The Golden Compass

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Lyra Belacqua

Lyra Belacqua

Answer all 48 Alethiometer Questions


How to unlock the Lyra Belacqua achievement in The Golden Compass - Definitive Guide

There are actually 49 questions in total. I can confirm that "How exactly does the Alethiometer work?" doesn't count towards the achievement. I had 47 answered and when I did that one nothing popped. You can answer each one when you get it without having all the symbols but it's easier to wait until you have them and then just access your journal in the extras menu.

*All credit for this list goes to Quito Santana and big red marino* I did however update a few errors and add some missing information. Here is a complete list of all questions and how they unlock. Enjoy!

JORDAN COLLEGE - 4 Questions

Why does Uncle Asriel have to travel so much?
Symbols: Globe, Crocodile, Candle
Unlocked: When you begin the level the question is added.

Why do the Gobblers kidnap children?
Symbols: Serpent, Walled Garden, Baby
Unlocked: Talk to the second servant in the hallway, the one that sings the song with you, get success rating on the deception game to get the Question.

Everyone keeps talking about "Dust". What exactly is it?
Symbols: Bird, Bee, Owl
Unlocked: After convincing the servant to get the Tokay, head back around towards the statue. Talk to the man sitting on the bench in the corner. Reach a Success in the deception game with him to get the question.

Why did I stay at Jordan College all these years?
Symbols: Candle, Apple, Alpha & Omega
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

LONDON - 4 Questions

I don't trust Mrs. Coulter. What is she up to?
Symbols: Madonna, Bull, Marionette
Unlocked: Once you exit your room, try opening the door to Mrs. Coulter's office right in front of you to get the question.

Why is the Golden Monkey so mean and frightening?
Symbols: Elephant, Serpent, Cornucopia
Unlocked: When you are allowed to throw vases at the monkey that is fighting your daemon do not miss.

Why can Pan only get so far away before it hurts?
Symbols: Bird, Chameleon, Anchor
Unlocked: After the first fight with the Golden Monkey.

Will I ever have to deal with that horrible woman again?
Symbols: Baby, Thunderbolt, Madonna
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

NOORDERLICHT - 6 Questions

How exactly does the Alethiometer work?
Symbols: Serpent, Apple, Bee
Unlocked: Right when the level begins you get the question.

How is Mr. De Ruyter getting on with his spying?
Symbols: Serpent, Apple, Bee
Unlocked: Right when the level begins you get the question.

What's happening back home in Oxford right now?
Symbols: Sun, Hourglass, Horse
Unlocked: There will be three deception games in a row to convince Alfons, the sailor on the rear of the ship, that you can pose as a Gyptian. Win all three to obtain this question.

Why were the Gyptians willing to risk so much to help me?
Symbols: Dolphin, Lute, Wild Man
Unlocked: Continuously talk to the man directly in front of you when the level begins to get the question.

What is Mrs. Coulter up to right now?
Symbols: Madonna, Hourglass, Ant
Unlocked: The second time you talk to Coram this will be unlocked.

Will I be able to find Lord Asriel in the North?
Symbols: Wild Man, Horse, Ant
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

THE INSPECTORS - 2 Questions

Why is the Magisterium so interested in finding me?
Symbols: Moon, Bull, Chameleon
Unlocked: Obtained when you reach the map room with out being spotted. Be careful of the last guard.

Will the Gyptians and I be safe in the North?
Symbols: Ant, Helmut, Griffin
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

TROLLESUND - 7 Questions

How does Mr. Scoresby's ballon work?
Symbols: Compass, Horse, Candle
Unlocked: Walk to the right when the level begins and speak with him to obtain the question.

What are the intentions of the Tartars with regards to Kamchatka?
Symbols: Camel, Horse, Cornucopia
Unlocked: Talk to Coram outside of the witches council house to obtain this question.

What exactly does Dr. Lanselius do for the witches?
Symbols: Cauldron, Bee, Angel
Unlocked: Talk to Coram outside of the witches council house to obtain this question.

Which bow was used by Serafina Pekkala?
Symbols: Walled Garden, Bird, Cauldron
Unlocked: After you answer his first question, he will ask you this one.

Why does Iorek stay in Trollesund? Why doesn't he just leave?
Symbols: Anchor, Owl, Tree
Unlocked: After you answer the question in regards to his armor this will be unlocked.

Where is Iorek's armor being held?
Symbols: Tree, Helmut, Anchor
Unlocked: Unlocked after the cut scene with Iorek.

Will we be able to find the children quickly enough to save them?
Symbols: Ant, Candle, Thunderbolt
Unlocked: Complete the first part of the level to obtain this question.

The Showdown - 3 Questions

Why do people do horrible things in the Magisterium's name?
Symbols: Angel, Crocodile, Alpha & Omega
Unlocked: The room with Ioreks armor in it has documents on the wall opposite of his armor. Use Y to interact with them and unlock the question.

Why does the Magisterium experiment on children?
Symbols: Baby, Walled Garden, Thunderbolt
Unlocked: Shock the doctor with the lightening machine. Just make sure he is next to the table.

How did the Magisterium start?
Symbols: Lute, Sword, Walled Garden
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

THE NORTH - 6 Questions

What happens to the children like Bill Costa, who are severed from their daemons?
Symbols: Horse, Lute, Baby
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

How are they defending Bolvangar?
Symbols: Cauldron, Helmut, Griffin
Unlocked: Speak with Lord Faa to obtain this question.

How many Tartars are guarding Bolvangar, and what are they armed with?
Symbols: Cauldron, Helmut, Griffin
Unlocked: Answer Lord Faa's first question and will then ask you this one.

