The Golden Compass

16 Achievements



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Symbol Apprentice

Symbol Apprentice

Collect at least 50 Alethiometer Symbol Meanings


How to unlock the Symbol Apprentice achievement in The Golden Compass - Definitive Guide

botafogo007's list is incomplete and has errors in it. This caused me much frustration and added 5 hours to my completion time. Here is an updated list thanks to big red marino. There are 20 or so missing from this list as they are story related and cannot be missed. I highly recomend printing the list for easy access.

1. Chameleon: Patience - this appears after you spit plums with Roger on the roof
2. Candle: Learning ? When spitting plums with Roger do not miss.
3. Alpha and Omega: Process - After the game with the Tanners you?ll be able to swing up 3 poles (using the sloth ability) to a ledge right above where you enter the college
4. Serpent: Evil - After tricking the first servant there will be a man in black right behind you. Win the deception game to gain this symbol
5. Cornucopia: Autumn - after talking to the master you can trick the first servant again (the one where you got the tutorial on deceiving) and get this symbol.

1. Madonna: Motherhood - jump on the bed in your room right as the stage begins
2. Apple: Vanity - use the Ermine insight ability to look at the apple on the dresser (with the mirror in front of it)
3. Tree: Firmness - As you leave your room look out the window next to it at the tree using the insight ability
4. Baby: The Future - you?ll gain this after fighting the monkey (I think you can?t miss with the vases in order for it to appear)
5. Dolphin: Water - After fighting the monkey you can go downstairs and find the tub stopper right at the bottom. Take it back to your room, fill the tub with water, and use insight on the dolphin once its full
6. Walled Garden: Innocence - you?ll get this after hiding (in the fireplace) from the maid
7. Marionette: Obedience - after hiding from the maid use insight on the marionette (puppet) next to the fireplace
8. Owl: Night - after the maid opens the doors and you go outside to the balcony, look for a green spot on the balcony and use Y to interact. Then use insight on the owl statue.

1. Bird: The Soul - Right when you begin use insight on the seagull next to the man that first talks to you.
2. Hourglass: Death - You?ll get this while talking to Farder Coram (part of the storyline)
3. Apple: Sin - Coram will direct you to use insight on the apple next to him
4. Bread: Nourishment - use insight on the bread in the room Coram is in
5. Cauldron: Craft - Use insight on the big cauldron right behind father Coram.
6. Crocodile: America - on the large map in the map room (the room above Coram)
7. Elephant: Africa - on the large map in the map room (the room above Coram)
8. Horse: Europe - on the large map in the map room (the room above Coram)
9. Globe: Politics - use insight on the globe in the middle of the map room
10. Compass: Measurement - In the same room as the Globe. On the right side of the Chart Room, Interact with the maps on the table thats in front of the map on the wall.
11.Bird: Spring - you?ll find this on the ship above the engine room
12.Dolphin: Succor - When you get to second deck after climbing over the engine room, use the telescope to your right to look out to the water. Use insight on the dolphins jumping out of the water to get the symbol.
13. Sun: Day - Same place as the previous. Look to the top right portion with the telescope and use insight on the sun.
14. Anchor: Steadfastness - When you climb down the ladders to mop, one side has netting you can use climb on, use insight on the anchor that is just next to the netting.
15. Ant: Mechanics - When the smoke stacks are turned off and you are climbing on the sail, go all the way to the top and grab the symbol.
16. Chameleon: Air - Deceive Bram with success and you?ll get this
17. Wild Man: The Masculine - you'll find this just outside your cabin at the end of the level if you've completed all the sailors' tasks during the level. This is what you have to do:
*mop up ALL the bird droppings on all decks. When you get them all it will say "objective complete"
*learn how to dodge from the guy on the front deck. You have to talk to him twice and go through 2 rounds with him, and Pan has to do it once with his Daemon
*save the daemon that is stuck in the sail. To do this you'll have to deceive the guy guarding the engine room
*deceive the guy on the rear deck a total of 3 times
If you're unsure just check your journal--it will tell you if you have a task you haven't fully completed yet.

