The Last Remnant
22 Achievements
Xbox 360
The Godslayer
You have defeated the Fallen. You are now the Godslayer!
How to unlock the The Godslayer achievement in The Last Remnant - Definitive Guide
You get this for completeing the side-quest "The Fallen". Which is just a single battle.
This is a missable side-quest. To trigger this quest you must have completed the side-quest "Frustrations" on disc 1. This is a Baaluk side-quest. Note that Frustrations, like almost all disc 1 side quests, is also missable. So complete "Frustrations" before entering the Aquaducts area of Nagapur (which is your last chance to do anything in towns before disc 2).
You must also have cleared the Draken Forest area as part of the main story. Note that you can enter Draken forest before the main story dictates that you have to, but "The Fallen" will not be available until you clear it as part of the story.
DO NOT enter the city of Underwalt when it appears on the map or this quest will disappear!
Okay, so you've completed "Frustrations" on disc 1, you've cleared Draken Forest as part of the story and you've not entered Underwalt yet? If so, head to the pub in Baaluk and talk to a Sovani called "Wyngale" to trigger the quest.
Don't read on if you like to defeaut bosses without any help, or like to be surprised by what the boss is.
The Fallen is a very powerful boss with some nasty attacks. Its attacks vary slightly depending on your Battle Rank. It will do powerful area attacks at the end of every round except for perhaps one round later on. The difficultly is that you only have 10 rounds to kill The Fallen.
Your tactics will depend a lot on how you play and what kind of party you've built. But basically you have to be above a certain battle rank to beat him. You simply have to be able to survive through the end of round area attacks and still dish out enough damage in 10 turns. I was battle rank 97/98. You need a balance between healing/raising and attacking. Learn his attack sequence and then form a plan around what you know he's going to do at the end of each turn.
I think it would probably be possible to beat him at about BR 80 or so, with a bit of luck, but anything below that would be very, very hard.
You have an ally, Wyngale. Alive or dead he's a complete liability. When he's alive he does hardly any damage and provokes Apocalypse which is an area attack that can massivley damage many unions. When he's dead he gets in the way of raising useful unions back to life. His one use is to deadlock The Fallen and allow an extra union in the flank, that is unless he decides to do his pathetic attacks from afar. If all your unions can raise, then I advise leaving him where he falls and raising around him. If you have limited raising ability, then you'll need to keep the waste of space alive (he's quite tough thankfully)
I had 4 unions 5, 4 ,5, 4 all with the Vivication Tincture I or higher and all with Revitalise I or higher. The rest was as much combat arts as I could cram in. I also had the occasional high-AP unit too boost a unions AP for the harder arts :)
I didn't bother, but if you have a leader on his own in a union then he will be very resistant to the end of round attacks and is useful to have running around raising people so the other unions can attack!
If, like me, you were around BR 68 when you got to this side-quest then get the DLC (free!) and try to go all the way through the Ancient Ruins. You'll level up in no time. Note that the boss at the end of the ancient ruins is about as hard as The Fallen, so you can ignore him until later if you want. You get to the ancient ruins via a sealed door (unsealed by DLC) in the 2nd path. To get the 2nd path on the map you need to talk to the Wise Yama in Athlum (at the back of the area with the pub and guild(s))
Good luck.
This is a missable side-quest. To trigger this quest you must have completed the side-quest "Frustrations" on disc 1. This is a Baaluk side-quest. Note that Frustrations, like almost all disc 1 side quests, is also missable. So complete "Frustrations" before entering the Aquaducts area of Nagapur (which is your last chance to do anything in towns before disc 2).
You must also have cleared the Draken Forest area as part of the main story. Note that you can enter Draken forest before the main story dictates that you have to, but "The Fallen" will not be available until you clear it as part of the story.
DO NOT enter the city of Underwalt when it appears on the map or this quest will disappear!
Okay, so you've completed "Frustrations" on disc 1, you've cleared Draken Forest as part of the story and you've not entered Underwalt yet? If so, head to the pub in Baaluk and talk to a Sovani called "Wyngale" to trigger the quest.
Don't read on if you like to defeaut bosses without any help, or like to be surprised by what the boss is.
The Fallen is a very powerful boss with some nasty attacks. Its attacks vary slightly depending on your Battle Rank. It will do powerful area attacks at the end of every round except for perhaps one round later on. The difficultly is that you only have 10 rounds to kill The Fallen.
