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The Grapes of Wrath Stomped

The Grapes of Wrath Stomped

Help unite the warring vineyards and have a wine named in your honor.



How to unlock the The Grapes of Wrath Stomped achievement in THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT - Definitive Guide

This achievement is highly missable!

This achievement is quite involved and you can begin working towards it once you read the “Wine Wars” note on the notice board outside the Cockatrice Inn. This will trigger the “Wine Wars: Belgaard” quest. Follow the objective to the auction near Plegmund’s Bridge and it will trigger a cutscene with Liam Coronata and Matilda Vermentino.

Liam will give you the “Wine Wars: Coronata” quest and Matilda will give you the “Wine Wars: Vementino” quest. Start with Matilda’s quest and when you reach the objective that contains the elegant letter guarded by Archespores, kill the beasts, read the letter, and then halt progress on this quest IMEDIATELY.

Switch your quest to “Wine Wars: Coronata” and work through the objectives until you reach another letter. Read it and a new quest will trigger. It’s called “Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina.” Switch over to this quest right away and begin working on it. If you progress any further with either of the previous Wine Wars quests, you will miss the achievement (see note below).

After completing the main objective of “Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina,” return to Liam and Matilda and they will give you a new quest entitled “Wine Wars: Consorting.” Complete this quest through and through, it’s fairly simple. Return to Liam and Matilda again once you’re done and after a short cutscene, you will get another new quest: “Wine Wars: Belgraad.” Complete this quest as you normally would – again, it’s straightforward. Once the five objectives have been completed, wait or meditate for three full days and then go see Liam and Matilda.

When you return, they will reward generously (they name a wine after you!) and the achievement will finally unlock.

NOTE: This achievement is missable because if you fully complete either Liam’s or Matilda’s individual Wine Wars quest, only one of them receive Belgraad vineyard and you won’t have a wine named after you. Thus, make sure to stop progress on both “Wine Wars: Coronata” and “Wine Wars: Vermentino” after reading the letter in each quest.


01 Jun 2016 21:18

I checked and all sub objectives are good and all quests completed ...
By hullubaloo on 02 Jun 2016 19:47
missable not not rly a problem, since you can just start a new game. Should not take more then 15 min to get two this Quest(s)
By King fiShiZ on 01 Jun 2016 22:37
This might be one of the most annoying achievements in the DLC just because the quest is so repetitive and I hate those plant things
By BadgaRok725 on 02 Jun 2016 02:24
Heu so what I did was doing the 5 steps of liam (got the 1st letter on the 5th) then the Deus subquest, then the 5 steps for Mat; then they decided to unite and they nameda wine after me but no chiev ... did you choose the geralt of rivia name ??
By hullubaloo on 02 Jun 2016 05:28
I had the exact same ending except the chiev....
By hullubaloo on 02 Jun 2016 05:29
Great guide but not 100% right, where it says to stop progress after you get the letter, you don't need to do that. I did all of Matilda's quest, and then did all of Liam's quest and then I did the Deus In The Machina one and I still got the achievement after helping them with Belgraad's problems.

I think the key is to not turn Matilda or Liam's quests in, so you can complete both of them and Deus In The Machina and still get the achievement.
By samsaBEAR on 02 Jun 2016 12:52
I checked and all sub objectives are good and all quests completed ...
By hullubaloo on 02 Jun 2016 19:35
@Hullubaloo - You followed everything thoroughly and still no achievement? Hmm. I'm not sure, man :/
By BiggDope on 02 Jun 2016 19:46
I am stuck with one of the places with the blue house.... I killed a Rotfiend there maybe two suppose to be three? Tried waiting but nothing happens, am I missing something?
By Corwin613 on 04 Jun 2016 09:17
completed but no achiievement? anyone know why
By Im Papa Justify on 04 Jun 2016 10:43
Nevermind, the quest Consorting appears only if you dont complete the 5/5 from Coronata and Vementino. They are the same missions. I did 5/5 coronata and 5/5 vementino, and then the Machina quest, So I get back and I imediatly receive the belgraad quest. No problem with achievment.
By Loadme Tacos on 04 Jun 2016 14:17
Did you complete the optional objectives before finishing each person's individual quest?
By BiggDope on 04 Jun 2016 17:52
i followed the achievemnt guide. selected the name of the wine and then quest ends no achievemnt pop
By Im Papa Justify on 04 Jun 2016 20:29
Thanks, helped me a lot!
You can tackle this on many different ways but it´s best to just stop Progress as you mentioned when you find the letter for both sides and to start the Machina Quest. At the end you have to clear all Infested Points of Coronata and Vermillion anyways in the Wine Wars: Consorting Sub Quest. Thumbs up from me.
By o0ArA0o on 06 Jun 2016 03:33
Followed the guide but it didn't pop. How tedious :-/
By GavInxs on 07 Jun 2016 00:02
Mine is also broken did everything necessary and it did not pop
By Wittsend01 on 15 Jun 2016 23:18
I did everthing and no achivment pop up.
By KarateKoksPL on 20 Jun 2016 06:07
Glitched for me aswell.
By Torakiki360 on 08 Jul 2016 16:30
I did everything according to the guide and successfully got the wine named after me. But no achievement. I even tried loading a previous save and rename the wine, but no luck.

