Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

269 Achievements



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TR Pitfall

TR Pitfall

Get out of the trap room alive leaving it clear



How to unlock the TR Pitfall achievement in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft - Definitive Guide

Tomb Raider Unfinished Business - Temple of the Cat (Level 4)

Near the end of the level you will be in a long hallway with 3 doors flanked by 2 switches each. The left and right doors lead to the final area, the middle door with skulls above it is the trap room.

Save and enter the room. You want to go to the middle step of the short staircase then 180 and backflip towards the top, it will turn into a ramp once you cross the trigger point. Hold Jump as you fall to immediately hop off the ramp and angle left or right, then quickly do a forward jump into the alcove ahead. I found the mummies just knock you off about half of the time so save/reload as needed.

Turn around and kill the mummies from this ledge. Then make a forward jump to the ledge the closest one was on. Turn around and finally do a running jump towards the doorway (hold Action to avoid hitting your head on the doorway if needed).


01 Apr 2024 08:33

The only other guide on here right now doesn’t do a very good job of showing or explaining this. I took a video that shows what I did. This is found near the end of the Temple of the Cat level, which is level 4 in Unfinished Business. At the room with 3 golden doors and 2 switches next to each door, you want the middle door. Pull both switches to open it.

The stairs drop from under you when you step into the alcove at the very top of the steps. What I did is walk up to the second step down from the alcove and backflip into the alcove from there. This allows me to jump off the slope as soon as Lara starts to slide. Jump to either the right or left, and then quickly jump again to one of the far corners to get to complete safety. Kill the mummy that you can see from there, then jump to the landing that mummy was standing on. You can safely kill the second mummy from there. Jump back out the door you originally came in and the achievement should pop.

I made a save right before attempting the backflip, and you’ll see why in the clip. It’s likely that the mutant on whichever side you jump to first will knock you into the bottom of the pit at least once. Just reload and try again until RNG is on your side.

24 Feb 2024 21:32

1 Comment
Side note :

When you clear the room, the 1st floor of the final room with the cat structure will change and the 2 mummies you'd usually fight there won't wake up, leaving you with 42 ennemies killed at best.

There's a trick if you want to have 44 kills :

- If you enter the left room, jump before stepping on the last square of ground right in front of the cat block to avoid closing the door.
- If you enter the right room, jump before stepping on the first square of ground of the room to avoid closing the door.
- Kill the 3 mummies (You'll have to step a bit in the right room if you entered the left to trigger the 3rd, but don't step on the ground I mentionned), then climb up to the 1st floor to kill the 2 mummies rushing at you.
- Drop down safely, then get back by either left or right room, and again, jump to avoid that mentionned part of the ground that close the door.
- Get to the central door and clear the room, killing the 2 mummies in there.
- Continue the main path (you'll notice that the 1st floor have changed shape and the cat's tongue is already in place) and kill the rest on the way.

If everything right, you'll have 44 kills (in the non-remastered content, there was a indication about how many ennemies are in the level, just like item, and it used to be 44 here).
By Afr Geo Blaze on 28 Feb 2024 02:21
The only other guide on here right now doesn’t do a very good job of showing or explaining this. I took a video that shows what I did. This is found near the end of the Temple of the Cat level, which is level 4 in Unfinished Business. At the room with 3 golden doors and 2 switches next to each door, you want the middle door. Pull both switches to open it.

The stairs drop from under you when you step into the alcove at the very top of the steps. What I did is walk up to the second step down from the alcove and backflip into the alcove from there. This allows me to jump off the slope as soon as Lara starts to slide. Jump to either the right or left, and then quickly jump again to one of the far corners to get to complete safety. Kill the mutant that you can see from there, then jump to the landing that mutant was standing on. You can safely kill the second mutant from there. Jump back out the door you originally came in and the achievement should pop.

I made a save right before attempting the backflip, and you’ll see why in the clip. It’s likely that the mutant on whichever side you jump to first will knock you into the bottom of the pit at least once. Just reload and try again until RNG is on your side.

24 Feb 2024 21:32

This trap room is located in the last level of the Unfinished Business extension (level 4), at the very end of the level, you’ll come to a room with 6 switches and 3 doors to access the giant cat statue area. 2 of doors lead to the statue, the one in the middle is the famous trap!
Enter (beware of the pitfall), kill the two enemies and jump out to unlock the achievement.

Here’s a video on how to get out of this trap:

23 Feb 2024 00:35

1 Comment
Video really doesn't explain anything, it starts the instant the floor gives way. I don't even know what you did to trigger it.
By antlerflax on 24 Feb 2024 21:02