The Office Quest

The Office Quest

17 Achievements

60,000 XP

Google Play
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The Boss’s Favorite

The Boss’s Favorite

Humor the Boss

10,000 XP


How to unlock the The Boss’s Favorite achievement in The Office Quest - Definitive Guide

You have to do 3 jobs for the boss. 1) prove you are smart 2) prove you are strong 3) make him laugh

For 1)- this is a simple mini game to get 6 people across a river. There are 3 tall Guys (t) and 3 short (s) guys You can’t have more short than tall on either side. You can move just one at a time which is useful for getting the boat back.

2) for this one you will need to inflate your buddy using the elephant. Click the friend, then The elephant. He will start to inflate but then say he needs a cork. You can get this from one of the rich guys on the limo (there will be an easy mini game to win

Lastly 3). For this you will need the unicycle near the limo if you don’t already have. A banana from the limo mini game (the one with the monkeys In The door, and three balls to juggle. For the monkey game, click the doors in this order. 4,5,2,1,4,3. For the balls, you will find one behind sign near bosses door, one in eye socket of the skull near atm, and last one on hold ornament on limo

25 May 2020 05:11

Here is my 100% Achievement Guide!

This will be your last achievement in the game and what we need to do is make the boss laugh, prove your brains and prove your strong.

Go to 1:02:10 to see exactly what you have to do to gain this achievement

Hope this helps!


28 Jun 2020 11:19