14 Achievements
Xbox One
Xbox Series
Strange Machine
The player has placed the first crystal on the machine. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Strange Machine achievement in Transference - Definitive Guide
Transference - 100% Full Game Walkthrough.
1 Comment
This, nor the other crystal achievements, unlocked for me.
By RyeWoah on 30 Jul 2023 12:15
- Following the steps from Is There Anyone Home?
, turn right to see a kid. This will trigger a message on the answer machine to your left. Interact with the answering machine to play the message.
- Go to the music room, and open the drawer in the table that the film reel projector is sitting on. You will find a video log.
- Exit the apartment using the front door, and immediately look at the ground. There will be the letter 'A'. Pick it up.
- Go down the hall until you see a door with a sign that says "PASSWORD". Place the 'A' you picked up from the previous step on the second letter spot.
- Look straight down, and you will see the letter 'I' in front of the door. Pick it up and place it on the third letter spot on the "PASSWORD" sign.
- Turn around, and in the same hallway you will see a white switch. Press it.
- Walk up to the answering machine to listen to the message.
- To the right of the answering machine, there is a door. Walk through it. Pick up the yellow crystal on the table in this room, and place it on the machine that is also on the table.