Tropico 6

Tropico 6

40 Achievements

1000 XP

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Viva Tropico!

Viva Tropico!

Complete Mission "Battle Royal"

90 XP


How to unlock the Viva Tropico! achievement in Tropico 6 - Definitive Guide

This is a tough achievement, it tests almost every area in the game, and being the last mission i don't blame that. Every approach is different, but here are the guidelines:

Overview: To unlock battle royale, the mission needed to unlock this achievement, you need to beat a few previous missions, not all, but about more than half, otherwise the mission is greyed-out. The game follows through colonial to modern times, and so you must adapt to the times. This is already a challenge, but on top of this, Lord Roger Wyndham, the colonial representative of the crown, follows you through every era, trying to topple your island nation. Therefore, you must have a military, to defend from him, especially in the modern era, where he buys an army from the EU and Middle East, and attacks round the clock, and summoning thunderstorms for some reason. Because of damages done by him, you need a strong economy, that's also flexible.

Tips: First, i recommend completing the tutorial, so you can grasp game concepts, but i assume you probably know how to play after those missions. The colonial era is quite simple, you merely have to follow the sandbox requirements, aswell as exporting planks, building a pirate cove, and then plundering a ship, on which you must do the sandbox requirements, of having 60+ approval and atleast 60 Revoltionaries. Before advancing, pick up a landmark, and place it on the acid lake island, you'll see why later, and also get the seeds of a good economy; rum and the newspaper (on penny saver) will give a decent start.

In the World Wars Era, just follow the requirements and bolster your economy. Constitution-wise, i recommend "Professional Soilders" as this gives a boost to military, but remember to build High Schools, as soilders will need a education. Becareful in world war era, as a superpower will attack around the end. Again, before advancing pick up a landmark, place it on the acid lake island, it will save your skin later, and also build up your economy; the radio station, the shipyard, cigar factory, anything that will give you money, banks are good, but careful as debt will tank your economy as banks require money to make money, so keep that in mind.

The Cold War should be called "Preparation" as this era determines your success in modern times. Follow your objectives, but also really build your military, more than 100 soilders mininum, close to your industry, residental and other important areas. Two economic things to keep in mind is power and tourism. Both give a large sum of benifit, but are fragile. Tourism needs several buildings, hotels and attractions, so one destroyed building can affect your income. If you want to benifit from tourism, you better have it defended. Power is very important, it is needed for a strong economy. However, most require fuel, (the rest are not unlocked) to fuction. If your mines, substations and teamsters, even the power plant itself are destroyed, your city blackouts, and affects your buildings. If possible, in your actual preperation, change to solar energy, as it is not reliant on fuel. Also, build fire stations, atleast one with a helicopter, to protect from the eventual storm, and construction offices to quickly repair from disasters. Before advancing, accumulate a pile of money, fill warehouses with goods and fuel for power plants, and same as last time, place another world wonder on the acid lake island.

The modern era starts with a timer, for 720 days, ticking to war. Before this occurs, make sure your island is well-defended, you have atleast two embassies, and place a Cyber Operation Centre. Also, have all ten trade licences, it helps to ensure a modest cashflow, and have high relations with the Middle East and EU. after you reach the end of the timer, your must defend from the armies, and they will demolish buildings, attempt to kill the military, and topple your palace. Penultimo will begin thinking of a plan, i think it's random what time he does, it's around after the first wave. You then must do Penultimo's tasks, to remove Wyndham's support from the Middle East and EU. Remember the three wonders you stole? it just saved you a lot of time. To get the Middle East to withdraw, you have to steal three landmarks, and place them on the acid lake island. Sound familar? It's because you have already done exactly that! All you have to do now is invite them to a embassy, and boost relations to 80 or more. After this, the Middle East stops attacking. This method saves about 6 years of in-game, plus saves money, which you may by then you might be short of. After this, all you need to do is run the "Lonely Island" Raid, severing the UK from the EU using the Cyber Operations Centre you built earlier, then invite the EU to an embassy, and boost relation with them to 80 or more. After this, you just have to cling on for a little more until Lord Roger Wdymham fails, you click "Win Game" and after a cutscene, you earn the achievement. Good Luck and Viva Tropico!

07 Mar 2021 18:41

Battle Royal - hard mode guide.

The big FAQ section can be find at the bottom of the page (under ### symbols). Please check it out before asking questions as it's probably covered there.

Of course the achievement is given just for beating the mission (so you can do this on easy) but I'd like to share a general strategy on how to pass this mission, what to do and so on so those of us who want to have a little fun in this fabulous mission can get a general direction. As for Presidente's trait, I decided to use the Spacial Sense Prodigy. In every single era you want to go to the trade and get small export agreements for the goods that you produce. This way you'll get nice relations with superpowers which will give you better prices for your goods. You should aim to get over 100 relations with everyone. It's not uncommon to sell literally everything at 25%+ bonus.

