Trials HD

Trials HD

18 Achievements



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The player has completed the Ultimate Endurance tournament without any faults.


How to unlock the Marathon achievement in Trials HD - Definitive Guide

The tracks and difficulty of this achievement have changed as of 12/23/2009 with the new game update. All of the hard tracks included in the original 24 track Ultimate Endurance Tournament have now been removed. They have been replaced with new lower tiered tracks, and the total amount of tracks in the tournament has been lowered to 20.

You will need to finish the updated Ultimate Endurance Tournament without any faults. This achievement will still take patience and skill, but it is an easier task now as you will only face 20 Beginner, Easy, and Medium tracks.

Here are the 20 tracks and their difficulty:

1. Hello World! (Beginner)
2. Stock Market (Medium)
3. Mother Of All Jumps (Easy)
4. The Breakdown (Beginner)
5. Under Ground (Medium)
6. Upwardly Mobile (Easy)
7. Groundhog Begins (Beginner)
8. Jolly Jumper (Medium)
9. Easy Wheeling (Easy)
10. Smooth Jumps (Easy)
11. Container Rush (Medium)
12. The Big Ride (Beginner)
13. Tired Hill (Medium)
14. Logsplosive (Easy)
15. Trippin' The Plywood (Medium)
16. Building Blocks (Easy)
17. Dreamscape (Medium)
18. Middle Name: Danger (Beginner)
19. Groundhog Returns (Medium)
20. Basic Bumps (Beginner)

You still need to be skilled in this game to obtain this achievement, but it is no longer anywhere near the extremely difficult task it once was.

I have left my original guide intact below. My tips below will still apply to the new version of the Ultimate Tournament, and people may want to look back at how this achievement originated.

For those that are curious, there were under 40 gamers who obtained this achievement while connected to Xbox Live prior to the 12/23/09 update. When I obtained this achievement on 12/23, I was the 307th person to do so. This number will dramatically rise for sure!

Thanks for reading and good luck fellow riders!


Original guide:

This is not impossible, rather improbable! You need to practice, practice, practice. My best advice to to practice the individual tracks separately until you can do them without any faults. The Ultimate Endurance Tournament consists of 24 tracks from the Beginner, Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulties. Here are the tracks you will have to race and their difficulty:

1. Easy Wheeling (Easy)
2. The Big Ride (Beginner)
3. Logsplosive (Easy)
4. Trippin' The Plywood (Medium)
5. Container Rush (Medium)
6. Mother Of All Jumps (Easy)
7. Rock n' Drop (Medium)
8. Technique (Hard)
9. Hello World (Beginner)
10. The Breakdown (Beginner)
11. Upwardly Mobile (Easy)
12. Basic Bumps (Beginner)
13. Dreamscapes (Medium)
14. Stock Market (Medium)
15. Tired Hill (Medium)
16. Under Ground (Medium)
17. Concrete Dreams (Hard)
18. Classic (Hard)
19. The Rise And Fall (Hard)
20. Building Blocks (Easy)
21. Smooth Jumps (Easy)
22. Trials And Tribulations (Hard)
23. King Of The Hill (Hard)
24. Jolly Jumper (Medium)

I had 160+ faults on my first attempt. Once I got better at the game, I tried it again and got 80 faults. I kept practicing, and after some time I got it down to 30 faults, 20 faults, 10 faults, and now I'm currently at 3 faults. Practice makes (almost) perfect!

If you are having problems on a specific track, go to it's leaderboard under the Beginner, Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulty selections and you can you view replays of the top gold runs. This will show you techniques on how to get over obstacles, along with what buttons the rider was using at the time.

Take your time on tracks where you don't need to speed through them to clear obstacles. The Dreamscapes level is a great example of how going slow can almost guarantee a perfect run. If you go slow, you can ride the bottom of the track without any risk of faults. Go fast and you have a higher chance of crashing. There are a few tracks like this, and of course, this is all personal preference. If you are skilled at a track speeding through it, don't change your tactics.

Take notes! I had a notebook with notes on what obstacles were coming up on tracks, and how to navigate them successfully. Soon you'll have these tracks memorized, but your notes can help you to be successful early.

I've actually exchanged messages with a developer for this game, and they are currently in talks to add a limit of faults to this achievement, or to change the tournament structure. There could be an update to implement this, or it could stay the same, only time will tell. Consider this just a pleasant FYI.

