Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13
46 Achievements
I Need a Commitment
Earn a Four Day loyalty Bonus
How to unlock the I Need a Commitment achievement in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13 - Definitive Guide
The achievement will pop after you finish the activity on the 4th day.
Edit: The activity needs to be something you receive credits in. For instance it can't be any of the challenges where you aren't playing an entire hole.
Now when you scroll over to the country club menu, it won't show your club in the list anymore and will ask you to enable the online pass, however, you can just ignore this! It actually does keep you in the club, you're just unable to access its menus or play in any of the online modes. You can still earn club status points and work towards the achievement.
You then want to play either the legacy challenges, or progress in your career. As long as you earn some status points at the end of the round, then your progress towards the achievement will still be logged.
After you earn the points for that day, you should have a notification in your notifications menu saying that you have earned your loyalty bonus for the day. If this is the case, you're on the right track, and the achievement should pop right at the end of your round/challenge on day 4.
This way you can buy a used copy of the game and save yourself the 800 MSP for the online pass, as it isn't needed unless you actually want to keep playing online.
After joining a CC you will then need to then perform some activity 4 separate days in a row in order to unlock this. Almost all activities performed earns you club points. The easiest way would be to either play the daily tournament or work on your career 4 days in a row. On the 4th consecutive day of activity the achievement will unlock.
Once you become the member of a Country Club, you will have to opportunity to add XP to that club, growing it and moving it up the rankings. All completed rounds and challenges will add XP to the Club. As a general rule, if you get XP or coins for anything, then your Club will also get XP.
To get this trophy, you have to play the game four days in a row, earning at least a few XP each day. You can view your progress in the Country Club menu. The trophy will unlock on the fourth day.