The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Wiped out the Enclave's four divisions.


How to unlock the Para-Gone! achievement in The Incredible Hulk - Definitive Guide

The game has glitched sometimes where if you don't destroy 25 assault groups overall they will stop appearing and you wont be able to continue with the story to get the 5 achievements.

You can check how many assault groups you have destroyed in the stats page.

Please take your time to destroy 25 assault groups before you destroy each base on phase one or continuing the story to much. Any mission passed after the Bi beast without 25 assault groups destroyed it might glitch out.

1.Each sector has 3 phases you must go through.
2.Each sector has a progress bar that needs to be filled up.
(you can check your progress bar in the missions page enclave)
3.You can fill up the sector by destroying the assault group that is attacking the city or replaying an earlier phase.
4. After the bar is full wait around the city and wait for it to talk about the enclave group has finished their weapon or w/e it says. and the waypoint will pop up for that city.
Keep doing steps 1 - 4 for each enclave sector.

21 Dec 2011 14:37

Replaying earlier sector does not work, if anyone reads this and you save/quit then load back in. If you notice the progress bar change back to its earlier status do not bother with replaying sectors.
By matdan on 27 Apr 2016 09:25
If you need more Assault Groups, you can just replay the base take over missions. Go to Map -> Push directional pad to the section "Enclave" -> Then select a base to take over. Every base should give you 2 assault groups.
By Pinski on 24 Dec 2015 23:00
the missions u need to take out the enclave's 4 sectors pop up randomly after u beat the game they dont pop up all at once so what i did was climb to the top of a roof leave the game unpaused and do something else for about 2 or 3 hours and when i came back to it they were all there

21 Aug 2009 01:29

This solution applies for all 4 Enclave group achievements. In order to destroy a group you need to let the group evolve from Phase 1 to Phase 3. Each group controls one sector of the map. As the game progresses, you will see a purple dot on the map, one for each Enclave group. They will all be in Phase 1. You need to take each group to Phase 2. If you hit the back button, and then LEFT on the D-Pad, you can move to the ENCLAVE screen, which will allow you to see all Phases available for each group, along with the progress bar, which will be white and needs to turn red. Once the bar is red, then the group will be available to evolve into the next Phase. This will not happen automatically. In order to turn the bar red you can do the following:

Option 1: As you play on a particular sector, the group controlling the sector will eventually appear. You will see a red banner below saying something like "Warning. An Enclave group is active in this area". When this happens, you will see a few Enclave soldiers show up. You should stay away and let them do damage to the city. This will raise the bar to red.

Option 2: This other option is a lot easier and faster. You can replay a previous Phase (phase 1), over and over again. Each time you do, the bar will raise. These fights last 2-3 minutes.

Once the bar is full, you need to hang around the area controlled by the particular Enclave group you're trying to evolve. Get to Alert Level1. You will get the "Warning" message first. Just let them be, do something else, like going for collectibles, or hang out in some roof, but do not go into missions, mini-games, or anything that may interrupt them from damaging the city. If you choose to go hide on a roof, make sure the Alert level is still on 1, so you don't get any flying enemies. Go get a sandwich and come back. Eventually you will see a message saying that "the Enclave group has finished production of a special weapon". When this happens, a new purple dot will appear on the map for that Enclave group, and it will be Phase 2. Do this for all 4 groups.

For Phase 3, do the same. Keep playing Phase 1 until you raise the bar. Then go to the particular sector, get Alert 1, wait for Enclave to appear, hide, and wait for the 3rd dot (Phase) to appear on the map.

I did all this after completing all the missions, so you can do it that way too. When fighting the bosses for each one (they are all similar), do LT to lock on target, Jump and X, to hit it in the air. When he comes down, you can hold Y for charged hit, and you can also hit buildings to raise the bar and do an all out Thunderclap (with maximum rage bar). This will do a lot of damage.

I also got all the groups from Phase 1 to Phase 2, before moving any into Phase 3. It doesn't have to be that way, but I had no problems with it. You could get a group all the way to Phase 3 and eradicate it, before moving another group to Phase 2, I guess. But I didn't do it that way.

