The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

78 Achievements


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Geralt and Friends

Geralt and Friends

Win a round of gwent using only neutral cards.


How to unlock the Geralt and Friends achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Definitive Guide

In the beginning, if you are in the first inn, there is a person who will teach you the card game. After the lesson you can play against him again and try this achievement like me, it's pretty easy with the cards from the start:

You have to win a round of Gwent with only using neutral cards like Zoltan Chivay. You will gain Zoltan as the first neutral card after defeating the man in the first inn. It isn't necessary to win the first game. You can earn it in a rematch, too. Nonneutral cards have a blue sign on the left side and can be played in every deck.

In the first round, try to play many cards, but not Zoltan Chivay, with a high attack so that the opponent have to (and he will) play all his cards to win this round. I tried it often and it worked nearly everytime. It can still be, that you have to try it a few times because I did this a few updates ago and the behavior changed through a few updates.

Now that he has no more cards to play it's very easy to win with playing only Zoltan. Even if he has a card to lower his attack.

This solution depends on a little bit of luck that you have many cards with high attack stats in your hand. And don't try to play too many cards. The enemy will give up the round if he can't play enough cards to win this round, so begin with the lower ones.

Good luck, I hope this will help to get the achievement!!

Edit: If you have completed the area and the man who taught you the game is gone, I would start a new game, maybe, if you didn't do it already with a harder mode for later (Please pay attention to my second Edit!). It tooks only 10 minutes or so to get to the man (tutorial while Gerald is dreaming, first encounter, second encounter and you're in white orchard. I don't know if there is someone else who's easy to do this achievement, but I played almost against everyone in Velen and everyone is much harder then the man in the beginning, because they have many cards with a high attack and they won't play all cards in the first round. So I would start a new game!

Edit 2: In the further game there are many player who are very easy, too. So it isn't really necessary to start a new game! But it could be a faster way if you need an achievement for the streak.

Edit 3: If you vote negative for my solution, then please give me feedback! Thanks.

20 May 2015 10:15

Do you start with Zoltan in your deck?
By CPCrookedMan on 21 May 2015 04:55
No, you will gain Zoltan after you win a match against the man in the inn. I will edit this information.
By LightningSoule on 21 May 2015 07:19
Worked like a charm - thanks!
By SallyNasty on 21 May 2015 10:50
No problem. I'm happy if it helps others! smile
By LightningSoule on 21 May 2015 11:05
lol xD never tried to kill friendly people :D
By LightningSoule on 21 May 2015 13:01
You know where there is anyone else that it is able to do it on?
as the gwent tutorial guy is no longer at the inn after the.... incident :(
By DarkPotatoSouls on 23 May 2015 04:19
I edit MY way to do it after hes gone..
By LightningSoule on 23 May 2015 07:03
Can be done against the majority of Gwent players in the game that I have played so far.

Make sure you have a few neutral cards in your deck. If the AI wins the first round, or you let them (playing spies, decoys etc), they will pass immediately on the second round around half the time, letting you play a single card for a round win and get the achievement.
By PrettyAverage on 24 May 2015 18:22
Great guide. I lost the first round and then he passed at the start of the second round. Boom, easy achievement! Thanks!
By dylan is white on 25 May 2015 11:00
Thanks worked great
By ViperDonz on 25 May 2015 13:27
It worked! And I am not really talented in card games! clap Thank you for the guide.
By Sunny Kloud on 25 May 2015 15:12
hihi no problem :D
By LightningSoule on 25 May 2015 15:27
Got lucky in the second round, used torrential rain and impenetrable fog to weaken the only two cards he had left, and then he only had weather cards.

