The Evil Within

The Evil Within

71 Achievements


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It's All Your Fault

It's All Your Fault

Collect all Research Documents in The Consequence.


How to unlock the It's All Your Fault achievement in The Evil Within - Definitive Guide

All personnel files, letter scraps, and research documents in the Consequence:

Chapter 3
Letter Scrap 1 - As soon as you gain control of Kidman, open the door. The world will change to something a little more familiar; turn around and go back into the room. Shine your flashlight on the wall to your right to find the combination to the safe on the desk with the letter scrap inside.
Research Entry #154 - Go back to the main hallway and turn right. Interact with the second door on the left and after a short scene, it will open. You can find this document on the stool directly in front of you.
Research Entry #120 - Later on, you'll enter a room with a cart in front of you. Move the cart and open the door to the next room. This document is waiting on the desk at the far side. (I believe this one is mandatory to progress)
Letter Scrap 2 - After a while, you'll get a new flashlight (thank god). Open up the hallway and proceed through the door. The safe is on the desk to your left. Your goal here is to match up the bloodstains on the dials to the blood in the middle.
Research Entry #209 - On the floor below, you'll find the solution to the door puzzle on the whiteboard and the wall behind it. Open the door and this document will be on a cart directly in your path.
Letter Scrap 3 - After leaving the police chief's office (where Kidman sees Sebastian and Joseph talking about Lily), immediately turn right and go in the first door on your left. Looking through the window into the interrogation room, you'll see the combination with arrows indicating the direction to turn the dial on the safe, which is on the shelf behind you.
Personnel: Recording #31 - When you enter the office for the third time, you'll find this on a small table on the right side of the room.
Research Entry #133 - Continue along the path after learning to shove enemies off ledges. After you turn a corner, this will be right in your path.
Personnel: Recording #26 - Pass through the rubble into a reception area of an office building. This is pinned to the wall directly to the left of the path you need to take.
Letter Scrap 4 - In the next room you'll pass a vending machine. Turn left from the vending machine and you'll see this safe. Your goal is to light up all the buttons in a limited number of moves. If the buttons are ordered from 1-16 with 1 being the top left and 16 being the bottom right, the order is 3, 9, 16, 6, 1.

Chapter 4
Research Entry #31 - After following the path past the fallen elevator, this will be on a table in the small room.
Letter Scrap 5 - Ruvik will attempt to take control of Leslie in the dining room. As you progress through the next hallway, there will be a short hall to the side with a painted wall. Shine your flashlight to create a door. Inside this room, you can find one number directly in front of you as you enter, the second to your left, and the third in the back right. The safe is on a table in the back left corner.
Research Entry #232 - Eventually you'll come to a split path. There's a soundtrack to the right if you want it, but nothing important. Go left and then follow the cat down the side hall to the first save point of the chapter. This document is on a table next to the couch.
Letter Scrap 6 - After rescuing Leslie in the kitchen, open the dumbwaiter to the left. Same idea as the fourth safe. This time the order is 2, 5, 13, 11, 16, 4.
Research Entry #188 - Inside Beacon, you'll take a short ride on a lift to the upper level. Proceed past the flashback and through the doorway and this will be on a cart in front of you.
Letter Scrap 7 - After using your flashlight to warp the scenery (you'll end up where Sebastian started the game with Clair de Lune playing), to the left of the corpse table there are some boxes you can break. Behind the last box is the solution to this safe, which can be found behind the curtain. The lights you want to turn on are 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 16.
Personnel: Recording #4 - After encountering the Mobius boss, use your flashlight to open a path through the gate. You'll find this next to the save point.
Letter Scrap 8 - When you get outside, immediately turn right and you'll find the safe in the corner. This is another where you have to make the bloodstains match up.
Research Entry #264 - Enter the building and you'll find this on the desk in the first room to your right.