After beating the boss for each Sector, you will get an achievement. After beating all 4, you will get Para-Gone, another achievement. After you are done with all these, Save and Quit, come back into the game, get to Alert 1, and beat 1 enemy. This will unlock Veni, Vidi, Vici achievement.

Hope this helps.

04 Aug 2014 14:27

This is for anyone who is having trouble filling the Enclave Progress Meters, especially for after beating the story:

Whenever an Enclave Assault Squad randomly shows up DO NOT IMMEDIATELY ATTACK AND KILL THEM.

Let them do whatever it is they're going to do and especially let them knock down buildings. The more damage they do, the more the meter fills.

You can watch from a high building, but they may knock it down so keep an eye on that. You don't want get too close to the group or they'll focus their attention on the Hulk. Just let them go about their business and stay above street whenever possible.

You will eventually have to destroy 25 of these groups for the Hulk Is Strongest One There Is! achievement, but they'll hang around and do damage pretty much indefinitely. If you raise your alarm level to 1 the Army will show up and the groups will attack each other. I do not know if their clashes fill the Enclave Progress meter, however, but I'd doubt it.

07 May 2014 02:41

This can be done post game. I held off on all (4) sectors. Just revisit them via replay, get the red bar full. Hang out in the area afterwards causing havoc to threat level 1, let it clear out back to no threat level, keeping doing this until you get the Alert stating " Enclave group has finished production of a special weapon". Rinse and repeat for each sector, you'll eventually get the RED ALERT.

I followed Eric Filtro's solution and I can confirm it works.

11 Sep 2023 14:29


Some games have glitched, causing the forfeiture of "Patron of the Arts." For some, they still get groups after this; for others, the groups no longer appear.

In the course of (and once you complete) the Enclave missions, You will obtain a purple mission. Each one of these unlocks when a sector has completed a research phase. For the first two mission parts in each sector, you must destroy the base and surrounding enemies. For the last parts, When you have taken the base and enemies down, you will face off against that sector's leader.

For each boss, they will float around with a rod. When they stop, they will charge an attack at you. Jump up and rush-punch them a couple of times to knock them down. Unless they are getting ready to attack you, you will not damage them. After a bit of that, they will be knocked down to street level. Watch out for their initial attack, and when ready, use the reg. punch, hold heavy punch thunderclap move to stun them. When stunned, use a combo. Repeat as necessary to drain their health. Then repeat for the other sectors to wipe out the Enclave and unlock a chunk of concept art.

Note: To speed their research, defeat any assault group you see. To make it go extremely fast, replay the last mission from that sector. If you are trying to get the sector's second missio to appear, replay the first. If trying for the third, replay the second. The research bar will fill extremely fast.

If you can't get more Assault Groups to spawn and you still need 25 then you can just replay the base take over missions. Go to Map -> Push directional pad to the section "Enclave" -> Then select a base to take over. Each base will give you 2 Assault Groups.

Vulcan (East) just has 2 standard Assault Groups and is probably the easiest one to do.
Ceres (North West) will give you all Barbarians if you need extra.
Jupitor (North East) has shock people that stop your combos, kind of annoying.
Minerva (South) has mind control people so I wouldn't do this one.

I think Vulcan and Ceres are the easiest.

24 Dec 2015 23:05

It's kind of a storyline, but it opens after defeating the abomination. You need to run around the city and over time more missions will appear there. Complete them and achieve your

27 Dec 2015 15:05

1 Comment
It's not that simple. It's better to do it after the plot, but there are a few points.

1. New York is divided into 4 zones. Each of them has its own faction. In each zone you need to raise the progress bar to the maximum. To open 3 phases.

2. Open the map and select the Enclave section. By pointing the arrow at each district, you can see what progress is in each of them. And replay mission 1 until the strip is completely red.

3. Then we stand on the roof of a medium-height building and wait for an attack on the area, but do not attack them. We do our own thing and wait for a message about a new weapon or a purple circle to appear on the map. Then we move to the next area and repeat the procedure.
By Dik_Voker on 04 Dec 2021 12:58