I wonder if it matters whether or not you go back with the persons you rescue during this long quest. I chose to escort two of them, but one went on his own.
By cobalos on 17 Aug 2016 06:22
Unfortunately I will be added to the list of those who followed the guide exactly and still didn't have the achievement pop. I reloaded multiple saves and nothing. Might have to start a new game on the easiest difficulty and see if that works. Ugh...
By VegaDark541 on 08 Dec 2016 08:47
I just wrote a solution for those of us who had this glitch on them. It's possible to start a new game and get this in about an hour and a half.
By VegaDark541 on 10 Dec 2016 23:02
Same here, glitched for me. Reloaded a previous save game, returning the people and no luck again.
By vinacha on 16 Dec 2016 23:57
Same here, this achievement glitched for me too today. Reloading doesn't change anything. So bye bye Witcher game series completion... over 260 hours with death march for nothing.
By topux on 07 Jan 2017 12:20
I finally got the achievement. I tried many times to reload but it didn't help.
I saved my game again. Then when I restarted my xbox later I loaded the save from "load game" menu and tried again and the achievement popped on the first try. I don't know if that was just luck. So keep trying.
By topux on 07 Jan 2017 22:01
Lots of these dlc achievements are glitched for me. This one, Going South, a few from Heart of Stone. Looks like if I want them I'm going to have to start a new save just for the dlc.
By MaxxKirgan on 14 Apr 2017 19:41
On the first time this gliched on me. Then I restarted the game and box, loaded a checkpoint and finished the quest again. Got the achievement.
By Van Dammage on 13 Jun 2017 18:35
I finished the cleanup for Matildas Quest after reading the letter and thought I was screwed because of this description. I was not however. This solution helped me and I added my comments to it as well.

Solution for The Grapes of Wrath Stomped In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Hope it also helps someone else!
By ChooseMyFate on 28 Jul 2017 07:42
Thanks for helping me get the achievement. #upvote
By Apostle92627 on 03 Oct 2017 00:18
The information in this guide is slightly incorrect. You can finish the 5/5 for both people, just don't hand in the quest (and the final objective states that too).
By Lockie on 11 Mar 2018 05:10
I can confirm you can finish all the quests for each person, just DO NOT turn them in. Do the quests, then go do The Deus In The Machina, and THEN you go see them afterwards. Achievement popped without issue after finishing the last set of quests they give you when you let them know what happened.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 19 Jul 2018 04:42
Another one I will have to try again on another play through. Did all the necessary steps and finished it appropriately, but didn't pop.
Oh well :(
By Bob of Death on 04 Sep 2019 13:42
Before do this quest remeber to not destroy any endrega nest on the open world , there is a endrega nest that if you destroy before head turns Wine wars belgard impossible to complete.
By RAZENOIDE on 04 Feb 2022 15:48
I got the achiev, no problem. I did the 5/5 from the lady, then 5/5 from de men, then the machina, an then the 5/5 belgrad. So I waited for 3 days and they give me the name wine, and achiev unlock.

