The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City

40 Achievements


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Reach the best ending with the smallest number of loops


How to unlock the Minimalist achievement in The Forgotten City - Definitive Guide

ArcAngel017's solution is great if you want to redo the game.
On the other hand, if you decide to do only this achievement I have a solution to get this achievement in less than two loops.

Loop 1 :

Loop 2 :

You will have Psycho achievement. Talk to AI and the Minimalist is your.

04 Feb 2022 21:02

Worked great for me as well. Loved the game but this was the last ach., was ready to be done. Thanks.
By Full Tilt Panic on 13 Feb 2022 17:19
Excellent, worked like a charm and didn't need a whole playthrough
By KashThePriest on 08 Feb 2022 21:17
Think this has been patched. I was able to get into the temple and open the first door but it led to a wall that when I glitched through led to outside of the temple sadly
By rudest on 10 May 2022 02:38
Worked for me, thanks!

Edit: Supposedly there's a get all plaques push button code so we wouldn't need to keep pushing buttons, but I'm unable to get it to work.
By Apostle92627 on 10 May 2022 07:13
Great guide! Thumbs up from me. Worked perfectly! Thanks!
By BRANIAC1972 on 12 May 2022 14:00
Worked perfectly, thanks for saving me some time on this one. I had all the other achievements from my initial playthrough so only needed this one! smile
By Djshep on 06 Jul 2022 19:12
So much better than going through the game again. Thumbs up
By ThePaleHorseman on 03 Aug 2022 03:41
Yep, you can just smooth talk him on the first loop.

Real glad I decided to do a mostly blind playthrough first, instead of following the walkthough that just tells you to use cheats. This was a game worth playing.

Only took about 15 minutes to get this and Dead Shot, the only achievements I missed on my first playthrough.
By EarthboundX on 30 Aug 2022 07:01
This is definitely the way to go if you have already beaten the game and just want this specific achievement
By bickle on 23 Oct 2022 19:29
Personally, I couldn't do it on the first loop. One of the dialogue options was not available, I think you have to hear it from one of the characters in the beginning to repeat it back to him. Something about the Romans and the relationship between inferiors/ superiors. But 2 loops to get the crown and threaten him was easy enough
By RED3MPTION 4 1 on 31 Oct 2022 03:34
To do it on the first loop, you first need to ask enough questions of Pluto to learn: A. The Roman saying about the Golden Rule (the relationship between inferiors and superiors) and B. That Jupiter is the superior to Pluto. It’s possible you need to learn more, but there’s nothing you need to learn that isn’t said by Pluto, so you can just go through all the questions spamming skip, choosing the next one, spamming skip, etc. Then all of the prompts will be available to you when convincing Pluto to send everyone home. This is what I did and was able to get the best ending (and the Minimalist achievement) on 1 loop.
By ickyptang on 06 May 2023 18:03
Just did this and it worked like a charm. Thanks a bunch for this solution!
By Mutt3rNatur on 26 Mar 2024 13:12
You can actually do it one loop. You don't need to intimidate the God of the Underworld with the crown; you can reason with him and get the ending that way. DeigoTan's guide for this achievement gives a possible conversation path:
The Forgotten CitySilver TongueThe Silver Tongue achievement in The Forgotten City worth 65 pointsTalk your way through every possible confrontation
By zeldafanjtl on 07 Aug 2022 19:45
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Here is a very thorough walkthrough that I found helpful when doing my Minimalist run: All credit goes to Steam user Past for writing it.

The following is a TL;DR of the steps in the above guide as well as a few changes I would recommend. Remember to save often while doing this run so you can reload if things get messed up.

1. Start a new game and choose the Fugitive option for 25% faster sprint speed.

2. Go to the slums. While here read the threatening note from Rufius, grab a bottle of wine, and get the Key to the Chest in the Shrine of Apollo from Naevia's chest.

3. Go towards Fabia but DO NOT APPROACH HER. Instead, walk up the steps to the right of the collapsible shrine and jump/mantle over the wall. Walk up to the front and read the warning. Then speak with Fabia and agree to help. Tell her not to go in the shrine, then meet with the Assassin and direct him there.

4. Speak with Equitia. She will tell you to find patterns in how people arrived at the city. Talk to people until you have three patterns, then return to Equitia. She will take you to the baths to talk. Exhaust all dialogue with her.

