Tropico 5
70 Achievements
In Seventh Heaven
Reach overall happiness of 77
How to unlock the In Seventh Heaven achievement in Tropico 5 - Definitive Guide
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One stat doesn't necessarily have to be over a certain amount, as long as you reach a total happiness number of 77. This means that you can get a few of your stats up really high to compensate for lower stats. Generally speaking the hardest stats to raise are housing and healthcare. For these you will have to build lots and lots of houses and clinics and preferably raise their budgets and improve them. Use easy stats like entertainment, crime and religion to compensate by building entertainment buildings, police stations and churches respectively.
You can see the happiness values of your people by holding and pressing and then look at the Happiness tab. Also see the Extraordinary Popular Delusions trophy because the general rule of thumb for that applies here as well, except that you can compensate now. One stat doesn't necessarily have to be over a certain amount, as long as you reach a total happiness number of 77. This means that you can get a few of your stats up really high to compensate for lower stats. Generally speaking the hardest stats to raise are housing and healthcare. For these you will have to build lots and lots of houses and clinics and preferably raise their budgets and improve them. Use easy stats like entertainment, crime and religion to compensate by building entertainment buildings, police stations and churches respectively.
Keep checking the almanac (+) about topics the people are unhappy about, then construct buildings of that category. Once you've nearly reached your goal, raise all budgets on all building types to maximum and you'll certainly reach 77 happiness overall. You don't need 77 on each, as in Extraordinary Popular Delusions (20G) (in which you need 50 in each one).
Please note that this is not related to the people's support value displayed above the map.
Keep checking the almanac (+) about topics the people are unhappy about, then construct buildings of that category. Once you've nearly reached your goal, raise all budgets on all building types to maximum and you'll certainly reach 77+ overall happiness. Please note that this is not related to the people's support value displayed above the map.
Most of the trophies are made during the campaign, but if for some reason the trophy did not drop, feel free to create a “sandbox” with unlimited money, any map, modern era, without victory conditions , and go ahead) I recommend combining it with other trophies, for example: The China Card / Chinese card and/or The Bay Of Pigs / Down with the Dictator .
First of all, we need to build many ports, a lot of ports, a dry dock (with all the upgrades), and supply provisions for import, so as not to bother ourselves with feeding our people. Issue decrees - Add. rations and GM products, then we are building a power plant, about 20 apartments (don’t forget to put gardens nearby so that our environmental friends don’t cry) decrees - “Subsidized mortgages”
Cathedrals - 4 pieces, Police stations - 4 pieces, many hospitals, and a pharmaceutical company (with an upgrade for all hospitals), 2 newspapers, 2 TV stations, many many schools and colleges, and then we set them any 5-7 buildings from the tab entertainment, luxury entertainment. Everywhere in all buildings, I advise you to push the budget to the maximum, and do not forget to install upgrades everywhere. According to the decrees: Social security for pensioners, vaccination, tourism, psychologists for the police. That seems to be it, keep an eye on the state of affairs of L2+ in the second tab, top line, and under it look at what is missing and complete what your people need. Enjoy the game everyone
the main thing is to buy all types of food, and about 10-15++ buildings for each item (health, religion, food, etc.).
I focused on maximum funding everywhere and increased quality and productivity whenever possible.