But, at description above, there is a quest named Consorting... I did not receive this quest, but the achiev unlock without problem

By Loadme Tacos on 04 Jun 2016 11:55
I did all the ?s prior and didn’t get the Consorting quest. After a hard reset and loading my save right before talking to the two, it finally popped
By john kenobi on 18 Feb 2020 02:28
After completing both of the quests (thus not talking with any of the winemakers) go and complete the Deus in the Machina quest, then speak to them. Then you'll get the Belgaard 5 quests and in the end, the achievement will pop out. Done this a second time. First it was a no go, I've completed the Deus in the Machina quest after talking to the winemakers.
By Misstretz on 31 Mar 2020 16:11
I did not receive the Machina quest until I found the letter signed V, in Coronata and a letter signed C, in the Vermentino quest. I needed to unlock the chest in the sunflower field, as well before Machina was available. After burning the seed pods, I returned to the bridge and began the Consorting quest. There is no map location named Vermentino Vineyard in my game!

Not yet completed, I have only had one achievement in the entire dlc that has shown up on screen. But all have been recorded as unlocked in my LIVE achievement roster. The one cheevo that popped on screen was after I had unplugged the xbox power for 10-15 seconds and turned it back on again, twice (because I missed the headshot with the northern wind bomb). My saves I reloaded at the start of the dlc were from the cloud and I have some missing endgame items. In other quests I have found that Geralt must maintain his name during the quest (i.e.-Smitten Knight), in order for the achievements to unlock.

I just unlocked this achievement. Chose to name the wine Geralt of Rivea and it popped on screen. Finally found the Vermentino vineyard. It is straight south of the Lebioda statue that is nearby the west end of the bridge. Good luck to everyone else who goes for this achievement. I did follow the guide directions.
By Marine1Ten on 16 Jul 2016 23:31
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This solution is for anyone who had this achievement glitch on them after following another guide and expecting to get the achievement, but it never popping. Unfortunately this happened to me and quite a few others, looking at the comments about this achievement. Unfortunately, loading up an old save does not appear to work. I can confirm, however, that starting a new game with the sole purpose of getting this achievement will work to unlock it.

It is possible to start a new game from scratch and get this achievement in about an hour and a half.

First, from the title menu, choose new game. Choose "Blood and Wine only" which will allow you start with a level 35 character. Choose "story only" for the difficulty - we don't need to make this harder on ourselves than it needs to be.

This will start you off near an objective marker for a signboard. Immediately go to that signboard and read all notices. This should give you the "Envoys, wineboys" quest. Take a minute to use your skill points to make your character formidable. Personally I completed everything having only used about half my skill points, so you don't really need to worry about what you do here. I focused on red (attack) skills. My recommendation would be to do quick strike ones and the "Undying" skill which is nice to avoid a death. Combine this with one of the general skills that grants you an adrenaline point whenever you enter battle, and you are guaranteed a revive from a near-death experience at least once per battle. Even on the easiest difficulty, it is likely you will die a few times since you will be under-leveled and under-geared, so this is probably worth your while.

Proceed through the Envoys, wineboys quest up until right after you kill Golyat. At this point, you can ignore the main story mission, and you should go directly to Plegmund's Bridge, which should be northwest of where you are.

There should be a noticeboard there. Read the notices, which should give you the Wine Wars quest. Immediately make that your main quest and go a short distance to the arguing characters. Since you've already presumably done this once, you should know the drill, so I'm not going to be as detailed as a normal solution.

The two characters each give you their set of 5 tasks to fix up their wineries.

IMPORTANT: There are multiple "people in distress" during these wine tasks. For each of them, choose to immediately follow them back to their respective winery instead of meeting up with them later. Choosing to meet up with them later may contribute to the achievement glitching, and is one of the few differences I made between my playthroughs.

It doesn't matter which one you do first, but you should complete all 5 tasks (DO NOT TURN THE QUEST IN, HOWEVER!). Once all 5 are completed, move on to the other wine wars quest, and do those 5 (ALSO DO NOT TURN THIS ONE IN). At some point during the second 5 tasks, you should read a corpse with an elegant letter on it, which will give you the Wine Wars: Deuce in the Machina quest. Only begin on this quest once you have finished all 5 of the second set of Wine Wars tasks. Once all 10 of those tasks are completed, but you have not yet turned them in, go to the objective marker for the Deuce int he Machina quest. This quest will have a red skull to signify it's probably too high of a level for you. Don't worry, it's not very hard since we are on the easiest difficulty. Proceed until you get to the cellar, and kill the centipede. Although it has a red skull, it's not too bad.