5. Go to the Shrine of Apollo, open the chest, and give Lucretia the treatment for rheumatism. She will give you willow bark.

6. Speak to Vergil. Ask about the graffiti and tell him you know who it is.

7. Speak to Rufius. Ask about his rheumatism and give him the willow bark. Then ask him about threatening Vergil and convince him to stop. Finally, speak with him again and ask about the Roman Plaque. Tell him he owes you one and he will give you the key to the Christian shrine. Go get the plaque.

8. Go up to Ulpius and talk to him until he jumps. Jump down to the villa and speak to Malleolus about being Quinctius. Say you'll get proof, then grab the key next to the villa entrance and go upstairs to speak with his wife. Convince her to give you the letter that proves he's Quinctius. Return to him and persuade him to drop out of the election.

9. Go to the area with the hermit and catacombs and complete the entire section, acquiring both the Egyptian and mystery plaques.

10. When you get back to the market, SAVE, then steal the silphium resin from Desius' stall. On the way back to the portal you need to steal over 5,000 gold for the next loop. This can be done in a number of areas but the easiest for me was to get the 4k in a chest behind the door that is normally blocked by a golden archer (right of the entrance to the slums), then go above Aurelia's bar, grab her key, and open her chest for another 2k. If you stay mobile you should be able to avoid being killed by the archers. Once you have over 5k gold, run to the portal.

11. Before speaking to Galerius, SAVE, as this next section can be a little buggy and you'll want this save available to reload if it gets weird. Speak with him and he'll give you the zip line thing. Afterwards ask him to do the three available tasks (save Fabia, cure Rufius, get Malleolus to drop out).

12. Go to Lucretia and give her the silphium resin to save Iulia.

13. At this point I highly recommend waiting for Galerius to finish doing all of his tasks, as moving forward can sometimes cause things to bug out if some of the NPCs try to speak at the same time. Once Galerius is done and Domitius informs Equitia of Malleolus dropping out, speak with Ulpius and give him the 2k gold to pay off his and Iulia's debt.

14. Speak to Desius and ask who he is voting for in the election. Give him 3k gold to change his vote to Galerius.

15. Speak with Equitia and ask her to start the election. If everything has been done right, Galerius should win. Run over to Duli's cell, get close, and get out of dialogue with him. When Horatius arrives, the cell will open as soon as he starts to speak. At this point, run inside to grab the Greek plaque, then sprint up to the obelisk. Put all four plaques in and enter the temple. If you do this quick enough, you will get in before Duli is able to trigger the Golden Rule. If not, you will just need to loop one more time and then enter the temple.

16. Speak with the character here and exhaust all dialogue options in the Q&A phase. Then you will be able to persuade him to end the Golden Rule. After you are teleported back, speak to Al Worth and the achievement will unlock shortly after.

04 Aug 2021 20:29


Here is the dialogue guide to persuading the Temple Master to peacefully give up the Golden Rule - i.e. the last thing you need to do for this achievement.

It's from the guide for the 'Silver Tongue' achievement, as it's the same process as talking your way out of 3 specific confrontations (This one, the one for the Egyptian Plaque, and the One with the crazy lady in the temple):

God of the Underworld

When speaking with the God of the Underworld, exhaust all the dialog options under “What’s your story?” and “What is this place?” When you choose “Are you responsible for The Golden Rule?”, go through each of the dialog options, EXCEPT FOR “I’ve seen some terrible things here that you didn’t consider a sin. How could you let them happen?”.

Choose “That’s all the questions I had”. From there, choose the options below:

* I’m from the future.
* I was hoping you could tell me. (Lie)
* Shouldn’t you know this, as the God of the Underworld?
* I’d like you to put an end to The Golden Rule.
* How can you expect us to live without sin, if you can’t do it yourself?
* You’ve given terrible punishments to hundreds of people, some for minor sins, and some who committed no sins at all.
* If our positions were reversed, you wouldn’t want me to punish you for the sins of the other people.
* No.
* What makes your kind superior to mine?
* Why does wisdom and technology make you superior?
* So you think you’re not obliged to treat us fairly, because you’re more powerful than us?
* What was it the Romans Stoics said? “Treat your inferior as you would wish your superior to treat you.”
* But didn’t you say Jupiter was your leader? There’s a hierarchy within your kin.
* So are you treating humans the way you would wish Jupiter to treat you?
* I’m saying: If you can’t follow your own rule, how can you expect humans to?
* You’re not a monster. You’re a human, and you made a mistake.
* Humans make mistakes. It’s in our nature.
* Perhaps he made a mistake too.
* Perhaps when you took on human form, you took on some human foibles as well.
* We just want to return to the world.
* Why?
* I’m ready.
By smoli83 on 18 May 2022 01:33
Very good guide...helped me much in getting the achievement. Here are a few additional tips/suggestions that may also help:

