Toy Soldiers: Cold War

Toy Soldiers: Cold War

26 Achievements



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Highly Decorated

Highly Decorated

Earned 22 Decorations.


How to unlock the Highly Decorated achievement in Toy Soldiers: Cold War - Definitive Guide

The difficultly used to create is guide was Casual and was in single player. Higher level difficulties such as General will not allow you to obtain certain decorations because you cannot manually control units. Also higher difficulty increase the health of units making it harder to kill units to obtain decorations.
There are 11 levels. Each level has 2 decorations to obtain for the achievement. You can replay levels for the decorations, but the count resets. Example: Breached- You shot down 9 helicopters with the air anti, so when you go back to play the level you will start at 0. Also, if you play up to a certain point in the campaign and replay a level, except Basic Training, you will be allowed to upgrade any turret to the level you have unlock. Example: Being able to upgrade an US Machine Gun to III on Jungle Heat.
*Once a decoration is obtained you can exit the campaign level and it will save.

Basic Training-
1) Engineer's Debut: Upgrade any turret.
At wave 3 you will be forced to upgrade a turret.
2) Earning Your Wings: Pilot an Attack Helo.
At wave 8 you be automatically put in an Attack Helo.

Jungle Heat-
1) Over the Top: Destroy 3 helicopters with Commando.
When the wave starts you will play as the Commando simply hold down LT and RT then fire at the helicopters. These are the only 3 on this level and can only be obtained on wave 1.
2) Rat-a-tat-tat: Earn a Barrage with a Machine Gun turret.
After your commando expires place an US Machine Gun I at the closest position the enemies are at. Manually control it and hold down RT. I managed to get an x80 combo which is easily enough. Fastest wave is 1.

1) Hard Counter: Shoot down 10 helicopters with an Anti-Air turret.
Build only 1 US Anti-Aircraft at any platform. The reason is because other Anti-Air craft guns will shot down planes which will steal kills you need from the decoration. Fastest wave this can be obtained is 6. If you only build one Anti-Air troops will be dropped, so a machine gun is recommended.
2) Air Support: Destroy 100 units with a Helo Gunship.
When the level begins pilot the US Helo Gunship located on the right side of the Toy Box. If you only use the Gunship waves 1-3 should give you around 60 infantry kills. Then on wave 8 around 80 infantry units appear.

Panic at the Wall-
1) Collateral Damage: Destroy 20 parked cars.
I recommend placing an US Anti-Tank I at the back of the base and destroying cars in between waves with it and takes 2 shots to kill them. If you play properly on casual you'll never let enemies get this far in your base. You can use the tank to destroy cars in one hit but the tank does require batteries to use .The car locations are 19 in the back of the base, 6 on the right of the tank, 2 behind the tank on the left stacked above each other.
2) Stopping Power: Destroy 5 Medium Tanks using an Artillery turret.
Build an US Artillery I on the closest large platform to the white building. On wave 4 only 4 medium tanks come out, so manually guide the artillery shell to the tanks to destroy them. The fastest wave this can be obtained is wave 6 which another batch of medium tanks appear.

Mind the Gap-
1) Intimidation: Overkill 25 infantry with an IFV.
The US IFV is located directly in front of the Toy Box. Manually control it to kill the infantry. An overkill is achieved by either running over infantry or by click LT to fire a missile. Fastest wave this can be done is wave 1.
2) Necessary: Overkill 10 ATVs with an Artillery turret.
Build a US Artillery I at one of the large platforms near the bridge and upgrade it to II. When the ATVs appear at wave 4 manually control the turret and guide the artillery shell but DO NOT click LT. If the shell hits near the ATV without releasing by using LT you will get an overkill. Fastest wave is 4.

1) Oomph!: Earn 15 thrill rides against infantry.
This is done by making an US Anti-Tank I. Manually shoot infantry with it. When you do hold down RT and push forward on LS to speed it up.
2) Helpful: Earn 50 assists.
This is done by making an US Mortar I but do not upgrade it. The Mortar will automatically shot and hit the enemies. When it does the enemies will turn red and have stars above their heads. These infantry with are the units you want to kill by manually selecting and shooting another weapon.

