The Story Goes On

The Story Goes On

29 Achievements

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You Must be Dreaming!

You Must be Dreaming!

Cleared either the Dark Forest or the Void without taking damage


How to unlock the You Must be Dreaming! achievement in The Story Goes On - Definitive Guide

As the description says, you'll need to complete either the Dark Forest (fifth level) or the Void (final level, with lava) without getting hit. This includes the entire level and the boss fight at the end.

It's highly unlikely that you'll manage this on your first run, especially the boss fight, but as you cycle through subsequent playthroughs, you'll become incredibly strong. So much so that enemies in every room will die in one or two hits, and you'll be able to kill bosses in a couple seconds (no exaggeration). The main issue will come down to luck, firstly with a random enemy not getting a shot off at you that you don't see from offscreen until it's too late, and secondly that you get a boss spawn who is very easy to kill without taking damage. 

Considering how many times you'll play through these levels on your final run of mopping up all of the items for The Lord of Booty (50G), you'll have tons of chances and will likely accomplish this without even trying.