The Walking Dead: Season One

The Walking Dead: Season One

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Who Goes There?

Who Goes There?

Completed Bonnie's Chapter.


How to unlock the Who Goes There? achievement in The Walking Dead: Season One - Definitive Guide

Welcome back ladies and walkers and prepare yourself because we are 220 days in, and things do not get much better from here on out. We are returning today with a gal named Bonnie, and we find out fairly quickly what friendships are really made of. We start off answering a question:

Would you rather have a snake for a tongue or lobster claws for hands? - Man
1. This is ridiculous. - Moves to the next question.
2. Can I control the snake? - Answers with free reign and moves to the next question.
3. Are the claws human sized? - Answers with human sized and moves to the next question.
4. . . . - Skips right to the next question.

Well? - Man
1. Snake tongue.
2. Lobster Claws.
3. Neither.
4. Both.

We will then learn a little more about the background of Bonnie, and how she has had something traumatic in her past and is recovering with the help of this man. He then gives her a compliment, but it comes out terribly wrong sparking the following dialog:

That came out wrong... What I mean is... - Man
1. Thanks. Jerk. - Non-altering response.
2. Take a hike, big ears. - Non-altering response.
3. You're not perfect either. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

We then learn that Bonnie used to be an addict, and that with the help of this man she has slowly been able to break away from her addiction and live a healthier life.

You've come a long way Bonnie, I'm proud of you. - Man
1. You're a good friend. - Non-altering response.
2. I'm a real poster child. - Non-altering response.
3. Oh, shut up. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

The responses to that statement range from serious and relationship building to comical and funny, either way lightening up the mood of the conversation. The man then assures Bonnie that he's not going anywhere and she does not need to worry:

You know that, right? - Man
1. Slow down. - Leland remembers your apprehension with your relationship.
2. I know. - Leland remembers that you value your relationship.
3. What are you saying? - Leland remembers your apprehension with your relationship.
4. . . . - Leland takes note and remembers your silence.

No matter what you choose it will be cut short by Dee, Leland's wife. She comes back stating she's found something and asking what's going on:

What're you two up to? - Dee
1. Just chatting. - Will spark her asking what you are chatting about.
2. Where have you been? - Dee avoids your question and instead turns it into the follow up.
3. It's private. - Dee notices your "private" time response which raises suspicion. Still sparks the second question.
4. . . . - Dee doesn't like your silence and sparks the second question.

The follow up to the above question. - Dee
1. The rain. - Dee will find that weird and Leland will help cover.
2. Lobsters. - Will spark an entire non-altering conversation on fishing.
3. You. - Mini conversation about how grateful Bonnie is to have Dee in her life.
4. . . . - Dee notices your silence. This doubles the effect if you choose it twice in a row adding to her increased suspicion.

No matter what you say in the two sequences Dee will tease what she's found and will tell the two of them they have to get going.

I don't mean to interupt your "chat" with your "girlfriend," but umm... we gotta get movin'. - Dee
1. [Whisper: "GIRLFRIEND?!"] - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.
2. [Whisper:"Does she think...?!"] - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.
3. [Whisper:"What the hell was THAT?!"] - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.
4. . . . - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.

Leland will ask where Dee got the bag, which will allow Bonnie the opportunity to chime in as well:

So... where'd you get the bag, Dee? - Leland
1. What's in the bag, Dee? - Will transition into some peaceful conversation "girl-talk" until Leland get's the conversation back on track.
2. Just drop it, Leland. - Non-altering response.
3. Let's keep moving. - Will transition into some peaceful conversation "girl-talk" until Leland get's the conversation back on track.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Dee will then state she found it down the road a way which will then allow Bonnie to chime in again:

Look, I found it down the road a piece, all right? - Dee
1. Was anyone there? - Non-altering conversation regarding if people were there.
2. Did you steal it? - Non-altering response which will turn into the next sequence.
3. Quit being so cagey. - Non-altering response which will turn into the next sequence.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Digging for the truth from Dee is equivalent to pulling teeth and it becomes apparent when Dee takes any alternative to snap back. We find a bit more about the rocky relationship between Dee and Leland which will spark Bonnie's chance to chime in again:

Don't you want to get to the camp before dark? - Dee
1. This isn't helping! - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.
2. We really should get moving! - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.
3. Keep your voices down. - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.
4. . . . - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.

