Tribal Pass

Tribal Pass

14 Achievements

100,000 XP

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The Night Is Black And Full Of Terrors

The Night Is Black And Full Of Terrors

Finish a night run without using torches.

8,000 XP


How to unlock the The Night Is Black And Full Of Terrors achievement in Tribal Pass - Definitive Guide

I would only attempt this with a large amount of food (Read; more than 100-150) as it can essentially be a run killer.

When on the level select screen, any map node you choose gives you two options. To wait until day, which costs 1 food per tribesman, or to go out at night.

Torches are brought out by using cn_X, or X, with a group containing a shaman of at least level 3.
NOT using torches means you can barely see a few inches in front of your groups.
This makes avoiding dangers like saber cats, rivers requiring bridges, groups of flies, swamps ect incredibly hard.

I would thus go in with as much food as possible and with as little group as possible (I had 18 tribesman). The smaller the group, the slower your food is consumed. A large food pool also allows you to create tribesman with cn_up, or up on the D-pad, should you find yourself in danger or losing.
It may take some trial and error, but if you try doing this by solely gearing up to nab THIS achievement (as opposed to winning the run) it is very doable.

If all else fails, you can quit to main menu and press continue, allowing you to retry the night you are on.

Good luck, and as always
Happy hunting (>*_*)>

18 Jul 2022 10:46