The Evil Within

The Evil Within

71 Achievements


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Cruel and Unusual

Cruel and Unusual

Complete all Torments.


How to unlock the Cruel and Unusual achievement in The Evil Within - Definitive Guide

This is by far the most challenging achievement in the DLC.
Most of the Torments are pretty self-explanatory. You can read the requirements by checking into your journal. Some of them are linked to specific boss fight rooms like the car one or the one with the turret so you can pick them up in New Game + if you missed some.

The last one however will be the real problem. It requires you to beat the hidden execution chamber which will unlock in New Game +. It's located in the room with the last save mirror right before the final boss. (It's a red circle on the wall you enter by holding cn_A ). In this challange room you will encounter most of the bosses in the DLC again but this time you will have to fight them all in one go without dying. While you are fighting them an infinite amount of Haunted will come your way as well but you shouldn't focus on them too much after the first 3 waves.

I recommend using molotovs on the chainsaw/rocket launcher enemies and TNT on the big one with the large club. They shouldn't be a big challange after a few tries.

You will earn a lot of money along the way (some tries I got up to 500 with the gold hammer) so if you want to upgrade everything do it here. You will need it.

The real tough part of this room are the last two guys. Save up a med pack, dropped by the regular enemies before you finish your last chainsaw guy. Afterwards both Sebastian and Joseph will come out of the elevator and shoot you relentlessly dealing a lot of damage. My strategy was to shoot the rocket launcher at the wall between them so I would hit them both with each shot. I also recommend thowing out a lot of wire traps beforehand because they often end up shooting them instead of you which gives you a great distraction or if placed correctly can even get them trapped. Other than that you can use the big truck to the right of the elevator as cover if your rockets didn't deal enough damage. Then you should throw out some more wire traps on the sides of the truck in case they try to flank you and throw out everything you have got left on them.

As a reward you will get infinite ammo for all of your weapons which will help greatly for the "I've Got Box of Steel" achievement and is also required to get the "I Might Close Early" achievement.

Good luck :)

27 May 2015 16:46

+ 1 from me.bunching up the zombies always helps aswell smile
By xCEL7IC ZOMBIEx on 28 May 2015 00:50
Do you have to replay the other torments in new game plus cause I just did the final one and didn't get the achievement?
By jordaOwO on 01 Jun 2015 20:30
Yes. Im pretty sure i did all of them on my first playthrough. How many total are there? Also where is the list?
By jordaOwO on 01 Jun 2015 21:18
There are three as far as I know plus the hidden one replacing the third one.
Just hit start and look into your journal and go to the Torments on the right.
By No Parasite on 01 Jun 2015 21:22
Wow I thought that the torments were the execution chambers. Didn't know that they were a list of a whole bunch of things you have to do. I have all of them now except number 7. You have to blow up an enemy caught in a barb wire trap. I swear I have done this now over 5 times and nothing. I throw the trap down and wait till they get caught and then throw the dynamite. What the hell am I doing wrong?!?!?
By jordaOwO on 01 Jun 2015 22:08
Make sure the enemy blows up while he's still trapped in the barb wire.
An easy way to make sure of this is to place the trap away from the enemy and lure him in so you can throw the TNT before he reaches the trap because it takes a little while to blow.
By No Parasite on 01 Jun 2015 22:12
Make sure the enemy blows up while he's still trapped in the barb wire.
An easy way to make sure of this is to place the trap away from the enemy and lure him in so you can throw the TNT before he reaches the trap because it takes a little while to blow.
By No Parasite on 01 Jun 2015 22:13
Thank you! It worked what you said. You have to throw it before they get trapped or it won't work. Thanks!
By jordaOwO on 01 Jun 2015 22:31
The last room is way harder than people are saying, I can't even get past the rocket launcher guy as by then my items ar depleted and when you die you have to re buy your stock.
By beets101 on 17 Sep 2016 16:15
I've managed to get to the Samuel and Joseph on a few occasions but they shot me way to easy. I sometimes wonder why I bothered getting this DLC.
By beets101 on 18 Sep 2016 16:29
Recently revisited TEW to get a majority of the achievements and this was a bitch. Sebastian and Joeseph do so mich damage and are tanky af. Sebastian is especially annoying sinse he can just 3 shot you at full health, and most of the time you won’t go into the fight with full health anyways. This game was a ton of fun to replay and this was definitely the most enjoyable dlc for me.
By lR A V lE N on 27 Jan 2019 13:09
That last two were a bitch. But spamming traps in front of the elevators before they came out helped me get a few good hits with the rocket launcher
By GothicExotic on 21 Jan 2022 05:47
So I have done all 18 Torments and I even buy all the upgrades. But still Cruel and Unusual, and I Might Close Early wont unlock......HELP!?
By RAREBORN on 17 Jul 2022 21:07
After I beat the final execution chamber in the mental ward which I did twice now it just says find the hidden final execution chamber I have no idea where that is I went through the rest of the dlc & there is no other execution chambers
By CurtScorpion325 on 02 Aug 2023 01:59
I gave up on the fights in the end. I’m normally ok with difficultly but this was just plain mean.
By beets101 on 02 Aug 2023 13:13
Do you mean the other challange rooms? I completed them all on my first playthrough but I only entered the last "hidden" one on new game +.
All of the torments carry over so the achievement should pop if nothing is grayed out in your list anymore.
By No Parasite on 01 Jun 2015 21:07
The last execution chamber is definitely tough. Sebastian and Joseph are almost impossible if you don't prep for their arrival. Lay 4-6 barb wire traps near the elevator doors BEFORE you kill the last Haunted prior to Seb and Joe's entrance. This will at the very least distract them for a moment so you can start firing rockets. I positioned myself to the right, between the truck/bus and the wall. Once they exit the elevator doors, start unloading rockets on them. I aimed at the one who exited the left elevator and did not stop until I was out of rockets. Even after 10 rockets, I only managed to kill Sebastian, but dealing with Joseph alone is so much more manageable than trying to take them both on at once. Joseph didn't dodge all of my rockets, so his health was depleted enough to make the rest of the fight not so bad. Use whatever molotov's and dynamite you have left, then hammer him into the ground. If you are able to get a rhythm going, you can get 1-2 hammer blows in before dodging his attack, then repeat. I chased him up against a wall and was able to lock him into running/rolling into the wall - so running, but locked in place. Once that happened, it was only 7-8 hammer blows before he was dead.