This wraps back around to a snide Leland comment:

Irregardless, we could just as easy carry on like this while we're walkin'. - Leland
1. You're drawing walkers! - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.
2. Enough, come on! - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.
3. I'm leaving in a minute! - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.
4. . . . - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.

And following that will be Dee's pièce de résistance, and will be another huge point to support one of the two characters:

You listen to me now! I had it up to here with listenin'. - Dee
1. Shut up, Dee! - Essentially backing up Leland.
2. I'm out of here! - The "middle-ground."
3. Leland! Enough! - Essentially backing up Dee.
4. . . . - The quiet middle-ground.

No matter the response, each generates its own little dialog segment that ultimatelys ends with probably Dee's most iconic and comical line:

Save it. I know what side your bread is buttered on. Yours, too. - Dee
1. Bitch. - Will provoke an agitated response which Dee will remember.
2. What are you saying? - Non-altering defensive response.
3. I'm not getting into this. - Non-altering innocent response.
4. . . . - Non-altering silent response.

Either way Dee apologizes and in doing so finally realizes they attracted something worse than a herd of walkers--people with flashlights! I'm going to call the entirety of the rest of the episode a panic attack as every action you make needs to be done with relative speed and quick decision making.


Dee and Leland will take off and you will need to pursuit them by pressing and holding up on the . As you run you will come to a point where Bonnie bites it and falls hard on her arm looking up to see Dee and Leland leaving her behind in the dust. Finish your run to the hillside and enjoy the fall down.

When you come to you will need to quickly look to your right and kick the walker in the face to eliminate it. Bonnie will quickly figure out she's not alone and will need to run away from the people chasing her. She will run into a cornfield where the remainder of the episode will transpire. Let's begin.

Your objective for the cornfield is to traverse it hopefully evading and escaping the clutches of the people with the flashlights. Whenever someone with a flashlight appears in your row of corn quickly bounce either left or right to escape them while remembering that you need to continue to hold up on the to progress through the episode. You will eventually get to the point where Bonnie breaks out and runs behind a tractor. Much to our dismay someone is coming quickly and we need to find a weapon to defend ourselves. The rebar sticking out of the ground is just that weapon, and after clicking on it you will need to move the to the left and to the right in order to wiggle it out of the ground. Once you have the bar you need to be quick in striking the attacker otherwise you will be killed.

The attacker is none other than Dee herself and will be sporting an incredible gash/wound inflicted by that swing of the rebar. Dee will ask the all important question:

Wh... Why? - Dee
1. Why didn't you say something? - Non-altering response.
2. Where's Leland? - Non-altering response.
3. I didn't know it was you! - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Dee will then go on a guilt trip to which Bonnie begins to prepare herself for the escape:

I sh-should never have... t-trusted you... ...just... just a ju - Dee
1. You're going to be fine... - Non-altering response.
2. I'm so sorry... - Non-altering response.
3. I didn't mean to do this... - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

You... bitch... - Dee
1. You're right. I like him. - Non-altering response.
2. It was an accident. - Non-altering response.
3. Leland is just a friend. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Directly after you finish that last bit of dialog with Dee Leland will come in. Unlike other characters where you need to make a critical moral decision in order to have Bonnie join the group at the end, no matter what you choose (lying, leaving Leland, having Leland come) will result in Bonnie always wanting to leave the camp. Note that this will probably have ramifications in season 2 though.

Oh, my god, Dee... darlin' - Leland
1. I found her like this. [Lie] - You lie about Dee. This is the path to get Leland to come with you. This will spark question 2.1
2. I had to do it. - This will spark question 2.
3. It doesn't matter. - Will spark question 2, but the wording will be different. He will ask what happened instead of what do you mean?
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 2.0: What...? What do you mean? - Leland
1. I did it. - Will spark question 3.
2. It was an accident! - You remain honest with Leland and will spark question 3*.
3. Nothing. Never mind. [Lie]
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 2.1: She deserves a... a proper burial. We can't just leave her here in a fuckin'... cornfield. - Leland
1. Take a moment.
2. She's too heavy.
3. She might turn. - Probably the best answer for getting Leland to come with you as this will detach him the best. Also sparks question 3.1
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 3* is unique because if you've followed the line of " it doesn't matter " - - - " it was an accident! " there is still a chance you can get Leland to come with you.
Question 3*: I don't... I don't believe you. - Leland
1. There was nothing I could do. - Leland will not accompany Bonnie.
2. It was her fault. [Lie] - Upon lying to Leland will also block his chance of coming with you.
3. I'm so sorry... - Leland will join Bonnie in leaving. This will spark the second to last .1 question.
4. . . . - Non-altering that will leave Leland by Dee.