1. Before Step 2, once you are done speaking with Galerius for the first time, speak with him again as he turns away and ask him what his story is and go through the full dialogue. This will help in Step 4 in getting the "patterns." Galerius seemed to disappear, so I had trouble getting past Step 4 until I restarted and spoke with him at the start.

2. In Step 3, be sure to grab the Bounty Notice from the assassin after the temple collapses. Without it, you won't be able to confront Malleolus about being Quinctius. The dialogue option didn't appear for me without at least reading the Bounty Notice.

3. In Step 7, after speaking with Rufius and getting him to leave Vergil alone, be sure to go back to Vergil and tell him. In my playthrough, without having told Vergil, Vergil still voted for Sentius. After reloading a save and telling Vergil, then proceeding with the vote in Step 15, Vergil voted for Galerius.

4. If you follow the rest of the guide, Step 14 is not necessary (as pointed out by Gigatoreador). Vergil, Georgius, Rufius, and Ulpius will vote for Galerius.
By Dr Sartan on 18 Jan 2022 03:42
does the duli/greek skip no longer work? you have to get the egyptian and mystery plaque and then go up to duli's cell with a fury and they shoot him and open it. it cuts down on like 3-4 hours of gameplay.
By TroJan on 20 Nov 2021 11:54
Great guide thanks. Just a couple of notes. I received this achievement while playing with the solider since I needed that for a secret achievement. Also between step 3 and 4 I completed the Palace quest because I wanted to obtain the golden bow for a few additionally achievements I needed. Then at step 11 I was only able to tell Galerius to complete 2 or the 3 quest since the option tell Malleolus to drop out was not offered. So I told Malleolus to drop out myself then proceeded with step 12.
By ANCIENT WARRI0R on 09 Aug 2021 07:03
Something is missing from this solution. When I get to the point where I get Malleolus to drop out of the election. there's no option to get Galerius to run for the election. Sentius is unopposed.
By FightingMegaFoo on 29 Sep 2021 18:32
Since I was late in the game after posting the above comment, I tried one more loop to see if I could get Galerius to run in the second loop. I sent Galerius to do all four tasks as soon as I walked down from the portal and waited until he completed them.

When I talked to Galerius after that, he told me he was running for magistrate, so I proceeded to hold the election. There wasn't enough time to get to the character in the temple, so I did a third loop.

For the third loop, I went directly to the temple and talked to the character there to persuade him to drop the Golden Rule. Once I spoke to Al Worth, I got this achievement.

So TLDR, you can time loop 3 times and get this achievement.
By FightingMegaFoo on 29 Sep 2021 19:27
I can confirm you can get the achievement after an extra loop from this guide. No matter what I did I couldn't get there before Duli broke the rule, so I went one more loop and finished it there.
By AgentOfAbyss on 08 Oct 2021 14:25
I can confirm what FightingMegaFoo said, 3 loops worked for me
By Funky Monkee on 22 Oct 2021 21:20
For step 4, who are the best NPCs to talk to? So far I've only had success with Fabia, Horatius and Georgius, I think I need at least two more. There are quite a lot you can't talk to as it'd advance their story.
By Neo Yggdrasill on 01 Nov 2021 17:27
I had to break the glass, steal the crown, and make a third loop, but the achievement still unlocks.
By WeisGuy9 on 02 Nov 2021 04:46
4 loops worked for me. Maybe item 15 was patched but Duli's door doesnt unlock when Horatius arrives, it's much later and you cant make it to the temple on time. So that added another loop for me and achievement unlocked. Loops are:
1- After catacombs (item 10 in guide)
2- After elections (get the plaque in prison and then end the loop)
3- Taking the crown from you-know-who (not sure you can convince the Master of the Temple on this loop, you have to talk with a lot of people for a speed-run)
4- Final run to temple.
By on 06 Nov 2021 09:40
There is no need to buy out Ulpius & Iulia (13.). Just pick the "drop out and release your servants/slaves" option with Malleolus (8.). The announcement will be early enough for Ulpius to hear about it. No need to bribe Desius (14.), as the vote will end 3:2 for Galerius (Vergil, Rufius & Ulpius will vote for Galerius, only Desius & Sentius' guard will vote for Sentius).