Trouble at the Canal-
1) Ardor: Torch 30 infantry with Napalm.
When piloting the US Fighter click RS which will bring up a bombing menu. By clicking RT you will be dropping Napalm. The fastest this can be done is on wave 2. There are 3 transport planes that drop 10 infantry each. You must allow the transport planes to drop the infantry on the hull of the aircraft carrier.
2) Like a Fox: Do a barrel roll.
Can be obtained at the start by clicking LB or RB.

Deadly Dunes-
1) Roman Holiday: Destroy 25 units with the Makeshift III's Roman Candle.
Kill all the units on wave 1 with the plane you are in. This will build you enough cash to build and upgrade a US Makeshift to level III. Build at the platform nearest the battery pad carrying the Attack Helo. When a swarm of infantry come at you during wave 2 hold down the LT. By doing this I managed to score a x83 combo but some of the infantry were let through.
2) Lights Out: Destroy 100 units while using night Vision.
The Attack Helo is located near your toy box. When piloting the Helo click RS which will turn night vision on. If you use the method for Roman Holiday for wave 2 then the fastest method is to kill all the infantry on waves 3 and 4 which is around 100.

Rainy City-
1) UnderTOW: Destroy 5 aircraft with the Anti-Tank III.
On wave 1 build a US Anti-Tank I and upgrade it to II. The placement of this should be on the big square platform directly in front the US Heavy Tank, so it does not get shot from the enemy mortar. If you kill all the infantry on wave 1 you'll have enough to upgrade to III. By wave 2 only 3 aircraft spawn. Manually control Anti-tank III and guide the missile into the aircraft. The fastest wave this can be done is wave 4.
2) The Sound: Repair 5 times.
If you restart the mission from the very beginning place a US Machine Gun I at the large square platform farthest from the Toy Box near a battery. The mortar will shot and hit it bringing it down to half life. Repair the turret and wait for it to be shot again. Repeat until you have done it 5 times. Using this method this can be done on the first wave, otherwise this should be natural as you progress through the level.

Monumental Defense-
1) Danger Close: Call in a Nuclear Strike
Appears to be random. How I got it is I played on casual built only one US Anti-Tank on the big square on wave 1. By wave 2 I had enough money to upgrade to level 3 and killed all the soldiers and tanks on wave 3 with just the Anti-tank. At the end if done correctly you should have enough to barrage. Occasionally on wave 2 a soldier will have a red star for a barrage. I repeated this using Wavelist Rewind 10 times before I got a nuclear strike. You have to active it for it to count.
2) Hip Fracture: Destroy 4 Helo Gunships with an Attack Helo.
In order to obtain an Attack Helo you must destroy the 3 turrets across the map. This can be done creating a US Artillery II or US Anti-Tank III and manually guiding the rocket over, or using a barrage. Once destroyed a message will say: "Reinforcements have arrived." After a short while an Attack Helo will land which will be used to destroy the Helo Gunships. On wave 5 only 3 Helo Gunships appear so the fastest this can be done is on wave 10.

Capitol Crisis-
1) Miserable Pile of Soviets: Earn a 100x combo.
The fastest way to obtained this by building a US Machine Gun I, upgrading it to level II at the first wave, and then manually controlling it. You will want to build it by the body of water on one side or the other so it is closer to the enemies. A red cloud of smoke will indicate where the enemies drop to. Between wave 2 and 3 there are 150 enemies which makes this the best opportunity.
2) Spared No Expense: Upgrade 10 times.
There are 8 platforms which you can build and upgrade turrets on. If a turret built on each platform and never destroyed there is a maximum of 24 upgrades. Another way of doing this is to build, upgraded a turret, sell it, and then repeat.

