Top Spin 2
11 Achievements
Xbox 360
Win 25 Ranked Matches
Earn this achievement by winning 25 Xbox Live Ranked Matches
How to unlock the Win 25 Ranked Matches achievement in Top Spin 2 - Definitive Guide
Boosting guide:
The fastest way to get this achievement is to find someone to help you boost. First, get into a ranked game with the other person. I recommend that whoever is hosting, make it on a specific map and/or have other specific settings. Then the player joining should search for those specific settings to find your game. This decreases your chances of being matched with another player on the off-chance that someone else is trying to find a match.
Once you're in the match, whichever player is on serve needs to hit one serve. Then have your boosting buddy quit out. This will count as a win for you. Rinse and repeat this process 25 times and you have your achievement!
The fastest way to get this achievement is to find someone to help you boost. First, get into a ranked game with the other person. I recommend that whoever is hosting, make it on a specific map and/or have other specific settings. Then the player joining should search for those specific settings to find your game. This decreases your chances of being matched with another player on the off-chance that someone else is trying to find a match.
Once you're in the match, whichever player is on serve needs to hit one serve. Then have your boosting buddy quit out. This will count as a win for you. Rinse and repeat this process 25 times and you have your achievement!
agreed, but the player on serve doesnt need to hit a serve... it automatically counts the player who quits as the loser and the one who stays as the winner. the minute the players walk onto the court just press start and leave game. leaving the game goes towards games played total...
By RoMeRo7 on 22 Jun 2009 09:55
you need to amend your guide, you have to create a player in career mode before you can do ranked matches, confirmed this today
By on 16 Aug 2012 16:20
Can be done with a partner to trade wins or Legit. If you chose to play this out, it takes roughly 10 hours to do. I found out the Hard way... But before I knew it, another way to approach this is that if one person quits, the other player get credit for the win. This GREATLY speeds up the process of winning.