Please feel free to leave your comments below. If there is anything I can add to this guide, I'd be more than willing to do so. It's really hard to give a track by track walk through as there are many different methods one can take on each obstacle. I wish you all luck, and we'll see you on the leaderboards!

The first gamer to get this achievement online is ObscenePenguin. He created a great video with his tips and tricks on some of the more difficult sections of the tournament. This video is posted with his permission. Watch his channel as he will be adding track specific videos in the future.

30 Aug 2009 02:18

Quality tips and notes.. This one is actually really really addictive!! I'm nowhere near 3 faults, i think i'm down to around the 40 mark.. But practise does indeed make perfect!! I'm hoping to do this at somepoint.. It would be a worthy achievement to have for sure!! I hope Red Lynx bring out some more of their own tracks..
By Skimac on 16 Sep 2009 10:59
Good tips. Thumbs up! In some respects now that people have the achievement it would be dissapointing if the developer lowered the bar on achieving it.
By HaPPy RoNiN NZ on 29 Sep 2009 03:19
Very quality guide. I haven't picked this game up yet (still window shopping :)), but when I do I'll certainly try to follow your advice!
By Dixxxxxon on 23 Oct 2009 22:03
I started at 667 faults and now I am down to 6
By scrumblkins on 30 Oct 2009 05:54
Is there a time limit? Or could I potentially spend like 10 minutes on each level going as slow as possible?
By hunterIV on 05 Nov 2009 17:42
you have 30 min on each level. there are 24 levels if you took 10 minutes on each level it would take 240 minutes to complete. it is not as simple as taking your time you have to be able to do every jump perfectly. some jumps no matter how long you look at them still need to be practices 100 time before you can start doing it consistently. also the longer you take the more likely you are to stop paying attention and then crash there goes 240 minutes of your life.
By scrumblkins on 10 Nov 2009 18:47
Stop crying about how difficult this achievement is. RedLynx has sympathy with us:

"+ Ultimate Endurance tournament has been made easier. The close to impossible Marathon achievement is now possible for much wider audience. New tournament has only beginner, easy and medium tracks."

This way, it should be much easier now. So, if you're working on this achievement, stop and wait for that patch!
By JaxMith on 12 Dec 2009 22:12
are they really making this achievement easier? come on, i was really looking forward to achieving this one day. this achievement is a true measure of skill and commitment, redlynx shouldn't change it just because a bunch of people bitched about it.
By Mister Buds on 15 Dec 2009 14:15
Yeah, I admit. That achievement was truly a masterpiece. On the other hand, I don't think one single achievement shouldn't be a life-task, should it? I'd prefer a minimum of allowed failures, not taking out some of the harder tracks. This way it still takes a lot of skill.
By JaxMith on 22 Dec 2009 16:36
From my discussion with a member of the development team, and their posts on their forums, they definitely had conflicting views about changing this achievement. The following comes from those sources:

Their PC games had in game achievements that make the old Marathon achievement look like child's play. Some wanted there to be a truly hardcore achievement in Trials HD to appease their PC fan base. They mentioned how their hardcore audience would go for the achievement, no matter how difficult it was.

Others thought the gamerscore attached to this achievement was too high and thought it should have been a zero or five point achievement. People not willing to purchase a game that they know they will never "100 percent" was also discussed. They had also mentioned how they may have created one of the hardest achievements on the Xbox 360 which was not their original intent.

They were surprised by how few people got the achievement, how long it took for somebody to unlock it, and how difficult it was even for their team to obtain it. Also discussed was the programming opportunities with some obstacles which caused random crashes to kill a player's flawless attempt at this achievement.

Some people may like the change, some may not. It comes down to what Redlynx wants to do, and they have stated it is unfair to have an achievement in this game where "99.995% of people would not be able to obtain it". Think about it, almost 900,000 people were on the leaderboards for this game, and only a few dozen obtained the marathon achievement.

They have also stated that they are going to do something special for the original Marathon achievers. Those people deserve a nice reward!
By madmankevin on 23 Dec 2009 11:44
This was a challenge for me, I would like to complete it a day, it was realy a test of your skills and I was down to 5 faults when I last attempted.

