try to remember how much is coming and from which side, and then it’s a matter of technique.
6th save in front of Theodore. There is nothing complicated here, we kill the safe-heads using the run-and-shoot technique that is already familiar to us. Well, from the woman, if you didn’t grab the flamethrower (by the way, he won’t finish her off), we shoot an electric arrow at her, turn the valve, repeat with another valve, and burn the slut - nothing complicated.
7th save before the world. Nothing complicated, as I wrote before RUN-SHOOT, all you need to do, and yes, if you run out of ammo, just run, sooner or later (preferably early) the spiders will come, they will bring ammo, and first aid kits too, the main thing is not to waste qte with shooting in the hand, especially when the sight disappears (this happens to me often).
I hope I helped someone, all of you!
By Dragonzcxv on 10 Dec 2017 11:54
I recommend collecting the keys, because... Supplies fall out of boxes. Before the boss of the 5th chapter, you don’t have to waste your save, because... it's easy to run through. Freeze with the camera in the lower right corner and run away to the upper left, where there is a passage to the city hall building. You will also save resources. I recommend spending your very first save on Chapter 3, so that when you die you don’t have to watch endless cutscenes. Then you will fill your hand and you will be able to go through many chapters in one gulp. Be sure to make saves at the end of the 7th and 9th chapters and before the waves in the 13th chapter (It is very easy to kill the Flamethrower in the 11th chapter by shooting from a distance. The pistol cartridges will respawn until you have 12 of them As soon as you shoot them, they begin to appear again). I recommend distributing the remaining saves from chapters 14 to 16.

Go in stealth and don't forget to use fast movement from cover to cover. Unlike running, you will not be noticed if you quickly approach the enemy from behind.

If you are having difficulty completing Chapter 14 (where you have to fight the Safeheads), try crafting ammo for your machine gun. It took me about 120 rounds to kill them, but it was quick and safe. You can do the same with the boss of Chapter 15. At chapter 16, I had enough of what was left.
By snow4acer on 17 Oct 2017 18:25
In Chapter 4, when you move towards City Hall, you will come across a room where you need to disable the door lock in order to move on. While waiting, you will have to fight off enemies, but at this moment there is a LIFE HACK!!!

This room has a staircase that leads to the second floor. You just need to hang on it until the blocking ends. (about 5-7 minutes)

It really works. (I went through this 2 times) Afterwards the doors will open on their own and the enemies will scatter in different directions. You can jump and run away. You will save all the cartridges, bolts, etc. If enemies climb up or down, they will pass through the character and nothing will happen.

PS Having reached the sewer where you need to drain the water, you can go back if you wish, the enemies will leave, and in the rooms from where they came out there will be supplies that will come in handy.
By Dustin on 16 Dec 2017 01:05
At the end of Chapter 9, after you solve the combination with circles, through which blood will flow and the door will open - save in that place, just don’t go in the direction where it opened, after the cutscene a battle will begin where you and Thores shoot back from everyone there also a hemorrhagic moment, this is the beginning of chapter 10
By RusDesantura on 27 Oct 2017 16:37
I recommend the first save in Chapter 8 before Stefano, after the tentacles, it will save time and nerves.
By Piromaniac on 23 Oct 2017 11:46
On the classics, you need to know the game almost by heart or play from a video with comments, since any mistake can cost your life, and there are only 7 saves and in case of death you will have to replay the game quite a lot. But the main thing here is to take your time and always play stealth, save your stamina, not running anywhere, so that you have the opportunity to escape from danger. It is also highly advisable to collect all keys that are not too heavily guarded.

Saved like this:
- Chapter 3 - After a complete examination of the area and collecting all possible items, before going to the cafe to get your daughter (so as not to watch the initial cutscenes again in case of death and again not to collect a bunch of items in stealth).
- Chapter 6 - After getting out of the “net”, before going to burn Stefano’s creations.
- Chapter 9 - After solving the puzzle on the floor, before shooting back from the zombies in the house defense event with Torres.
- Chapter 11 - Before the flamethrower O'Neill.
- Chapter 13 - Before the walk with the circle of fire, at the hotel.
- Chapter 14 - In Theodore's Fortress before the battle with the safeheads and Laura.
- Chapter 16 - Before the last boss.

Here is a very good video of the entire walkthrough with commentary (it also shows the easiest way to get through the most difficult moments)
By Neuromance on 15 Dec 2017 13:22
I advise you to make saves before the inevitable shootouts with mobs in small rooms and before bosses (before Stefano it is better to make a save at the beginning of chapter 7, because in chapters 7-8 the game often crashes for many people). Don’t waste your save on the flamethrower, it’s basic, 5 stabs in the back and you’re done; from the keeper in chapter 5, just run away through the back door on the left, just in case, place a couple of electric bolts along the way so that she doesn’t catch up while you open the door. collect easily accessible keys and be sure to go to the shooting range, there are a lot of resources there.
By timka on 18 Oct 2017 15:53
I also advise you to collect, if possible, everything that you collect and come across along the way, including keys (just not those for which you will have to take unnecessary risks, figurines are generally poorly guarded). Plus, when you have the opportunity to shoot at a shooting range, I advise you to shoot there too and earn gunpowder and plants. And don’t forget to craft ammo and first aid kits. Crafting helped me a lot, especially crafting first aid kits. There were no problems with “Photographer Stefano”, he just let him get closer to him and when he was about to hit, he ran back, turned around and shot with a shotgun, because After being hit, he doesn’t immediately teleport; he has enough time to turn around and shoot. The flamethrower ONil will not create problems for anyone, he ran and shot. The last boss, you just need to remember what actions she does, you just have to run back and shoot in time, and since I had problems with ammo and at the last stage of the boss it was very difficult to shoot accurately in her “face” and in the end I stupidly ran out of ammo and I had nothing to craft, I ran around waiting for her to give me ammo, but she never did. I had to go through it again, and in the end I left two explosive bolts, but one was enough, one shot in the “face” with a bolt and that’s it.
By Dimkats222 on 23 Dec 2017 09:10
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