Your tactics will depend a lot on how you play and what kind of party you've built. But basically you have to be above a certain battle rank to beat him. You simply have to be able to survive through the end of round area attacks and still dish out enough damage in 10 turns. I was battle rank 97/98. You need a balance between healing/raising and attacking. Learn his attack sequence and then form a plan around what you know he's going to do at the end of each turn.
I think it would probably be possible to beat him at about BR 80 or so, with a bit of luck, but anything below that would be very, very hard.
You have an ally, Wyngale. Alive or dead he's a complete liability. When he's alive he does hardly any damage and provokes Apocalypse which is an area attack that can massivley damage many unions. When he's dead he gets in the way of raising useful unions back to life. His one use is to deadlock The Fallen and allow an extra union in the flank, that is unless he decides to do his pathetic attacks from afar. If all your unions can raise, then I advise leaving him where he falls and raising around him. If you have limited raising ability, then you'll need to keep the waste of space alive (he's quite tough thankfully)
I had 4 unions 5, 4 ,5, 4 all with the Vivication Tincture I or higher and all with Revitalise I or higher. The rest was as much combat arts as I could cram in. I also had the occasional high-AP unit too boost a unions AP for the harder arts :)
I didn't bother, but if you have a leader on his own in a union then he will be very resistant to the end of round attacks and is useful to have running around raising people so the other unions can attack!
If, like me, you were around BR 68 when you got to this side-quest then get the DLC (free!) and try to go all the way through the Ancient Ruins. You'll level up in no time. Note that the boss at the end of the ancient ruins is about as hard as The Fallen, so you can ignore him until later if you want. You get to the ancient ruins via a sealed door (unsealed by DLC) in the 2nd path. To get the 2nd path on the map you need to talk to the Wise Yama in Athlum (at the back of the area with the pub and guild(s))
Good luck.
is the Draken Forest main story Q after the part in the game were u have to fight 6 bosses around Koenigsdorf
By Cpt Kent James on 28 May 2010 11:53
i did it with a br rank 112 it was the hardest boss i have fought in the game to that point but when i got to the last boss i couldnt not beat him and i know the higher br rank you got the stronger they got............ stupid
By Cmazeall1911 on 08 Jun 2010 21:35
Just beat the fallen at br 111,and this guide i found helped out a little bit.
Things to keep in mind:
-The Fallen guild task (located in Baakul) will be unavailable if you go to Mt. Veckel on the second disc, so try to defeat him BEFORE you venture on with the story mode in that location.
- He has around 400,000 HP if your BR level is below 80, but any higher than that would make him stronger and have a higher HP. (450,000 I do believe). It's a very close call so you might as well just try and defeat him below BR 80.
- Try to upgrade/find components for your weapons early on in the game. This will help massively.
Battling The Fallen:
And now the most frustrating battle you'll probably face in TLR. You have 10 rounds to defeat him...after the 10th round, he does a deadly attack called Armageddon and that's Game Over for you if you failed to defeat him. Try to get him flashing by round 7-8 at least, or if you're extremely strong, lower than that.
I didn't really have a strategy to be honest...I just basically tried to survive his attacks while at the same time, trying to deal some on him too. I had one party do a Flank Attack (too bad it wasn't two) and that helped out a bit seeing as he wasn't able to attack that one union which can be quite deadly to my other unions as well.
I started with 4 unions at first (did it for like the first 10 or so tries), but since it gave him more chance to deal more damage than necessary (I'm looking at you, Wyngale, you worthless piece of...), I finally decided to bring my unions down to 3. Sure I lose out on 3 units since that brings my max unit size to 15 versus 18 units. But it's worth it...The Fallen didn't really give me that much stats gain after the battle anyway.
Emmy's Hundred Flowers saved me on the 10th Round. He was about to do Rain of Blades and Emmy's union only had 1,100 HP left. It would have surely killed everyone and Armageddon would follow, but with some luck, Emmy's unions dodged the attack, which allowed her to do Hundred Flowers. xD She did the first Hundred Flowers attack in Round 4, so that was a huge help also.
Now, Animalcule is the one that you really have to watch out for, besides Rain of Blades and Divine Retribution. He does Animalcule by the end of Round 4 and inflicts status ailments on your party. It's best to just let one union die (two if you're brave) and hopefully when you bring them back, your remaining union will do the Revitalize move which FULLY heals the other union. It's also better to keep your HP a bit gives you a chance to do some weapon arts, which I think is the key to winning this battle. So everytime he attacks you, don't heal yet unless you really have to. My Rush union had almost 6,000 HP and the rest around 4,500-5,000 HP so I focused on dealing damage on him and healed around 2,000 HP, sometimes even less than that, but that's pushing it.