Proceed through this area until your quest updates to talk to the two vineyard owners who gave you the quests earlier. Go there, and since you have already completed their mini sets of 5 tasks, you should proceed now to the new vineyard, that itself has 5 tasks to do (groan).

Do these 5 in any order, although the northeastern most one has a person in distress who will bring you back to the vineyard if you leave this for last, which is convenient.

Once these 5 are completed, turn the quest in and wait the 3 days. I talked to the guy, but I don't think it matters. Ask about the surprise, and fingers crossed the achievement will now pop for you.

The only differences between my original playthrough and this one, in an effort to deduce what might contribute to the achievement glitching is as follows:

-I didn't do any intervening quests, I just played this the whole way through. In my original playthrough I did some minor quests in the interim that could have possibly screwed something up.

-As already mentioned above, I agreed to escort all the people in distress back to their vineyards. In my first playthrough, I escorted only 2 of them. It is possible this is contributing the the achievement glitching.

-The first time around, I immediately stopped doing the vineyard tasks once the Deuce in the Machina quest came up. This forced me to go back and finish these tasks before the new joint vineyard tasks were available. I don't know if this contributes to the achievement glitching, but it's more efficient to finish them all at the get go anyway, so I would recommend that.

- The name you give the wine at the end is irrelevant. I chose the same name I originally went with (White Wolf) and it popped, so the name you choose has nothing to do with the achievement glitching.

Please post any comments if you follow this exactly and the achievement still glitches on you. If that's the case I don't know what to say. Also, please post if you think anything else might have contributed towards the achievement glitching or if you deviated from the above and the achievement worked, to help further deduce for others what may the cause of the glitch.

10 Dec 2016 23:01

thank you kindly. it worked like a charm with the ''Once all 10 of those tasks are completed, but you have not yet turned them in, go to the objective marker for the Deuce int he Machina quest''
+1 from me [beer]
By Luku38 on 15 May 2018 18:16
I followed your guide to the tee and still did not pop. The game makes an autosave after you turn in last quest, before you wait the 3 days. I reloaded the save and tried all 3 names of wine to no avail. I then hard reset my xbox (by holding power button), then reloaded that same save. I picked "Butcher of Blaviken" and it popped as soon as the quest completed!
Your guide is spot on thank you! Several of this games achievements are glitchy like this. To anyone who followed this guide and it STILL glitches, try what I did and hopefully it works for you.
By Visions of Gore on 02 Jan 2019 19:34
Good to hear you eventually got it working!
By VegaDark541 on 02 Jan 2019 23:15
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This is a missable achievement. It's not hard to get, but it's easy to miss and has a lot of parts.

The first step is to get the "Wine Wars: Belgaard" quest from a notice board. Head to the marker and see what's happening at the auction. Agree to help both of the parties looking to buy the vineyard, starting the "Wine Wars: Coronata" and "Wine Wars: Vementino" quests.

The important trick is you have to start, but not complete, both of these. Each one will ask you to clear up 5 different problems in their vineyards (about half of these are killing Archeospore infestations). Each of them also has a particular spot where you will find an elegant letter. The moment you find the letter for one of these, stop trying to complete that quest and work on the other. If you accidentally fully complete one of these, you wont' be able to get the achievement.

The easiest way is to specifically target the letters:
* The Wine Wars: Vementino letter is in the southeastern most of the 5 quest locations
* The Wine Wars: Coronata letter is in the quest location due south of the trading post (or the quest spot north of the southeastern most quest spot).

When you have both letters, you'll open up the "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina" quest. That is the one you then want to pursue. Finish this quest and you'll find yourself back at the auction location. This will close all three active "Wine Wars" quests and replace it with "Wine Wars: Consorting" which is basically to finish all of the other tasks you didn't complete for the earlier two Wine Wars quests.

Once all of that is done, you return to the "Wine Wars: Belgaard" quest again. This requires you to clean out another 5 problems (a bit more difficult than the earlier ones, but still fairly easy). Once all of those are done, return to the winery and receive your reward. You're told to return in three days for a special gift. When you get that gift, the achievement will unlock.

03 Jun 2016 00:00

Strangely enough, I may have found a much quicker and easier way to complete this long series of quests and get the achievement, but I'll need help to confirm because I'm not sure if I got a friendly and lucky glitch or if that was intended.