1. Baby: Malleability - you?ll find this on the rear deck when the inspectors come
2. Moon: The Uncanny - After throwing a snowball at the Inspectors torch and climbing the smoke stack, use insight on the moon.
3. Griffin: Courage - this will be above the engine room when you?re trying to sneak back to the front deck
4. Compass: Measurement - In the map room, use insight on the charts in front of the big world map on the wall.
5. Ant: Diligence - Don't get spotted on the deck at all and it will be waiting in the room with the inspector right when you walk in. Don't get caught by the last guard or you will restart before it and it won't be there. If he catches you restart the level over as it is not that long of a level
6. Candle: Fire - Use insight on the candle that is on the table right in front of you.
7. Chameleon: Greed - When you get into the room with the inspector there is a chameleon sitting on the back of a chair, use insight on it. You can actually see it when the video plays of the inspector looking through things.

TROLLESUND *Make sure you do not hide from any flies ? see number 12*
1. Anchor: Prevention - When you begin the level as Lyra, you must walk to your right and use insight on the anchor.
2. Camel: Asia - Opposite side of the street from the anchor there are two women talking, look up and on the box you'll see a camel symbol, use insight on it.
3. Lute: Poetry - Use the insight ability on the lute in front of the Witches Consul?s house
4. Cauldron: Alchemy - Use insight on the cauldron in front of the Consul?s house
5. Candle: Faith - Finish the first part of the level.
6. Thunderbolt: Chance - After talking to Iorik you?ll see this on top some crates on the way to the Magesterium. You?ll have to use the cat and sloth abilities to get to it
7. Crocodile: Enterprise - In between the bar and the magesterium there is a merchant you can trick for this symbol
8. Cornucopia: Hospitality - There is a symbol of a cornucopia on the building in front of the merchant who gives you the Crocodile: Enterprise symbol. Use insight on it.
9. Madonna: Worship - this is behind a wagon directly behind the Thunderbolt symbol, in a sort of alley to the right of the Magesterium
10. Tree: Shelter ? There is a hiding spot that is a large tan box on top of two brown boxes. Use insight on the tree symbol that is on the tan box. This is located in between the witch counsel area and the alley that you find Iorek in.
11. Walled Garden: Nature - Before you challenge the boy to a race, look up on the building to the left of him and you'll see a window sill with flowers. Use insight for the symbol.
12. Ant: Tedium - Don't hide from any of the spy flies. They'll attack you--don't dodge them but then hit all button prompts properly. This will capture them, and once you capture all the spy flies (there are three) the symbol will appear. The first fly comes right at the start when you walk towards the town. The second one appears when you re-enter the town after you had the chat in the Witch Counsel. And the final one appears after talking to Iorek.
13. Candle: Faith ? Once you are finished with gathering everything in this level and have completed all the tasks you have to race a little boy back to the docks. Use your Rolling power to breeze through this race. I am not sure you have to win the race, but you will win no problem if you use your rolling power. This sub level will end and you will start the Showdown. You now should have Candle: Faith.

THE SHOWDOWN *Restart if you fall in the water or you will not receive the last symbol meaning in this list*
1. Bird : Marriage - After using ermine balance to cross the first beam turn around and use sloth to whip up to the top. Once there use insight on the birds to your left. Don't get close or you'll scare them off.
2. Angel: Hierarchy - This symbol will be on your right when you swing up to get the Bird: Marriage symbol
3. Walled Garden: Order - you can see this symbol up high when Pan says he?ll make the crate drop. Climb up the crate, but instead of using pan look along the side of the building. You will need to first jump and glide (using hawk form), then quickly switch to the sloth and whip for the rail. From here jump up to a ledge where the symbol can be grabbed.
4. Dolphin: Resurrection - when you enter the Magesterium?s basement you?ll see a kids bunkroom. Use insight on the dolphin in this room
5. Marionette: Grace - also in the bunkroom
6. Thunder Bolt: Inspiration - On the wall right behind Iorek's Helmut there is a Thunderbolt symbol, use insight to get the meaning
7. Helmet: War - When you get to the room with Iorek's Helmut in it, use insight on the helmet before picking it up.
8. Lute: Rhetoric - Don't fall in the water during the stage. Once you get over the boxes that are breaking and sinking there is one box off the side of the dock with the symbol on it.

