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The Goonies II achievements progress.
Collect your first key ring
Find the Bulletproof Vest
Find the High Jumping Shoes
Find 4 key holders (extend maximum to 8 keys)
Gather 4 Fire Boxes (20 Fire Bombs)
Gather 4 Bomb Boxes (20 Bombs)
In one session find all Magic Locator Devices
Free Annie and beat the game
Visit Konamiman after hitting him so he never refills your energy again
In one session meet Konamiman in all five locations in the game
Find the hidden extra life underwater
Find the hidden extra life in the cabin
Cross the Bridge while wielding Boomerang, and don't lose it
In one session open all safes in the game (all of them must contain something)
In one session recieve Transciever messages from Goonies, Simon Belmont and Stinger
Get to the cell gate room with 5 lives, full energy, all items, and Goonies
Finish the game with smallest possible inventory
Get to the gate room without a single rescued Goonie
In one session play through the game from the beginning to the end without losing a life