17 Aug 2011 22:58

Fantanstic effort thank you! Very helpful guide.
By Emira on 20 Aug 2011 01:04
Great guide! To Call in a Nuclear Strike, I hit X at the beginning to call in the next wave. Then I planted a machine gun turret on the small right pad and upgraded it immediately. I was able to get the barrage this way because I'm better with the machine gun turret. I just wanted to add what worked for me because this one sucks!
By BobWings on 29 Aug 2011 20:53
I totally agree with BobWings, a level two machine gun gets a barrage in a matter of seconds if you call the 2nd wave in straight away. If you don't get the Nuclear Strike then just restart. Fantastic guide, really helped with my last few decorations! Thanks!
By Captain Animal on 11 Oct 2011 04:03
Outstanding guide, thank you.
By Zoku Gojira on 31 Oct 2011 00:58
To add a bit to the comments by BobWings and Captain Animal: At round 14 the ATV's will spawn, 20-25 of them. If u have a Machine Gun Turret III at the pad to the right of the big pad, u will easily get a barrage by massacre the ATV's as they cross the bridge. I did this, used the rewind a few times and BOOM! Easy, and no luck involved (except the barrage random)
By die Feuerwehr on 10 Jan 2012 11:10
Great solution, a couple notes for "Monumental Defense" - it's easiest to take out the enemy turrets with the tank, it can be done in a single battery without moving. Also, the wave 5 choppers are not Helo Gunships. Wave 10 and 14 are though.
By JMJimmy on 14 Aug 2012 19:15
For "Hip Fracture" the gunships don't arrive until wave 10, wave 5 are the wrong type of helicopters. Other than that great guide.
By sonnyforple on 02 Sep 2012 20:09
Do DLC decorations count towards this?
By on 21 Oct 2012 22:22
Excellent guide.

On Monumental Defense, the chopper needed spawn at wave 10. There are 4 of them, no need to reach wave 14. Thumbs up!
By MAOraNza on 08 Nov 2012 02:24
I ended up doing the same as BobWings. The Anti-Tank was useless; so, I switched to Machine Gun, called the next wave and had it easily.
By DcupsOfJustice on 11 Nov 2012 22:59
It's confirmed that DLC Decorations do NOT count towards this achievement. This achievement must be won with the original 22 Decorations available through the campaign.
By PlayerTwo811 on 10 Dec 2012 03:05
Very helpful! Thank you!
By Maliklaus on 17 Mar 2013 12:58
The decoration for finding a golden arcade (The Midas Touch) also does NOT count. I can confirm it pops once you get all 22 original decorations during the level as I got mine on Surrounded! when I got 50 assists, which made 23 total decorations.
By Daeryoon on 08 Aug 2013 20:52
I'm having so much trouble with the ATVs overkills on the level "Mind The Gap", i'm doing the exact thing that you tell me to do but i'm not getting overkills.
By SnoaaH on 17 Feb 2014 18:45
EDIT: Nevermind, I accidentally updated it to III, thanks dude! +1
By SnoaaH on 17 Feb 2014 23:20
It's worth noting that if you're doing level replays to collect your missing decorations, you can quit the level directly after earning the decoration without losing it.
By Mobius Evalon on 18 Feb 2014 11:00
Excellent guide! Also, Bobwings tid-bit got me a nuclear strike on my first try about 15 seconds in.
By SpoolinChaos on 19 Feb 2014 04:12
Great Guide many thanks ALS CHASE clap
By GS13 ERGO PROXY on 21 Feb 2014 02:07
I've now wave rewinded Monumental Defense over 50 times and still haven't gotten the nuke after 65 spins this is pure cancer.
By My Ringtones on 03 Dec 2022 05:42
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I feel that the other solutions either aren't particularly helpful or aren't extensive so i'm writing up a more in-depth one that can be followed to complete all 22 decorations.

If you haven't started yet- there are 22 decorations total (asides an apparent 23rd for collecting items- but is nevertheless irrelevant for the game's achievements). Each mission has 2 decorations- most of which are easily achievable upon your first playthrough only playing each map once. A couple rely on luck and a couple are easier once great access to upgraded weapons has been unlocked through completion of subsequent campaign missions.

Also, note that almost ALL decoration are not achievable on General difficulty. For best results, play in either Casual or Normal difficulty modes.

Basic Training

Upgrade Any Turret
Self explanatory. Simply upgrade any turret and this decoration is yours. Essentially unmissable.

Pilot an Attack Helo
Also self explanatory. Cannot be achieved on General difficulty.