So when I wanted to start this quest, I went to the location on foot and came across the "guarded treasure" shown on this screenshot:

External image

In this guarded treasure I found the letter that triggered "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina" which is really weird because I hadn't begun the series of quests yet, I hadn't even talked to the PNJs, so I didn't do anything for them etc... but I was able to trigger the quest nonetheless.

Anyway, I decided to track the new quest (so the "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina one") so I went to the corresponding location, killed the centipede, got the note and the quest was accomplished without any following quests triggered. I decided to track the original quest again "Wine Wars: Belgaard" and when I arrived to the location, Liam and Matilda were arguing and Geralt took part in the discussion saying that he somehow knew what was the problem, and I directly got the "Wine Wars: Consorting" ; from there I just followed the normal path of the series of quest and ended up getting the achievement.

So in the end I didn't have to go through the "Wine Wars: Coronata" and "Wine Wars: Vementino" and I didn't have to be careful about reading letters, halting the quests at the very right moment, etc, so it's a much quicker and much more "braindead" way of doing the quests because you don't have to think about anything ; that's pretty much straightforward.

It seems weird because this specific way of doing the quests looks intended (according to the conversation Geralt, Matilda and Liam had when I first met them) but I find it hard to believe that no one before me found out about it.

I would like one of you to try what I did to verify if that was just a random nice glitch or if this is just for everyone else, which would save some troubles to all of you:

-First take the "Wine Wars: Belgaard" quest but don't do it
-Then go to the guarded treasure shown on the image, where you're supposed to find a letter that triggers the "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina" when you read it.
-If you didn't get any letter there, well that means I got lucky and you can just follow the other solutions to guide you through the quests.
-But if you were able to trigger the quest, then do it
-When it's done, just follow the "Wine Wars: Belgaard" quest, complete it and every other quests you receive after it and you should get the achievement.

I hope my wall of text wasn't too confusing for you, please don't downvote the solution untill you've tried, I'm just trying to help here. If my "solution" happens to be wrong after verification, I'll just delete it. Thanks.

20 Jan 2017 19:17

Your screenshot isn't working. Just downloads it when I click it then won't let me open it. There should be a way to edit your solution where it actually appears as a picture and not just a link.
By Foxfire49 on 27 Jan 2017 22:29
Should be fixed now, thanks !
By the way I've also recorded a clip proving that i really looted the letter while going for the very first step of the quest series. I don't think it's necessary to show it directly in the solution but I recorded it just in case.
By Spay001 on 28 Jan 2017 02:17
I'm glad I could help :)
By Spay001 on 28 Jul 2017 21:18
i couldn't get the quest (The Deus in the Machina) to trigger from picking up the letter so i followed the steps ChooseMyFate provided and i ended up with the achievement so can confirm this works. thanks clap

By theone1 on 18 Aug 2017 00:17
I thought I was screwed regarding this quest until I read your solution. My quest progress was as follows after finding your solution and going to the location and picking up the letter.

Wine Wars: Carona

Wine Wars: Vermentino

Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina

So I continued on and completed The Deus in the Machina objectives and talked to Liam and Matilda. After doing this it completed all 3 above quests and gave me the quest Wine Wars: Consorting.

I then completed this quest (which was just clearing out the rest of the vineyard troubles from before) and returned to Liam and Matilda.

I was given and completed Wine Wars: Belgaard.

Boom! cn_guideAchievement Unlocked.

By ChooseMyFate on 28 Jul 2017 07:39
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You will start this with the quest "Wine Wars: Belgaard", which you can obtain from the Cockatrice Inn board. Go to the location and you will be asked to help both Matilda Vermentino and Liam de Coronata, which gives you two different quests; Wine Wars: Vermentino and Wine Wars: Coronata.

Complete the 5 tasks for each and read both letters found from each quest and it will give you the quest "Wine Wars: The Dues in the Machina". Make sure you complete this quest and not talk to either Matilda or Liam beforehand. This will lead you into the final quest to solve the 5 issues at Belgaard. After that, you must wait 3 days for a "surprise" that they want to give you. Leave the area and meditate for three days then go talk to them again and you will find out they named a wine after you! Congratulations! Pick the name you like and be done with it.


This achievement is quite involved and is highly missable. You can begin working towards it once you read the “Wine Wars” note on the notice board outside the Cockatrice Inn. This will trigger the “Wine Wars: Belgaard” quest. Follow the objective to the auction house near Plegmund’s Bridge and it will trigger a cutscene with Liam Coronata and Matilda Vermentino.

Liam will give you the “Wine Wars: Coronata” quest and Matilda will give you the “Wine Wars: Vementino” quest. Start with Matilda’s quest and when you reach the objective that contains the elegant letter guarded by Archespores, kill the beasts, read the letter, and then halt progress on this quest immediately.

Switch your quest to “Wine Wars: Coronata” and work through the objectives until you reach another letter. Read it and a new quest will trigger; it's called “Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina.” Switch over to this quest right away and begin working on it. If you progress any further with either of the previous Wine Wars quests, you will miss the achievement (see note below).

After completing the main objective of “Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina,” return to Liam and Matilda and they will give you a new quest: “Wine Wars: Consorting.” Complete this quest and return to Liam and Matilda once you’re done to receive the next quest: “Wine Wars: Belgraad.” Complete this quest as you normally would and once the five objectives have been completed, meditate for three full days and then go see Liam and Matilda in their new estate.

When you return, they will reward you generously (they name a wine after you - take your pick as to its name) and the achievement will finally unlock.

NOTE: This achievement is missable because if you fully complete either Liam’s or Matilda’s individual Wine Wars quest, only one of them receive Belgraad vineyard and you won’t have a wine named after you. Thus, make sure to stop progress on both “Wine Wars: Coronata” and “Wine Wars: Vermentino” after reading the letter in each quest.


02 Jun 2016 12:00

According to points 1: Faced with the winemakers, he will agree to help both. 2: Find a letter in the mission of Vermentino (the marker which is located next to the river) and Coronata (south of the merchant trading post with a treasure sign under guard) 3: Complete the missions Dirty Game, Consortium and Belgrade.4:Wait three days and approach Liam and Matilda.
By Limbreria on 18 Jun 2016 09:09
It's easy to miss by choosing sides rather than reconciling them. First we go through Matilda’s quest, then you’ll understand everything yourself.
By sgadzhiev on 03 Jun 2016 23:31
He came running, talked to Liam, but chose the option “visit him at the winery later,” then he talked to Matilda and agreed to help her. I completed all the conditions of her quest, Liam's quest was not displayed. I thought that I wouldn’t get the trophy, but I found the location of his vineyards on the map, paid a visit there and Liam’s quest started)
By pinku_iruka on 09 Jun 2016 11:19
When playing on version 1.60, the bug mentioned above is absent. When I started completing Belgaard's tasks, the places I visited were already included
By Smilesoul on 02 Mar 2019 19:16
Attention! There is a bug in the quest with an endriag nest, if you destroy it earlier, then during the final quest of the Wine Warriors of Belfgard, you will not be credited with solving the 1st problem, and the task on the destroyed nest will be highlighted...
By witcher6999 on 08 Apr 2018 23:54
Game version 1.62 - the above bug is still present. Perhaps if you play the entire game on version 1.60+ of the game, then there will be no bug, but if you have the same problem as me: “I quit playing when I got stuck on this achievement on version 1.50,” then the bug will remain.
By dev0 on 27 Jul 2019 17:08
It's simple.
We take it and help both winemakers. Don’t be alarmed if you accidentally switch tasks to the second winemaker (simply after switching to the tasks of the second winemaker, the tasks of the first will disappear). As you progress, the game itself will switch tasks between both winemakers.
By LRuslanusS on 06 Jun 2017 09:47
It is important to note that as soon as the quest Dirty Game becomes available to you during the completion of the Vermentino or Coronar quests, you need to immediately complete it, and only then go to the auction and then hand it over. In this case, the Consortium quest will open. If you find the notes and complete the quests Vermentino and Coronar, but do not complete the quest Dirty Game, but go to the auction to turn them in, the achievement will not open. We will not find out who interfered with the development of wineries, although the merger of wineries will happen, they will not make wine in honor of the witcher.
By I-Van on 14 Feb 2022 07:07
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The quest is taken on Plegmund's Bridge.

31 May 2016 19:05

1 Comment
After you have received the quest Dirty Game, immediately run to complete it, because if you complete it after you help someone get the Belgaard winery, and then go to complete this quest, then accordingly you will not see a good ending to the quest, nor will you see the achievement. Remember: you need to unite the wineries, and not help just one.
By NashNod on 01 Aug 2018 12:21