1st Round - Sent out my 3 unions to attack him. They dealt about 60-70k that first round. Kinda low compared to others, if you ask me. He does Divine Retribution towards the end, along with other attacks if he's deadlocked with your unions, which is why it's good to do Flank attacks.
2nd Round - Same as above. Pray that one of your units didn't get killed. Prepare for his Blackout attack towards the end.
3rd Round - Might need to heal a bit here. Do 'Keep your HP up' if it's available in your command list. Prepare for Whiteout.
4th Round - Go all out. If one of your union is below HP or dies, don't revive them! Best to keep them dead so that they will miss out on the most annoying attack ever - Animalcule. Do be sure to keep your other unions with high HP though because they'll have Poisoned status, along with Silence and Paralyze.
5th Round - Spend this turn healing, and reviving, and healing. If you manage to sneak an attack, good for you, but I doubt that's highly likely. You'll be too busy healing and your poisoned union might even die. You'll also see why the Guest party Wyngale can be such a pain here. Prepare for Rain of Blades.
6th Round - Same as above. Chances are you might still be healing here. Be sure to get at least one or two attacks in though. 'Keep your HP Up' is your best friend here. Hopefully by then, Wyngale would be no more, which will help you in the next remaining rounds! Prepare for Divine Retribution.
7th Round - The Fallen does nothing on this round, so go all out on him. If you get weapon arts, use it! Even if the union's HP is low, don't let it pass, considering your other unions will be able to withstand a few attacks to heal just in case. Hopefully The Fallen will be flashing red by this point!
8th Round - I'm not sure exactly what he does here, but you should be able to land some heavy blows with ease. Hopefully you'll get some Flank Attacks. By this point he surely should be flashing red by now.
9th Round - Same as above. Go all out! If one of your union dies, don't bother bringing them back to life unless you really want to. But at this point you want to get as much damage on him. If he's not flashing red at this point, might as well restart. Prepare for Rain of Blades.
10th Round - Go go go! You have nothing to lose here! Don't even bother healing. If you're lucky you might get a Weapon Art - use it at all cost! Prepare for Armageddon!
And that is that. Be aware that this tactic won't really work for everyone. You just have to experiment on your own, but I thought I'd share my way of doing it to help give you guys an idea. Also, Battle Formation helps a lot here. I used Hawk Eye seeing that it's the only one that's useful to me at the time. Mystic Shield works too, but then some of my units tend to suffer on the Apocalypse attack and die after, which isn't good. So I switched to Hawk Eye to keep their defenses up at least.
So have fun beating The Fallen and do share your success here as well!
The above guide was found at this site:
i used Hawk Eye formation for all my unions but i did have them set up a little different:
Union 1- Rush, Mcgrady and then 3 soldiers with good combat arts-heavy
attack group
Union 2- Emmy, and 4 soldiers- i used this group to do a mix of everything lol anything it called for
Union 3- Blocter (with the wonder bangle on), Irina and a Qsiti. put irinia in this group so she could revive unions after that Animalcule attack in round 4- healing group
Union 4-Torgal and 4 soldiers-heavy attack group(should be able to get alot of flank attacks with this group)
hope this helps anyone else out as well
Things to keep in mind:
-The Fallen guild task (located in Baakul) will be unavailable if you go to Mt. Veckel on the second disc, so try to defeat him BEFORE you venture on with the story mode in that location.
- He has around 400,000 HP if your BR level is below 80, but any higher than that would make him stronger and have a higher HP. (450,000 I do believe). It's a very close call so you might as well just try and defeat him below BR 80.
- Try to upgrade/find components for your weapons early on in the game. This will help massively.
Battling The Fallen:
And now the most frustrating battle you'll probably face in TLR. You have 10 rounds to defeat him...after the 10th round, he does a deadly attack called Armageddon and that's Game Over for you if you failed to defeat him. Try to get him flashing by round 7-8 at least, or if you're extremely strong, lower than that.
I didn't really have a strategy to be honest...I just basically tried to survive his attacks while at the same time, trying to deal some on him too. I had one party do a Flank Attack (too bad it wasn't two) and that helped out a bit seeing as he wasn't able to attack that one union which can be quite deadly to my other unions as well.
I started with 4 unions at first (did it for like the first 10 or so tries), but since it gave him more chance to deal more damage than necessary (I'm looking at you, Wyngale, you worthless piece of...), I finally decided to bring my unions down to 3. Sure I lose out on 3 units since that brings my max unit size to 15 versus 18 units. But it's worth it...The Fallen didn't really give me that much stats gain after the battle anyway.
