Ticket to Ride: Classic Edition

Ticket to Ride: Classic Edition

88 Achievements

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Marco Polo

Marco Polo

Win on the Legendary Asia map with the Asian Explorer Bonus connecting 22 Cities


How to unlock the Marco Polo achievement in Ticket to Ride: Classic Edition - Definitive Guide

The description of this achievement should be explanatory enough. You have to score more points than your opponent(s) at the end of the game while connecting at least 22 different cities with each other through one connected network of railways. During the game on the left of your character's 'profile picture' and underneath your amount of trains is a counter located showing how many cities you have already connected in your biggest network of railways.

And yes, this is quite a difficult achievement, as it is very much based on luck! You should be careful and very precise about placing your trains. For each piece of railway you can only lay down 45 ÷ (22 - 1) ≈ 2,14 trains on average!

This doesn't mean that you should avoid for example 4-piece tracks at all cost. It means that if you really need to lay down a larger track, you have to average it out with some smaller pieces of railway. Also, because this is the 'Legendary Asia' map, mountain routes cost you even more trains. Each crossed out piece of track will cost you 2 trains, so make sure to take that into account during your gameplay!

When you start your game make sure to pick 2 or preferably 3 good-scoring destination tickets which you think you will be able to connect through smaller pieces of track. It took me quite some tries and a lot of restarts to manage to (just barely) get this achievement. The destination tickets I was lucky enough to begin the game with were:

- Xi'an to Tapei
- Chita to Shanghai
- Khabarovsk to Karachi

All these destination tickets were located on the east side of the map where a lot of 1-piece and 2-piece tracks can be found for connecting these cities, so the set-up was definitely great.

For picking your opponent I have not found any of them to be easier to beat than others. In my achievement-winning game I played against Jane Stanbot, but you very well might have more luck with one of the others.

Besides the tips of taking great care into picking your destination tickets and counting the trains you have left, this achievement is heavily based on luck with the biggest factor being what your opponent will do. As your opponent has no reluctance on placing trains on the larger pieces of track, they are likely to end the game early and they (most likely) have a headstart on the count of points. A small calculation example can be found in the spoiler underneath, showing how unfair the requirements for this achievement are for you:

In my achievement-winning game I managed to score (only) 91 points while having 3 out of my 3 destination tickets completed, while my opponent Jane Stanbot completed 2 out of 2 while scoring 87 points. At least you can be quite sure that the 'Asian explorer' bonus of 10 points will be yours. As a visual aid, this is what my achievement-winning game looked like:

External image

Methods from others found on the internet:

Now all I can say is, good luck! Make sure to keep count of your trains and your opponent's trains, and make sure to score as much points as possible!

* if for some reason the image is not present in this solution, just let me know, I can re-upload it! :)

10 Jan 2020 15:15

To give some perspective on how luck-based this achievement is, it took me 60+ tries to finally get it.
Majority of it was restarting due to bad selection of destination tickets. Times that I did get the right set of tickets, I would lose by a considerable margin (i.e. lose by 20+ points even with filling all the ticket requirements).

I found that having your destination tickets >= 35 points will help close the gap (I had 41 points) but is not a guarantee win.
By d3str0y3r619 on 02 Jul 2020 01:22
Took me a ton of tries, but captchaoss.olg's method finally did it for me. It seemed to work for me because the computer rarely grabbed the routes in the north, northeast, and east, and grabbing the cities along the north opened up a lot more possibilities for matching tickets.

