Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

39 Achievements


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I have the power!

I have the power!

End a round with a score of over 300.


How to unlock the I have the power! achievement in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - Definitive Guide

- Equip Longsword (+4 Power, +1 Armor to unit of choice)
- Equip Lyrian Banner (Reduce Meve's cooldown by 1)
- Stack deck with Lyrian Scytheman+ (Loyal: +7 Power) and Regiment Drummer+ (Order: Draw the top unit from your deck; if a Blitz unit, draw another)
- Complete deck with whatever damage dealing supplements you prefer to make sure the enemy doesn't whittle you down

Once you've followed the above steps, begin combat with an encounter of your choice, and begin with multiple Drummers and Scythemen. Play the Drummers to draw more Scythemen, buff them as many times as possible with Longsword, and you can hit 400-500 score as long as the enemy isn't damage focused.

Pro-tip: If you have them, include Mahakam Shieldbreakers and Alchemist+. I did it with all the mentioned cards and broke 600 before using up all their Order abilities.

14 Dec 2018 20:44

At what point is this achievable in the story?
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 16 May 2019 00:24
I'm sorry my response is so late but this is an early to mid-game achievement, technically attainable as soon as you get the mentioned cards. You begin with the Longsword and Lyrian Banner.
By Pink Freud PhD on 14 Jan 2020 15:11
A good fight to use this on late-game is "A New Order" in Rivia - down the path west of the Gradobor fortress place. The opponent's deck is strictly about building their own force, with the exception of War Wagons. But as long as you clear your deck of damage-dealing units and therefore don't kill their Infantry, you don't have to worry about your units taking any damage either. Stack yourself with the recommendations above, plus I also found it helpful to have Pathfinders (draws an extra card after 3 turns) and Foragers to consolidate your rows so you don't run out of space.
By DenverMax27 on 07 Mar 2022 04:46
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There are multiple ways of obtaining this achievement. The first two can be obtained earlier while the last one is much later but a sure thing.

1 5x Sythemen, 5x Regiment Drummer, Meves Ornamental Sword, Banner trophy

Obtainable earliest. Find a fight that wont be inflicting a lot of damage on you. Fill your deck to the max with Sythemen and the Drummer. Swap cards in the beginning to get what you need. Start with a Sythemen during first turn so you can use Meves ability on him immediately. Play drummer on next round. Use his order on round three to start summoning Blitz cards, hopefully finding the rest of your drummers or Sythemen. Keep playing till all of your Sythemen are out and using Meves order ability to power them up. Even if it's round one and the enemy passes keep playing cards and abilities till you go over 300. You can always restart the match.

Bonus cards that help- By the time you get to the bonus cards, you should be adopting newer, easier strategies.

2 Use Eyck, the Manticore trophy, and 5x Alchemist.

If you are going into a fight where you know you are going to be taking a lot of damage (Scoiatel or Monsters primarily) make sure Eyck is in your first round hand, and aim for as many alchemists as you can. Spend the first round as normal, wasting as few alchemists as possible, but still aim to win. Second round can be outright forfeit, or waste a card or two for extra damage. During the final round, throw out some cards to draw fire, then lay out all of your alchemists on one row, leaving at least one for Eyck. Throw Eyck on the far right of that row, activate the Alchemist two cards over to power up the alchemist to the right of Eyck. Continue down the line till the last alchemist powers up the first card.

Bonus cards that can help- Give Meve her Ornamental Sword to give some characters an extra boost. Isbel before her power up works amazingly as well if her healing power is used after all of the alchemists use their orders, just make sure she is played second to last round and her order is done as the final move of the game.

3 5x Sytheman, 1-3 Aretuza Adept, Reinforcements, Ornamental Sword, Banner Trophy

Once I obtained all of these cards, there was nothing that could stop me in this game unless strategy dictated I needed to damage the opponent. When round 1 starts, make sure you have 1 Sytheman, 1 Aretuza, and the reinforcements card in your hand.

If your cards are safe from attack, use the Sytheman and power him up with Meve; if your cards are at risk of being damaged/destroyed, start with the Aretuza, use her ability to choose the Sytheman card. This gives you two more in your deck for a total of 7, and it gives them a +2 bonus. Next round play the Aretuza/Sytheman; if you still have it, only use Meves ability if your Sytheman is in imminent danger of being destroyed, your going to want it for what happens next. Next round, play the reinforcements card and choose the Sythemen. You now have 7 Sythemen on the field that you can continuously power up every 3 rounds. The points you obtain are remarkable.

