Tony Hawk SHRED
50 Achievements
Xbox 360
I am the Law!
Stick 'em up! You completed a session in New Orleans as Officer Richard. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the I am the Law! achievement in Tony Hawk SHRED - Definitive Guide
I am the Law! Stick 'em up! You completed a session in New Orleans as Officer Richard.
This achievement requires you to complete a session in New Orleans as Officer Richard, to unlock Officer Richard you must play the level New Orleans on navigation setting confident or hardcore because you will not be able to reach the a certain area otherwise. Load up the level on free ride and follow the level until you get to the Mardi Gras section with the clown floats on the road, go down past the right hand side of the floats on the road then when you get to the bottom of the hill with a left hand turn grind the concrete barrier on the far right of the bend to unlock Officer Richard. Once you have unlocked the character pick him from the session selection screen and pick New Orleans and complete either a trick, point rush, scoring spot or challenge event and this achievement will be yours.
This achievement requires you to complete a session in New Orleans as Officer Richard, to unlock Officer Richard you must play the level New Orleans on navigation setting confident or hardcore because you will not be able to reach the a certain area otherwise. Load up the level on free ride and follow the level until you get to the Mardi Gras section with the clown floats on the road, go down past the right hand side of the floats on the road then when you get to the bottom of the hill with a left hand turn grind the concrete barrier on the far right of the bend to unlock Officer Richard. Once you have unlocked the character pick him from the session selection screen and pick New Orleans and complete either a trick, point rush, scoring spot or challenge event and this achievement will be yours.