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I'm Not Kissing That

I'm Not Kissing That

Kill the prince cursed into a toad.



How to unlock the I'm Not Kissing That achievement in THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT - Definitive Guide

This achievement is gained once you have defeated the Toad "Prince" boss in the sewers of Oxenfurt. This is unmissable.

The Toad Prince is a fairly difficult boss; it has fast attacks, with plenty of range and close combat capabilities. Preparation is vital: bring lots of healing items and thunderbolt. Also according to it is vulnerable to Northern Wind, Golden Oriole, and Cursed Oil. Also, the Dragon's Dream and Grapeshot combo work effectively.

This can be done on any difficulty, all that changes is the length of the fight (because of the relative strength of the boss), so if you plan on doing this on Death March then make sure you are fully prepared for a long repetitive fight.

Follow these steps:

1. Place Yrden, preferably not too far from the boss (but not in range of its leap).

2. Dodge attacks until the Toad Prince makes its way over to you and steps in the trap, you can throw bombs if you wish.

3. Move towards the boss, applying thunderbolt as you approach.

4. Attack three times (from what I found, its stun is lifted after three hits, heavy or light. So you may as well do heavy, as it would do more damage overall).

5. Dodge away, healing if necessary.

6. Repeat.

It will be unsurprising if this takes a few tries; I personally found this more difficult than the final boss.

Thanks to Kahless Clone for the Dragon's Dream & Grapeshot combo.

13 Oct 2015 17:08

Dragons dream and grapeshot combo work well to
By Kahless Clone on 25 Oct 2015 11:46
i killed the toad prince with Igni (firestorm modus) it worked well :)
The fire makes the poison blow and damage the toad prince. I killed him at my second try.

Sorry for my bad english
By Graufuchs Graz on 25 Oct 2015 22:48
When is this supposed to pop? I've killed him and just collected the bounty and still nothing... Started "A Dead Mans Party" and nothing still
By Crazi Yeti on 13 Nov 2015 14:34
For me this popped at the start of the cutscene after I beat the boss. Have a look on your achievements app, it may say "Done... unlocking" which could mean that it will take a while to pop, but will eventually.
By Qozul on 13 Nov 2015 16:05
I checked that, it is still locked under "Secret achievement" I even went through and played up til the next achievement to see if it was this new Xbox update but without any spoilers I was able to get the next achievement to unlock so it wasn't the update. Oh well, I guess I will just have to play through it again. Thankfully it was the first achievement and not that last!
By Crazi Yeti on 13 Nov 2015 17:01
That sucks, but at least not all of your achievements are broken.
By Qozul on 13 Nov 2015 17:11
Yeah I whooped its ass with maxed out Igni
By on 12 May 2016 19:37
Achievement won't unlock for me either!
I defeated the stupid monster 3 times, from different playthroughs (xbox one) and the achievement is still locked. This is driving me crazy angry
By tenshiko on 09 Jun 2016 13:00
Achievement didnt unlock for me either. Pretty annoying. I'm hoping by the time I finish this DLC and B&W, it might randomly unlock or something.
By K0ELKER12 on 24 Jun 2016 03:08
It seems like a lot of Witcher 3 achievements are buggy right now. It sucks.
By Qozul on 24 Jun 2016 06:26
Finished the DLC and still nothing popped. Luckily it's near the beginning and they let you start a playthrough of just the DLC. I'd be pretty upset if an entirely new playthrough of the main game was necessary. Didn't even realize the achievement failed to pop until I no longer had any saves before the fight :/
By K0ELKER12 on 25 Jun 2016 05:05
Beat the toad no issues doing so and nothing ..f**k third achievement to do so and I really enjoy the witcher franchise wish these things would stop happening
By Xn3m0killsX on 14 Jul 2016 05:48
This wouldn't unlock for me over multiple tries until I restarted my XBox. So if it's stuck for you give that a go.
By Albert Scale on 23 Feb 2020 10:02
Won't pop for me either I wish they would fix these this is the second of this dlc
By Unwashed Johnny on 24 Feb 2024 21:47
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Story related achievement and cannot be missed; assuming you don't break your TV or console.

You'll be given a Monster Contract at the beginning of the DLC requiring you to enter the Oxenfurt Sewers and fight a toad monster that has been slaughtering those citizens and soldiers alike who entered the bowels of Oxenfurt.

Now how to beat this thing. If you have enough healing items, buy more. If you have enough potions, buy more.

Toad only has a few attacks but they all deal considerable damage. He can shoot poisonous balls at you that cause where they landed to become toxic for a bit. If you're far away, it will stab at you with a sword like tongue. If you're close, it will use its tongue to whiplash you. And regardless of your placement it can hop and stomp all over you.

Here's the trick. Ignore everything Geralt says leading up to the encounter. You'll explore the sewers and he'll make mention that the monster isn't affected by fire. That's an absolute lie.

At the start of the battle just dodge, bob and weave until you get an idea of the toads attacks.

Once you're feeling comfortable, start bombarding the toad with Igni fire. Hit with fire, run away. Rinse and repeat. Heal as necessary and never let yourself get backed into a corner. Depending on how advanced your Igni tree is this can take anywhere from five to ten minutes if you plan your dodges well.

This solution works perfect for those who have either fully maxed out their Signs or have a full physical combat builds.

It takes some time, but it is doable and satisfying upon defeating it.

29 Jun 2016 08:26

1 Comment
Easy boss
By MEOZER on 31 Dec 2021 03:52

Story-related, cannot be missed. 

This achievement will unlock after slaying the monster during the main quest entitled "Evil’s Soft First Touches." 


Story related, cannot be missed.

The quest for this is part of the main quest "Evil's Soft First Touches".

When you start the quest to hunt down the beast in the sewers of Oxenfurt. You will track down it's lair and eventually fight a giant toad. Use your dodging skills and the Yden sign to trap it and strike it. Once you get it to low enough health, a cut scene will occur and the trophy will pop.

If suddenly someone has difficulty killing a toad, then I advise you to attack with fire (despite the fact that before this Geralt will say in the dialogue that this monster is not afraid of fire). The toad burns just fine. Igni and combustion bombs work great.

11 Jan 2016 22:35

Bleeding bolts also help a lot
By KTOIA on 16 Apr 2016 18:28
The most optimal solution is Yrden+Quen. Hang a shield on yourself. You drive the toad into a trap, hit it on the triangle, refuse, put Quen if it flies, and do it all over again.
By Ergont on 23 Jun 2016 08:59
I’ll add to the advice above - a toad is afraid of fire only from a blow to the face. Clouds of poison that she shits with can also explode.
By SySExile on 31 Jul 2019 20:06
Fire bomb + explosive bolts and it's in the bag, I've never hit it with a sword, the difficulty is death.
By himeo on 11 Jan 2022 07:35
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The north wind bomb helped me a lot.

30 Aug 2016 23:03