Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft
269 Achievements
Xbox One
Xbox Series
TR2 Hero of Reaching Unreachable Supplies
Get unreachable medipack Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the TR2 Hero of Reaching Unreachable Supplies achievement in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft - Definitive Guide
Done in TR2 - Temple of Xian
Quite far into the stage (assuming you didn't take the shortcut from the secret), you'll run across a wooden bridge with a spinning... blade wheel thing, where you press a button that opens the double doors to the large lava room and two tall dragon pillars. This button is in the same room you slide into at the beginning, with the Gold secret and the water below.
On the opposite end of that bridge from the button on the left side, you'll see a pair of ladders leading into a small red room with a large medi pack inside. Picking this up gets you the achievement.I'm not sure why they named this "unreachable" since it doesn't lean on a glitch to get there like the medikit in TR1 Palace Midas did. (pumazzz clarified on why it's labelled "unreachable").
Jump onto the rocks to the left of the bridge, then run off the other side. You'll land on a small platform below.
Then, ensuring you're on the higher part of the platform (the right side, against the wall), do a running jump to the ladder.
The achievement unlocks when you pick up the medikit.
Video below incase I suck at describing.!Asr4z0Bu0rVYxt52ZTfIOotWmD3adw
Quite far into the stage (assuming you didn't take the shortcut from the secret), you'll run across a wooden bridge with a spinning... blade wheel thing, where you press a button that opens the double doors to the large lava room and two tall dragon pillars. This button is in the same room you slide into at the beginning, with the Gold secret and the water below.
On the opposite end of that bridge from the button on the left side, you'll see a pair of ladders leading into a small red room with a large medi pack inside. Picking this up gets you the achievement.
Jump onto the rocks to the left of the bridge, then run off the other side. You'll land on a small platform below.
Then, ensuring you're on the higher part of the platform (the right side, against the wall), do a running jump to the ladder.
The achievement unlocks when you pick up the medikit.
Video below incase I suck at describing.!Asr4z0Bu0rVYxt52ZTfIOotWmD3adw
For those who are curious : it's called "unreachable" because it was in the original game. The devs put a ladder texture but it wasn't a true one, so this medikit was impossible to get.
By pumazzz on 19 Feb 2024 10:45
Ah interesting. That explains why when looking up this medikit I see weird ways of obtaining it, involving jumping at specific angles onto the ramp next to it. Thanks for clarifying!
By segagamer on 19 Feb 2024 12:38
Done in TR2 - Temple of Xian
Quite far into the stage (assuming you didn't take the shortcut from the secret), you'll run across a wooden bridge with a spinning... blade wheel thing, where you press a button that opens the double doors to the large lava room and two tall dragon pillars. This button is in the same room you slide into at the beginning, with the Gold secret and the water below.
On the opposite end of that bridge from the button on the left side, you'll see a pair of ladders leading into a small red room with a large medi pack inside. Picking this up gets you the achievement.I'm not sure why they named this "unreachable" since it doesn't lean on a glitch to get there like the medikit in TR1 Palace Midas did. (pumazzz clarified on why it's labelled "unreachable").
Jump onto the rocks to the left of the bridge, then run off the other side. You'll land on a small platform below.
Then, ensuring you're on the higher part of the platform (the right side, against the wall), do a running jump to the ladder.
The achievement unlocks when you pick up the medikit.
Video below incase I suck at describing.
Quite far into the stage (assuming you didn't take the shortcut from the secret), you'll run across a wooden bridge with a spinning... blade wheel thing, where you press a button that opens the double doors to the large lava room and two tall dragon pillars. This button is in the same room you slide into at the beginning, with the Gold secret and the water below.
On the opposite end of that bridge from the button on the left side, you'll see a pair of ladders leading into a small red room with a large medi pack inside. Picking this up gets you the achievement.
Jump onto the rocks to the left of the bridge, then run off the other side. You'll land on a small platform below.
Then, ensuring you're on the higher part of the platform (the right side, against the wall), do a running jump to the ladder.
The achievement unlocks when you pick up the medikit.
Video below incase I suck at describing.
For those who are curious : it's called "unreachable" because it was in the original game. The devs put a ladder texture but it wasn't a true one, so this medikit was impossible to get.
By pumazzz on 19 Feb 2024 10:45
Ah interesting. That explains why when looking up this medikit I see weird ways of obtaining it, involving jumping at specific angles onto the ramp next to it. Thanks for clarifying!
By segagamer on 19 Feb 2024 12:38