I apreciate that they reward those that gained the achievement the fair way.

I also liked that they made this possible for most of the people.

Realy good guide, I followed it and got this far, thanks madmankevin.
By EagleSyriuS on 23 Dec 2009 15:11
Jolly Jumper! *shakes fist*

It is nice that this game is finally feasible to 100%, and the developers get the kudos of knowing they once made the world's hardest achievement ever. Something to tell the grandkids.
By SunburnedCactus on 23 Dec 2009 17:29
I just unlocked this! :D The only tips I have is to go really slow! and do not think of how close you are to the end and how awesome it would be to get this achievement. I found myself losing attention a lot, causing me to fall.

Practice Jolly Jumper, Underground, and Groundhog Returns! They were the hardest for me. Also on Middle Name: Danger, do not go slow at the beginning! Them explosions at the logs, which makes them fall, can make you really mad. :)

Good luck to everyone trying to get this!
By MxSvnty4 on 24 Dec 2009 14:44
Just unlocked!!! WOOOOO!! Despite tracks being removed its still a tough achieve, but once i got passed Jolly Jumper level i was laughing at the rest!!
By Dat Boi Treezy on 25 Dec 2009 19:26
true achievements should let the people how got this achievement before Dec 23 keep the once high ratio. it took me 1 1/2 months of practice to get this achievement and now people are getting it in 2 days. True achievements is all about giving you the score the achievement should be worth. it seems lame that people are now bringing down my score and the other 11 or so people who got this before the change. this was one of the best achievements out there and now its not that hard. RedLynx also messed up the leader board for this achievement. the guy in 1st place is now in 536. that just sucks what is the point of a leader board if suddenly they change it so that the once respectable time is now not that great. I really liked this game but I am reluctant to get the dlc because I am so frustrated. ok I think I am done venting. I guess it is better to have the 30-40 people angry about the change in exchange for the 500,000 happy customers and a raise in sales.
By scrumblkins on 29 Dec 2009 00:12
I approve. Even though I just unlocked it a yesterday, your argument seems fair to me. I'm glad I unlocked the achievement, but I can't say I'm proud of it anymore.
By JaxMith on 29 Dec 2009 00:47
What JaxMith said. I got it the day they changed it but the satisfaction of unlocking it like that was no where near as high as when i got my pre patch total down to 10 faults and under.

And I second the idea of giving those who had it before the points it was worth before, considering it's dropped to around 1/3 the value it was.
By MaskedMongrel on 30 Dec 2009 02:00
Yeah i agree the original achieve should be worth the points it was... but... when will the TA Value stop dropping? Now its gone from 500+ to 300+? Does it just depend how many more gamers unlock it?
By Dat Boi Treezy on 30 Dec 2009 14:49
The more people that unlock it the less it will be worth, so expect it to drop further, already down to around 300 from 1200+
By MaskedMongrel on 02 Jan 2010 08:49
Those who obtained this prior to the patch certainly must have been extremely devoted to getting it. This achievement although not impossible anymore is certainly really hard. I can't tell you how many times I made it to the 17th/18th level and messed up. Needlessly said I'm glad I'm not going to be playing this game for a while.
By Nefarious Zhen on 12 Jan 2010 06:31
I got a message today from "redlynxlive" telling me that if i sent them my name and address that they would send me a t-shirt for completing the original "Marathon Achievement." If this is not some sort of hoax it will be totally awesome. Don't judge me I know I am a nerd.
By scrumblkins on 16 Jan 2010 04:39
I just got a conformation email saying that it is real
By scrumblkins on 18 Jan 2010 17:14
A shirt? Not quite what I was thinking of a "gift". Oh well, at least you get something for your effort. :)
By JaxMith on 19 Jan 2010 13:28
A one of a kind shirt.
By scrumblkins on 20 Jan 2010 17:41
Post a pic online once you get your shirt, I wanna see what's on it.
By terrett101 on 22 Feb 2010 05:30
Thanks for the update with pictures of your shirt. If I won that, I'd frame it and hang it in my game room!
By madmankevin on 16 Mar 2010 18:18
thats a pretty cool shirt. and fair play for getting it. i was so close before the update but gave up. Im gonna have a go again i think.
By Viva La Barker on 30 Mar 2010 10:44
thanks for the list and tip
By DODGE59RT on 03 May 2010 19:11
Saw this today...