23 Apr 2015 09:36


+... can mostly be found on the main story path
+... can be tracked in the menu

-... are missable (no backtracking)

CHAPTER 3 (10 items)

1 - Letter Scrap #1 - 00:03
2 - Entry #154 - 01:11
3 - Entry #120 - 01:46
4 - Letter Scrap #2 - 02:06
5 - Entry #209 - 03:09
6 - Letter Scrap #3 - 03:44
7 - Recording #31 (Debriefing) - 04:43
8 - Entry #133 - 05:22
9 - Recording #26 (Assignment) - 05:41
10 - Letter Scrap #4 - 06:02

CHAPTER 4 (9 items)

1 - Entry #31 - 06:35
2 - Letter Scrap #5 - 06:52
3 - Entry #232 - 08:06
4 - Letter Scrap #6 - 08:28
5 - Entry #188 - 09:25
6 - Letter Scrap #7 - 09:54
7 - Recording #4 (Indoctrination) - 10:48
8 - Letter Scrap #8 - 11:27
9 - Entry #264 - 12:08

How to piece the letter together - 12:30

26 Apr 2015 17:27

1 Comment
Great video! Very helpful. +1 from me.
By Clap That Fool on 15 May 2015 00:49
There are:
- 8 Letter Scraps
- 8 Research Docs
- 3 Personal Files

Chapter 3

Letter Scrap 1 - Leave the room you begin in. Head back after the transformation and the safe will be on the desk. The combination is on the wall between the door and the bed (Remember to shine your magic torch).

Research Doc 1 (#154) - In the room with the red light, where the man talks to you from.

Research Doc 2 (#120) - In Rubin/Ruvic's lab. On a table ahead of the door you come in.

Letter Scrap 2 - After you find a new torch you'll head into the dissection room. The safe is on the left. Turn the dials to fit the blood splatters.

Research Doc 3 (#209) - After you pass through the giant bank vault-looking door with the pattern puzzle combination, it's on a table on the left.

Letter Scrap 3 - In the Police Station, after the first ghostly flashback of younger Sebastian. Leave Seb's office and turn right. The safe is in the first room on the left. The combination can be seen in the interrogation room through the two-way mirror.

Personal File 1 (#31) - On a table in Seb's office during the third ghostly flashback. It's to the left of the door into the next area.

Research Doc 4 (#133) - After exiting the Police Station, walking over the unstable scaffolding and beyond where an enemy's just begging you to push him to the concrete death below, there is a metal box on the right of the path with the tape atop it.

Personal File 2 (#26) - After you've walked over a hotel sign into a building with a reception area, it has been impaled to the left of the doorframe (poor thing).

Letter Scrap 4 - In the next room beside the "John's Coffee" poster is the safe. All the buttons must be illuminated in only 5 moves. Safe to say it's tricky.

Chapter 4

Research Doc 5 (#31) - After the lift falls (Seb's fault), you'll drop down into a room. On the desk to the right of the door out is the tape.

Letter Scrap 5 - After burning Ruvic's portrait in the dining area, use the torch magic to reveal a door from the logo straight ahead down the hall. Make sure you don't drop down otherwise you may be scubbered. The combinations for the safe are: on the wall directly in front of you when you enter, on the painting to the left, and in the room to the right on the back wall (it's blocked a little). The safe is round the corner in the room.

Research Doc 6 (#232) - After dropping down from the hotel into the basement area, it's on an end table to the left of the save couch with the bow-tied kitty cat.

Letter Scrap 6 - After saving Leslie (when he gives you a gun), open the dumbwaiter to the left of the door he runs through. The lights must be lit up in 6 moves.

Research Doc 7 (#188) - After passing through the security room in Beacon Hospital, head up the maintenance elevator. After you've learned the source of Leslie's condition, head down the corridor and the tape is on a table directly in your path.

Letter Scrap 7 - You'll revisit the Sadist's lair, that place you hung out as Sebastian in the main game. In the area with the phonograph, get your smash on and starting heeling away at the boxes (incidentally, how cool was Kidman's chin kick with her heel at the beginning of The Assignment - my almost-kill of the year). The safe is in the weapon room behind the white sheet. The button combination is behind yet more boxes behind the shelves in the phonograph room.

Personal File 3 (#4) - To the right of the helpful kitkat and his comfy couch at the top of the escalator you and the scary boss-man ascended in The Assignment.

Letter Scrap 8 - As soon as you leave the Mobius facility and enter into Beacon Hospital courtyard, hang a right and check out the corner of this small area. Match up the blood on the dials and reap your reward.

Research Doc 8 (#264) - Before heading into the hallway with the elevator at the end (where the three policemen were Ruvik'd in the main game), take the door to the right and check out the desk at the back.

21 Apr 2015 18:31

As in the previous addition, this is easy. Just look around

13 Apr 2016 19:10