The Evil Within

The Evil Within

71 Achievements


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À la Corvo

À la Corvo

Have they lost their minds? Better get past them without a fight. (Ch.2)


How to unlock the À la Corvo achievement in The Evil Within - Definitive Guide

In order to get this Achievement you must make it through the village to the gate without killing a single enemy.

You can not get the Sneak Kill Achievement if you go for this so you'll have to load up a save point if you want both.

This really begins with your first enemy which is the guy you are prompted to Sneak Kill but obviously you cant so what you need to do is hit him using cn_Y to get he's attention and then once he's away from the door make your way through.
You'll come across a cut scene and 2 more enemies so once that's over run straight forward past them and they shouldn't follow you.
Instead of taking the road leading to the next enemy take the field on the left and work your way left over and over to avoid the enemy holding the torch. Work your way up the left side looking out for Bear Traps and come around to the right of the last building and sneak under the trap wire.
Approach the gate and 2 enemies on the floor will get up so go back past them and use the trap inside the last building to kill off the first one. Run through the building (you will alert the enemy in the building) go out the back window and around to the first wire and lure the second guy onto it. Then your free to access the gate and once it opens the Achievement will pop.


14 Oct 2014 15:47

Worked well toast
By HellCreeper666 on 24 Oct 2014 05:49
By XI AlphaMale IX on 06 Mar 2015 06:58
By Assassin Corvo on 04 Jul 2015 01:04
Brilliant Dishonored reference! +1
By GREGO McGEE on 16 Oct 2014 04:49
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Here's a Nifty Guide I made. All you have to do is get to the gated area of Chapter 2 without killing any enemies.

All enemies can be evaded/avoided and it doesn't take much effort.

This solution focuses on sneaking past all enemies up to the small village and then kiting enemies away from the gate.

Hope this helps!

14 Oct 2014 22:22

Thanks, helped me a bunch!smile
By REPOMAN NL on 15 Oct 2014 02:01
Good to hear buddy toast
By Triple G Andy on 15 Oct 2014 11:09
This achievement takes place in Chapter 2, and isn't too hard as long as you know what rules to follow.

First off, there is one mandatory kill that happens at the beginning of this chapter, which is fine. The achievement opportunity begins when you see two enemies run towards a shack and one gets trapped on the outside, and you'll have to make it to the end of the level and open up the gate without killing an enemies.

You want to run forward, melee the enemy near the door once, and enter the door and proceed through the level. You'll open a gate and trigger a cinematic. After that cinematic, go up the hill and hold to the left around the outside of the buildings. Watch out for traps, but DO NOT disarm them. Proceed until you reach the gate, and interact with it to trigger a cinematic. Once this cinematic starts, a few enemies will begin to chase you! From this point on you want to make the enemies follow you until they are caught by traps. There are 3 bear traps in the middle of the road very close to the gate opening. There are 2-3 wire traps in the surrounding area as well which you should lure the enemies into. Once you've made all the enemies in the gate area kill themselves via traps, just go up the gate and open it to proceed and gain the achievement:

14 Oct 2014 22:03

All the solutions above are fine. However, if you are NOT on your first run and you happen to have the flash agony bolt upgraded, you can also sneak all the way to the left to reach the lever to open the door, trigger the 2 ennemies and fire a flash bolt on the ground. It will blind the enemies long enough for you to open the door and leave.
It's really time efficient.

22 Dec 2014 11:46

The achievement begins when a tutorial for sneaking appears where one enemy gets locked outside of a house. Simply punch him and open the door. Just be sure not to kill him. After a cut scene you will want to hug the left side of the level. As you progress under tall grass and duck under windows. When you get to the door you need to open two enemies will pop up. Lure them into the building and into the traps then hastily get to the crank and open up the door. Once open proceed through the door.

19 Oct 2014 02:16

For this we must finish almost all Chapter 2 without killing enemies.The best way to do it is using the traps. You can see how to do it in the video.

07 Nov 2014 01:14

This one is fairly simple.