"7. Only 48 players (less than 0.01 per cent of the player base) unlocked the original 'Marathon' Achievement before it was patched to make it easier. You no longer have to have a perfect run, but you'll still need some serious skills."

That last bit's not true is it? You still have to have a perfect run right?
By LeiChat on 17 May 2010 22:09
No, you need 0 faults throughout the whole thing, that website is wrong.
By OlsAbsss x on 18 May 2010 15:23
Man it really sucks i used to play this game solidly for the first 4 months or so of release, i got really good (right now i am arount 100th in the world at it overall tracks), i started ultimate endurance got it down to 1 fault on classic and they bring this patch out, so i could have had a t-shirt, nice big TA cheevo and a fiendishly hard 100% but alas i was too late :(
By PHT999 on 10 Jun 2010 23:05
Let me get this str8 you have to do all these tracks in one go thru without messing up once or you have to restart from the begining?
By MAGNUS 7000 on 14 Jun 2010 21:17
yeah its not too hard though just take your time
By I Deadly D I on 16 Jun 2010 20:03
Phew! Finally got it. Man the pressure starts to build after u get thru Underground. J.Jumper can mess you up, but Underground can be really cheap imo. Probably cus the track style takes u out of rythem.
By MAGNUS 7000 on 16 Jun 2010 23:29
Thanks, after 4 cans of Red Bull and 4 hours of no Internt, I trid this, and thanks to you a great lot I suceeded =D
By Kahuna28 on 10 Jul 2010 12:58
I finally done this , thanks for the help. Also for other people tryin this i would say turn the volume of as i did this and did it first time as i could concentrate more.
By I AAR0N I on 17 Aug 2010 20:29
Be careful with "easier" tracks, I successfully passed the most difficult tracks for me (Under Ground and Jolly Jumper) then fell stupidly on less difficult tracks, just because of an unexpected rebound. So, I suggest you to practice ALL the tracks before attempting the tournament.

The tracks I remember :
13. Tired Hill (Medium) : really hard, go slow and don't rebound on your back wheel at the last jump
16. Building Blocks (Easy) : has big jumps than require to go slowly and a perfect landing
18. Middle Name: Danger (Beginner) : the glasses can kill you instantly, so don't go too fast
By Moe GZ on 05 Oct 2010 17:18
i've just finished them all with no faults, but the cheevo hasn't popped, am i doing something wrong?? please help a desperate man
By AIZZY on 12 Dec 2010 01:01
Did you do the tracks individually or did you complete the Ultimate Endurance Tournament?
By madmankevin on 12 Dec 2010 01:37
thx helped me allot ^^
By CrazyCuBe l Mic on 25 Dec 2010 17:43
When i got to the later stages of the tournament and if i wasnt sure of a track, i went on youtube and searched for the track name and watch the video through to guide me to the end. You can call it nooby but it helped me.
By x Daniel Nash 7 on 22 Mar 2011 16:06
Started with 0 faults, ended up ranked 3rd overall for the tournament. I wish I would've had a chance at the original track list...
By Chicago AJ on 31 Mar 2011 04:29
When you're huddled in a corner crying and tearing your hair out, keep going - you're halfway there.
By Killipo on 14 Apr 2011 19:46
i just got this it was absolutely savage i hate to think what it was like before
By NikLimitless on 15 Jul 2011 17:48
While it's nice to see the original guide, could you remove it as well... it doesn't have anything to do with the achievement any more and just clutters up your solution.
By Jayour on 16 Jul 2011 15:13
I appreciate the comment but I'll stick with this:

"I have left my original guide intact below. My tips below will still apply to the new version of the Ultimate Tournament, and people may want to look back at how this achievement originated."