1. Griffin: Watchfulness - Look through the telescope in camp and use insight on the sky.
2. Cauldron: Wisdom - Speak to Mr. Scoresby. Retrieve his knife. Then go and see lord Faa. Return to Scoresby and speak to him.
3. Tree: Fertility - Use insight on the large tree in the second cave (the ones Iorik can?t enter) when you?re fighting the witches
4. Sun: Truth - When you reach the area where Iorek can push the bridge over defeat the 3 witches there but DON'T push the bridge down. Instead continue on the path and enter the first cave on the left. You'll overhear a conversation between 2 witches and gain the symbol.
5. Baby: Helplessness - After Iorek makes a bridge you?ll enter a cave and open a gate. Explore that cave and you?ll find this symbol
6. Moon: Mystery - in the cave next to the crashed Zeppelin there's some water with a reflection of the moon in it. Use insight to get this symbol
7. Bee: Sweetness - in the same cave as the moon symbol. It's right above you to your right as you're coming into the cave, but you have to swing up to it from the other side of the chasm to get it.
8. Elephant: Charity - in the cave after (not next to) the crashed Zeppelin. You?ll have to throw rocks to make a bridge to get to it
9. Horse: Fidelity ? Once you kill the witch queen you will be in control Iorek and you have to run to the bottom of the mountain (this level is called Samoyed Chase). You must kill 20 Samoyed soldiers on your way down.

1. Bull: Power - This will appear after the first flaming arrow attack
2. Helmet: Narrow Vision - you?ll find this after the first sequence of hut fires, after you knock down the platform.

1. Camel: Summer - Use insight on the camel drawing on the beach mural at the beginning of the level
2. Compass: Science - Trick the blond kid in the middle of the room (between the two tables) after hitting Larry with the food
3. Owl: Fear - After you enter the ceiling area, right before you crawl through the very first vent you'll see this symbol, which you can get by swinging up to the left
4. Moon: Chastity - Right before you enter the 2nd vent on Bolvangar (that's the one with the fan above you), you can jump using the hawk ability to the symbol. You can't really see it because of the awful camera angle, but it's basically to the right of the vent and across the gap.
5. Angel: Disobedience - after you hide from the monkey there is a circuit breaker to the left of the blue tanks you hid between. Use insight near that circuit breaker to get it.
6. Bread: Sacrifice - When you go into the room to find when the Gyptians are coming, (Roger is standing guard) you'll find this sitting on the table. Use insight to get it.

1. Camel: Perseverance - By the last guard tower on the left side
2. Globe: Sovereignty - This will appear between the flamethrowers as Iorek is fighting them. There is a special condition on this. You must destroy all the towers with at least 75% health left. If it is not there when you approach the flame throwers then restart the level.

1. Alpha and Omega: Finality - Find the prisoner?s lost locket by digging in the dirt in your cell. The prisoner will enter once you go to the jail door.
2. Madonna: The Feminine - When the bear leads you toward Ragnar, look to your left. You'll see a dark area you can run into, and you'll find this symbol there. Do it quickly because a timer starts once you get out of range of the bear's light.
3. Hourglass: Change - After getting the Madonna symbol move to the right of the bear. Further up you'll see a line of courage orbs going out (to the right) into the darkness. Follow them for this symbol.
4. Serpent: Sensibility - After getting the Hourglass symbol stay on the right of the bear. Just up from it (almost at the end of the hall) you'll see this symbol just off the path behind a bear. You don't need to go into the dark for it--just dodge the bear.
5. Cornucopia: Wealth - Defeat King Ragnar in the first deception game without losing a single round.
6. Griffon: Treasure - Defeat King Ragnar in the deception game without losing a single round.
7. Bread: Shepard ? Defeat King Ragnar with 85% of your health left.

1. Sword: Justice - The first bear Iorek helps will ask him to help his brother, who is through the gate in front of him. Open the gate and save the bear to get this symbol
2. Alpha and Omega: Inevitability - Right after you smash the flamethrower. You?ll see it on some tracks along with some sky iron.

If I'm missing anything or something is wrong, please comment and I'll add/fix it. Thanks and good luck!

30 Jan 2010 03:45

You must collect 50 Altheiometer symbols for this achievement. You get symbols by either finding them with insight, deceiving people, completing certain objectives, finding them in the level, and a lot are story related and just given to you.

Visit this link for a great guide on all 108 symbols:

Thanks to botafogo007 for the awesome guide.

05 Oct 2008 19:33