Jungle Heat

Destroy 3 Helicopters with Commando

Straight forward on Casual difficulty. Simply target each helicopter at the beginning of the level spamming the machine gun and rockets. Should take 10 seconds. Also unobtainable on General difficulty.

Earn a Barrage with a Machine Gun Turret

Place at the front and mow down enough infantry to achieve a barrage. Fairly simple- if struggling come back later when you can have it upgraded to level 3 or wait until most infantry are next to your turret and mow them down quickly.


Shoot down 10 helicopters with an Anti-Air Turret

Easiest on second playthrough/return as you can use a level 3 anti air. Achievable in playthrough 1 also. Play as normal with turrets guarding your base and when heli's comeby- jump in and muller them out the sky.

Destroy 100 units with a Helo Gunship

Very very very easy. heli is on the right side of the map- take control when infantry and coming out- can be done early on in the mission.

Panic at the Wall

Destroy 20 parked cars

Self explanatory- get in the tank on the left side of the base- turn around and destroy 20 cars in the rear car park (behind the toy box)

Destroy 5 medium tanks using an Artillery Turret

Build turrets up directly in front of your base as normal- put artillery at the front. Playthrough 1 or 2, i find level 2 turrets the best to use as level 3 take too long to reload. Wait until heavy tanks are on the field and duly unload.

Mind the Gap

Overkill 25 infantry with an IFV

As it says. Grab the IFV and take out 25 infantry. Easy.

Overkill 10 ATVs with an Artillery Turret

ATVs are the weakest unit in the game- even more so than infantry. Arty on level 2 is ideally required, unload as they spawn- use shell cam to increase accuracy.


Earn 15 thrill rides against infantry

Use the heli to rack up the kills and points at the beggining of the game. I recommend waiting for 2nd playthrough so you can use level 3 anti tank gun. Simply kill infantry with the anti tank gun- all infantry that go skyward give you a 'thrillride' kill. This requires pushing forward on the L stick to increase the speed of the shell.

Earn 50 assists

Not very fun but fairly straight foward. Again (on a different playthrough from the above decoration) use the heli to rack up kills and $. Place a mortar turret (ONLY level 1) on the smaller turret space at the end of the road from which ever direction the troops are being dropped. Upgrade to a level 3 machine gun (ideally). When the mortar hits the infantry- they will glow red- here when you kill them with the machine gun it will count as an assist. It will take a number of waves to complete this one. When the next bunch of troops arrive on a different area- sell the last mortar and build a new one at the subsequent road. Having 2 or more mortars is not recommended as they can often hit the same targets killing them before you can 'assist' the kill.

Trouble at the Canal

Torch 30 infantry with Napalm

Not apparently a very well explained decoration. You start in the fighter- go up and grab as many stars as you can before the other fighters arrive. When they do shoot them all down with one locked on missle salvo then drop out your jet. Next wave infantry will come. Delay this as long as you can. They will land on the front of the ship- hopefully by now your jet will be usable again- head up and go into 'bomb mode'n (click down Right Thumb Stick). This will give you a top down view of the fighter and you cannot climb or drop height, simply hit the right trigger to drop napalm bombs. The first wave of infantry isn't plentiful so you will need to wait for another further wave to complete. Have sufficient anti air so you can shoot down the waves of fighters but not too much so that they shoot down the transport planes/heli's.
(the standard plane controls are awful- i ended up using inverted south paw, which is still not great but meant i could control it)

Do a Barrel Roll

Easy. As you start in the fighter, hit RB or LB in flight. You will do a barrel roll.

Deadly Dunes

Destroy 25 units with the Makeshift III's Roman Candle

Bit of a bitch as it's a very weak turret- despite it being upgraded to level 3 (tanks destroy it quickly). Place it in the middle at the front of your group of turrets. Have it backed up by machine guns further back that can cover the units you can't hit (it's range is pooooor). Be prepared to repair it often and make sure you use the LT and not RT. RT is its other weapon. LT will get you the decoration.