Plus, most guides that go through revisions here keep the original guide intact, especially if the achievement changed over time. But thanks though!
By madmankevin on 16 Jul 2011 21:43
Man I get so pissed in "Mother of all jumps" because I can never land the part with the stair/elevated platforms. I just flip wildly out of control and bash my head into the ground. Then I play some chess to cool me down and I repeat!
By TD2013 on 20 Jul 2011 20:56
This achievement drives me nuts!
By MATHlEU on 08 Sep 2011 16:52
Can't believe I got this.
This achievement has so much bragging rights. :)
By Jimsta on 18 Feb 2012 23:57
Started the game 10 days ago, got 1 fault on the 19th track!! SO CLOSE.
By L1E on 26 May 2012 01:09
Well, I was about to start Groundhog Returns with zero faults so far. And, my Xbox froze. :'(
By L1E on 27 May 2012 04:20
GOT IT! Great guide! The take notes tip probably was the best one for this, kept me focused on the hard parts of each level. This achievement basically forced me to know all 20 tracks by heart. Really felt a sense of accomplishment from this one. :)
By L1E on 27 May 2012 05:51
Ive had this game for nearly 2 years now and im down to 25 faults and 13:40 minutes... Im happy they changed this, coz there was no way i was ever going to get this cheevo (its still not looking likely)... Great Guide.
By Mambo420 on 06 Nov 2012 15:42
I've had the game for over 2 years and had pretty much given up on this achievement until the holiday sale with Trials HD DLC. I picked it up and got back into the game, but still don't know if I'll ever get this (got down to 2 faults btw).
By Iceman2pnt0 on 10 Jan 2013 05:08
Great guide, helped me!
By Slurp Koning on 24 Jan 2013 02:00
Trippin' the plywood is such an ass
By KinectKid333 on 12 Mar 2015 21:02
In case people dont look at the other guides. No offense but i want to make a comment here to help out. Scorpion is the way to go. It can more easy grab the track when you do jumps. For example jolly jumper and underground is much easier on the scorpion.

Trippin the plywood! Yeah early on you make sure to have some speed on the first obstacle and dont risk trippin there like i did a few times. Then when you fly over make sure to just gas it. And just take it slow and controll the bike.

On level 19. When you go were the turtle signs are! Sid down on the bike and gas it to land in the middle.
By MattiasAnderson on 30 Dec 2015 20:36
Not going to lie, this was actually pretty hard.
By xXxSIM0NxXx on 26 Oct 2022 00:32
Got it first try. Wish they didn't change the achievement back in the days. It wasn't even a challenge to be honest.
By Japonolog on 14 Jan 2023 03:15
^You are fresh account lmao
By on 22 Jan 2023 08:53
I finally did it. This is a test of patience, skill, luck, personal strength (at least for me it felt like it). After I got past jolly jumper I died so much in smooth jumps and other easy places in the most awkward places that one never thought possible to die because I played half scared to death. Other times I was almost done and the bike just magically flipped over without any apparent reason. Take breaks, about one hour is enough to get your soul crushed and it could do with a rest period. Keep trying and you’ll get it!! I almost got a heart attack in basic bumps at the end lol. Also very very important when landing in upward incline, especially in jolly jumper, it’s very important to land with your back wheel first to stabilize the bike
By el teby on 04 Aug 2024 13:27
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These guides are fantastic, but I think they missed one very helpful tip. I would advise using the Scorpion bike; for a long time I used the Phoenix exclusively, but then I tried the Scorpion and realized how much easier it is to succeed. Many of the Medium tracks seem to be made with the Scorpion bike in mind. It might take a little getting used too if you are coming from the Phoenix, but it is definitely worth it.

The trick to completing this, is to really become comfortable with the twenty tracks in the challenge. I personally thought that I would never get this achievement, but I kept trying and I eventually got it. If you have the patience, you can get this achievement. Good luck.

30 Jul 2011 18:09

i disagree completely. the scorpion has much less control. fuck that use the phoenix.
By justinman114 on 14 Aug 2011 00:40
Having more control doesn't make the Phoenix easier. It is much easier to make a slight mistake that causes a fault in the Phoenix, because of the fact that the Phoenix is more sensitive to the movements you make. The tracks in the marathon don't really require the fine tune control that the Phoenix has either; actually quite a few of the levels require more skill to complete with the Phoenix as opposed to the Scorpion.
By Carlos Again on 19 Aug 2011 01:16
I would go in favour of the Scorpion too. The Phoenix is necessary in hard and extreme tracks with lots of adjusting and things. But here it's not, because especially the medium tracks work out quiet well with the Scorpio. Using the Phoenix and giving a little too much speed on a mountain will already have you struggle. The Scorpio is much more forgiving on that.
By Che Exer on 31 Oct 2011 17:23
I disagree. The Phoenix being more sensitive to the movements you make helps a lot! And with extended analogs, Kontrolfreek for instance, the Phoenix will be the better choice, no doubts.

