Transformers: The Game

42 Achievements



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Keeper of the AllSpark

Keeper of the AllSpark

There is no Transformer that stands greater than you. You have achieved 100% completion.


How to unlock the Keeper of the AllSpark achievement in Transformers: The Game - Definitive Guide

Requirements for this achievement are as follows:

-Complete all 6 chapters for Autobots and Decepticons. (5 story missions and the final Cybertron survival level.
-Find 800 total energon cubes (Only first 4 levels of autobot and decepticon contain them, 100 each)
-Find all 40 secret icons (Only first 4 levels of autobot and decepticon contain them, 5 each)
-Finish all 32 sub-missions. (Again first 4 levels each, 4 per level)
-Get all Skill Markers. (all levels have em accept the final cybertron level both sides)
-And finally you must replay a chapter. (Chances are you missed one achievement along the way and had to replay one already)
******Side NOTE****** If you are using official game guide maps, they are missing cubes******Look below for locations to those. **See bottom of solution for original game guide maps**
--Autobot Chapter 1 --Only missing 1 from map, #100 is located about 30 yards NorthWest of the Hunt Sub-mission. Just left of the road.
--Autobot Chapter 2 --This map is actually complete, all 100 shown.
--Autobot Chapter 3 --This map is missing 2. #99 is located due East from where you start (NorthEast of map) at the end of the tunnel in front of fan. #100 is located to the west of Secret Icon 2 (look to the left of the icon on map at the close pair of cubes, there's actually 3 there, its the last one you need)
--Autobot Chapter 4 --This map is missing 6. #95,96,97 and 98 is located south of secret icon 4. (cross street south from icon and all 4 are on those rooftops) #99 is just east of the previous 4 on the grass right before water. #100 is located to the west of the previous 4 just NE of Scavenger sub-mission.
--Decepticon Chapter 1--This map is missing 2. #99 is located just west of the destruction sub-mission. #100 is in the main base east a ways from the "Start" (first mission). look at map to see the cube east of the green start icon and the last cube is just NE from that within sight
--Decepticon Chapter 2--This map is missing 1 AND has 1 EXTRA cube shown on map that doesn't exist. #100 is located on the highway right where secret icon 2 is shown. The one they have shown that isn't there is located in the far south, middle highway ramps. (See the cluster of 6 cubes at those on and off ramps? There's really only 5 there so don't waste your time running in circles like i did)
--Decepticon Chapter 3--This map is missing 2. #99 is located directly north of the Sumo sub-mission. #100 is located a short distance west of secret icon 2.
--Decepticon Chapter 4--This map is missing 7. #94, 95 and 96 are located in the far SouthWest of map in the construction yard on ground level. #97 is located directly south of secret icon 5. #98 is located NorthEast of Sumo sub-mission. (Just follow grass north from sub-mission, cant miss it) #99 is dead center of the grassy park (center of map) in middle of trees/shrubs on a hill. #100 is harder to describe but if you draw a line due north from #99 you will run into it near the top of map. (looking at top right corner of map at the single cube, move SouthWest to the next cube shown. Run straight south down that road until you run into the buildings in front of you, the cube is right there at building wall or on the rooftop.

You now have attained all 800 cubes no thanks to the makers of the guide that was one of the most incomplete I have ever seen. Hopefully you didn't buy it or the assassin's creed one or you got cheated bad lol.
Gratz on the achievement everyone! Hope this helps all of you who followed the maps and still missed a few.

Autobots Chapter 1:
Autobots Chapter 2:
Autobots Chapter 3:
Autobots Chapter 4:
Decepticon Chapter 1:
Decepticon Chapter 2:
Decepticon Chapter 3:
Decepticon Chapter 4:

Scans provided by Gatorfist. Thanks!

22 Apr 2011 18:40

Argh! So upset I missed this one. Fantastic guide, I hated how incomplete those maps were, but managed to figure it out on my own. Guess I should have scrolled down more XD. Thumbs up!
By Minioger on 01 May 2011 06:37
Just a small note here.