What is so important about these "Lunar Fireflies"?
Symbols: Sun, Bee, Moon
Unlocked: After turning the corner from where you get the pine tree question one of the witches will mention the fireflies, this unlocks the question.

What is the significance of this cloud pine tree?
Symbols: Marionette, Bird, Tree
Unlocked: Once you are on riding Iorek, enter the third cave on the level and walk towards the tree, the question will unlock.

What happened to this sky ferry?
Symbols: Horse, Hourglass, Candle
Unlocked: When you reach the crashed zeppelin this will unlock.

CAMP AMBUSH - 1 Question

Why are the Sayoyeds working with the Magisterium?
Symbols: Sword, Wild Man, Helmut
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

BOLVANGAR - 4 Questions *All these are story related, you can't miss them*

Why do all the staff members at Bolvangar seem so docile and complacent?
Symbols: Ant, Sword, Alpha & Omega

How can I get out of this awful place?
Symbols: Helmut, Candle, Griffin

Why would they cut children's daemons away?
Symbols: Moon, Walled Garden, Bull

Why did a place like Bolvangar exist?
Symbols: Compass, Marionette, Owl

THE RESCUE - 1 Question

Are all the children we rescued from Bolvangar going to be safe?
Symbols: Camel, Angel, Globe
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

SVALBARD - 4 Questions *All these are story related, you can't miss them*

Where is Iorek?
Symbols: Alpha & Omega, Horse, Thunderbolt

What was the first creature King Ragnar Killed?
Symbols: Hourglass, Apple, Wild Man

What did Mrs. Coulter promise King Ragnar when she visited Svalbard?
Symbols: Madonna, Candle, Sword

What will happen now that Iorek is king?
Symbols: Bread, Elephant, Hourglass

ZEPPELIN - 1 Question
What is Lord Asriel doing? Why did he kidnap Roger?
Symbols: Sword, Globe, Wild Man
Unlocked: Complete the level to obtain this question.

The Northern Lights - 6 Questions *All of these questions are obtained once you have completed the game and watched the credits*

Why do chocolati and peanut butter taste so good together?
Symbols: Bird, Wild Man, Bee

I'm really hungry any suggestions on where to grab a bite to eat?
Symbols: Bread, Bull, Sun

What can I do to make sure I grow up rich?
Symbols: Bread, Camel, Cornucopia

Alethiometer in my hand, who's the fairest in the land?
Symbols: Bee, Griffin, Apple

I was thinking of taking a vacation. Any suggestions?
Symbols: Elephant, Camel, Globe

Will I be able to stop Lord Asriel and Mrs. Coulter?
Symbols: Anchor, Alpha & Omega, Sword

If you miss any you can always replay a level. Comment if I'm missing anything and I'll add it into the guide. Thanks and good luck!

30 Jan 2010 02:59

Great guide, I found it very useful. Just one minor edit, question 3 in Trollesund (What exactly does Dr. Lanselius do for the witches?), the answer is Cauldron, Bee, Madonna.
By BadBoyBungle on 11 May 2010 09:11
By Hydrolex on 07 Apr 2011 17:58
So if I skipped the credits I won't unlock those last 6 questions?
By v Cann I Bus v on 02 May 2011 00:24
Nice - I will replay this video game then, because I like a challenge. The most important information is about the possibility of replaying specific parts of the story in order to unlock remaining Alethiometer Questions. Secondly of importance is the Alethiometer Questions' unlocking requirements. Thank you very much - and thanks goes to the original author relatively as much!
By CyberneticHFX on 02 Jul 2011 12:10
First off +1 on the guide.

A suggestion though. It's definitely quicker to wait til you've got all 108 symbols as you don't have to manually select the symbols but you're better off loading up the 2nd chapter of Trollesund to answer them all.

Every questions you answer from the Extras menu you have to go through 2 loading screens, a save screen and you always start at the last question in the journal meaning it can take almost 20 seconds just to flip all the way back to the start of the journal for question 1.

If you do this mid level you avoid the loading screens, the save screen and the game more often than not opens the journal where you last asked a question from.
By Makker on 14 Aug 2011 20:14
By biegeeinheit on 09 Jan 2013 22:13
I would like to add something that travalanche1985 left out of the guide that a few people may be having problems with it not popping. If you missed any Questions before SVALBARD where the King Questions you, You will need to replay whatever chapter where you missed the Question and go through the steps to unlock it and finish the chapter so it will save in the Journal. Getting to a checkpoint does not count as I found out the hard way and had to replay the chapter again. Now load up SVALBARD chapter 1 (The Jail for those who do not understand) and go back through the Questions with the king. The two that will count for the Achievement will be:

What was the first creature King Ragnar Killed?

What did Mrs. Coulter promise King Ragnar when she visited Svalbard?

Mine popped after the second Question. Like I said if you have when't through all the Questions but missed some before these this is more than likely what you will need to do again. Hope this helps anyone stuck one this.
By DAMIEN666777#282 on 14 Jul 2014 10:14
By Jacky chaud on 13 Aug 2016 12:10
So.. I've refound this game and am going back to finish it... I am looking in my journal and I saw that there was something I didn't see mentioned above... and I thought I would share.
In your journal, your questions will appear one of three ways

Blank spots- Questions you missed
The question and pictures - Questions you unlocked and need to do
The question and pictures but a line through it - Unlocked/Answered/Completed

And as stated above "How exactly does the Alethiometer work?" does NOT count (As it is a tutorial) so no matter how many times you do it it will not be completed (it won't have a line put through it)

I'd also like to pont out that it doesn't unlock a symbol meaning by using it in the journal like this..just in case anyone was wondering. =)
By LilChicka1017 on 20 Dec 2017 21:52
Great guide, still as of 11/15/18
By Eos Creon on 15 Nov 2018 20:41
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