Edit: Also no need to get the crown from "the person to the right".
Edit 2: You can also skip 6, as the option to tell Vergil that R did it and will stop harassing him will be available once his rheumatism is healed.
By Gigatoreador on 06 Nov 2021 14:24
Thanks worked for me. As another commenter mentioned, #15 doesn't work and you should just plan on grabbing the plaque from behind Duli (the prisoner) and then going to the portal. You dont have enough time to get to the temple to complete the game.

Some people mention failing at convincing the final guy to peacefully accept your offer. See the last section of this link for how to do that easily:,the%20God%20of%20the%20Underworld.
By Arsenic 17 on 06 Nov 2021 16:25
Stuck on step 5 only conversation option is "sorry wish I could help" then the patient dies
By Clown Syndr0me on 22 Dec 2021 23:56
Just got this achievement, followed the steps but for some reason Vergil didn't vote for Galerius, so we had to go back and get more money to bribe Desius just to make sure.
By BigEvil on 28 Dec 2021 20:04
I've followed this guide exactly but for some reason, no matter what I do, Desius speaks to me about the golden bow each time, and then refuses to speak to me afterward, making it impossible to bribe him into voting for Galerius, which is a problem because at the same time, no matter what I do, Vergil will only vote for Sentius... I'm doing everything according to the guide but it seems like there is a vital piece of information missing here or my game has just bugged somehow... Can anyone help?

***UPDATE*** I found a workaround and finally got the achievement but I'll leave this post up in case anyone else has the same problem. What worked in the end was that by looping through a second time (and eventually even a third because I wasn't quick enough after releasing Duli) I was able to bribe Desius on my second loop. As mentioned before by one or two people, I think, you can have up to 3 loops and still get the achievement so that worked for me and I was able to carry on as the rest of the guide instructs.
By PaddyL0ngLegs on 18 Feb 2022 20:56
This really helped but even with the sprinting speed boost, I don't think there is any way to get to the temple before that little thief Duli steals something.
By SuperAwesomez on 27 Feb 2022 10:02
When Desius stopped talking to me it was because I refused to help him with the bow. After I reloaded and agreed to help then I was able to continue the conversation to bribe his vote.
By MasterCoupon on 13 Mar 2022 08:52
You can make it to the obelisk and place all the plaques if you hold cn_LT to run. I made it, and I picked the Soldier so I could get the rest of the achievements.

Furthermore, you can buy Desius's vote even after you get the Golden Bow if you tell him it's not for sale.
By Apostle92627 on 21 May 2022 18:39
Ah, I think I missed a step. I didn't tell Rufus to leave Vergil alone, so the vote is tied at 3:3. I'm going to try and bribe Desius, otherwise I'll have to figure out the last save on Day 1 and go back before stealing the medicine.
By ALoneWolf42 on 30 Oct 2022 04:33
"3-4 hours"? This is possible in less than 2 hours, even if you include the trip through the palace - and you can't reach Duli's plaque, without the key to his cell, which you can't get on its own.
By Gigatoreador on 20 Nov 2021 12:13
ive seen multiple speedruns where they do exactly as i said, getting duli's key within seconds. im not trying to start an argument as you seem to be doing, i just dont know whether or not thats patched. and yes 3-4 hours, not everyone is trying to speedrun through the dialog options as fast as possible.
By TroJan on 21 Nov 2021 12:52
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You can do this in just three jumps, like I did.

Heavy Spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

First Run
Skip the tour and run to the clinic in the forum,
and talk to the doctor to find out what she needed. DO KOT PROGRESS THIS FURTHER.

Next go across to Vergil's store and talk to him about the grafitti and tell him you'll help. Again, do not follow this further.