No match for Zoltan :p great guide
By RPG Lumi on 07 Jun 2015 12:05
Thanks :) I'm very happy that my first guide could help so many people to get this achievement without problems :))
By LightningSoule on 07 Jun 2015 14:19
Excellent solution though for people just starting off the game. Also congrats on your first solutionsmile
By NJC Omega on 20 Jun 2015 11:42
Thanks. Now the time has come that I will add this hint in my solution! :P Thanks for the feedback :))
By LightningSoule on 20 Jun 2015 12:15
played the game for 80 hours and only just got into gwent, have played about 20 games and just got the achievement thanks to the Vessemir card. I noticed that if you play someone with a monsters deck, they always leave a card on the table after rounds, and quite often if they win the first round they pass straight away on the second, so if you have a neutral card of reasonable value (Vessemir is 6) then lay that down to win the round (providing the opponents card is of less value, which it usually is)
By JimboJambo86 on 09 Jul 2015 18:43
I don't understand every single one of my gwent cards has a banner. Including my hero and weather cards. I have most of the cards in the game and yet none are neutral. It's extremely frustrating! facepalm. I looked everywhere online trying to see what's happening. I don't know if this a bug or something. Please help! XC
By TheUtmostLegend on 11 Jun 2016 03:14
Edit: Well the achievement still popped for me when I won a round with the Geralt and Ciri cards so for some reason all my cards have banners. I was really worried that it was glitched because when I looked up a list of what cards were neutral they ended up being cards I commonly used. I thought something was wrong because I hadn't gotten it yet. I was really mad because this was one of the last achievements I needed. Pheew! Crisis averted! Oh, I'm happy like a room without a roof! headspin
By TheUtmostLegend on 11 Jun 2016 03:49
Yeah, Ciri and Geralt are examples for neutral cards. All in all neutral cards are cards which you can use in every gwint deck (for example in monster and nilfgaard).
I'm happy that the problem was solved so fast :))
By LightningSoule on 11 Jun 2016 07:50
So another update for this guide should be the fact that in some update to the game, no clue when though, all neutral cards are now assigned a faction. The best way to tell that they are neutral is if they can be played in all the decks.
By TheInfamousNerd on 23 Jul 2016 13:34
Okay, I added the fact that you can play it with every deck :) I didn't played it again after the first DLC so far, so I don't know what was changed etc :P
By LightningSoule on 23 Jul 2016 15:48
Got this on my first try with a blacksmith in Velen. Just load up on high-point cards and drop most/all in the first round. Even won the match.
By The Globalizer on 16 Nov 2016 20:18
Lol^^ cant find anything in the internet about Zoltan not being neutral in the GOTY version :D but like many people added: it isnt hard to do this achievement without Zoltan ^^ Gewnt is really easy to play and the AI isnt hard, either. :)
By LightningSoule on 20 Nov 2016 19:57
@RianFL I have the GOTY version and unlocked the achievement with Zoltan. He only looks non-neutral because his card displays the faction banner of whatever deck he's in.
By Lockie on 11 Dec 2016 07:57
Ah okay. Sorry, I didn't played for a long time now: so this is just in the GOTY-Version of the game? If so, I will add it.
By LightningSoule on 11 Dec 2016 09:17
won Zoltan, but how do you get him into your hand in the game? already have him in my deck
By ClassyWings on 10 Feb 2017 10:38
Because it's a card game you have to play until you have drew him in your start hand of course. Card games are always gambling cause ou can't say which cards you will draw and when.
By LightningSoule on 10 Feb 2017 16:43
ah ok, thanks! first card game i've played ever... thought I was crazy, but that's supposed to happen then... roll
By ClassyWings on 10 Feb 2017 20:36
Hehe :P
By LightningSoule on 11 Feb 2017 11:00
I earned this achievement randomly.
By Ninjabird00 on 11 Aug 2017 08:56
I'm not sure if this has been changed or patched but I just won a round while only playing Zoltan and the achievement didn't pop. I've tried 4 different times now and nothing.

Edit: Nvm it unlocked after I restarted my console. The method still works
By FlukeMoogly on 23 Sep 2017 07:14
This was glitching for me too, won 2 rounds with just Zoltan and no cheevo popping. Restarted console and still no cheevo. Started game up again, won another round with just using Zoltan and this time it popped.
By prakkero on 02 May 2019 01:32
Can confirm that Zoltan with banner can get this cheev. I just won it on the Gamepass version with the blue banner. It took several games before I had the Zoltan in my deck but eventually got it using this method
By CheesierJoint on 26 Dec 2019 22:29
He passed on around 30 games in a row spent ages and still can't get this... the gwent achivements are cancer.
By DeadSamurai77 on 02 Feb 2020 07:29
I do not understand why sometimes the Zoltan cards is selected for the deck, and sometimes don't
By FaSCoRP on 07 Feb 2020 19:34
You can find the Zoltan card under a body at hang mans trees, I suspect it’s the same guy that was going to teach you, you’ll find the card along with a note.