Make sure to work on The Broker's assignments if they are not too bad and whenever you can, get swiss account money (the one with $$). You need 50,000.

1. Colonial

You start in Colonial era with a small village and a fishing port to the south-east from your main village. Build two plantations in your main village, one for cotton and one for cocoa/coffee. Put them on mono culture. Add two logging camps to the east of your main village and coconut farm near dock. Build a gold mine at the hill to the west.

I decided to go to the south-west. There is a nice basin with a natural harbour and plenty of space to build stuff. Build a teamster port for the time being. Start from the beach and build every single plantation (take a look at resources, you want to leave a space for a road for them) but get two cottons and two sugars. Put everything on multi culture and max their budget. Your first goal is to replace the teamster port with dock and add two teamster's offices. Once you're done start working on facilities for your people. Add bunkhouses, circus, grocery, taverns (whenever you get the mission, accept more revolutionaries), newspaper (build one in main village too) which will work on getting new revolutionaries and chapels with a healthcare service. Build a rum distillery too. Make sure you meet Lord Wyndham's demands because you want to stay in this era long enough to have a working economy (get a mandate extension as a reward). I also added a cattle farm in main village with a tannery, later on I also got a crocodile farm and another cattle ranch.

Once you start to generate money, build a fort next to the dock in western village and six guard towers nearby. Build another fort at the end of the village in what will eventually become a city centre. I built two forts in my main village too just to have something defending it. Get utility installations in all forts.

Building your military will lead to pirate attacks. They will come in great numbers and you'll soon find out that you can barely defeat them, especially if you don't have your defences up and running. Don't worry, your soldiers will be able to kill attacking forces eventually once everything is there.

Build a pirate cove in your main village (to the east from dock) and start working on the Registan of Samarkand heist. It is an extremely valueable building because not only you'll give your citizens a nice entertainment source but also every young Tropican will get high school education. Which means you won't need high schools, your Tropicans will be ready to work at younger age and you will be able to get 90% of all buildings occupied without any improvements. I placed it in the main village. Build a library and start working on researches. Finally get the lumber mill and work on what is needed for Lord Wyndham. When fighting for freedom do what you want, I decided to let him attack me so I can defeat his forces with pure numbers.

2. World Wars

Constitution: All citizens vote, Professional soldiers, later on Freedom of religion and Happy childhood.

The early stage will be actually very hard. Your citizens are missing literally everything. Fortunately your economy is still strong. We start with rarer freights which is actually not that bad. Well, you'll be quite often at a solid debt (like 30-50k) but then your goods are waiting in both docks and that will get you back to positive.

Start by building a textile mill to the west of your main town, in an area surrounded by rocks from three sides. You want to get three mills there. Build a tunnel between that area and your western town and connect it with roads. Upgrade your plantations with efficiency boosts. Start working on clinics, churches and police stations (in that order) in both towns. Get Right to arms and Agricultural subsidies edicts as soon as you can. Once it's done and you survive your first elections (barely) you want to start working on flophouses (remember that they have to be near workplaces, if you see shacks, you need a flophouse) which should boost your housing happiness. Build a cigar factory a sheep ranch next to your textile mills, add teamster's office there and upgrade all of them. Build a creamery nearby.

Go to your main village and build a commando garrison. You want to constantly intimidate your neighbours as this will boost your Tropicans happiness by dropping Carribean happiness (basically because living in neighbouring islands is even worse than living in your towns). This should secure a victory in your next elections.

Move back to your western town and build two coal mines, iron mine and nickel mine. Get two steel mills, a cannery and a weapon factory. Later on build a power plant (literally as a last priority before getting military).

Move to your main town. You want to get a customs office (max budget), an imigration office, two embassies, a college, two banks, three shipyards, two more logging camps and two lumber mills. Build a second tunnel which will connect an area closer to the dock in main town to the eastern part of your farms. Once your approval is on a safe level and your economy is solid start a Hikone Castle heist (again I placed it in the main town) and move to your western town. Build four barracks and two army bases. Move a fort closer to your military buildings and get the Arsenal upgrade. Upgrade every guard tower to watch tower. Start working on demands from Axis, Allies and Wyndham. Eventually you'll be attacked by Axis but this army should be a joke for your defences.

3. Cold wars

Constitution: Economy first, Official separation, later Love it or leave it and Sponsored content.