Question 3.0: You did this? You did this to my Dee - Leland
1. It was me.
2. She was already like this. [Lie] - Non-altering although at this point lying will not get Leland to come and will only hinder the relationship.
3. What's done is done. - Non-altering although will provoke Leland.
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 3.1: You got anything to say to her? - Leland
1. I'm sorry. Dee. - Non-altering response.
2. No. - Non-altering response.
3. Leland, I'm here for you. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Each response perks a different one thought reply from Leland, which will in turn open up the last two dialog sequences following the .1 question line.

And no matter what you choose the group of people will begin to get closer to Bonnie and Leland prompting this last ditch effort which will fail no matter what if you've followed the line prior to this.

Question 4.0: I ain't leaving her. - Leland
1. They'll kill you. - Leland will not leave.
2. I'm not leaving you. - Leland will not leave.
3. I need you, Leland! - Leland will not leave.
4. . . . - Leland will not leave.

Second to last .1 question: I'm sorry to... do this to ya, darlin'. ...leave ya here this way. - Leland
1. Let her go! - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.
2. I need you, Leland! - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.
3. We can't stay forever! - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.
4. . . . - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.

And as they begin to run away, Bonnie comments on Leland going back:

Last .1 question: Sparked as Bonnie realizes Leland went back. - Bonnie
1. Leland! She's gone! - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.
2. Get back here! - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.
3. What are you doing? - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.
4. . . . - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.


Whether Leland comes with you, or you left him in the dust ultimately matters not as far as having Bonnie go with the group in the end. We've done the unthinkable, or told the truth and left with a good conscious. We'll see you again for Shel's story in day 236, and will finally be able to see a lot of the pieces come together.

Bonnie Goes to the New Group:
Bonnie goes no matter what.


Welcome back ladies and walkers and prepare yourself because we are 220 days in, and things do not get much better from here on out. We are returning today with a gal named Bonnie, and we find out fairly quickly what friendships are really made of. We start off answering a question:

Would you rather have a snake for a tongue or lobster claws for hands? - Man
1. This is ridiculous. - Moves to the next question.
2. Can I control the snake? - Answers with free reign and moves to the next question.
3. Are the claws human sized? - Answers with human sized and moves to the next question.
4. . . . - Skips right to the next question.

Well? - Man
1. Snake tongue.
2. Lobster Claws.
3. Neither.
4. Both.

We will then learn a little more about the background of Bonnie, and how she has had something traumatic in her past and is recovering with the help of this man. He then gives her a compliment, but it comes out terribly wrong sparking the following dialog:

That came out wrong... What I mean is... - Man
1. Thanks. Jerk. - Non-altering response.
2. Take a hike, big ears. - Non-altering response.
3. You're not perfect either. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

We then learn that Bonnie used to be an addict, and that with the help of this man she has slowly been able to break away from her addiction and live a healthier life.

You've come a long way Bonnie, I'm proud of you. - Man
1. You're a good friend. - Non-altering response.
2. I'm a real poster child. - Non-altering response.
3. Oh, shut up. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

The responses to that statement range from serious and relationship building to comical and funny, either way lightening up the mood of the conversation. The man then assures Bonnie that he's not going anywhere and she does not need to worry:

You know that, right? - Man
1. Slow down. - Leland remembers your apprehension with your relationship.
2. I know. - Leland remembers that you value your relationship.
3. What are you saying? - Leland remembers your apprehension with your relationship.
4. . . . - Leland takes note and remembers your silence.

No matter what you choose it will be cut short by Dee, Leland's wife. She comes back stating she's found something and asking what's going on:

What're you two up to? - Dee
1. Just chatting. - Will spark her asking what you are chatting about.
2. Where have you been? - Dee avoids your question and instead turns it into the follow up.
3. It's private. - Dee notices your "private" time response which raises suspicion. Still sparks the second question.
4. . . . - Dee doesn't like your silence and sparks the second question.