Bonus cards that can help- None. This is a 100% full proof strategy to get the points needed. Unless your opponent has cards that reduce your bonus points in fell swoops, you can always do this again against other opponents. If you have the Lyrian Blacksmith adn the to get your Reinforcements back, you can use it to summon all of another set of cards you have that can wreck your opponent w/damage. 5x Reinforced Ballistas (7 if you had another Adept) later and the second round is almost a sure thing as well.

14 Jun 2019 13:38

Hello guys!

First I seen all the solutions here but none of them were very specific which encounter you have to attempt to get this achievement.

I played on the easiest setting which is Adventurer I think.
First map.
I did with the Forktail (or Wyvern) its east from the temple behind a closed gate. The quest name Behind the Wall.
First you have to do some preparation, before the fight. I solved the cow puzzle to get the Decoy card. Then you have to go to the wedding and save the bride from the bandits. The mission called For Better or Worse.
You get here the Lyrian Merlot which is the key in this solution.

After this two quest head back to the Wyvern and start the fight. Here you need very specific cards in your hand at the start so it might take couple of tries.
The cards you need:
Lyrian Merlot
Lyrian Scytheman
- at least 3 or 4
Regiment Drummer - at least 2
Reynard Odo

You need Meve basic Longsword which boost allies power by 4 and armor by 1. Also need the Lyrian Banner to reduce the cooldown on this ability.

Now we have everything needed to get at least 300 point in a round.
The reason why I chose this battle because is more focused on buffing than attacking. You don't need to worry about Forktails because they consume their own cards on the battlefield and buffs themselfs. Sometimes other cards attack but it only took 1-2 damage for me (adventurer difficulty).
So you start with Lyrian Scytheman in ranged row and use Meve ability on it. Then second turn place another Scytheman and continue to do so until you have them. Every second turn use Meve's ability. But there is a catch: use it on the same Scytheman as you did it first time! (So when you have no more room to place your cards, you will use Lyrian Merlot to buff one of your card with the Scytheman power.)
So back were we was. If you placed your last Scytheman place your Drummers. In the next turn place another drummer and activate to other. Continue to do this until you run out of Drummers. Then place Reynald Odo to reactivate the Drummers ability and use it to draw another cards. Hopefully you got lucky and have all Scytheman in your hand. If not use Decoy on Odo to pick up and next turn place it again to activate Drummers again.
Very important not to forget to use Meve's ability whenever is possible and always on the same Scytheman.
Lastly your buffed Scytheman should be 40-50 or even more power level. Now use Lyrian Merlot to buff the weakest ally with that power level.

When I finished my turn I had 354 point in one turn. I know you need some luck but this is how I get this.

13 May 2021 22:28

The easiest way to unlock it is probably to finish the game first.
Then reload the very last location (after the final battle, where you have to short battles - the epilogue). Go for the first battle against the Nifgaard and you should be fine.
At this point you'll have all the units you need, build a 25 cards deck :

I used the leader ability that allows you to put a card on the top of your deck and boost it by 3 ; and the Lyrian Banner.
As trickets I used all the powerfull boost / heals, and Decoy and the one to summon 2 blitz units.
The units you want :
° Lyrian Scytheman x 5 or so ;
° Regiment Drummer x 4 or so ;
° The Alchemist x2 ;
° Lyrian Blacksmith
° The Grey Rider
You can add Reynard.

Play the Scythemans left to a weaker unit, boost them with Loyal and Trinckets. Play the Trinckets twice with the Blacksmith and as soon as the Scytheman are +50, use the Alchemist to boost adjacent weaker units. Play on both rows to maximize the Grey Rider and use the Drummer to summon the max amount of units.
Very easy to get 300 points at this point.
Good luck.

14 Apr 2021 08:24

This achievement is easier to obtain later in the game when you have a stronger deck with more powerful cards.

You will want the cards 'Lyrian Scytheman,' 'Rivian Pikeman,' 'Lyrian Cavalry', and 'Aretuza Adept' in your deck, as well as any other high health cards that you wish to add (such as Eyck, given his ability that gives him health as you take damage). In addition to these units, you will want to have some of the following trinkets that will help boost your health: 'Fortitude Tonic,' 'Mahakam Ale,' 'Ointment,' 'Morana Runestone,' 'Lyrian Horn,' 'Lyrian Merlot,' and 'Golden Froth.' The cards 'Royal Decree' and 'Reinforcements' are also very useful when attempting this achievement. On top of this, use the weapon 'Meve: Longsword' as your leader ability and use 'Lyrian Banner' as your trophy card to reduce your leader ability cooldown by 1.

