The Last Remnant

The Last Remnant

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The Rules of Consecution

The Rules of Consecution

You have exceeded a battle chain of over 200. You are a fighter extraordinaire!


How to unlock the The Rules of Consecution achievement in The Last Remnant - Definitive Guide

This achievement will unlock when you achieve a battle chain of 200. Your chain number goes up with each monster you defeat, not union, so a union of three monsters that is defeated will count +3 to your chain.

This is obtainable in any area that has more than one location in it. As long as you don't go to the world map your chain will continue to grow, and when you go from one location to another inside the area, the monsters will all respawn, allowing you to continue to do this infinitely. Sometimes you may have to travel to a couple of locations within the area to respawn, but the monsters should respawn eventually by doing this.

Personally I did this doing the Bravery and Loyalty quest in the Ruins of Robella Castle. The lizards and bugs like to come in unions of 3.

22 Nov 2008 18:06

If you go to Ruins of Robelia Castle, at the very north end of the central tier there is a set of stairs leading to the Sweeping Safehold. Go up them and kill all 2 vile lizards and all 10 landworms netting you a chain of 30. Then go back into the central tier. Save, exit to main menu, load and repeat. All monsters will respawn, however you will keep your battle chain. You can do this for as long as you like although I think max battle chain is 9999.

I think it took me an hour to get to 200.

23 Jul 2009 16:43

Cool, when I buy this game, I will use this guide.
By iTypwn on 23 Jul 2009 16:56
Awesome, worked great for me.
By Mickey Burns on 07 Jul 2010 22:45
The surest way to get this is to wait until the side-quest "The Fated One" which takes part in Avecliff. On the lowest level you can face an infinite number of bugs and link as many as you like at once :) Just be careful not to link the boss (who only flashes in and out breifly so shouldn't be too hard to avoid). Save often just in case of an ambush which will wipe out your chain count :(

15 Apr 2009 16:25

1 Comment
thanks... and happy first acheevo solution voted on, enjoy the gold badge
By KZOIDBERG89 on 06 May 2009 19:18
Two good early locations for this is The Great Sand Sea (not verified, was a tip off from a friend). I got mine in The Great Subterrane. Got to about 270. I only got to 100+ on the Bravery and Loyalty Quest.

The Great Subterrane is unlocked by doing the 'For Love the Bell Tolls' quest in Balterossa, then 'The Silent Soul' and then either 'The Hero' or 'The War of a Thousand Years'.
It's a great ealy place to level and get massive chains as the low mobs in there are spiders which increase your chain lots.

Save lots as mobs can pop up out of the ground and some of the bigger ones in there are liks sub-bosses. There's also 3!! Rare mobs in there too and some good items.

21 Jan 2009 12:28

I personally got this achievement in Mojcado Castle, during the 'For Love The Bell Tolls' sidequest, a lot of pests, raptors and Jhana fighters that aren't too difficult to beat.Using Codster2005's respawn method, I was only Battle Rank 15 when I started the chain without too much trouble, and by the time I hit 200 I was BR 18-19.
Only thing to watch out for is an enemy called a quien (dependant on BR of course,) they gave me hassle as they are thick-skinned and like to use the Cavalry Call ability.
Bit of a grind, also took me around an hour.
Happy hunting!

29 Oct 2009 20:24

In my opinion, the best place to get this is during the quest "Wisdom's Echo", obtained in Nagapur.
At the lowest level of the dungeon you need to get land worms to chase you in order to make the boss spawn. You can use timeshift to get chains of 10+ worms, which are upwards of 40 per fight. They spawn infinitely, so you can do 4 or 5 fights and have this achievement, then fight the boss for the quest. This will also get you the 30 defeated in a fight achieve. :]

02 Dec 2012 19:38

The chain is collected by killing monsters. The location can be either single-zone or multi-zone (it is possible to go to other parts of this location). The chain can be reset if you go out onto the map or if mobs attack you first. In multi-zone locations, you can clear the second zone, exit, save, load and re-enter the cleared zone, the enemies will respawn, but the chain will not reset.

13 Mar 2018 11:34

Collect 200 or more chain for a location

22 Nov 2012 17:12