The follow up to the above question. - Dee
1. The rain. - Dee will find that weird and Leland will help cover.
2. Lobsters. - Will spark an entire non-altering conversation on fishing.
3. You. - Mini conversation about how grateful Bonnie is to have Dee in her life.
4. . . . - Dee notices your silence. This doubles the effect if you choose it twice in a row adding to her increased suspicion.

No matter what you say in the two sequences Dee will tease what she's found and will tell the two of them they have to get going.

I don't mean to interupt your "chat" with your "girlfriend," but umm... we gotta get movin'. - Dee
1. [Whisper: "GIRLFRIEND?!"] - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.
2. [Whisper:"Does she think...?!"] - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.
3. [Whisper:"What the hell was THAT?!"] - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.
4. . . . - He does the same shoulder shrug for each response.

Leland will ask where Dee got the bag, which will allow Bonnie the opportunity to chime in as well:

So... where'd you get the bag, Dee? - Leland
1. What's in the bag, Dee? - Will transition into some peaceful conversation "girl-talk" until Leland get's the conversation back on track.
2. Just drop it, Leland. - Non-altering response.
3. Let's keep moving. - Will transition into some peaceful conversation "girl-talk" until Leland get's the conversation back on track.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Dee will then state she found it down the road a way which will then allow Bonnie to chime in again:

Look, I found it down the road a piece, all right? - Dee
1. Was anyone there? - Non-altering conversation regarding if people were there.
2. Did you steal it? - Non-altering response which will turn into the next sequence.
3. Quit being so cagey. - Non-altering response which will turn into the next sequence.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Digging for the truth from Dee is equivalent to pulling teeth and it becomes apparent when Dee takes any alternative to snap back. We find a bit more about the rocky relationship between Dee and Leland which will spark Bonnie's chance to chime in again:

Don't you want to get to the camp before dark? - Dee
1. This isn't helping! - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.
2. We really should get moving! - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.
3. Keep your voices down. - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.
4. . . . - Non-altering response as Dee cuts you off just the same every time.

This wraps back around to a snide Leland comment:

Irregardless, we could just as easy carry on like this while we're walkin'. - Leland
1. You're drawing walkers! - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.
2. Enough, come on! - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.
3. I'm leaving in a minute! - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.
4. . . . - Non-altering response as Dee and Leland cut you off just the same every time.

And following that will be Dee's pièce de résistance, and will be another huge point to support one of the two characters:

You listen to me now! I had it up to here with listenin'. - Dee
1. Shut up, Dee! - Essentially backing up Leland.
2. I'm out of here! - The "middle-ground."
3. Leland! Enough! - Essentially backing up Dee.
4. . . . - The quiet middle-ground.

No matter the response, each generates its own little dialog segment that ultimatelys ends with probably Dee's most iconic and comical line:

Save it. I know what side your bread is buttered on. Yours, too. - Dee
1. Bitch. - Will provoke an agitated response which Dee will remember.
2. What are you saying? - Non-altering defensive response.
3. I'm not getting into this. - Non-altering innocent response.
4. . . . - Non-altering silent response.

Either way Dee apologizes and in doing so finally realizes they attracted something worse than a herd of walkers--people with flashlights! I'm going to call the entirety of the rest of the episode a panic attack as every action you make needs to be done with relative speed and quick decision making.


Dee and Leland will take off and you will need to pursuit them by pressing and holding up on the . As you run you will come to a point where Bonnie bites it and falls hard on her arm looking up to see Dee and Leland leaving her behind in the dust. Finish your run to the hillside and enjoy the fall down.

When you come to you will need to quickly look to your right and kick the walker in the face to eliminate it. Bonnie will quickly figure out she's not alone and will need to run away from the people chasing her. She will run into a cornfield where the remainder of the episode will transpire. Let's begin.

Your objective for the cornfield is to traverse it hopefully evading and escaping the clutches of the people with the flashlights. Whenever someone with a flashlight appears in your row of corn quickly bounce either left or right to escape them while remembering that you need to continue to hold up on the to progress through the episode. You will eventually get to the point where Bonnie breaks out and runs behind a tractor. Much to our dismay someone is coming quickly and we need to find a weapon to defend ourselves. The rebar sticking out of the ground is just that weapon, and after clicking on it you will need to move the to the left and to the right in order to wiggle it out of the ground. Once you have the bar you need to be quick in striking the attacker otherwise you will be killed.

