Thunder Kid II: Null Mission

Thunder Kid II: Null Mission

15 Achievements


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Boss Herald

Boss Herald

Defeat boss Hammer Herald.


How to unlock the Boss Herald achievement in Thunder Kid II: Null Mission - Definitive Guide

This is the hardest, thought it was going to take me a long time but actually found it not to be too bad and found a method that worked for me.

When the Herald slams the floor I was tending to move away diagonally and then jump diagonnally back across over the waves, this is because then you can have time to judge the jump over the wave rather than immediately jumping when he hits the floor.

I found that jumping diagonally also made me avoid the bullet spray most times, as well as having the best angle to jump over the circular waves.

When the tracking bullets are coming at you, I tried to walk around in a figure of 8, but at the same time you need to try and clear the floor slams so bare in mind of that.

Remember you can take 3 hits, so not all is lost if you do get hit. Good luck!

27 Jun 2022 20:04