Decepticon Chapter 4 . You say it's missing 7. However, it's only missing six. You've got #94 #95 #96 together, but there's only two that ARE NOT listed on the map. Hope this helps. Great guide so far, otherwise, as I've only done decepticons so far.
By Dwaggienite on 12 Jan 2012 08:26
Thats wierd, I used the official game guide pages and all these were missing. I was rather disappointed at the guide, wishing now i just made copies of them and posted my own links. Sorry for the trouble, hope you found them all.
By TrueWickedone on 13 Jan 2012 21:19
Thanks Psylent Earth for the link, unfortunately I no longer have this game. If anyone else is able to use these new maps and confirm that they include all cubes, I can add link to this solution.
By TrueWickedone on 07 May 2012 19:30
I used those maps. They were pretty spot on. This achievement popped for me once I exited out of City of the Machines after getting my 100th cube even though the game shows I'm at 99/100 on the suburbs. Game however shows I'm at 100%.
By Mike Pitch on 17 Oct 2012 18:57
Thanks for the heads up Mike and gratz on the achievement. I haven't added the updated maps link to my solution though cause whoever did the maps left some incomplete still. Glad Psylent Earth's link helped you though and thanks for the confirmation on them at least.
By TrueWickedone on 18 Oct 2012 18:27
I spent a lot of time looking for the last cube on the first decepticon level.
finally found it on youtube...
By Flexzthaman on 25 Nov 2012 12:43
All I can suggest is use the map from Psylent earth's post to get all showing, then read my notes from my solution cause I know if you get everything from the map and then follow my solution you will get 100%. I deleted my old maps I made so I dont have links atm myself.
By TrueWickedone on 10 Dec 2012 00:12
Yo TrueWickedone just wanna shout out a thank you for all the gap fillers. Got all 800 now. +1
By BLAZE VII on 02 Apr 2014 11:04
Sweet, congrats Blaze VII! Glad this guide is still a help to people. I know how much I struggled while trying to find all these collections. Just wish I had taken the time to update actual maps to link here.
By TrueWickedone on 02 Apr 2014 15:12
Ok, looks like Psylent removed their comments and link to maps. I will have to try and find a link to the original maps again to post. Sorry
By TrueWickedone on 02 Jul 2014 15:10
Ok everyone, here are links to what looks like the original game guide so if you follow these then the only ones you will be missing I cover in this Solution.
Credit for these links goto CAPP360.
Autobot Levels
Decepticon Levels

I just used link, copied image to my desktop and then printed or viewed from there. Being able to print or zoom image really helps on these scans. Hope this helps you all
By TrueWickedone on 16 Jul 2014 21:07
Has anyone else had that 97% problem? after all that work I cannot get the achievement and I don't want to restart, I have done absolutely everything, all missions, sub challenges, all icons, all cubes, all skills, and even replayed several missions.
By Zemidek on 23 Jun 2015 15:46
If you did all the missions, sub mission and collected all energon cubes, secret icons and skill markers as well as replaying a mission or 2, then I am not sure. All energon cubes is the hard part cause the guides missed a lot. The most common missed cubes happens at the end of the game cause once a mission is completed, a wall opens up allowing the final 3 cubes I believe it was. Replaying a mission held a lot of people up as well cause it did not always give them credit and it did not mention that as part of the 100%. Those are the 2 most common things people miss, all I can say is be sure you did the final Cybertron survival levels. If you followed any game guides though, then you are probably missing at least 6 cubes. If you followed my guide and have them all, then I am not sure what to do. Clear your Cache, reload game, load up save and replay 1 final story mission would be my suggestion before you give up. Sorry you are having issues with this completion. Thats too much work to not get a reward.
By TrueWickedone on 24 Jun 2015 15:48
I'm going to triple check to make sure I have everything in every level but I think It might have glitched on me cry What is this about a wall that you mentioned?
By Zemidek on 24 Jun 2015 15:57
I swore there was a stats page or something where you could check on your total collections, but its been 4 years since I played this. I believe it was one of the very last story missions for Autobots or Decepticons, the cube to start the story mission was in a central corridor that led to the mission start and a dead end. After completing this mission, if you returned to the same mission start point, there was a hole in the wall and behind that was 3 cubes. If you show 800 of 800 in a stats page though, you have them all. I remember going back through the guide pages one by one and checking off which cubes weren't there so I knew what I had already collected, then made a list of each of the ones I found later that were not listed in the game guides. Sorry, I never did update digital pages from those guides with the visual locations to the missing cubes but I think I did a very god job on the descriptions I list in my guide. If you cant see a stat page that shows how many cubes you picked up, then I am afraid your best plan is to go through my guide thoroughly to find what you might have missed if you followed an official Prima or other game guide. Is there an in game achievement list, or a stats page that gives numbers on the collections? Again I wish I could remember but I borrowed this game and do not have it still to load up and check. If you dont see anything that says 800 of 800 on the cubes, that is most likely what you are missing. The other collections I think were all covered on the standard game guide maps. Rather then run through the entire 800 items off maps and my guide, i suggest just going through those 8 levels off my guide and if you find even 1 cube, then keep looking. This is a fun game overall and very satisfying once you can complete it. Goodluck and send any questions you have my way, I am happy to answer what I can.
By TrueWickedone on 25 Jun 2015 17:49
Seems it glitched for me as well. I did everything, every level says everything is completed, yet I'm stuck at 97%.

