Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

269 Achievements



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TR2 Kakie Vashi Dokazatelstva?

TR2 Kakie Vashi Dokazatelstva?

Defeat two polar bears without evidence



How to unlock the TR2 Kakie Vashi Dokazatelstva? achievement in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft - Definitive Guide

Golden Mask - level 3 - Furnace of Gods

After making it past the rolling spike trap then jumping across the platforms over the gold river, you will then swim past a catfish that will lead you towards the polar bears. Just use the grenade launcher to kill them both. Achievement will pop after you have killed the second polar bear.


07 Mar 2024 15:30

At the end of the "Furnace of the Gods" level, after you pass the molten river and the corridor with the rolling blade, you will arrive in a cave with a water rivere below. You will immediately attacked by a polar bear, which, to get this achievement, you'll have to kill with the grenade launcher.

Then, there is a second polar bear at the end of the river, to reach him you'll have to jump on the blocks without falling in the water, as there is current there that will take you away, so be sure to save before attempting to cross. Do the same with the launcher, and the achievement should unlock.

04 Mar 2024 19:13