Tom Clancy's The Division 2

Tom Clancy's The Division 2

60 Achievements


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Big Game Hunter

Big Game Hunter

Complete a bounty from each safe house.



How to unlock the Big Game Hunter achievement in Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Definitive Guide

To unlock the Big Game Hunter trophy in The Division 2, you will need to complete a bounty from all nine of the game's safe houses.

The safehouses will be automatically marked on your map when you visit each district for the first time. The list of safehouses are below:
- Downtown East Safe House
- Judiciary Square Safe House
- Federal Triangle Safe House
- East Mall Safe House
- Southwest Safe House
- West Potomac Park Safe House
- Constitution Hall Safe House
- Foggy Bottom Safe House
- West End Safe House

You can pick up bounties from safehouses on the message board inside. Each bounty will be a timed event that will require you to track and kill an enemy.

19 Mar 2019 11:20

1 Comment
Hey Dave,
The description of this trophy (and your guide) are actually a bit misleading. The trophy works by completing bounties that are unlocked via "liberating the zone" for each project that you unlock by visiting the safe houses in each district. As soon as you complete these projects, a bounty pops up immediately and you must go kill that person specifically. This is how it worked for me, I never did a bounty from a bounty board at each warehouse. I think if for some reason this bounty is missed or you die it can appear in the regular rotation of daily bounties. Hope this helps anyone else and maybe you'll edit the solution.
By DaRthPharmus91 on 12 Apr 2019 01:11

This is very specific and can't be done by selecting bounties (weekly or daily ones). The bounties you need are unlocked by liberating a safe house (which is essentially a bounty boss). You can find out what you need to do to liberate from inside the safe house itself or by hovering over the safe house icon on the map and the list of requirements they will be displayed on the left hand side. Liberate the safe house and then complete the unlocked bounty.

Bounty names and locations:

Meatwagon (Downtown Wast)
12th street (Federal Triangle)
Wolf pack (Judiciary Square)
Jefferson's legacy (East Mall)
Lafayette's regulars (Southwest)
Kindled Front (West End)
Peace Movement (Foggy Bottom)
Bully Buzzards (Potomac Park)
Embers Movement (Constitution Hall)

Be careful with this one, because some people are having issues unlocking the trophy or having the bounties not count if they die. Bring a mate or you can redo the bounty at any time until it counts.

There will be a safe house in each region of the map, except for the White House and Downtown West regions. This is shown by an orange house image and you will unlock these safe houses as you progress through the game and complete main and side missions.

You can then unlock bounties from them after completing an initial 'Project' from each one to complete activities in the region. Once this is complete you can then accept a bounty from the safe house via the bounty board, that looks like a map pinned to a notice board. From here, choose a bounty in the region and complete it. You will need to do this 9 times, once from each safe house.

It is recommended to do this only after unlocking the specializations as you will get specialization points that you can spend towards progress for Best of the Best (40G) and you cannot earn these points before you unlock specializations.