The attacker is none other than Dee herself and will be sporting an incredible gash/wound inflicted by that swing of the rebar. Dee will ask the all important question:

Wh... Why? - Dee
1. Why didn't you say something? - Non-altering response.
2. Where's Leland? - Non-altering response.
3. I didn't know it was you! - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Dee will then go on a guilt trip to which Bonnie begins to prepare herself for the escape:

I sh-should never have... t-trusted you... ...just... just a ju - Dee
1. You're going to be fine... - Non-altering response.
2. I'm so sorry... - Non-altering response.
3. I didn't mean to do this... - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

You... bitch... - Dee
1. You're right. I like him. - Non-altering response.
2. It was an accident. - Non-altering response.
3. Leland is just a friend. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Directly after you finish that last bit of dialog with Dee Leland will come in. Unlike other characters where you need to make a critical moral decision in order to have Bonnie join the group at the end, no matter what you choose (lying, leaving Leland, having Leland come) will result in Bonnie always wanting to leave the camp. Note that this will probably have ramifications in season 2 though.

Oh, my god, Dee... darlin' - Leland
1. I found her like this. [Lie] - You lie about Dee. This is the path to get Leland to come with you. This will spark question 2.1
2. I had to do it. - This will spark question 2.
3. It doesn't matter. - Will spark question 2, but the wording will be different. He will ask what happened instead of what do you mean?
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 2.0: What...? What do you mean? - Leland
1. I did it. - Will spark question 3.
2. It was an accident! - You remain honest with Leland and will spark question 3*.
3. Nothing. Never mind. [Lie]
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 2.1: She deserves a... a proper burial. We can't just leave her here in a fuckin'... cornfield. - Leland
1. Take a moment.
2. She's too heavy.
3. She might turn. - Probably the best answer for getting Leland to come with you as this will detach him the best. Also sparks question 3.1
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 3* is unique because if you've followed the line of " it doesn't matter " - - - " it was an accident! " there is still a chance you can get Leland to come with you.
Question 3*: I don't... I don't believe you. - Leland
1. There was nothing I could do. - Leland will not accompany Bonnie.
2. It was her fault. [Lie] - Upon lying to Leland will also block his chance of coming with you.
3. I'm so sorry... - Leland will join Bonnie in leaving. This will spark the second to last .1 question.
4. . . . - Non-altering that will leave Leland by Dee.

Question 3.0: You did this? You did this to my Dee - Leland
1. It was me.
2. She was already like this. [Lie] - Non-altering although at this point lying will not get Leland to come and will only hinder the relationship.
3. What's done is done. - Non-altering although will provoke Leland.
4. . . . - Non-altering. All silence follows the line of Leland not coming with you.

Question 3.1: You got anything to say to her? - Leland
1. I'm sorry. Dee. - Non-altering response.
2. No. - Non-altering response.
3. Leland, I'm here for you. - Non-altering response.
4. . . . - Non-altering response.

Each response perks a different one thought reply from Leland, which will in turn open up the last two dialog sequences following the .1 question line.

And no matter what you choose the group of people will begin to get closer to Bonnie and Leland prompting this last ditch effort which will fail no matter what if you've followed the line prior to this.

Question 4.0: I ain't leaving her. - Leland
1. They'll kill you. - Leland will not leave.
2. I'm not leaving you. - Leland will not leave.
3. I need you, Leland! - Leland will not leave.
4. . . . - Leland will not leave.

Second to last .1 question: I'm sorry to... do this to ya, darlin'. ...leave ya here this way. - Leland
1. Let her go! - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.
2. I need you, Leland! - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.
3. We can't stay forever! - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.
4. . . . - Non-altering response with Leland leaving with Bonnie.

And as they begin to run away, Bonnie comments on Leland going back:

Last .1 question: Sparked as Bonnie realizes Leland went back. - Bonnie
1. Leland! She's gone! - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.
2. Get back here! - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.
3. What are you doing? - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.
4. . . . - Non-altering response about Leland grabbing the bag that Dee died for.


Whether Leland comes with you, or you left him in the dust ultimately matters not as far as having Bonnie go with the group in the end. We've done the unthinkable, or told the truth and left with a good conscious. We'll see you again for Shel's story in day 236, and will finally be able to see a lot of the pieces come together.

Bonnie Goes to the New Group:
Bonnie goes no matter what.