The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
31 Achievements
Deal Gone Bad
Completed Chapter 4 of Episode 1
How to unlock the Deal Gone Bad achievement in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Definitive Guide
Chapter 4 begins with
Once inside the tavern, head up to the bar and talk with the people playing cards, one of whom recognizes Javi from his time as a professional baseball player. Offer your advice to the other card player if you like, before Javi returns to
I can't restart chapter 4 I've to do all the episode, any solution?
Story related, cannot be missed.
Clementine will lead Javier to a small community (Prescott). The herd that Javier encountered earlier has caught up with them. Clementine will untie Javier from his restraints as they make their way to the gated community. Press to dodge a walker grab and then use to shoot 4 walkers.
Inside the bar you're free to look around or interact with the new characters. To progress with the story, talk to the card player (Conrad) at the front of the bar. Upstairs, Clementine is having an argument with a bullet maker, Eli. Shit will hit the fan as Clementine will accidentally kill him when the bullet turns out to be real and not blanks.
Make your choice:
It was just an accident!
- Javier will tell the truth about what really happened and Clementine will be taken outside for a little talk with Tripp, while Javier will be sent to Eleanor.
Yes. She was justified.
- Javier will lie to cover for Clementine, but both of you will be placed under lock and key.
Once you've picked either of the above choices, the trophy will unlock. The only real difference is Javier will be patched up by Eleanor during this chapter and Clementine will be pissed at Javier if you told the truth. If lying, then the trophy will unlock right away but Javier will be patched up by Eleanor during the next chapter. Clementine will have more trust in Javier if you do this.
This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.
Javi and Clementine enter a settlement and meet a man named Tripp. Your exploration will eventually lead to a bar. After meeting Conrad and Francine, you hear Clementine arguing with someone. The argument turns bad and you must make a decision to defend Clementine or say it was an accident. When the scene changes, the achievement will unlock.