Go back to the aparatments you passed on the waybin to town and go to

Next we'll set up some other bits, take the back entrance out the apartment building turn right and eventually, you'll come to a hut with a golden woman and a chest it in. Take the bottle of wine and head back to the apartment building, once inside take the set of stairs on your right (next to Livia) and take the key in the chest in the left hand room. Now head to the clinic and open that chest. Next climb the stairs going up towards the Great Temple by heading left out of the marketplace (as if heading for Malleous' villa) and take the back route passed the toilets and climb the wall, reading the note on the damaged temple, head back the way you came. Walk up to Fabia and tell her not to hide in the temple and then tell the Assassin to go in to the Temple.

Head up to the great Temple and witness a horrible event, jump down in to malleolus' Villa and talk to him, tell him you know who he really is and that you'l find proof, don't ask him to pull out the elections just yet. Grab the key to the front door and then head upstairs, convince his wife to side with you saying you don't like a beautiful woman being locked up. Then telling her you'll keep the letter.
Go down and talk to Malleolus and tell him to withdraw from the race using the letter as blackmail. Head outside and fond Equita and talk to her about the underworld and accept the quest to find out more about how people came to be here.

Walk around asking everyone until you have three topics to talk to her about. Go back to her and talk about them all, follow her to the bath house and exhaust all options until the tablet quests appear.

Go back to Fabia and talk about Vergil, she'll mention Rufius was near his shop, talk to the doctor and tell her you know the cure for his condition and then talk tk Rufius to give him the bark. You can convince him to not only leave Vergil alone, but also to give us the key for the Roman Shrine.

At this point commit a crime by stealing the resin from Desius' stall to help Iulia and then run to the Temple we came in at and time jump.

Second run
During this run we'll tell Galerius to help Iulia, help Fabia, help Rufius and remove Malleolus from the election race.

Next is a painful moment, wait for Galerius to finish his chores and then talk to him, speak plainly with him and then head to the theatre, from here enter the caves and hug the right hand wall until you see a thin walkway on your right, follow this to a locked gate, use Rifius' key on the gate and get the Roman Tablet.

This run is almost over. Hopefully, Galerius has nominated himself (I did find every now and then he'd decide to disappear and not do what he is supposed to do). Start the election. If you did everything correctly, Galerius will be the new Magistrate. Go to where Duli is imprisoned and wait til the cell is opened. Pick up the Greek Tablet. You can't stop what happends next, Duli will steal something and we have to use the time loop again. DULI!!!!!

Final run
You'll now have two tablets in your possession. The Greek and Roman tablets.

Now, some people will tell you you need the Golden Bow, this isn't true, you can skip it entirely and it just adds length to a run that's really short.

As usual send Galerius off on his rounds and wait for him to be finished, talk to him like normal and then head to the temple next to the one that Fabia normally spawns at. The bottom right hand side of the main statue jas a crawl space underneath it. Head down there and have a philosophy debate with the old hermit and ask about Kabash. He'll give you a key to the catacombs eventually and you can run this entire section easily without having to fight. When you get to the big chamber where peeled gold weirdos spawn, run up the building on your right. upto the roof, across the board and then down toward Kabash. Talk to him and get the Egyptian Tablet and then jump down for the sumerian tablet. Pick it up in the water and run through, when you trigger the buttons step to one side and let the boulder passed.

Talk down Kabash at the "boss fight" and then sprint out of the final bit.

Now, once back in the city. We will be going up to the Great temple. Put the tablets in the obelisk and then come back down and start the elections. Sprint back up to the great temple ans enter it. The Gods order is descending if you've forgotten Pluto - Hades - Osiris - Kerbal. Then go in to talk down the God of the Underworld.
Doing the requirements for "Psycho" will not unlock the trophy.

21 Nov 2021 01:20

This is not my solution, it's a combination of two solutions posted by others that can get you this in only ONE LOOP and 5-10 minutes. I thought I would add it as a new guide to save future gamers the trouble of reading through comment strings and multiple guides. Full credit to Zayow for the glitch trick, and DiegoTan for the dialogue options.

Start a new game - character options don't matter, nor does the conversation with "Karen." Run through the ruins until you get transported through the portal. In my experience, the first conversation with Galerius will be forced on you no matter what. Just make sure you select "No thanks, I'll make my own way" and "Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing." so you're free to walk around.

