The Tower of Beatrice

The Tower of Beatrice

14 Achievements


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Art Room

Art Room

Get out the third room


How to unlock the Art Room achievement in The Tower of Beatrice - Definitive Guide

Here is the solution for Room 3:

Note: Before we start this room, I'd just like to advise that whenever you zoom into anything on this room, check for any pictures on bits of paper, and interact with them when you see them. They will not be mentioned in the steps below because there's no way to track which ones you have, so if you see them, interact with them so that they disappear on-screen.

• Click on the stone casket on the table. Take the Key.
• Use the key on the door.
• Zoom in on the chalkboard, and interact with the paper, and then the chalk. Continue talking to the chalk until it bounces off.
• Zoom into the the top of the table to the right. Talk to the chalk.
• Zoom into the hanging cloth on the back wall. Interact with it to see a grid behind it. Take the Watering Can on the ledge to the right.
• Zoom onto the top of the table to the right, and pour the watering can into the sink. Use the red paint dust on the water, then interact with the chalk thrice (once before he turns red, twice after).
• Go back to the chalkboard, and talk to the red chalk until he creates red figures on the white square.
• Zoom into the wooden screen on the middle of the floor. You'll be told the blue candle has burned out. Take the Blue Wax.
• Zoom into the plant under the chalkboard, and take the Wick. Keep interacting with the plant until you get a Blueberry.
• Zoom into the purple object on the floor at the back of the room to find out that it is a candlemaker. Interact with the metal rod, and then the right side of the circular segment.
• Use the blue wax on the now-open mid-section of the machine.
• Close the machine, and use the wick on the metal rod.
• Click the metal rod to lower the wick into the candle wax.
• Open the machine to take the Blue candle.
• Go back to the wooden screen and place the blue candle behind it to project a shape onto the cloth.
• Go to the chalk board and start rotating the red figures so that they all connect together. Take the Red Chalk Key.
• Talk to the red chalk until he bounces off. Go back to the table with the paint dust, drain the red water by interacting with it, and then talk to the chalk again. He'll say he wants to be purple now.
• Use the watering can on the empty sink.
• Use the blueberry on the blue paint dust indent, then use the tool just above it to squish it into paint.
• Put both red paint dust and blue paint dust into the water, then talk to the red chalk thrice.
• Zoom out and zoom in on the box that has an obvious red lock on it. Use the red chalk key on it, open the box, and take the Purple Screen.
• Zoom into the wooden screen, and replace the red screen with the purple screen.
• Go back to the chalkboard and talk to the purple chalk until he draws figures on the chalkboard.
• Rotate the purple chalk patterns to match the projected image on the cloth backdrop.

Note: There's a slight in-game error here. The top right part has a small line coming off of the middle of it. This line is not in the projection. The small line needs to be on the inside of the shape, not the outside, for the game to register that it's the correct solution.