Obviously, this method can work better or worse depending on how much rocket damage is done on both enemies. You could get lucky and kill both with the rockets before you run out. As long as you are able to kill at least one of them with this method, you should be able to handle the remainder of the fight. Good luck!
By local bellboy on 28 Jun 2021 07:30
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Like the guide above the most of the Torments are pretty self-explanatory.
In the archive you can see what you have to do.

The final torment with all the boss fights is tough.
I suggest you get a full inventory before you start.

The video below shows you how i did it. After you complete this you unlock infinite ammo which you can buy and you need to complete the I Might Close Early Achievement.


19 Jul 2015 13:09

Torments are small tasks you need to complete and can be found in the pause > Archive menu. They are all very simple to do and doesn’t take much effort. Only 2 of them can be troublesome. #12 and #18 can be tricky. For #12 there is only 1 place it can be done which it during the boss fight against Amalgam Alpha in the garage. #18 can only be completed on your New Game+ run, as the chamber isn’t available otherwise.

Torment 1 - Execute a standing enemy. Hit an enemy with your hammer till he gets stunned. A prompt with or will appear above the head. Hit square when it appears and you will execute him.

Torment 2 -Execute a prone enemy. Similar to #1, you will need to hit the enemy till he falls down and then follow up by hitting .

Torment 3 - Execute an enemy caught by a barbed wire trap. When you have a barbed wire, all you need to do is throw it down, lure the enemy into it and walk up to him and hit to execute him.

Torment 4 - Impale an enemy on wall spikes. You will need to stagger an enemy like previously but this time you will want to hit to grab the enemy and throw them into the wall spike. You can find a wall spike during the first boss fight or inside the 2nd execution chamber.

Torment 5 - Dismember an enemy with the chainsaw. You will need to purchase the chainsaw first and then simply kill an enemy with it by holding down .

Torment 6 - Blow up an enemy with a stick of Dynamite. You will need to purchase the Dynamite first, then simply throw it at an enemy and let him blow up.

Torment 7 - Blow up an enemy caught by a barbed wire trap with dynamite. You will need a stick of Dynamite and the Barbed Wire Trap for this. Place down the trap, then throw the dynamite at the enemy and let him blow up.

Torment 8 - Incinerate an enemy with a Molotov Cocktail. You will need to buy a Molotov Cocktail first, then just throw it at an enemy and let him burn to death.

Torment 9 - Incinarate an enemy caught by a barbed wire trap with a Molotov Cocktail. Similar to Torment #7, you just need to throw down a trap, then throw a Molotov cocktail at the enemy.

Torment 10 - Blow up an enemy with the Rocket Laucher. You will need to purchase the Rocket Launcher after unlocking it by defeating the boss The Sadist and simply shoot an enemy with it.

Torment 11 - Slay an enemy with a turret. You can find turrets during the boss fight against Zhen. There are 3 turrets total around the fountain. Just pick one and shoot an enemy with it.

Torment 12 - Blow up an enemy with a flung car. This can be a tricky one. This can only be done during the boss fight against Amalgam Alpha in the garage. She has the ability to fling cars at you. You will need to stand a bit behind a car and wait for her to fling it at you. You will then need to hit to fling it back but the catch is, you need to hit a normal enemy with it. You need to place yourself in a direction so you have the boss and a regular enemy on 1 side of the car and you on the other.

Torment 13 - Kill an enemy with a rotating blade trap. You can find a rotating blade during the 2nd execution chamber. Stagger the enemy and hit to grab it and throw it into the rotating blade.