Destroy 100 units while using Night Vision

Another easy one. Once your time in the AC-130 is up. Grab the chopper (should be an infantry round next) put on night vision (push down Right Thumb Stick) and rain down hell from above. Should take 10 seconds.

Rainy City

Destroy 5 aircraft with the Anti-tank III

As soon the mission starts, grab the tank and destroy the 3 Soviet turrets on your left. The middle one is an upgraded Artillary turret, if it can see your tank over the buildings/walls it will muller you quickly. If you lose the tank. Quickly build your own artillery on your left point- rotate it towards the left and upgrade it to level 2. It should destroy the Soviet one (repair if need be). It is tempting to put your own Arty there- however put a level 3 Anti Tank turret in instead. Make sure to keep repairing it as need be as the heli gunships will take its health down fast. This point is highest on the map and so you can hit heli's above you most from this point. The transport heli's are easiest to hit (but the gunships are not impossible) as they stay still to drop off infantry- use the shell cam (or rather missile cam) to make sure your shots hit. Again, as in similar missions- make sure you have anti air elsewhere- but not too strong as to destroy the heli's before you can. Some will help weaken- too much will make your job too hard.

Repair 5 times

Repait 5 turrets. You will HAVE to do this far more than 5 simply to complete the mission anyway.

Monumental Defence

Call in a Nuclear Strike

This one appears to be random. You will receive a barrage once you destroy enough units quickly enough. Make sure to remove the Soviet turrets at the beginning of the game. In the first few waves i built a level 3 Artillary in front of my toy box- once a large number of infantry were in the middle, i unloaded on them and got the nuclear barrage. The decoration will only unlock once you use it- i suggest you save it for the latter waves as those darn laser tanks are annoying. (a note- you really only need 2 artillary and anti tanks turrets, perhaps 1 machine gun in front of your base. Repair turrets often- i lost A LOT my first play through, and as ever use the chopper as often as you can)

Destroy 4 Helo Gunships with an Attack Helo

Self explanatory (for a change!). The Attack Helo will become available to you once you've destroyed the Soviet turrets. Remember- this is ONLY against the 'Gunships' and not the transport Helo's. As previously mentioned, having anti air turrets will probably make your job harder here as gunships aren't immensely strong. Just use your Heli when any air units come.

Capitol Crisis -Final Mission!

Earn a 100x Combo

Best way to do this is to use the Gunship and not the Attack Helo. Destroy all of the first wave. Once the second wave arrives, kill a few outliers and wait for the 'hit X to start next wave' option is given. BEFORE you hit X', start tearing into the troops in the reflection pool below, once you're just about finished hit X and then turn your attention to the Lincoln Memorial(?) (big white building with a dome and steps). Your combo will carry on (90 spawn there), 2 seconds of machine gun fire and a few rockets will kill them all if you time it right.
If you fail just restart the level. You'll definitely get it the second time.

Upgrade 10 times

Incredibly easy for your last decoration! Simply upgrade 10 turrets.

19 Aug 2011 00:18

Welcome to you all. There are 3 text guides already made and on here. I have made a video for my youtube channel, and as usual I add it here on TA too.

There are 22 decorations spread out over the 11 levels. Which is 2 per level - Most are pretty straight forward. But we make video guides, and here is ours...

22 Feb 2014 19:46

This will really help with the ones i was not able to do
By kanteroo on 23 Feb 2014 06:58
You are welcome, I have a few other guides going up for this game too. The trickiest achievement (From the original 200) was getting a Platinum on General difficulty - That took a few attempts for me. Glad the solution will help you and others too
By SSCP on 23 Feb 2014 14:03
This is a guide purely for the "Danger close" decoration which I, personally, found to be the most irritating to get. The issue was how to consistently get a barrage and I was not having any luck with the Anti-tank strategy listed in the other guides. This method worked for me every time and I had to re-do the waves 5 times until I got the nuke.

Now, the first thing you want to do is make sure you start the level, from the beginning, on casual.

Now, immediately launch the second wave by pressing X.

After this build a machine gun turret in the rear, left build space (if you are looking directly at the soviets) and upgrade it to level 2.