After you take out Connely (which doesn't count against the No Kill parameter of the Trophy), head up the road to your left. You will come upon Leslie as he is chased into a cabin by a Haunted who then starts banging on the door. Walk right up to the Haunted and melee him just enough to move him away from the door but don't kill him as the No Kill counter starts now. Kick the door in, grab the Green Gel on the floor and hop out the window. If you sprint just a bit you will lose the Haunted and won't have to worry about him creeping up on you. Jog up the road to the right and head straight for the gate. You'll pick up a couple Haunted but as long as you are moving don't worry about them. Watch out for three bear traps next to a wagon just before the gate. Run right up to the gate and try to open it with the crank. This will awaken the two Haunted right in front of the gate. As soon as they start moving release the gate crank and run around the wall to your right. Quickly duck under the tripwire and head around the building to your left. If a haunted or two set off the trap and are killed it does not affect the No Kill requirement. As you come around the building you'll see a campfire on your left, a wagon and a wall of hanging hay in front of you. You can crouch down behind the wagon or the hay wall to hide from the nasty horde chasing you. Stay hidden until they get bored and and wander off. Once that happens go back around, keeping the building on your right and stop crouched next to the wall that had the trap on it. If the tripwire is still there you can disarm it for Trap Parts if you are so inclined but remain hidden from the Haunted walking a short left/right patrol right on the other side of the wall. You will also see two other Haunted on the other side of the road. They will wander off to the right. As soon as they do wait for the Haunted right in front of you to make his patrol stop to the right and crouch past him. Stick closely to the right side of the tree in front of you and head straight to the gate. Don't stop to look around for the Haunted behind you. Grab the gate crank, open it and run through. The Trophy should pop as soon as the gate closes behind you.
Once you pick up the Revolver you have to kill the following enemy. From this point on you are not allowed to kill any more enemies. You can hit the with cn_T or lead them into traps though.

Make your way to the gate and try to lead the 2-3 enemies into the beartraps. If there are still enemies at the gate, lead them away or into the other traps and you should have more than enough time to open it (tap cn_X). The trophy will pop after you opened up the way.

27 Nov 2014 23:52

You will earn this achievement by not killing any haunted in Chapter 2 not counting Connolly. This is fairly simple.

1) When you get to the sneak kill tutorial, DO NOT sneak kill the haunted! Just wack him, lure him away from the door, run in and out the window.

2) The next section you can distract the haunted with a bottle or just run to the next section. A checkpoint will activate when you get there so you could just load the checkpoint and those hunted wont be there. It shouldn't be necessary as you want to be seen in the next section anyways.

3) So now you are in the area with a big fire and a haunted just sitting in front of it. What you want to do here is make your way to the gate and lure all the haunted to the start of this section. Be aware some haunted will not appear until you use the gate. A Sebastian with fully upgraded sprint will make this a lot easier. Once they are at the far end, run back to the gate and open it as fast as you can.

4) Once you pass through the gate, run to the bridge and cross it to end the level. Do not worry about the haunted here. As long as you can out run them you are golden. If you cant you will need to take the scenic route to the left immediately past the gate and around until you are forced towards the bridge. From there you will be able to run across the bridge before the haunted can catch you.

01 Mar 2018 00:00

This trophy is earned by making it through Chapter 2: Remnants without killing any of the zombies after the Conolly encounter. This means from the stealth tutorial onward, you can't kill any enemies. This is easier to do in new game+ when you have flash agony bolts available to you for the instance where you have to open up the gate inside the small town.
After you meet Leslie, he will start to run away, run past the enemy and run into the hut, slamming the door.. At this moment, the game will offer to secretly kill the enemy, showing training.. There is no need to do this, just hit him so that he notices you, run away and run in door... after that you will find yourself in a village that you need to pass through without killing anyone.. You can do this by simply running to the end, but when you have to raise the gate, two enemies will rise up and interfere with opening them, run away so that the enemies lose sight of you and return to the gate. The achievement will pop up as soon as the gate is fully raised.

15 Oct 2014 00:33

1 Comment
By Rudolf_Hess on 29 Oct 2014 01:10