Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

269 Achievements



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TR2 Extinct Is Extinct

TR2 Extinct Is Extinct

Defeat both T-Rexes with no evidence



How to unlock the TR2 Extinct Is Extinct achievement in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft - Definitive Guide

TR2 - first level. You have to grab the first 2 dragons (1 right above the starting area, #2 during the gauntlet run) and then drop down to the valley before getting on the zip line and once you pick up the golden dragon the 2nd Rex will spawn.
Swap to the modern graphics to check the healthbars and shoot them with the Nadelauncher when either is close to dying.

14 Feb 2024 02:24

For me this didn't work in New Game+, maybe because you have the grenade launcher from the start.
By X RACER 3 on 19 Feb 2024 19:11
Pretty sure it's just bugged like a bunch of the other cheevos. You get the first GL behind the 1st T-Rex and there is no other way to make their corpses disappear other than the GL.
By HerrKätzchen on 19 Feb 2024 20:53
Tomb Raider II - The Great Wall (Level 1)

You must get to the end area of the level with the jade and silver dragon secrets acquired. The silver one is near the start of the level, as you climb out the cave you can do a 180 to jump across to ledges above where you came from. The jade one is during the trap sequence in between closing spike walls, make sure to save beforehand in case you die. Use this walkthrough if needed.

Once you see the final zipline, ignore it for now. On the right side of the area you can make your way down ledges and use a ladder to reach the ground floor. Running into the wider chasm area and a t-rex will spawn ahead. Run past it to behind where it spawned for the gold dragon. Another t-rex will spawn, use your pistols to whittle them both down 1-3 'pips' of health. Switch to the grenade launcher you just acquired to finish them off for the achievement.


02 Apr 2024 04:40