Head to your right for the shortest route to the temple. Once you are in front of the temple door, rapidly input the following to turn on no-clip: LT LT LT RT RT RT RB LB A A (credit: Zayow)
Walk through the doors and then as soon as you're inside, input the code again to turn OFF no-clip: LT LT LT RT RT RT RB LB A A (I found that if I walked too far into the room with no-clip still on, you get a glitch where the first door will open onto a concrete wall instead of properly loading in the next room, which may or may not be fixable by walking back towards the entrance and messing with no-clip on/off again. You'll know things are okay if you hit a loading point when you're about halfway across the room.)
Proceed through the series of doors with the names Pluto, Hades, Osiris, Nergal in that order.

Approach the god of the underworld to talk to him, and you'll want to exhaust ALMOST all the preliminary dialogue options.
- B-mash your way through every dialogue option from "What's your story?"
- every dialogue option from "What is this place?"
- from "Are you responsible for the Golden Rule?" go through every option that appears EXCEPT "I've seen some terrible things here that you didn’t consider a sin. How could you let them happen?"
- select "That's all the questions I had."

Then follow this very specific series of dialogue options (credit: DiegoTan)
* I’m from the future.
* I was hoping you could tell me. (Lie)
* Shouldn’t you know this, as the God of the Underworld?
* I’d like you to put an end to The Golden Rule.
* How can you expect us to live without sin, if you can’t do it yourself?
* You’ve given terrible punishments to hundreds of people, some for minor sins, and some who committed no sins at all.
* If our positions were reversed, you wouldn’t want me to punish you for the sins of the other people.
* No.
* What makes your kind superior to mine?
* Why does wisdom and technology make you superior?
* So you think you’re not obliged to treat us fairly, because you’re more powerful than us?
* What was it the Romans Stoics said? “Treat your inferior as you would wish your superior to treat you.”
* But didn’t you say Jupiter was your leader? There’s a hierarchy within your kin.
* So are you treating humans the way you would wish Jupiter to treat you?
* I’m saying: If you can’t follow your own rule, how can you expect humans to?
* You’re not a monster. You’re a human, and you made a mistake.
* Humans make mistakes. It’s in our nature.
* Perhaps he made a mistake too.
* Perhaps when you took on human form, you took on some human foibles as well.
* We just want to return to the world.
* Why?
* I’m ready.

You'll be transported back to the present and your final step is to walk forward and talk to Al, then the achievement will pop!

03 Oct 2023 16:23

1 Comment
This solution is definitely the easiest and quickest way to end the game.
By PlaintiveTech40 on 31 Dec 2023 19:58
To get it, you need to complete the game to ending 4 with no more than three loops, at least you can complete it in two. I recommend leaving this trophy for the second or third playthrough - so that you already know who is where and what to talk to them about. I recommend making saves after each step, so that if something goes wrong, you can easily roll back to the previous stage. Because in addition to your mistakes, sometimes scripts freeze in the game, dialogues are not processed, and most importantly, sometimes the game forgets that you performed some dialogues.