You will see a couple of helos dropping off some infantry elite (guys with RPGs). IGNORE these guys until the are out the trenchs and next to your turret and then unload on them. You will not get enough kills to barrage, but you will get enough to overcharge the turret. Now, rotate to the left and the regular infantry from Wave 2 will be streaming up the road on the left. Mow them down with your turret which, thanks to the overcharge, doesn't have to reload and you will get your barrage with enemies to spare.

If you get the nuke, great! Use it and unlock the decoration. If you don't, wave reset to the first wave and repeat until you do.

Hope this helps!

02 Oct 2016 09:40

This guide will tell you the easiest way to get all the decorations. This guide is complete. If you have a strategy for getting a decoration feel free to post it below. You can use this guide in your guide as long as you give me credit.(Gamerdude4458)

Basic Training

Engineer's Debut: Upgrade any turret.

To easily get this wait till you have at least 1500 points then build a Machine Gun I. Hover over the machine gun and press then choose the upgrade option on the right side.

Earning Your Wings: Pilot an Attack Helo.

This cannot be missed* Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Jungle Heat

Over the Top: Destroy 3 helicopters with Commando.

At the very beginning shoot down the 3 helicopters in front of you. If you miss one you can restart the level and try again. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Rat-a-tat-tat: Earn a Barrage with a Machine Gun turret.

After you play as Commando place a machine gun at the very front and 1 at the very back. Take control of the one at the front and shoot the incoming waves of enemies. Unobtainable on General difficulty.


Hard Counter: Shoot down 10 helicopters with an Anti-Air turret.

Build an Anti-Air turret and some other turrets to protect from the ground forces. Only build one Anti-Air turret. Take control of it and shoot as many of the helicopters down as possible. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Air Support: Destroy 100 units with the Helo Gunship.

The Helo is on the right side of the map. Take control of it and shoot as many enemies as possible. Try to shoot infantry and make sure you are fully charged before an infantry round. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Panic at the Wall

Collateral Damage: Destroy 20 parked cars.

At the very beginning turn around and shoot all of the parked cars in the lot with the tank. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Stopping Power: Destroy 5 Medium Tanks using an Artillery turret.

Build an Artillery at the very front. Also build some anti-air and turrets in the back for protection. Before a tank wave take control of the Artillery and destroy all the tanks. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Mind the Gap

Intimidation: Overkill 25 infantry with an IFV.

At the very beginning build some turrets in the very back. Then take control of the IFV in the middle of the map and run infantry over with it for Overkills. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Necessary: Overkill 10 ATVs with an Artillery turret.

Build 2 Artillery in the very front and place turrets everywhere else for protection. Upgrade the Artillery to at least level 2. Before an ATV round take control of an Artillery turret and shoot the ATVs. Make sure to use Shell Cam for better accuracy. Unobtainable on General difficulty.


Oomph!: Earn 15 Thrill Rides against infantry.

Build one Anti-Tank in the middle and 2 Anti-Air. Put 2 turrets in the back for protection. When you see a group of infantry shoot a missile at them and push foward to make it go faster. If you can upgrade the Anti-Tank to level 3 for more Thrill Rides. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Helpful: Earn 50 assists.

Place machine gun turrets and mortars in every other spot. KEEP THE MORTARS AT LEVEL 1. Wait for the planes to drop paratroopers. Take control of the machines gun turret nearest to where they are being dropped off. Wait for the mortar to gas the infantry. Then shoot the infantry that are red and slowly dying. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Trouble at the Canal

Ardor: Torch 30 infantry with Napalm.

Build turrets near the toybox for protection. Also build some anti-air turrets. Wait for a plane to drop off paratroopers. Before they drop off, get in the plane and use the Napalm by pressing down then press to use Napalm to then kill the paratroopers. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Like a Fox: Do a barrel roll.

At the beginning of the level while piloting the jet simply do a barrel roll. Press / to do a barrel roll. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Deadly Dunes

Roman Holiday: Destroy 25 units with the Makeshift III's Roman Candle.

Build Makeshift's on the frontlines and build some turrets in the back for protection. Make sure to upgrade the Makeshift's to level 3. On an infantry wave take control of the Makeshift closest to the infantry. Use the mortar the Makeshift shoots NOT the main weapon. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Light's Out: Destroy 100 units while using Night Vision.

