Tom Clancy's The Division
65 Achievements
Stand Taken
Win 50 rounds of Last Stand. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Stand Taken achievement in Tom Clancy's The Division - Definitive Guide
Last Stand is a new PVP game mode where your team will fight against another squad of agents, as well as the various NPC enemies roaming the map. There are three separate sections of the map to control, which is done by activating three separate terminals to sort of triangulate the ownership. You have to own all three at once to start getting points for your team. NPC and enemy player kills all add to your score, and at the 13:00 mark of a match, score multipliers will become available and need to be captured for your team. These can really help you pull away if you're already ahead or catch up if you're behind.
Basically, it's a hybrid of deathmatch and capture gameplay, where both actions will add to your score. Stick with your team for best results, and hope to have some high level players with you.
Self-explanatory: You have to win 50 matches of Last Stand. Unfortunately, a match lasts on average 20 minutes, so taking into account loading times and matchmaking, you will be spending 20 hours to get this trophy... if you win EVERY match.
Unless you are an incredibly good player, expect to be spending double/thrice that amount of time. I consider myself neither a good nor bad player and I found myself winning 2 out of every 5 matches (i.e. a 40% success rate).
Tip: If like me, you suck in killing players, there are still ways you can make a considerable contribution:
- Remember that a zone does not generate points unless ALL THREE of the Terminals are under a single team's control. So consider sneaking behind enemy lines to capture just one Terminal in the enemy's starting zone (and monkey-wrenching their points supply).
- For enemy turrets (in the enemy's starting zone) you can alternate between shooting and (once the turret has noticed you) grenades. Some turrets can be cheesed by using vertical obstructions that enable you to "just" be in a position to shoot a turret whilst being safe from return fire. You can swap shoulders / "Point of View" by pressing
- Activing perks can be a huge help. I find the Victory Points Multiplier considerably more effective than Points for Kills, but make sure you don't activate it when it's (almost) useless. If your team is currently not generating points, then that is obviously a waste (2x0 is still 0... ).
Important! Remember that SDH Tech is shared across your team. So if for example your team has exactly 2000 Tech and you AND another person (on your team) are simultaneously trying to activate separate perks, you will end up with neither activated.
I advise those who are bad with multiplayer trophies to run with their fists, thereby earning points for team boosters.