In case anyone was wondering.
By SKIDMARK BURTON on 16 Feb 2020 05:51
thank you this help me i got it on my 4th tryclap
By ıIamfine on 08 Apr 2020 13:18
I'm glad I could help! :3
By LightningSoule on 08 Apr 2020 13:59
Definitely doesn't work every time. I just tried this and he still had cards left in the second round. I'll give it another try, but it's not as foolproof as you make it sound
By FJMatlock on 26 May 2020 19:18
Im changing the "work everytime" part now. They changed the behaviour of the other player via update. Now it's just a suggestion to do it in an early but still easy way. You just have to try it a little bit. Sorry for not updating after such a long time, didn't checked this.
By LightningSoule on 26 May 2020 19:41
Did take a few games of playing, but did pop on 2nd round. Cheers!
By Ohh Werd on 29 May 2021 18:06
I've played 6 games and Zoltan is never drawn. I need 22 cards to start the game and only draw 10 to play. Just luck I guess. RNG and he's not selected ever
By Y2Kasper10 on 02 Aug 2023 00:05
I suppose so, but i was following the walkthrough and didn't understand why the achievement wasn't popping. Took me a while to figure out what neutral cards are, in order to figure out the exact problem. I've searched the net but found no information either. Thanks for your guide though. Vote up!
By RianFL on 20 Nov 2016 20:04
I can't seem to find someone wiling to play cards in white orchard, i might have killed the poor sod laugh
By Macfly77422 on 21 May 2015 11:50
Up voted but I really don't think it's necessary to suggest starting a new game if you miss it the first time. This can be done against the majority of gwent players in White Orchard and Velen. I haven't got further than this yet but I'm assuming Novigrad and the Skelleige Isles will be the same.

In the first round just ensure the majority of the opponents cards are played. After this they normally only have weather cards for the last 2 cards meaning you can beat them no problem in the 2nd round using only a neutral card.
By NJC Omega on 20 Jun 2015 11:39
Hi, just wanted to let you know that my Zoltan Chivay card is not neutral, but rather a Northern Realms card, in the GOTY version of the game. Bummer
By RianFL on 20 Nov 2016 15:51
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If you missed the opportunity to nab this during your first "intro" game of Gwent at the inn within White Orchard, I've got a method to help you out.

It's a matter of circumstance but hopefully this guide will make you aware of what to do, when it happens. I had actually unlocked it by chance and realized after what I'd done, so I thought I'd share.


03 Jun 2015 22:41

Neutral cards are ones where there is no coloured 'banner' on the face. Faction colours;

Northern Realm - Dark Blue
Monsters - Red
Scoia'tel - Green
Nilfgaaard - Yellow

A good example of a Neutral card would be Zoltan Chivay - you are given him in the Inn at White Orchard - you'll see his portrait and stats but he has no colour on his card.

I found by playing Merchants and other NPC's that I would win a Gwent card, and many of these characters also have a few for sale. When you find a card for sale it will also tell you what faction they belong to.

Now, all you need to do is use these Neutral cards in a game, and ONLY play these for 1 round. You do not need to win the entire match, just the 1 round.

Play Neutral cards ONLY, remove an opponents Life Gem and the Trophy will unlock.

25 May 2015 14:50

1 Comment
Nice Solution, I found a good strategy to be when I had a neutral card I saved it and deliberately loss the first round of the match, 90% of the time my opponent would throw out one card then pass. I played Vesemir and won the round.
By Creepy_Touch on 29 Jun 2015 00:52
I unlocked this against a Merchant in Oxenfort (Velen). Each time he won the first round, he would skip the second round without playing a single card. This allowed me to play a neutral card and win the round and trophy. Screenshot of location:

External image

12 Aug 2015 18:34

Must have the Heart of Stone DLC for this solution.

When you first arrive in Velen you can buy the Gaunter O’ Dimm card. The merchant at the elven circus has two. He is located northwest Carsten, and west of the Vegelbud Residence.

Then travel far to the Northeast to the merchant at the windmill. He will sell you an additional Gaunter O’ Dimm. The card has the “muster” ability. Which means when you play one, it will play all three and give you a score of 12.

Similar to other solutions you can lose round 1 and make your opponent use up their strong cards. Use just Gaunter O’ Dimm in the second, hopefully the opponent passes. Now win the 3rd round.

29 Dec 2022 06:34

There is a total of 17 (31 if you count multiples) different neutral cards. You only need to win one round, not the game. Here is a list of all the neutral cards:

  • Biting Frost
  • Clear Weather
  • Commander's Horn
  • Deocy
  • Impenetrable Fog
  • Scorch
  • Torrential Rain
  • Avallac'h
  • Cirillia Fiona Elen Rianno
  • Dandelion
  • Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • Triss Merigold
  • Vesemir
  • Villentretenmerth
  • Yennefer of Vengerberg
  • Zoltan Chivay

The easiest way to do this, is to lose your first round and then your opponent will barely play and reserve their cards and pass. This gives you the opportunity to use a few neutral cards and win the round.