The general strategy here is to utilize the leader ability to trigger your allies 'Loyal' abilities, such as the 'Lyrian Scytheman,' who will boost themselves by 5-7, depending on the level of the card each time your leader ability is used. The 'Lyrian Cavalry' has the 'Loyal' ability to spawn a copy of itself from your deck and into the field, so having at least 4 of these in your deck is recommended.

You will want to get your 'Lyrian Scytheman' cards out onto the field and then at least 1 of your 'Lyrian Cavalry.' Having the 'Reinforcements' card here will make this much easier. Assuming you have the necessary cards in your hand, play 'Lyrian Scytheman,' then end turn. Then play 'Reinforcements' and choose to spawn all of your 'Lyrian Scytheman' cards onto the field, then end turn. Then, play a 'Lyrian Cavalry' card and then use your leader ability, which will give all of your 'Lyrian Scytheman' cards +7 and let you spawn another 'Lyrian Cavalry,' each of which are worth 14. Then continue to play high health cards as you wait for your leader ability to cool down so you can boost all of your cards again.

There will of course be some deviation to this as it will depend on who you fight against and whether they manage to do too much damage to you to stop you getting to 300, however this basic strategy is what should be used to get to a score of 300 or above. The battle i used to unlock this is the first battle that you can do in the final act of the game where Nilfgaard's defeat is all but accomplished. Found just across the bridge at the beginning. This battle is good because it is late enough in the game for you to have a solid deck, is only 1 round and the enemy do little damage to you which will allow you to build up your own strength.

The battle can be found here:

Here is a video of me getting well over 300, forgive me for the beginning being cut off, all that is missed is me playing a 'Lyrian Scytheman,' then playing a 'Reinforcements' card to spawn the remaining 'Lyrian Scytheman' cards from my deck.



At the end of one of the rounds, you’ll need a total score that equals over 300. There are certain cards you’ll want in your deck. Any unit that will summon the rest of the same card, the beer artifact, lyrian scytheman, the forager, and using one of Meve’s weapons that takes the least amount of cooldown to be reused. Use her ability at every chance you get to trigger the loyalty ability on the cards which will boost their power. Keep trying until you get it.

I obtained this in the first battle in the Angren region. This is missable, as there are only a certain amount of battles in each region, so you have a limited amount of times to obtain this.

I found an easier way! In the last chapter, in the battle with Goblin (after Nilfgaard's first post), take a couple of spies into your deck. After the battle begins, damage Leshem and eliminate the spies near him. An easy victory and an easy prize) PS Got it on version 1.03

03 Jul 2019 16:06

With Reynard +, two alchemists and three spies, I managed to knock out 549 damage.
By roadtoroamville on 11 May 2021 16:02
as of 01/04/2021 the hint is not relevant, the bug has been fixed. The trophy does not drop in a battle with a goblin, even if the spy was transferred to the right of the goblin and the alchemist used the ability on the spy. Those. the spy will have 700 lives, at the end of the round even more points, but the trophy did not fall.
One simple way: in chapter 5 (Rivia), after visiting the devil’s tower, a little further on at a fork you will meet 2 peasants who will show you fake leaflets about increasing taxes. North of this place in a fenced village there will be a battle with 1 round against 2 commandants (75 lives each) and a daredevil. You need to have 2 spies and 2 alchemists on hand. If you place spies to the left of the commandants, then you won’t be able to “steal” their lives; the spies will return to you with the original number of lives. It is necessary for the enemy to discard another card to the right of any commandant. After this, discard the spy between them, in the next turn as an alchemist, “steal” lives from the commandant, as a result, a spy with >150 lives will return to your row. Repeat the same thing again with the second spy. I didn’t attack the enemies, but only strengthened my cards, and in the end it came out to almost 500 points at the end of the round. You can also take cosigners and a "reinforcement" card, and Mavoy strengthen them
By Vlastelin on 04 Jan 2021 18:13
The Leshy + spy scheme did not work for me. Apparently it was fixed.
I received the achievement in Chapter 5 at the New Home stage (Ivica village), where you are played against by 2 Commandants and a Daredevil, who constantly strengthens the enemies. We don’t touch the enemies, let them swing. In your starting hand you need: 1 Cosigner+ (the other four in the deck), Reinforcements, 2-3 Burglars and a couple of Foragers (to compress the ranks). The principle is simple: first 1 Cosinier+, then Reinforcement on him, then Meve constantly casts loyalty on them. We send spies between fat enemies. It's easy to get 400+.

21 Nov 2020 13:21