There is a helicopter on the left side of the map. Get in the helicopter and turn on Night Vision by pressing down. Then kill 100 enemies with Night Vision on. Try to do this on an infantry round because there are more kills. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Rainy City

UnderTOW: Destroy 5 aircraft with the Anti-Tank III.

Build Anti-Tank turrets near the toybox and build other turrets everywhere else for protection DO NOT build Anti-Air turrets. Make sure you upgrade the Anti-Tanks to level 3. Before a helicopter round take control of a level 3 Anti-Tank turret. Make sure to use Shell Cam for better accuracy. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

The Sound: Repair 5 times.

When a turret you own has been damaged simply repair it. Do this 5 times for the decoration.

Monumental Defense

Danger Close: Call in a Nuclear Strike

First, destroy the Soviet turrets on the other side of the map. Take over the spots and makes sure to build an Anti-Tank on the left spot. Do this BEFORE wave 13. Survive until wave 13. On wave 13 take control of the turret where the Soviets orignally were. Keep retrying the wave until you see a ATV with a star over it's head. Once you have found it YOU MUST DESTROY IT. If you don't get a Nuclear Strike keep trying until you finally get it. Make sure you use it as it only counts once you use it. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Hip Fracture: Destroy 4 Helo Gunships with an Attack Helo.

To get the Attack Helo you need to take over the turrets on the other side of the map. Once you have done that you should get a helicopter on the Soviet side of the map. DO NOT build Anti-Air turrets as they can destroy the Helo Gunships. Make sure to keep the Attack Helo charged. The Helo Gunship does not drop enemies so keep that in mind. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Capitol Crisis

Miserable Pile of Soviets: Earn a 100x combo.

Place a turret near the large building in the front. When the infantry wave comes get in the turret and try to get a 100x combo. Use the level 1 turret as it doesn't reload. Unobtainable on General difficulty.

Spared No Expense: Upgrade 10 times.

You should get this without going for it. If not continously build a machine-gun turret upgrade than destroy it. Do this until you get the decoration.

Credit to gamerdude4458

This achievement requires you to earn all the Decorations except the hidden Golden Arcade decorations. A guide for this achievement can be found below.

Basic Training

  • Engineer's Debut: Upgrade any turret

Have at least 1500 points then build a Machine Gun I. Hover over the machine gun and press  then choose the upgrade option on the right side.

  • Earning Your Wings: Pilot an Attack Helo

Note: This cannot be missed

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

Jungle Heat

  • Over the Top: Destroy 3 helicopters with Commando

At the very beginning shoot down the 3 helicopters in front of you. If you miss one you can restart the level.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • Rat-a-tat-tat: Earn a Barrage with a Machine Gun turret.

Place a machine gun at the very front and 1 at the very back. Take control of the one at the front and shoot the incoming waves of enemies.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty


  • Hard Counter: Shoot down 10 helicopters with an Anti-Air turret

Build only 1 an Anti-Air turret and some other turrets to protect from the ground forces. Take control of it and shoot as many of the helicopters down as possible.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • Air Support: Destroy 100 units with the Helo Gunship

The Helo is on the right side of the map. Take control of it and shoot as many enemies as possible. Try to shoot infantry and make sure you are fully charged before an infantry round.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

Panic at the Wall

  • Collateral Damage: Destroy 20 parked cars

At the very beginning turn around and shoot all of the parked cars with the tank.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • Stopping Power: Destroy 5 Medium Tanks using an Artillery turret

Build an Artillery at the very front. Also build some anti-air and turrets in the back for protection. Before a tank wave take control of the Artillery and destroy all the tanks.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

Mind the Gap

  • Intimidation: Overkill 25 infantry with an IFV

At the very beginning build some turrets in the very back. Then take control of the IFV in the middle of the map and run infantry over with it for Overkills.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • Necessary: Overkill 10 ATVs with an Artillery turret