I even tried going back and getting full destruction with an Autobot. Bonus movie 6 is still locked. Gonna see if I can get TA to add a glitchy flag to this achievement. I have every other achievement except for this one.
By EarthboundX on 08 Jun 2017 14:10
Holy crap! I figured it out! OK I Googled it.

If you are outside the action circle when that mission ends, the mission will still complete, but you will not get the 3% for finishing it. Staying outside the circle is the best way to avoid getting shot by Megatron, so I was outside it the first time. I'm guessing this could be the same for any mission that ends with you outside the action circle. It will complete, but you might not get the percentage for finishing it.

Also literally the second I finished the mission, my Internet went out, so I didn't think it worked at first, but once the Xbox Live disconnected message went away, the achievement popped up. So no timestamp for me, blah.

Gonna send CRISTIAMUZ a message about this, though I guess he could have figured it out in the two years since.
By EarthboundX on 08 Jun 2017 14:12
Gratz on the chievo and game completion EarthboundX! Thanks for finding this information and adding it here as well. Hopefully this will help more people complete this game that might have run into the same issue. I had a lot of fun with this game playing it, but a miserable time finishing the achievements because of things like this.
By TrueWickedone on 08 Jun 2017 14:48
Damn, seems the images no longer work.
By Ethigy on 03 Feb 2020 06:53
Sorry Dreadful, I was trying to follow up on another link for these maps, but I am at work and the link I found is blocked. I will try to find images of these maps somewhere else and get them added back to this solution.
By TrueWickedone on 07 Feb 2020 23:33
Found some that work, they’ve also added the missing cubes.
By Ethigy on 24 Feb 2020 08:45
I am working atm, but will look at this thread and see if I can pull the images to attach here. I found autobot ones, but was struggling to find the Decepticon maps. I was trying to avoid buying the guide to scan them myself, so thanks for posting this link for me A Dreadful Shot
By TrueWickedone on 21 Mar 2020 17:42
The 97% thing also happened to me. Like EarthboundX said, replaying Inside Hoover Dam Chapter 4 and making sure to stay inside the action area got it for me.
By Corymonster1 on 29 Mar 2020 20:47
Like the Guide says, you must replay a level. Does not matter which one, but you need to replay a level to get 100%
By TrueWickedone on 27 Apr 2020 18:03
Anyone still have the images of the maps?
By GatorFist on 08 Feb 2021 02:03
I think I found them, trying to get them saved now. Will link them here if I can in a bit
By TrueWickedone on 13 Feb 2021 03:38
Sorry it took me so long to get guide pages attached to this solution, but they are finally up. Use these maps to get every cube you can, then follow directions in my solution to get the ones that were missing. These maps are the original game guide maps, and rather incomplete unless you follow my written guide for the missing cubes.
Good luck!
By TrueWickedone on 13 Feb 2021 04:01
A true MVP! Thanks. I literally gave up after searching a bunch and bought the guide off ebay for $5 and was going to upload scans. It isn't here yet so I'll be using these. I might upload some high res scans once I get it (not to say these are bad, they're very good, but I want to at least feel like I got something for my $5).
By GatorFist on 13 Feb 2021 04:53
got it after collecting the 94th cube in second decepticon level ( last bonus unlock also ), so perhaps 780 was enough
By CedricSerious51 on 05 Mar 2021 10:08
For anyone looking for higher quality scans, I've scanned and posted all of them at:
By GatorFist on 06 Mar 2021 16:58
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This is a video I made that uncovers a hidden cube on the Soccent Military base. Hope this was help to you because I was looking for this for hours.

