The Mermaid of Zennor
14 Achievements
Another day
Lilac struggles through another monotonous day.
How to unlock the Another day achievement in The Mermaid of Zennor - Definitive Guide
1000GS in 2 mins - Achievement Walkthrough:
Very easy visual novel
change text speed in options
skip through story with RB
Save at text choice
Pick top answer and finish story
Load save then pick bottom answer and finish story
Very easy visual novel
change text speed in options
skip through story with RB
Save at text choice
Pick top answer and finish story
Load save then pick bottom answer and finish story
The Mermaid of Zennor - Achievement Walkthrough (1000G IN 2 MINUTES)
Skip: All Text
Text Speed: MAX
Auto forward delay: MAX
Start a new game and press to start skipping.
Once you get to the first choice and make a save in one of the slots.
Now return and choose the top option then continue skipping with until you get returned to the main menu.
Now reload the save and choose the bottom option and continue skipping and once you get returned to the main menu that will unlock the full 1000G!!
Before you start the game go to options and change some settings.
Transitions: All Off
Skip: All text
Text Speed: Far-right
Start the game and press to begin skipping. You'll unlock almost all of the achievements until it stops you at a decision. Before you make a decision pause the game with and select Save and make a save in slot 1.
Then you can unpause the game and select the top choice and press to continue skipping. This will finish the game and give you an ending achievement.
From the main menu choose Load and load your save from slot 1. This time choose the bottom choice and skip to the end again. You'll get your final 2 achievements at the end of this. Enjoy!
Shout with any questions, comments, or concerns.
~ Slayer
Transitions: All Off
Skip: All text
Text Speed: Far-right
Start the game and press to begin skipping. You'll unlock almost all of the achievements until it stops you at a decision. Before you make a decision pause the game with and select Save and make a save in slot 1.
Then you can unpause the game and select the top choice and press to continue skipping. This will finish the game and give you an ending achievement.
From the main menu choose Load and load your save from slot 1. This time choose the bottom choice and skip to the end again. You'll get your final 2 achievements at the end of this. Enjoy!
Shout with any questions, comments, or concerns.
~ Slayer