• Take the Purple Chalk Key and talk to the purple chalk until he bounces off.
• Zoom into the telescope near the window, and open the window by interacting with it multiple times. Then interact with the end of the telescope facing the window, and a lens will come into view. Take the Lens.
• Put the lens in the box where you got the purple screen, and close the box.
• We have seven moves to swap the sun and moon pieces. To do this, do the following moves:
- Top right moon to the right.
- Bottom middle sun to top right.
- Top left moon to bottom middle.
- Bottom left sun to top left.
- Top middle moon to bottom left.
- Bottom right sun to top middle.
- Moon on the far right to the bottom right.
Achievement Unlocked:
The Tower of BeatriceDay/NightThe Day/Night achievement in The Tower of Beatrice worth 85 pointsTurn the day into night!
• Open the box and take the Dark Lens.
• Go to the telescope and equip the dark lens to the end of the telescope, then interact with it to slide it into place.
• Zoom in on the part of the telescope where you'd look into it. Look around the area inside the telescope (this is needed to allow you to proceed).
• Zoom in on the safe on the wall (the one with the five black picture orbs), and set them to the following:
- Triangle with 'snake scales'
- Eight-blade windmill.
- Standing pillar with 3 dots with two segments at the bottom.
- Blob with hat and spear
- Round hill with dots.
• Open the safe with the handle, and use the purple chalk key on the lock.
• Take the Bottle, the Green Screen, and the drawing behind it.
• Replace the purple screen on the floor with the Green Screen.
• Talk to the purple chalk on the table, and drain the purple water.
• Zoom in on the cactus to the left of the door. Keep talking to and giving the cactus water (with the watering can) until he tells you to come back later.
• After he tells you to come back later, keep using the bottle and talking to the cactus until the flower grows. When it does, take Flower.
• Go to the paint desk, put the flower in the green paint indent, and use the tool to squish it into dust.
• Use the bottle on the sink, and then put green and red paint dust into it.
• Click the purple chalk to turn him gold. Keep talking to him until he goes to the chalkboard, and follow him over.
• Talk to the gold chalk, and once again, arrange the figures on the chalkboard to be the same as the projected image. Take the Gold Chalk Key.
• Talk to the chalk until he goes back over to the paint desk, and then follow him over.
• Use the bottle on the sink, interact with the golden chalk to get him into the sink, then use all three paints. You'll turn him black. Talk to him to take Black Chalk.
• Go back to the box where you put the lens in earlier, and place the black chalk into it, then close the lid. Use the same solution as earlier;
- Top right sun to the right.
- Bottom middle moon to top right.
- Top left sun to bottom middle.
- Bottom left moon to top left.
- Top middle sun to bottom left.
- Bottom right moon to top middle.
- Sun on the far right to the bottom right.
• Zoom out, interact with the box, take White Chalk.
• Use the white chalk on the chalkboard, and keep talking to him until he draws a white key. Take White Chalk Key.
• Use the white chalk key on the white chalk lock on the door.
• Zoom in on the canvas covering on the back wall, and return to the grid.
• Place the tree paper on row 3, column 4.
• Place the bear paper on row 1, column 2.
• Place the windmill paper on row 2, column 1.
• Place the hut paper on row 3, column 2.
• Place the mountain paper on row 2, column 4.
• Place the wind paper on row 1, column 5. If you're confused as to which paper this is, it's the only one in a more blue-colour ink.
• Place the creature paper on row 3, column 5. This paper kind of looks like a burnt tree with two long slits for eyes.
• A red 'X' will appear. Interact with it to find a yellow chalk lock. Use the yellow chalk key on it.
• Go back to the paint desk, and interact with the thing to the left of the desk that has 7 circles on it. Interact with the circles in the following order: Top, 2nd left, 1st left, bottom right, bottom left, 2nd right, 1st right.
• Back out, interact with it, to find a key. Take Key.
• Use the key on the door, and leave the room.

Achievement Unlocked
Note: For me, this achievement didn't pop. If it doesn't pop for you, before doing anything else, after loading up the next room, completely close the game, and reload it. Click 'Continue' on the main menu. This'll start you in the next room, and should force-pop the achievement.

21 Jul 2019 17:39

After the Red 'X' near the end you forgot to mention the code for the coordinates on the tile behind the yellow key. You are suposed to go to the telescope and move it one row left of the mountain (i.e row 2, colum 3). That will give you North=5 East=4 South=5 West=6. Once you enter those it will show you the order for the 7-circle-thingy on the painting desk.
By Th3 Replicant on 01 Aug 2019 19:57
I didn't need the code for the coordinates. That's weird... are you sure you need it?
By Dwaggienite on 01 Aug 2019 20:15
True, you don't really need it because you have given the solution to the 7-circle-thingy puzzle. But I was wandering myself how to get to that solution and it might be the cause of your achievement not popping because you "missed" another puzzle. At least the achievement unlocked straight away for me.
By Th3 Replicant on 02 Aug 2019 09:42
Ah well, I only did it my way. If my way ends up quicker, that works better for everyone :D
By Dwaggienite on 02 Aug 2019 09:45
I picked up the papers except the one behind the cloth it wouldnt let me pick that one up. I skipped using the papers and went straight to the key box to get the key, opened the door with the key and the achievement popped fine.
By Northern Lass on 23 Sep 2020 19:44
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Achievement Walkthrough:

Room 1 - 1:00
Room 2 - 5:35
Room 3 - 16:25
Room 4 - 30:00
Room 5 - 41:20
Room 6 - 55:00
Boss/End - 1:07:25

09 Aug 2019 21:46