The Orange Box

The Orange Box

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Zombie Chopper

Zombie Chopper

Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun.


How to unlock the Zombie Chopper achievement in The Orange Box - Definitive Guide

You can get this by playing starting with the Ravenholm chapter. You can only use the gravity gun, but like the name suggests, you can use one of the many saw blades lying around to chop up the zombies as they attack you. You just can't use another weapon besides the gravity gun. (Other objects that you pick up and shoot with the GG are fine, too... so is using fire.)

One thing to note... the achievement doesn't unlock until after you've left the graveyard, gone down the shaft, through the water, up the mine, and gone into the light. In other words, you need to be at the next chapter (which would seem to be obvious), which isn't until a bit after you leave Ravenholm proper.

I only say that because I freaked out a bit until I finally got it, wondering if I'd just wasted the last hour. :-p

03 Mar 2010 09:12

Seriously? A negative comment? Whatever for?
By Sashamorning on 08 Jan 2011 22:58
Getting 1 or two negative votes while having 10+ positive tends to be a sign that your solution is even more awesome. Seriously, almost every one of my 20+, 30+ positive solutions has a single negative attached to it x.x
By RadiantViper on 20 Feb 2011 02:35
This is a very nice (and important) detail that for some reason is lacking in other guides. So it totally gets a positive vote from me. If I had to guess why anyone didn't like it, well... it's not a full guide complete with advice. It's just a note.
By Mental Knight 5 on 15 Apr 2011 19:24
Lacks cheat codes that help, cheats don't disable achievements.
By sobadnomad on 27 Sep 2022 12:24
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For this achievement you can ONLY USE THE GRAVITY GUN, you can switch to other weapons, but if you hit the trigger then you can't get the achievement.

There are many saw blades scattered throughout interiors of the buildings, try and keep one with you at all times as they can take out the zombies in one hit. All in all this achievement isn't to difficult, just be aware of where zombies are and try and keep some kind of sharp instrument close at hand to hurl at them, if not use anything and everything you can.

Also when you get towards the end where you wait for the container that the priest sends towards you so you can get across. At this point the leaping zombies will climb up the pipes to get you, simply run around in circles and they will keep chasing you (not being able to hurt you) until the platform gets to where you are, jump on and you only have one more area to get through after that, which mainly consists of regular zombies and some head crabs.

13 Sep 2008 17:57

another thing to do while waiting for the Container is to go up those little steps on the edge of the building next to the switch, and jump behind the switch and remain crouched, and if you did it right the zombies will just run around looking for you, then when the container is coming towards you, jump into it when its near you or else you'll get stuck and have to reload save file
By Link408 on 15 Feb 2009 00:39
I found if you jump onto the grass covered ledge by the fence where the container comes from (from the roof of the building) the zombies can't get to you at all!! Just wait until it gets to your side and jump in it!
By System of a Dom on 15 Apr 2009 19:09
When waiting for the container I stood on top of the pipe right of the switch and looked down to see if any zombies were getting up. In this position I was not attacked by any zombies when waiting for the container. When the container finally arrived, only one zombie was waiting on top of the roof and it only started attacking me when I headed for the container. This made it really easy :).
By AbmaOnline on 12 May 2009 12:01
As soon as the zombies come you can drop back down to street level and take them out the old fashioned way with whatever is lying arond. Personally I like the radiator because you can't miss, it does massive damage and it doesn't get stuck in the floor (saw blades I'm looking at you).
By JimbobTheKing on 13 Dec 2009 00:06
I had some problems with the mine at the end, to many headcrabs, but found you can crawl almost to the end of the tunnel on the wooden beams, where you have to jump down. I did it without killing any of the crabs.
By DragoKhan on 24 Aug 2010 09:26
I've fired off my .44 Magum once but not at any zombies, will i still get the achievement or will I have to restart the level?
By darkavenger786 on 20 Jun 2012 18:23
Pretty sure you have to restart, if you hit the trigger with any other weapon out, regardless of where you are aiming will void the achievement.
By Crimson Drifter on 22 Jun 2012 02:28
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The way I did this is to carry Dog's ball, the deactivated roller mine, to Ravenholm with me. Using the roller mine is a great way to get through this level because it will roll towards zombies and they will attack it instead, distracting them while you find something to kill them with. Also it kills headcrabs when it rolls over them. Doing ravenholm this way is a tone of fun because you can watch loads of zombies swarm and try to kill the roller mine while you watch from a good vantage point. Just don't set off any explosions close to the roller mine or you can wave goodbye to your little friend.

12 Dec 2009 16:32

Reading your last sentence made me think of what I had to do to my Weighted Companion Cube in Portal.

I'll still never forgive myself.
By Sashamorning on 19 May 2010 07:19
I used this method, brilliant for most of the level, but wasn't able to take Dog's ball with me across to the church, it disappeared in the journey across. But the church graveyard has lots of blades and fuel drums to use instead.
By HeyMrSpaceman on 14 Aug 2011 20:15
I just did this achievement, and honestly. Its not hard. Theyre are plenty of objects to toss at the enemy. Try to use weapons that attack 2 or 3 zombies at once, Like barrels and saw blades. Also, When Grigori is on screen, He will do alot of shooting for you. If they're are no traps or weapons, just manuver around the zombies. They're fairly slow, so if you can lead them to one side of a room or hallway, you can usually boost your way out of there.

Health isnt an issue either. Allow a poison headcrab to bite you. This will reduce your health to 1, but will climb back to 100 after the antidote is administered, despite what you started with. Poison headcrabs can't kill you, only poison you again. Be careful with this because it takes a few seconds to heal, and even a small headcrab can do 1-2 damage. This is a valuable stratagy, and can be used elsewhere in the game. Cheating really isnt required.

* Testing that, It doesnt seem to work much outside of ravenholme. But I have done it several times inside of the town. So it might be hit or miss..

The only real hardparts are when waiting for grigori to call the elevator over. Only 2 fastzombies will climb up, and running in circles will keep them busy. When you get onto the elevator, you might take some damage, but they're are healthpacks waiting for you.

When you are in the mines, Ignore the headcrabs, and just keep moving. The achivement will unlock when you are out of the final mineshaft.

02 Jun 2010 12:28

hi! I found this video! is excellent
It shows exactly where the level starts and when you can fire a weapon
hope it helps
All credits go for "TurmoilTheCoil"
In adition you can use the invencibility code: LB, UP, RB, UP, LB, LB, UP, RB, RB, UP
With this code you can go for the level and it'll be like a piece of cake


19 Mar 2015 15:24

Might sound alittle tough but it's not all that hard. Just keep finding saw blades, barrels, boxes, and anything else to pick up and shoot at enemies. If you stuck on a rooftop with no items to pickup and are being chased by enemies, just run from them...You can pull out other weapons but you just can't hit the Right Trigger. Even if you swing the crowbar to open boxes it will count as using another weapon.