Torment 14 - Blow up an enemy an exploding haunted. Exploding haunted have red orbs on their body. You just need stagger one, grab it with and throw it. It will cause it to explode. You can do this together with Torment #15.

Torment 15 - Blow up more than 1 enemy with an exploding haunted. Check #14.

Torment 16 - Dismember an enemy with the sword. Once you have completed the DLC start New Game+ and buy it from the stop and just chop up the first enemy you see with it.

Torment 17 - Execute an enemy with the sword. Similar to #1, just stagger the enemy and hit to execute the enemy with the sword.

Torment 18 - Clear the hidden final execution chamber. This fight is make it or break it for the 100% of this DLC. The Chamber is found near the end of your New Game+ at the final save point. It will be on the opposite side of the save mirror.

I recommend having everything fully upgraded before doing this. The number of enemies and bosses being thrown at you can make it near impossible to beat without them. For the most part you can just run in, attack once and back away for the first 3 bosses. Joseph and Sebastian is a whole different level of difficulty.

The game throws wave after wave of enemies at you, including 3 bosses: Sadist, Zhen and RPG Sadist followed by a rough fight against Joseph and Sebastian. If you get hit by anything the enemies can drop medkits, however they are not guaranteed to drop so make sure to play as carefully as possible.

Sadist: Just like in the story, you just smack him around. If he starts to counter your attacks with his chainsaw move close to him without attacking and when he is starting to attack you back dash and move back in to attack him once or twice. You can repeat this till he dies. Do be aware of the enemies around you.

Zhen: Just like in the story, you need to hit him and back away. The biggest difference here compared to in the story is there will be no mounted weapons around so you need to rely purely on your own damage. If you are having trouble with him, you can throw a piece of dynamite down near him. During so should put him into a stagger stage where you can attack him freely for a bit or even perform a devastation execution move on him. Rinse and repeat till he dies.

RPG Sadist: This can be tricky. During this boss the normal Sadist also appears, so you have to deal with one boss chasing you down with the chainsaw, while the other is shooting rockets at you. Your main goal is to take down the RPG Sadist as fast as possible without wasting your own rockets. Dealing with 2 Sadist with chainsaws are better then one shooting rockets at you. The best thing to do is as soon as he spawns, stay close to him and whack him on the head as much as possible. You can even throw down a Barbed Wire Trap if you would like to keep him from moving for a bit. After both of the Sadists are dead the enemies should de-spawn but it happens from time to time that one or two enemies stay alive, so be quick to kill them before the final 2 bosses spawn.

Sebastian & Joseph: This is the hardest fight in the DLC. Sebastian can kill you in 2 hits with his gun, which he likes to spam. Joseph uses his pistol as well but doesn't do nearly as much damage. He also throws Molotov’s so be careful of them. The biggest tip for the fight against the two, would be use the cars as cover and bait them into shooting you then charge in hit them once and run back and hide. If you have rockets for your RPG you can shoot near them, at the ground to hit them. Do not spam it because cause if you hit one of them with the rocket, they fall to the ground and will not take damage by getting hit again by the RPG so space the rockets out a bit. As soon as both are dead, you have cleared the chamber and you should get the trophy!

Below you can see a video of my run inside the chamber. Even if it becomes messy, do not panic. Just be calm and use the cars to your advantage!
You may think this is easy. It seemed that way to me too. I calmly carried out all the torments on the list, but when I got to the last one, I realized that this was torment for me. We need to go through the last survival hall. It will open upon replaying. There is no point in going there without being pumped up. There are many enemies, but they are easy to beat. The three sadists are not complicated either. A giant with a C grade. But Sebastian and Joseph are just imbeciles at the end. They cause a lot of damage. They have a lot of HP. I haven’t passed it yet, because I haven’t finished pumping yet. But I’m thinking of collecting rocket launchers, traps, saving first aid kits and that’s it, victory is guaranteed. You can become their trap and use your sword. And if you need to hit from afar, then with a rocket launcher. Cocktails and dynamite may come in handy. All the enemies before this are nothing, don’t waste important supplies on them.

08 Apr 2016 17:02

1 Execute a standing enemy
2 Execute a lying enemy
3 Execute an enemy caught in a wire key trap
4 Impale an enemy on the spikes sticking out of the wall
5 Dismember an enemy with a chainsaw
6 Blow up an enemy with a stick of dynamite
7 Use a stick of dynamite to blow up an enemy caught in a barbed wire trap.
8 Burn the enemy with a Molotov cocktail
9 Use a Molotov cocktail to burn an enemy caught in a barbed wire trap.
10 Blow up an enemy with a grenade launcher
11 Kill an enemy with a turret
12 Blow up an enemy with an abandoned car.
13 Throw an enemy into a trap with spinning blades
14 Blow up an enemy with an exploding possessed
15 Blow up multiple enemies with an Exploding Possessed
16 Dismember an enemy with a sword (new game +)
17 Execute an enemy with a sword (new game +)
18 Complete the last secret execution hall (new game +)

09 May 2016 16:33