BTW! Buy Kontrolfreek extended analogs!! I'm never going to play without them ever again.
By Thrifty SiMON on 08 Feb 2012 11:24
I found I actually do better in Trials without the extended analogs. In FPS games they rock, but in Trials, not so much, imo.
The Scorpion was the bike that netted me Demon On Wheels II in Trials Evolution. I just couldn't get past the part with the 3 steep wood ramps because I couldn't keep my back tire down. The Phoenix is so frickin bouncy sometimes unless you're a master. I am not. I have better technique with in Scorpion most times. The Phoenix is necessary for a lot of the extreme obstacles though.
But yeah, definitely the Scorpion for this one.
I'm gonna go get 'Marathon' now.
By Nihilist Mike on 03 May 2012 02:38
Very useful tip man! I'm down on the 5 faults in few tries, and it is much easier, but on the Phoenix my best is 8 faults =)
By Sterxy on 13 Nov 2013 06:20
Did it today on Scorpion!! Strongly recommend to use this bike - much easier to control!
And God, I finished the game, finally :D
By Sterxy on 26 Nov 2013 23:37
This guy is absolutely CORRECT! I can use both bikes but finally got the achievement with the scorpion. For example in jolly jumper it is MUCH easier with the scorpion to GRAB the track when you do a jump so you dont fall back. It doesnt wiggle the wrong way that easy and stuf like that. If i could have done a replay when i got the achievement i would post it here and show you all.

Everyone that struggle, use the scorpion!
By MattiasAnderson on 30 Dec 2015 20:33
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This achievement really isnt as hard as it seems. Sure it takes alot of concentration for roughly 12 minutes but it does only have maybe 2 or 3 challenging tracks which will throw you off.

I would firstly recommend completing all the tracks from 'Beginner' to 'Medium' with no faults otherwise it would be pointless attempting this. Once you have managed to flawlessly complete those tracks give the tournaments leading upto the Ultimate Endurance a go and see how you do. This basically gives you a feel of the Ultimate Endurance but nowhere near as daunting. Once you feel you have completed those tournaments to a pretty good standard have a go at the Ultimate Endurance.

My biggest tip i could give anyone is take it slower than usual, you dont need to complete it in any set time, just to complete it flawlessly. There will obviously be some parts of certain tracks where slowly isnt an option due to the nature of the track, eg big gaps to jump or ramps that are falling apart, but for the most part it is pretty straight forward.

Out of the 20 tracks i only found that Underground & Groundhog Returns where the ones causing me real problems so i went and practised them until i felt quite assured doing them as it is quite frustrating getting to track 19 (Groundhog Returns) and failing.

In summary complete all of the tracks from 'Beginner' to 'Medium' flawlessly, complete all tournaments leading upto the Ultimate Endurance (prefferably flawlessly but not essential), try the Ultimate Endurance, if needs be go back and practise any tracks you are faulting on and most importantly go slow, it isnt about speed, just being flawless. Eventually it will come.

Hopefully these tips will help you as they are how i managed to do it and i had only just recently started playing it again for the first time in a couple of months, it doesnt require lots of practise, just patience and concentration.

16 Jun 2010 21:55

thumbs up but i dont see the need to complete all the championships leading up to it as some of them are a lot harder than the ultimate endurance. but defo all the track up to medium. Just gotta learn all the tracks.
By gazhibs on 27 Dec 2010 15:01
"This achievement really isn't as hard as it seems." - disagree. Judging by the tiny 5% that currently have this achievement, the 95% of those who don't would probably agree.

" doesn't require lots of practice" - disagree. Practice is the ONLY way you will ever get this achievement. It helps to know basic layouts of easier tracks, but it is absolutely necessary to know the layouts of the more difficult tracks (and even specific jumps) that give you problems. Sure there are only 2 or 3 tracks that might give you problems, but it only takes ONE crash and you have to start over at the very beginning.
By Iceman2pnt0 on 05 Nov 2011 20:40

This tournament is extremely long and contains 20 tracks, these tracks are not easy and it will take a while. You have to complete all 20 tracks without failing, you can take as long as you want on them, just make sure you do not bail!