Agree with what d3str0y3r619 also, getting destination ticket points is essential for the win. You need to be able to grab at least 3 of the tickets, but being able to grab all 4 is ideal. If you're going to give it a go with just 3, the green ticket HAS to be one of them if you want any chance at winning. You won't be getting any significant points for the routes you're claiming since your biggest routes will be 3 trains (I disagree with the solution here, avoid 4-train routes at all costs). If you're going to give it a go with just 3 destination tickets, one of the 3 HAS to be the green ticket, Krasnoyarsk-Singapore, Omsk-Kobe, or Khabarovsk-Karachi all work. This was another reason captchaoss.olg's method worked for me. Without grabbing those northern routes, Khabarovsk-Karachi is the ONLY viable green destination card, so a lot of my time starting and restarting games was just to get favorable destination cards since I had to have that one, and then it was still the luck of the draw whether the other 2-3 cards were feasible. I only actually played probably 1 in 10 games that I started. Having 3 possible green destination cards increases the number of playable games significantly, which means you'll be making more frequent attempts at the achievement (as opposed to just restarting games over and over to get favorable destination tickets). To reiterate d3str0y3r619's point, getting 3-4 destination cards completed does not guarantee you a win by a long shot, but completing only 1 or 2, or even worse, taking a card that you can't finish does guarantee you a loss.
By thanatos8285 on 25 Jul 2020 17:24
I've already had several dozens attempts at this (actually playing, not just redrawing to get good destinations) and have only connected the 22 cities ONE time and of course lost that game. This has to be the hardest achievement in the entire game only because you can't glitch out the AI to just draw cards like you can for the Pressure Gauge achievements.
You need a pretty perfect game to even pull this off: Great Destinations, AI not take any of your routes, the absolute minimal cards drawn, and the AI not ending the game early.
I'll keep trying of course, but holy shit, is this one a headache.
By Gacys Clown on 27 Aug 2020 23:57
OMG, finally got this after many dozens more of attempts. I ended up getting it with Astrakhan-Hanoi being my long route and Xi'an-Taipei, Xi'an-Bombay being my other two. Game went fairly smooth against Marg. But as mentioned in my previous post, the game, especially the minimal cards drawn had to be perfect. I used up exactly every card I had, placing the two spot from Seoul to Kobe to force the end of the game.
Now, here, I had to take a gamble because the AI had 7 Destination tickets. I figured she didn't have them all completed, but I didn't have a huge score myself. Drew Destinations for my final play and was able to keep Kobe-Macau for an extra 7 points.
Final score...100-95. Holy shit...had I not drawn and got lucky on that final turn, I would have lost yet again. Thank goodness this is over with now! lol
By Gacys Clown on 30 Aug 2020 19:07
It's might be worth noting, and can be seen in each map screenshot plus my map, that there is a good portion of wildcards (Locos) needed to complete the ferry routes.
Holding these as long as you can is key in them not getting shuffled back into the deck for the AI to potentially get them. With the AI seemingly ALWAYS trying to get the long sections of routes on this map, having less wildcards for them to use makes them use up a few extra turns trying to get the right colors to complete those spots. I only thought of this today and even then it was still a challenge getting the achievement, but I was finding I was buying myself an extra turn or two (sometimes more) on the games I had six or seven wildcards stored up and it eventually paid off. If you have the wildcards, then they don't, which means you also don't have to worry about them stealing your ferry spots, which allows you to get all other parts of your route in place first, then end the game dropping all of your ferry spots.

Also to note, I played against all other AIs, except for Marg until today. Why? Seemed like there was really no consensus it mattering who you played against.
Why did I finally switch to her? She typically doesn't draw the face up wildcards (as noted in other achievement solutions). I noticed Jane had no problems taking the face up wildcards, so with the wildcard hoarding strategy mentioned above, it made sense to me to switch to Marg, and ended up getting this within 10 games of the switch. Obviously, this achievement can be acquired with Jane as shown in the solution and comments, but I feel like Marg might make this just a little bit easier.
By Gacys Clown on 30 Aug 2020 19:15
For those who (didn't) ask, you can have the same score and unlock the achievement!

I just finished a game with 94 points and Marg also had 94 points. But I "won" and unlocked the achievement. I was pretty pessimistic when I saw the score but achievement popped!

After 100+ tries, I finally got it

Thanks @JeroenRos for the great guide and @Gacys Clown for the hint on Marg and the wildcards.
By BlackTibo on 04 Mar 2022 14:48
I finally got the Marco Polo achievement! Thank you so much! Without your guide, I wouldn't have got this one. I want to share my play.
By Jaenyal on 25 Oct 2022 10:27
That's great to hear, you are welcome! Glad to be of any help, Jaenyal clap
By EaSkateVideo on 26 Oct 2022 05:41
Your map was a lifesaver - thank you!
By Al Rajul on 13 Dec 2023 01:18
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This achievement is 106% luck based and after countless tries I was no where close to getting it to unlock. Even if I could get 22 cities the AI would always win by a land slide of points. Using this method below I was able to get it after just 3 attempts.

Following what @Gacys Clown above about wild cards, they're the key to this method.

Start the game with 2-3 routes that work and then spend the rest of your turns drawing cards. ONLY place down trains when you see the AI start to go near a route that's a must have, if not, keep drawing cards.

ALWAYS take the wild cards, even the face up one's, and DON'T use any until the very end of the game.

Eventually you will get a game where the AI glitches out and just continuously draws cards. When there's no cards to draw they'll start drawing destination cards instead, this is what you're looking for. You'll know you were successful when the AI has 3-6 trains remaining but is continuously drawing cards instead of ending the game.

At this point you should have 50-60% of routes you need claimed and you can begin working on claiming the rest. Save your wild cards for last and only play them when claiming the final routes you need.

Using this method I was able to get to 18-20 cities every time and after 3 games I got the achievement, winning 87 to 65. Since the AI will begin drawing destination tickets after the train pile empties, winning becomes a lot easier with the deduction of points they get after not completing the extra tickets.

If the AI claims a track you need, restart.

If you don't get 2-3 routes that work at the start, restart.

If the AI spams down trains and uses their final ones, accept defeat and restart.

20 May 2023 17:07