The Second Chance Strip Club
23 Achievements
Your Journey Begins Here
You signed on with The Second Chance Strip Club. Now that all the paperwork is outta the way, time to get up on stage and shake it!
What's Your Name?
You purchased one character biography. You should always know who you're working with.
One Man's Trash
You sold ten pieces of loot to the Pawn Shop. The sound of a cash register is music to my ears.
One Fat Stack
You have one thousand cash in the Bank. You've got a nice rainy day fund going on there!
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
You set the volume to zero. Why would you do that in a rhythm game? Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
Rock Chick Chic
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
You completed level five. You conquered your first major hurdle, congrats! Keep up the great work! Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
Business Is Pleasure
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
You completed level ten. Two hurdles down, one to go. You got this! Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
The Boys Are Back!
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
You completed level fifteen. Three out of three, and the gang is officially back together! You should be proud! Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
Stardom Achieved!
You completed the game on any difficulty. Time to retire in style... or... maybe it's time to tackle the game on an even tougher difficulty?
You earned an S rank for the first time. With moves like that, it's no wonder the crowd loves you!
Shaping Up Nicely
You purchased three upgrades for the club. I'm glad you finally got a fire exit installed!
Tell Me More
You purchased twenty-one character biographies. You'd be amazed at what people have to say if you just give them the time of day.
Another Man's Treasure
You sold one hundred pieces of loot to the Pawn Shop. I'm not sure where you're keeping all this loot but I'm glad you're not hoarding it... You're not hoarding it, right?
Ten Large
You have ten thousand cash in the Bank. Drinks are on you tonight! Maybe dinner too... I'm thinking lobster.
Super Stardom Achieved!
You completed the game on Expert or above. Okay, now that's a feat of excellence! Well done!
State Of The Art
You purchased all of the upgrades for the club. Now I know the automated cleaning robot was a bit pricey, but I just had to have it! You'll thank me later.
I'll Remember You Always
You purchased all of the character biographies. Everyone's got a story, and you've heard them all.
Spring Cleaning
You sold one thousand pieces of loot to the Pawn Shop. The Pawn Shop called, they asked us to stop bringing stuff in...
The Six Figures Club
You have one hundred thousand cash in the Bank. So, where are we going on vacation? You can't let that kind of money just sit and do nothing!
Welcome To The Strip Hall Of Fame!
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement