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What Was That?

What Was That?

Attack, counter, cast a Sign and throw a bomb (in any order) in under 4 seconds.



How to unlock the What Was That? achievement in THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT - Definitive Guide

It's really easy.
You need a bomb like Samum and a sign equipped. Look for some easy enemies and then counter an attack, start your own quick attack, throw a bomb and cast a sign.

So you only have to press cn_LT, cn_X, cn_RB, cn_RT in under 4 seconds when someone is attacking you. The order doesn't matter but it should be the easiest way.

EDIT: You will be able to do it in tutorial when fighting Vesemir. (thanks Flezza and DJ Rjester)

I tried my best to write in English.

Es ist ganz einfach.
Du musst eine Bombe wie Samum und ein Zeichen ausrüsten und dann nach ein paar einfachen Gegnern Ausschau halten. Kontere dann einen Angriff und führe einen eigenen aus, wirf eine Bombe und zaubere ein Zeichen.

Also musst du nur cn_LT, cn_X, cn_RB, cn_RT innerhalb von 4 Sekunden drücken, wenn dich jemand angreift, um zum Erfolg zu kommen. Die Reihenfolge ist dabei egal, aber es sollte so am einfachsten sein.

EDIT: Es ist möglich es bereits im Tutorial im Kampf gegen Vesemir den Erfolg zu bekommen. (Danke Flezza und DJ Rjester)

16 May 2015 15:18

Just wanted to add that if you choose to do the weapons tutorial (where you go through the basics with Vesmir) you can get it there too. Just continue to train with him, don't sheathe your sword, after it teaches you the basics.

I did the buttons in the order you have above there and it popped.
By Flezza on 19 May 2015 12:58
Yeah, I can confirm that you can do it in the tutorial.
By DJ RJester on 19 May 2015 17:20
Ok, thank you. I will add it. :)
By Vossey van Joss on 19 May 2015 20:36
Worked on my second attempt exactly as you outlined.

P.S Your English is perfect.
By Calex dEUS on 31 May 2015 10:33
Sehr gutes Englisch, und gute Information. I wish I still spoke German as well as you speak English!
By BigBoomKC on 27 Jun 2015 15:33
The best way to earn this achievement is in the tutorial when you're fighting with Vesemir.
By VaSaMiAn007 on 03 Aug 2016 12:35
Finally got this one at the end of Blood & Wine. A couple guards got attacked so after I was done helping them, they attacked me. I killed one, then got the achievement before killing the other one. It took a couple tries though...
By Apostle92627 on 05 Oct 2017 23:47
Anyone thats wondering if this isn't popping, make sure you follow the above sequence, being sure to tap each once.
I thought I was doing this and it not popping but think I got the order messed up and pressed too many times. just take it simple :)
By Ahh Dobby on 16 Mar 2018 19:29
I just finished downloading the game and couldn’t get to unlock it either (some of the free dlc was downloading while I tried). Solution? Restarted my Xbox and popped right away on my 1st try.
By VSlaven on 16 Jan 2020 06:22
This does not work. Fact.
By on 31 Jan 2020 06:44
Phl0am - it does work, I just unlocked it. You think a solution would have 150 upvotes if it didn't work?roll
By SwedelSlug224 on 24 Apr 2020 01:57
this unlocked fine for me in the tutorial!
By Wwau on 27 Jul 2020 18:39
Correct order for it to work for me was LT X RT RB

Counterattack, quick attack, sign, throw bomb
By Ohh Werd on 27 May 2021 12:32
I tried a lot of combos but Ohh Werd gave the one that worked for me: LT X RT RB. Anything else just didn't work.
By Trimbler on 11 Sep 2021 23:46
Thanks for the guide - Worked fine (eventually!) Just thought I'd add, for anybody who is struggling to unlock this, I tried for almost half an hour and I was convinced that I was doing this right yet it was not unlocking. I cleared the cache (held down the power button on the console for 10 seconds) and loaded the game back up (it should put you back at the beginning of the combat tutorial) and after that it unlocked first time. May be worth trying for anybody who is having trouble unlocking this.
By TheCraig1981 on 20 Jul 2019 16:38
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You need to Counterattack (not parry), Attack, Use a Sign, and Use a Bomb within 4 seconds. Find a single enemy with a basic sword, counter, fast attack, Sign and then throw a bomb. Make sure to create a bomb and equip it before the battle.


18 May 2015 12:13

1 Comment
I added this to the other guide but just for anyone who may look at this one and not the other:

"Just wanted to add that if you choose to do the weapons tutorial (where you go through the basics with Vesmir) you can get it there too. Just continue to train with him, don't sheathe your sword, after it teaches you the basics. "

Just for another place people can get it.
By Flezza on 19 May 2015 12:59
Enable tutorials from the opening menu of the game, and play up until you're learning the combat mechanics against Vesemir. Follow all of the prompts to complete the tutorial, where the game will offer for you to sheathe your blade, or continue to train in open combat against Vesemir. Opt for the continued training.

At this point, the achievement becomes obtainable. Allow Vesemir to attempt to strike you, and counter his attack with a timely press of cn_LT (you'll have just learned the proper timing for a counter attack in the tutorial). From there, immediately respond with a quick attack ( cn_X) , a bomb throw (which should already be equipped from the tutorial) with cn_RB, and the usage of any sign you have equipped (I had Quen active) with cn_RT.

As long as you go through the sequence in a timely fashion, you should get this achievement to pop in absolutely no time, with minimal effort.

21 May 2015 20:20

By TheOnlyMatto on 28 Dec 2018 18:42
cant get this to unlock. Doing all of the above steps
By Mattynicklin on 03 Jan 2020 09:02
Matty - are you certain that you are delivering the bomb by just tapping RB, which has Geralt quick-throw, versus holding it to aim? I find that holding it often takes an extra second or two of animation that takes us past 4 seconds.

If not that, are you certain that you're counter attacking instead of just parrying when you hit LT? Finally, which sign do you have active with RT? If it's Igni or Aard you may have to hit Vesemir, whereas with Quen you only cast it on yourself so you can't 'miss'.
By Shh I am Batman on 03 Jan 2020 14:01
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Find human enemies, like bandits and kill all but one. Wait for him to attack and counter him (with LT while his Health bar is red flashing), then attack him (X), throw a bomb (RB) and cast a sign (RT) – in four Seconds


20 May 2015 09:08

Make sure it is a one on one encounter and best to choose a normal sword bandit, wolf or drowner (kill off its buddies if you have to), equip the bomb that stuns (Samum), the shield sign (Quen) and use a fast attack.

Counter is the hardest so make that one first (by pressing cn_L2 as it starts its attack generally and against a bandit you'll sometimes/all the time kick them), than press cn_R1, cn_R2, cn_S or cn_R2, cn_R1, cn_S.

It may be easier to lock onto the enemy so your targeting it


04 Jun 2015 21:59

A good place to get this and "Butcher of Blaviken" (Kill 5 opponents in 10 seconds) is the end of the quest when looking for Yennefer when
The patrons in the bar attack you"

24 May 2015 22:41

Here is a video guide with English commentary for this achievement!

Here is a playlist of guides for this game!

11 Jun 2015 22:57

There are two main keys to getting this, in my opinion: first, make sure that you're up against an enemy you can counter, second, start your attack chain with the counter, since that is the one element that relies on timing/your enemy. Also, make sure you have your bomb active as your item use key - several times I forgot to double check and missed opportunities because Geralt was shooting his crossbow rather than throwing a bomb when I hit my middle mouse button.

12 Dec 2019 00:00

So I did this with a wolf and I counted L2 sword (square) even though the wolf died i used a bomb R1 and ignia R2. Yes the wolf died before all buttons and I did get the Thropie

22 Jan 2017 04:51

Firstly, you will need to craft a bomb with alchemy. The necessary ingredients can be bought from herbalists (there's one in the middle of White Orchard). Put the bomb in your inventory and look for an enemy, but make sure it's not a very weak enemy as you may one-hit kill it. Start with the counter attack, followed by a quick attack, throw the bomb and cast the sign at the end. Also don't forget to select the bomb in your weapon wheel before the fight.


This can be obtained at any point during your playthrough, though it can be earned early on while traveling through White Orchard. This is mainly due to the reason that the ingredients to craft one of your first bombs can be purchased from the herbalists in White Orchard. With that said, travel to the herbalist’s hut in this area and purchase the following ingredients from her: Celandine (2) & Saltpeter (1). Now open up the Alchemy tab while shopping and you should be able to craft a Samum Bomb. Make sure to equip the bomb in your inventory and then head out.

There’s no set area to grab this achievement, though hanging around the shores of White Orchard seems to be like a decent spot for roaming drowners. Once you spot an enemy, engage them head on and perform all four combat maneuvers as quickly as you can.

NOTE: One may opt to get this achievement during the game’s tutorial. After practicing bomb aiming, continue to practice with Vesemir. Block one of his attacks, swing back and cast Aard, and then quickly throw a bomb at him.

First you need to craft a bomb using alchemy. You can get the necessary ingredients by collecting herbs. Put the bomb in your inventory and look for the enemy, but do not look for an enemy that is too weak and can be killed with one hit. Start with a counterattack first, then quickly attack immediately, throw a grenade, and finally cast a Sign.

Just remember to select the bomb first before fighting the enemy.

Detailed video hint

16 May 2015 11:16

I made this trophy in the very first training battle in Kaer Morhen. In the training battle there are endless bombs. You can train endlessly until you get a trophy.
By SeaBirdU on 19 May 2015 00:42
Do it on the guard.
We counterattack, attack with a light attack, throw the Devil's Mushroom (do not use exploding bombs, because you yourself will receive damage and stand still for a while) Then Aard and the trophy is yours
By AlexIvanovRus on 06 Feb 2018 11:39
Can be combined with the "Doppler Effect" trophy, can be done without much effort
By Acnologia on 28 Sep 2019 16:13
You can do it on a skelig where there are 2 pirates, we kill one on the second one then a light attack, damn mushroom, ard.
By RapManGamer on 19 Feb 2022 22:07
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Easily done in the training battle with Vesemir.

25 Jun 2015 02:27