11 Aug 2011 07:21

Dude this was clutch for me. Thumbs up even if it's only a guide for one cube. I NEVER would have found that.
By Zacry072 on 16 Aug 2011 02:06
Glad to help. Thanks gots to some dude on i just did the video for it. X
By StressyGit Xx on 16 Aug 2011 21:41
Never would have found that - thanks!
By Knifetotheeye on 02 Nov 2011 07:42
This one cube has driven me crazy for years. This is the most helpful video ever. Thank you so very much for allowing me closure of this game.
By anarchyandyandi on 09 Nov 2011 11:24
Glad to help. Thanks for your comment
By StressyGit Xx on 09 Nov 2011 11:44
Jeez they had that well hidden, thanks mate.
By mast3r 0r0m1s on 20 Nov 2011 22:42
Stuck on that level for an hour watched your vid done in 2 seconds thumbs up :)
By bleedin baldy on 01 Dec 2012 02:46
curse u green container for taking time away fom my life. this video is a godsend. this was the one cube i was missing.
By DarthCaedus13 on 13 Dec 2012 19:07
You are my savior...thanks!!
By RazyHell27 on 29 Apr 2013 08:19
Ahhhh!!! Thank you!!! This was the last cube I needed, last item overall that I needed in this game!!! Awesome!!!
By SDPadre94 on 18 May 2013 06:11
Holy crap, you are my hero! That was awesome. I spent forever looking for the last one.
By KilldbyNecropsy on 09 Aug 2014 04:01
By Molneze on 27 Jun 2015 03:37
Had 99/100 and could not find the last one. This was it (hidden inside a box where it can't even be seen). Thank you.
By rob25X on 07 Oct 2018 15:07
Thanks man!!!
By Vancheella on 02 Nov 2020 00:12
Anyone still have the images of the maps? I can't find working links for Decepticon 1 & 2.
By GatorFist on 08 Feb 2021 18:23
Amazing mate thanks
By YAT0 on 10 Mar 2023 21:31
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This achievement can be annoying and time consuming. You must collect all 800 cubes spread throughout the game, find all secret icons, get all skill marks, complete all the
sub-missions and play through all missions including
sub-missions. Don't forget to play the Cybertron levels also.

After you have done the above listed items, you must then replay any chapter to unlock the achievement.

15 May 2009 21:35

By Sambaweb on 20 Jul 2010 12:07
It didnt unlock for me untill i had ALL the cubes so im gonna disagree. I was stuck on 799 for over a year (obviously not playing it constantly but i went back from time to time). I near sh!t myself when i found that final little yellow b*stard then plink - cheevo unlocked.
By illdizzog on 24 Aug 2010 13:16
To add on to what Embracing said in his post:

If anyone is thinking about going for this achievement, the best thing that I can advise is that you do not leave the level until you have all of the cubes collected as well as the Autobot/Decepticon icons.

In addition, it helped me out immensely if you print out the maps of each of the levels where the cubes are located and then cross them off as you collect them. However, when you are looking at the maps, the START point is where the first mission is located, (this messed me up a few times).

Also, another tactic that I did was to do a spiral pattern when collecting the cubes. Start from the outside of the map and work your way in, that way if you miss any they are located in easy to see places instead of middle of nowhere.

Hope this helps, please leave me feedback or PM me if you have questions.

30 Aug 2010 15:58

This will be a little harder to get. You have to collect all 800 cubes, all secret icons, play every mission including the Cybertron levels, obtain all skill marks, and complete all sub-missions.

NOTE: To get 100% you also have to replay any chapter within a mission. This can be any including the very first one with Bumblebee.