Build 2 Artillery in the very front and place turrets everywhere else for protection. Upgrade the Artillery to at least level 2. Before an ATV round take control of an Artillery turret and shoot the ATVs. Make sure to use Shell Cam for better accuracy.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty


  • Oomph!: Earn 15 Thrill Rides against infantry

Build one Anti-Tank in the middle and 2 Anti-Air. Put 2 turrets in the back for protection. When you see a group of infantry shoot a missile at them and push  foward to make it go faster. If you can upgrade the Anti-Tank to level 3 for more Thrill Rides.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • Helpful: Earn 50 assists

Place machine gun turrets and mortars in every other spot. KEEP THE MORTARS AT LEVEL 1. Wait for the planes to drop paratroopers. Take control of the machines gun turret nearest to where they are being dropped off. Wait for the mortar to gas the infantry. Then shoot the infantry that are red and slowly dying.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

Trouble at the Canal

  • Ardor: Torch 30 infantry with Napalm

Build turrets near the toybox for protection. Build anti-air turrets and wait for a plane to drop paratroopers. Before they drop, get in the plane and use Napalm by pressing down then press . Kill 30 for the decoration.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • Like a Fox: Do a barrel roll

At the beginning of the level while piloting the jet simply do a barrel roll. Press  /  to do a barrel roll.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

Deadly Dunes

  • Roman Holiday: Destroy 25 units with the Makeshift III's Roman Candle

Build Makeshift's on the frontlines and build some turrets in the back for protection. Make sure to upgrade the Makeshift's to level 3. On an infantry wave take control of the Makeshift closest to the infantry. Use the mortar the Makeshift shoots NOT the main weapon.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • Light's Out: Destroy 100 units while using Night Vision

Use the helicopter on the left side of the map. Turn on Night Vision by pressing down. Then kill 100 enemies with Night Vision on. Try to do this on an infantry round because there are more kills.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

Rainy City

  • UnderTOW: Destroy 5 aircraft with the Anti-Tank III

Build Anti-Tank turrets near the toybox and build other turrets everywhere else for protection. DO NOT build Anti-Air turrets. Make sure you upgrade the Anti-Tanks to level 3. On helicopter rounds take control of a level 3 Anti-Tank turret. Make sure to use Shell Cam for better accuracy.

Note: Unobtainable on General difficulty

  • The Sound: Repair 5 times

When a turret you own has been damaged simply repair it. Do this 5 times for the decoration.

Monumental Defense

  • Danger Close: Call in a Nuclear Strike

First, destroy the Soviet turrets on the other side of the map. Take over the spots and makes sure to build an Anti-Tank on the left spot. Do this BEFORE wave 13. Survive until wave 13. On wave 13 take control of the turret where the Soviets orignally were. Keep retrying the wave until you see a ATV with a star over it's head. Once you have found it YOU MUST DESTROY IT. If you don't get a Nuclear Strike keep trying until you finally get it. Make sure you use it as it only counts once you use it. UoGD

Right at the very start of the level, place a machine gun turret to the far right and force launch all infantry waves. Take control of the turret and just keep killing the infantry until you get a 40x combo. You will then unlock a barrage at random. If you don't the nuclear missile, just restart the level.
Thanks to The Deathdefyer for this method.

  • Hip Fracture: Destroy 4 Helo Gunships with an Attack Helo.

To get the Attack Helo you need to take over the turrets on the other side of the map. Once you have done that you should get a helicopter near the Soviet turrets. DO NOT choose wave rewind after the Attack Helo appears as if makes the Attack Helo disappear. DO NOT build Anti-Air turrets as they can destroy the Helo Gunships. Make sure to keep the Attack Helo charged. The Helo Gunship does not drop enemies so keep that in mind. UoGD

Capitol Crisis

  • Miserable Pile of Soviets: Earn a 100x combo.

Place a turret near the large building in the front. On wave 2 kill a at least 10 soldiers than end the round an instantly start the next wave. Kill the infantry that come out of the building. Use the level 1 turret as it doesn't reload. UoGD

  • Spared No Expense: Upgrade 10 times.

You should get this without trying ,but if you can't constantly build a machine-gun turret, upgrade ,than destroy it. Do this until you get the decoration.