The route is as follows:
  1. At the beginning of the game, choose the character you like best. But I recommend taking either with the ability to run +25% or with a pistol; the second choice will allow you to make some of the trophies in this walkthrough that require a pistol.
  2. After exiting the portal, go into the slums to where the bar is, read the note on the table in Rufius's room (located on the second floor right next to the gate), take a bottle of wine (lies in a chest a little deeper in the slums) and get the key to the chest from Navia's chest in Temple of Apollo (located on the second floor in the second “line of rooms” on the left).
  3. Go to Fabia, but don't go near her. Climb onto the parapet at the steps on the right and approach the temple from the side. Read the warning note, now calmly go talk to Fabia, agree to help her. The main thing is to tell her not to go to the temple. Then go to the baths while meeting the killer and send him to the temple. After he falls under the rubble, take the note from him.
  4. Go to Dooley in prison, talk to him, find out from him that only Galerius can release him if he wins the elections. Go to Galerius and talk to him, find out that he is ready to go to the polls if Malleolus withdraws from the elections.
  5. Talk to Equitia, bring the dialogue to the point where she tells you that you need to find patterns in how people got into the city. Talk to all the people about how they got here until you get 3 patterns (river, coin, memory lapses). After that, talk to her again, she will invite you to the baths, where you will need to talk with her on all available topics.
  6. Go to the Temple of Apollo, open the chest and read the note. Talk to Lucretia about Naevia, she will give you medicine for rheumatism, then talk about Julia. Go to Decius and tell him to give you the medicine, he will refuse. Answer him that people are dying, but they are not giving medicine.
  7. Now go talk to Virgil, talk about the graffiti and say that you know who is doing this. Go to Rufio, talk to him about rheumatism, give him medicine. Then ask him about the threats against Virgil and convince him to stop. Then talk to him again about the Roman Tablet. Tell him that he owes a favor and he will give you the key to the sanctuary where she lies. Go and take the tablet.
  8. Go to Ulpius and make him jump off the cliff. Jump after him to Villa Malleola. Talk to Malleol on all topics, most importantly say that he keeps people in slavery, then say that you know that he is not who he says he is and you will find evidence. Take the key from the entrance, go up to the second floor, unlock his wife and talk to her. Convince her to help you expose Malleol, she will ask for wine, give it to her, she will give you the letter. Return to Malleol and tell him to refuse the elections, here you also need to choose the option mentioning the removal of bondage.
  9. Now go to George, talk to him on all sorts of topics. Then go to the Hermit Philosopher. Before the conversation, be sure to make a save; during the conversation you need to convince him to give you the key to the dungeon. Explore the dungeon and collect the Egyptian Tablet from Habash. Dive into the water and pick up another tablet, at the exit convince Habash to let you through and go out into the city, to do this, select 111211 in the dialogue. You don’t have to convince, then be careful so that the statues don’t kill you while you are returning to the city. Be sure to make a control save here.
  10. When you return to the market, steal "Sylphium Juice" from Decius's shop. Before you complete this cycle, you need to have at least 5,000 coins in your hand. Most likely, in the best scenario, you will have no more than 500 coins. So on the way to the portal, go to the second floor of Malleol, to his wife's room to pick up 2,000 coins, and then in the slums, near the portal, there will be a room in which the door is usually blocked by a statue. Now the statue will come to life, you will need to lure it out and pick up 4,000 moment there. Then exit through the portal.
  11. Once back in the city, first of all, talk to Galerius and send him to save Fabia and cure Rufio. Now run to Malleol, tell him to give up the election. Then run to Lucretia and give her "Sylphium juice", when Julia wakes up, talk to her. Talk to her about who poisoned her and later you can offer to ransom her and Ulpia. Run to Ulpius, talk to him and give him 2,000 coins. Tell them they are free.
  12. Go to Galerius, talk to him about the elections and tell him that Malleol refused the elections. Then he will agree to become a candidate in the elections. Now go to Decius, ask him who he will vote for, invite him to vote for Galerius, he will demand money, give him 3,000 coins. Go to Equitia and ask her to hold elections immediately. Follow her.
  13. If you did everything correctly, the selection will go well and Galerius will be chosen. With his first decree, he will free Dooley. Go to him and take the last tablet, the door will open immediately after Horace starts speaking. Because Dooley will almost immediately steal something and break the rule. You will have two development options here - the first one is just run into the portal. Second, if you play as a character with a pistol or plus run, you can run towards the large temple. If you do everything correctly and manage to enter the temple before Dooley steals something, you can complete the game in this playthrough. For as soon as you open the second doors of the temple, the city will be unloaded from memory and Dooley will not break the rule. In this case, you can go straight to point 15.
  14. If you didn’t have time, and he broke the rule and you have a gun, then use it to kill the statues in the temple, there are exactly 9 of them and leave one bullet for Persephone’s camera. This way you can pick up the crown from the temple, which will give you a chance of getting a good ending. After receiving the crown, run into the portal. After exiting the portal, run to the temple on the cliff, insert all four tablets and enter.
  15. When you meet the God of the Underworld, you must convince him to release all the townspeople. If you did everything correctly, then you will have the required answer options available. If you ran for the crown in the last playthrough, then you can select the first item in the dialogue to easily convince him. If you play without which, be sure to first say all the phrases in the sections “Tell me about yourself” and “What is this place”, also in the third paragraph - you need to ask what he considers a sin and get an answer with different understandings of sin in different cultures. After this, return to the original point and go to the fourth point with the phrase “I have no more questions.” Then choose answer options 412113 (1234 here you list the sins of the city residents that you learned about, at the end you will return to the previous page once) 232211221112112111. The main goal is to convince him that he has become a man and is subject to all the same sins. Sometimes the necessary phrases may not be in the dialogues, for this reason it is better to have a crown with you in order to easily close the question.

23 Aug 2021 12:30