Emmy's Hundred Flowers saved me on the 10th Round. He was about to do Rain of Blades and Emmy's union only had 1,100 HP left. It would have surely killed everyone and Armageddon would follow, but with some luck, Emmy's unions dodged the attack, which allowed her to do Hundred Flowers. xD She did the first Hundred Flowers attack in Round 4, so that was a huge help also.
Now, Animalcule is the one that you really have to watch out for, besides Rain of Blades and Divine Retribution. He does Animalcule by the end of Round 4 and inflicts status ailments on your party. It's best to just let one union die (two if you're brave) and hopefully when you bring them back, your remaining union will do the Revitalize move which FULLY heals the other union. It's also better to keep your HP a bit gives you a chance to do some weapon arts, which I think is the key to winning this battle. So everytime he attacks you, don't heal yet unless you really have to. My Rush union had almost 6,000 HP and the rest around 4,500-5,000 HP so I focused on dealing damage on him and healed around 2,000 HP, sometimes even less than that, but that's pushing it.
1st Round - Sent out my 3 unions to attack him. They dealt about 60-70k that first round. Kinda low compared to others, if you ask me. He does Divine Retribution towards the end, along with other attacks if he's deadlocked with your unions, which is why it's good to do Flank attacks.
2nd Round - Same as above. Pray that one of your units didn't get killed. Prepare for his Blackout attack towards the end.
3rd Round - Might need to heal a bit here. Do 'Keep your HP up' if it's available in your command list. Prepare for Whiteout.
4th Round - Go all out. If one of your union is below HP or dies, don't revive them! Best to keep them dead so that they will miss out on the most annoying attack ever - Animalcule. Do be sure to keep your other unions with high HP though because they'll have Poisoned status, along with Silence and Paralyze.
5th Round - Spend this turn healing, and reviving, and healing. If you manage to sneak an attack, good for you, but I doubt that's highly likely. You'll be too busy healing and your poisoned union might even die. You'll also see why the Guest party Wyngale can be such a pain here. Prepare for Rain of Blades.
6th Round - Same as above. Chances are you might still be healing here. Be sure to get at least one or two attacks in though. 'Keep your HP Up' is your best friend here. Hopefully by then, Wyngale would be no more, which will help you in the next remaining rounds! Prepare for Divine Retribution.
7th Round - The Fallen does nothing on this round, so go all out on him. If you get weapon arts, use it! Even if the union's HP is low, don't let it pass, considering your other unions will be able to withstand a few attacks to heal just in case. Hopefully The Fallen will be flashing red by this point!
8th Round - I'm not sure exactly what he does here, but you should be able to land some heavy blows with ease. Hopefully you'll get some Flank Attacks. By this point he surely should be flashing red by now.
9th Round - Same as above. Go all out! If one of your union dies, don't bother bringing them back to life unless you really want to. But at this point you want to get as much damage on him. If he's not flashing red at this point, might as well restart. Prepare for Rain of Blades.
10th Round - Go go go! You have nothing to lose here! Don't even bother healing. If you're lucky you might get a Weapon Art - use it at all cost! Prepare for Armageddon!
And that is that. Be aware that this tactic won't really work for everyone. You just have to experiment on your own, but I thought I'd share my way of doing it to help give you guys an idea. Also, Battle Formation helps a lot here. I used Hawk Eye seeing that it's the only one that's useful to me at the time. Mystic Shield works too, but then some of my units tend to suffer on the Apocalypse attack and die after, which isn't good. So I switched to Hawk Eye to keep their defenses up at least.
So have fun beating The Fallen and do share your success here as well!
The above guide was found at this site:
i used Hawk Eye formation for all my unions but i did have them set up a little different:
Union 1- Rush, Mcgrady and then 3 soldiers with good combat arts-heavy
attack group
Union 2- Emmy, and 4 soldiers- i used this group to do a mix of everything lol anything it called for
Union 3- Blocter (with the wonder bangle on), Irina and a Qsiti. put irinia in this group so she could revive unions after that Animalcule attack in round 4- healing group
Union 4-Torgal and 4 soldiers-heavy attack group(should be able to get alot of flank attacks with this group)
hope this helps anyone else out as well
1 Comment
excellent guide,helped me out a lot,finally killed him during round 6 BR 103
By stefb42 on 19 Feb 2011 23:53
This guide was translated automatically.
Destroy The Fallen.