Tribal Pass
14 Achievements
100,000 XP
Google Play
Retirement Age
Start and finish a run (second or higher) with Shaman in the same body.
5,000 XP
How to unlock the Retirement Age achievement in Tribal Pass - Definitive Guide
This achievement just requires your shaman not to die. You only need to get past a single level, past the starting one.
You will want to monitor where dangers are on the map. Your shaman starts with everybody else, in the middle of the screen when the group remains unsplit. He shifts position based on how many groups you split into with the , or left trigger, shifting again when you reduce your number of groups with the , or right trigger.
Every EVEN split (So having two, four, six, eight ect) groups, your shaman is slightly to the left. One groups "spacing" from the middle.
Every ODD split (so unsplit, three, five ect) groups, your shaman sits in the middle of the screen.
This spacing even stays when you are down to just two or three tribesman and the group sticks together. They will shift from the middle to the left by pressing the trigger.
(YOU do NOT want to keep pressing the left trigger when you are down to so few people, as the number or groups you are creating stays, meaning when you finally get more tribesmen, they automatically split up, requiring fast timing to avoid dangers)
You will be notified immediately if your shaman dies.
A good indication of how you are doing is looking at the upper left hotbar. Next to your unlocked abilities is a shaman symbol, an open arms symbol that gains color, and resets as the number next to it goes up. That is your shaman level.
Your level goes down by one whenever you either cannibalize part of your tribe or create new members. That number resets to one on your shamans death. You cannot cannibalize down to level one so as long as you don't ONLY have the hand icon in your toolset, you yourself are set.
If all else fails, you can always quit to main menu and continue the run from the level you are on, letting you try again.
Good luck, and as always
Happy hunting (>*_*)>
You will want to monitor where dangers are on the map. Your shaman starts with everybody else, in the middle of the screen when the group remains unsplit. He shifts position based on how many groups you split into with the , or left trigger, shifting again when you reduce your number of groups with the , or right trigger.
Every EVEN split (So having two, four, six, eight ect) groups, your shaman is slightly to the left. One groups "spacing" from the middle.
Every ODD split (so unsplit, three, five ect) groups, your shaman sits in the middle of the screen.
This spacing even stays when you are down to just two or three tribesman and the group sticks together. They will shift from the middle to the left by pressing the trigger.
(YOU do NOT want to keep pressing the left trigger when you are down to so few people, as the number or groups you are creating stays, meaning when you finally get more tribesmen, they automatically split up, requiring fast timing to avoid dangers)
You will be notified immediately if your shaman dies.
A good indication of how you are doing is looking at the upper left hotbar. Next to your unlocked abilities is a shaman symbol, an open arms symbol that gains color, and resets as the number next to it goes up. That is your shaman level.
Your level goes down by one whenever you either cannibalize part of your tribe or create new members. That number resets to one on your shamans death. You cannot cannibalize down to level one so as long as you don't ONLY have the hand icon in your toolset, you yourself are set.
If all else fails, you can always quit to main menu and continue the run from the level you are on, letting you try again.
Good luck, and as always
Happy hunting (>*_*)>