The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

78 Achievements


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Complete the contract on the shrieker.


How to unlock the Shrieker achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Definitive Guide

You can start the quest by talking to Chet, the NPC located in Crow's Perch ( small fortified city in the middle of Velen). He is just on the right after you entered the city.
(Or the quest might be hanging on the billboard in Crow's Perch, if someone can confirm which is it that'd be great smile )

The quest is advised for level 8 and up but if you are playing on easy you can do it like me at level 5.
(You might want to wait until level 20 if you're playing on Death March difficulty and want the Even odds achievement, even though it won't be an even fight after that wink)

( If you want the Even odds achievement make sure you're not under the influence of a potion from this moment and take back the mutagen you have equipped in your character sheet) It has been confirmed that you can keep your mutagen equiped and it will not void the achievement.

This contract will ask you to go to a cave nearby and scare the Shrieker by throwing him a bomb, (see below to learn how to make a bomb) it will then fly away and you'll have to pursue him in the land until it turns back and attack you. From now on i suggest you to not use any sign, bomb or oil on your sword for the Even odds achievement. (that'll be 1 contract down, and 1 to go)
The Witcher 3: Wild HuntEven OddsThe Even Odds achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt worth 66 pointsKill 2 monsters you have a contract on without using Signs, potions, mutagens, oils or bombs.

If you manage to kill the beast and i'm sure you'll be fine don't forget to loot the poor soul and bring the proof back to Chet for your reward and your achievement.
Little tip from Purple DinDono for those brave enough to play in Death March difficulty :
"The defensive option for the fight is to block all the attacks with the sword and ignore the bestiary recommandation to use aard but rather use igni which will hurt him very bad if he's set on fire. "

How to make a bomb (Please NSA don't read any further, it's fine)
To create a bomb you'll need some easy to find herbs you should already have in your inventory and Saltpeter.
Saltpeter can be bought from the herborist in White Orchard or from Keira Metz in Velen.
If you don't have the herbs by now, you can buy them from the herborist or try to find 2 Celandine to create the Samum Bomb, they look like that :

External image

23 May 2015 14:35

Maybe you should add how to kill it in higher difficulties because I actually had a hard time in Death March.

The defensive option for the fight is to block all the attacks with the sword and ignore the bestiary recommandation to use aard but rather use igni which will hurt him very bad if he's set on fire.

That being said, I don't think you can really match the Even Odds achievement with the highest difficulties or maybe simply wait until being level 20 min and then begin to complete low level witcher contracts.
By Purple DinDono on 27 May 2015 02:28
Thanks Purple DinDono, added to the solution.
By Macfly77422 on 27 May 2015 06:09
PC Screenshot on an Xbox guide?! Blasphemy! wink
By Prattalmighty on 28 May 2015 00:27
Yeah but look at those rocks *_*
By Macfly77422 on 28 May 2015 07:08
You can do Even Odds with mutagens equipped, so you don't need to unequip them for the fight. I think what the description refers to is mutagen-based concoctions.
By WhyattThrash on 14 Jun 2015 19:23
Thanks WhyattThrash
By Macfly77422 on 15 Jun 2015 07:42
I didn't get the achievement for this. I don't know if these things matter, but I'm playing the Game of the Year Edition and also I didn't start the quest via the notice board. I tend to explore everywhere in games like this before really progressing main stories. so I actually ended up killing it and everything before I even had access to the notice board. I feel like that last one could be more probable.
By ThaDevilzHand on 23 Feb 2017 21:20
@ThaDevilzHand I've also heard that the GOTY edition has had all sorts of problems with achievements not unlocking. If you have a previous save you can try reloading it and finish the conditions for the achievement again, that might fix it.
By WhyattThrash on 23 Feb 2017 22:30
^Had to do a hard reset and finish the quest again (loading the checkpoint after the beast was dead worked).
By Throni360 on 01 Aug 2020 10:08
I did it with the board but it's still hasn't unlocked even if my quest is done. Having knows that GoTy edition was glitched like that, I would have made another choice
By ParadoxReal8 on 21 Jul 2018 17:55
Finally got it yesterday (normal edition, not GOTY, but still didn't unlocked on first try)

I'm wondering if the glitch could come from not using "usual" answers during dialogs.
In this case, when it finally unlocked, I didn't bargain for the reward, didn't use axii on the child and kept the gold at the end.

It may not be related, but just in case ...
By JestersShade on 13 Dec 2018 09:21
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Here is a video guide with English commentary for this achievement!

Here is a playlist of guides for this game!

17 Jun 2015 19:14

When walking up to the field where you battle the Shrieker go left as soon as the battle starts. walk up to the river (Not the small puddle) and stand in the water. Wait untill the shrieker air attacks you and hit him with the axii sign (if levelled up high enough (I had level 3)) it will stun the shrieker causing him to drop in the water and drown instantly. I did this by accident after dying three times in a row on Death march difficulty.

25 Jul 2015 19:14

This contract can be found on the notice board in Crow’s Perch in Velen. Once you accept it, make sure it’s set as your active quest so you’ll be updated on where to go for your objectives. To begin, you’ll want to head over to the contract issuer in the village of Crow's Perch, speak with him, and then make your way behind his house to speak with the young boy who's father was involved with the monster attack.

Speak with the boy here and then head to the monster’s targeted area. Once you arrive at the site, investigate the grounds using Geralt’s witcher senses and then follow the blood trail into a nearby cave. You’ll want to throw a bomb at the monster’s nest to lure it out. After it escapes the cave, run outside and you can finally take on the Shrieker in combat. After slaying the beast, take a “trophy” from its corpse, head back to the contract issuer in Crow’s Perch, and talk with him in order to receive your reward and unlock the achievement.


The "Shrieker" contract starts at the quest board in Crow's Perch (Velen Map). Make sure you are tracking the quest to see where you must go. Talk to the man down by the village and accept his offer. Ask the child behind the house about the Shriker and head to the target area. Investigate the site to find some blood trails. Follow the blood, followed by going into the cave and throwing a bomb at the Shrieker's nest to lure it out. After you lure it out, kill the Shirker outside the cave and return to the man in the village to collect your reward. If this contract isn’t available to you, then just keep progressing though the story until it's available.

The contract for Screamer can be found on the quest board in Crow's Perch (in Velen). Make sure you track this quest so you can see where to go. Talk to the man in the village and accept his offer. Talk to the little one behind the house about Klekotun and go to the indicated area. Explore the area and find traces of blood, follow the blood trails, go into the cave and throw a bomb at the Screamer's nest to smoke him out of the cave. Kill him and return to the village to receive your reward.


18 May 2015 05:29

1 Comment
Don’t try to find the place through which he flies out of the cave, otherwise you’ll fall into the texture and just reboot. Relevant for 1.02
By MegoSlam on 25 May 2015 16:16
Video hint for killing on hard difficulty

25 May 2015 12:06

1 Comment
I easily failed it with Roach on a high level of difficulty. We drive up, hit, drive away. And so on several times.
By Kruzhok on 21 Sep 2015 19:07