Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

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TR3 Incredibly Hard Boiled

TR3 Incredibly Hard Boiled

Beat the game using only Lara's pistols



How to unlock the TR3 Incredibly Hard Boiled achievement in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft - Definitive Guide

Done in TR3. This is for sure the most annoying one to do this in simply because of how tough some enemies are, and some sections with vehicles where you're "expected" to shoot. Also because TR3 in general is just tough.

This is achieved by completing the game only firing pistols. I don't know whether simply getting another gun out will break the achievement, whether firing at nothing voids it, or if you need to actually fire another weapon at an enemy for it to count. Just avoid tempting fate and if you fire another weapon for whatever reason, just load your last save.

Level skip voids the achievement. I'm not sure about the weapon cheat, but it's worthless for your pistol only run anyway so... No reason to do it...

You can pick up other weapons without voiding the achievement, but I recommend to never equip them.

Keep in mind that stages where you'll come across enemies underwater, you will NOT be able to use the harpoon gun. So get through underwater sections with enemies in them quickly and either find ground to shoot them with pistols (backtracking or otherwise), or avoid them as much as possible.

You can kill enemies with vehicles just fine [I]ONLY[/I] by running over them (so running over monkeys with the quadbike is fine, though there's an achievement for not doing so...).

You must NOT shoot from the vehicles, though that doesn't include the Turret/rocket launcher at the end of Crash Site (as you need that to complete the level, but it's been stated that even kills with this turtent don't void the achievement). If you want to be extra sure though, at the end of this stage, you can get another achievement at the same time - "Keep all soldiers alive at crash site" - where the moment you get the Turret outside, quickly fire the rocket at the wall on the back left, then make a dash for the exit before any soldiers have a chance to die. If you miss your shot or a soldier gets killed by a raptor on the way, load your save.

Another vehicle you cannot shoot from is the yellow... underwater thing in Luds Gate. This unfortunately will be the toughest part of this run and makes certain sections of the stage incredibly frustrating.

The general recommended playthrough order for TR3 is to start with Nevada (easy), move to Pacific Islands (normal), then finally London (hard). Even with the change made to Navada's gun loss (where you no longer lose all your ammo/meds) I still recommend you follow that order for your pistol only run, as then by the time you reach Lud's Gate you'll have plenty of medikits to push through these vehicle/underwater sections, whether you're going for all secrets or not.

The achievement will unlock when the Completed Game stats appear after the credits (you can skip them).

18 Mar 2024 16:43

I can confirm that the mounted Rocket Launcher at the end of the Crash Site level doesn't count for this achievement. I used it at the end of the level but still got the achievement at the end of the game. Didn't shoot in any other vehicle just to be sure.
By keke7302 on 26 Mar 2024 20:48
You need to use that rocket launcher to finish the level. But did you use it to blow up enemies and/or the soldiers?
By segagamer on 26 Mar 2024 22:30
Yep, I killed all the raptors with them and it still unlocked at the end of the game.
By keke7302 on 26 Mar 2024 22:49
Great, OK. Thanks for confirming
By segagamer on 27 Mar 2024 08:11
Somehow the UPV doesn't void the achievement. I killed the divers and a crocodile with it in Lud's Gate and still got it in the end.
By AxeL R GR on 31 Mar 2024 15:26
That's odd. The black snowmobile in TR2 voided the achievement if you shot someone with it, so this not counting is unusual. It would have certainly made my playthrough easier.
By segagamer on 31 Mar 2024 20:52
Can confirm you definitely get the pistol achievement still even if you shoot the rocket launcher on crash site and the harpoons on the UPV in Lud's Gate. :)
By gobey17 on 18 May 2024 10:13
Another confirmation by me, shooting the rocket launcher at the end of crash site to end the level, didn't kill any enemies with it. Did use the UPVs in lud's gate to kill the crocodiles and divers and the achievement unlocked fine for me.

I also got this achievement using the rocket launcher. And after that just reloaded and played on with pistols only:
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara CroftTR3 Photo FinishThe TR3 Photo Finish achievement in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft worth 280 pointsRun into the maintenance room before the Damned does
By jantrance on 20 May 2024 19:51
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