After arriving in White Orchard and heading to the inn, speak with Aldert Geert. Accept his challenge for a game of Gwent, and beat him however you like. Beating him with earn you the "Zoltan Chivay" card. Add that to your deck via the pause menu, and then challenge him for another game. This time, play all of your cards except "Zoltan Chivay" in the first round. He will do the same in response, allowing you to win the next round by just playing "Zoltan Chivay", earning you the trophy.

14 Oct 2023 00:00

To get a good sense of which cards are deemed as "Neutral Gwent Cards," head over to THIS THREAD right now. It's also worth stating here that Decoys, Commander Horns, Weather Cards, and Hero Cards won through Gwent Quests are all deemed as Neutral Cards. Even the "Zoltan Chivay" card that is won against the Scholar in the White Orchard Tavern during the Prologue is a Neutral Card!

For this achievement, you don't need to win the entire match; only the round in which you play only neutral cards. Remember that your opponent is more likely to let you win the second round by passing his/her turn nearly right away if they already won the first round. Take advantage of this AI behavior!

For the sake of keeping this solution concise and keeping in tact the methods used by other community members, you may refer to THIS POST, THIS POST, and even THIS POST for more information and tips regarding this task. Once you've won the round with only neutral cards, the achievement will unlock right away.

It happens that opponents pass without laying out a single card, take advantage of this and throw in a neutral card.

25 May 2015 16:20

Can be done on the very first player in the tavern.

For the first time, we win Zoltan’s card from our “teacher” and play with him again.

He often folds in the 2nd round without playing a single card. This is where we give him his friend Gerald
By assassin71rus on 06 Jul 2015 20:23
No matter how many games I've played in gwent, my opponent has never passed with an empty field. The most that was encountered was a pass from the enemy after placing a spy on the field for him.
Therefore, in order not to wait for heavenly mana, and not to hope for randomness, I offer my own option for obtaining a trophy.

So... To get the trophy, you need as many spies in your deck as possible. It is important to get more cards into your hand than your opponent. The following tactics are simple:
First round. We throw out spies to get as many cards as possible into our hand. Then you should win this round so that you have more cards left than your opponent. We keep neutral cards.
Second round. We take out all the cards from the enemy, ideally leaving his hand with 0 cards, but the round itself should be lost. We still hold neutral cards.
Final round. Since we have pulled everything out of the enemy, we simply lay out our neutral cards and win.

In my case, the enemy had one “Frost” card left after the second round. I threw "Vesemir" onto the field and won the round 0-1.

The mechanics of the game state that if an NPC loses the first round, then he certainly needs to win back in the second, even if he spends all his cards, so my method can be repeated in almost every game. The main thing is to be lucky with your starting hand.
By Velzewool on 13 Oct 2015 14:29
I want to add a hint. You can knock out the trophy even easier, you need a Ludwig card, it is considered a neutral card, but deals 2 units of melee damage. Sometimes the opponent passes without starting the round, if he goes first, move with Ludwig and pass. Voila and the trophy is in your pocket)
By sadist70rus on 26 May 2015 08:48
I also want to note that leader cards (Foltest, Emhyr, etc.) can be used.

At least after using the card Foltest Leader of the North (cancels weather effects), the trophy was won.
By linoleym on 11 Jun 2015 00:11
I will add that using the Yennefer of Vengerberg card, you can only complete the achievement if you return a neutral card to the table. Otherwise, you will not receive the achievement.
By Hapi1152 on 13 Aug 2020 16:21
A very simple trophy, to get it you need to win one round using neutral cards. Neutral cards include:

-Common melee cards: Zoltan Chivay, Vesemir, Emiel Regis, Villentretenmert

-Heroic melee cards: Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla, Triss Merigold

Of the long-range ones, so far I have only found Yenifer from Vengerberg.

Neutral cards also include weather cards, a forge, an execution, and a scarecrow.

The trophy is won when you use only the above cards in a single round.
By scourch on 26 May 2015 18:22
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There is a merchant in this village who can be easily beaten.
Features: sometimes plays 2 spies. One is close, the second is siege. If there are stuffed animals, it’s easy to play with.
Has one weather card in the deck for each line.

Tactics: “press.” You can also play his spies through stuffed animals.
I had one neutral card. Zoltan Chivay.

The power of my deck 102. Faction: Northern Kingdoms.


30 Nov 2019 23:38