The most important era. Your ultimate goal is to get filthy rich. As always, ignore the first requirement and focus on upgrading your city. Build tenements which should replace bunkhouses, apartments which should store your well-off citizens. Build a furniture factory and a jewelry workshop in main city, a chocolate factory and a vehicle factory in western city and an oil rig in the main city cove. Upgrade your buildings to get more efficiency. Build two-three cathedrals, a spy academy and few movie theaters in different parts of your cities. Build few fast food joints near houses which will work on boosting housing happiness (alternative work mode). Max the budget for tenements and set them on armed caretaker. Max it to apartments too and start replacing your flophouses with tenements and apartments. That will solve the low housing quality problem.

To the south-east from your main city there is a big swamp. You want to build a tourist port on the beach and start working on tourist attractions. Build everything, three hotels, two motels, couple cabins, villas, casino, golf course, restaurants, night club. Everything works really. Add some beauty boosts. Make it a paradise. You should cover the entire area between the beach and some mayan ruins. Start the Saint Basil's Cathedral heist and place it there as well.

Now work on metro stations. Build one in the centre of the tourist town, one in main city, two in western city (one closer to the dock and one closer to your western part of it) and one in the industrial zone on the other side of the hill.

Build radio stations which will boost your entertainment (upgrade), remember to build one in the tourist town. Build two TV stations too. All of them should work on the money making mode, giving you tons of cash. Remember that radio stations work for workplaces and TV for houses so make sure you cover the right buildings (for example a TV station in the tourist town will be useless). Bring electricity to each apartment, tenement and mansion (I build four of them).

Build a tunnel to get from western city to the next basin. I built there three uranium mines, three nuclear power plants, nuclear program, space program, three watch towers and a metro station. In the meantime, get a research lab in your main city.

Build a next military complex between your tourist town and your main city. Get a fort there (with arsenal upgrade), two army bases and four arsenals. Don't upgrade your military just yet. Stop intimidating your neighbours for a second to get the Provide tactical insight mode, then restart your rule of Carribean terror. Build an aircraft carrier (which should be free) in a cove in front of your main city.

Build a prison and whatever is required from you to carry on with your main missions. You will eventually get an escalation, if it's a military coup, upgrade your every unit after it's active. If not, deal with it normally (and still upgrade your units). Accumulate money until you have almost 2 billion, then construct the bomb and get to the final era.

Get social security and mandatory waste sorting. I also got child allowances, food for the people, advanced boat services, literacy program and military police throughout the cold war.

4. Modern times

Constitution: Privacy rights, Single-payer system

Upgrade. Upgrade. Upgrade. Also there is not a single problem that money can't solve.

Upgrade your plantations, mines and ranches first. Build two sugar and three corn hydroponic plantations. Upgrade all your houses and get solar panel windows. Build two solar power stations (upgrade them), 10-12 wind turbines at the hill above your gold mine (83% efficiency), two pharmaceutical companies (research it so you can use sugar), four fashion companies, cyber operations center, waste treatment facilities (with a power production mode), three offices and defense HQ. You'll be under constant attack by EU and thunderstorm. Build three more embassies, invite everyone and focus on Middle East and EU (praise & trade). Throw a diplomatic super party so you can get a headstart in relations. When you'll get a question about insurance or research, get the insurance.

You'll be asked to place three landmarks on the acid island. Relocate them, get the progress for this and move them back to their original places. As for EU, you'll have to... well... trigger the Brexit and will need 50,000 in Swiss account for this. Fortunately you've been saving this for over a century.

Once you're done with Middle East and EU, Lord Wyndham will throw everything he got on you which means the final attack. It will have the most military but those soldiers will still be worse then yours and you'll get the numbers advantage. Kill the attackers and victory will be yours.


FAQ, AKA I'm stucked, need help and so on. It may be expanded based on raised questions.

1. How much money do you even need in Modern times?

I've seen reports saying that 1 billion is about enough but personally I spent about 1,5 billion just at the very beginning of the new era. You're still going to earn quite a bit with the casual export but it's better to have some reserves. Your island will be devastated if you don't buy the insurance.

2. I'm suddenly having no income (colonial/world wars). Why?

Take a look if you're not having a lot of wares in the plantations or factories. It's often caused by not enough teamsters.

The second reason why you don't have any income may be caused by small efficiency in your plantations. The mono culture is making the soil less fertile so the efficiency drops over time. You can either counter it by manure spreader or by setting an alternative work mode which doesn't degragede the soil.

3. How many soldiers do you need?

I was fine with about 8 barracks, 4 army bases and aircraft carrier which gave me 8 tanks and 16 infantry squads. More than enough to kill everything. In fact I didn't even need guard towers/watch towers after colonial era.

4. What should be the industry that you should focus on?

Clothing gives a lot of money early on and it gets even better in Modern times. Plenty of cotton plantations will do the trick. Boats and rum are also easy to do and actually really profitable. Also they're available early.

Speaking of plantations, whenever you are building them make sure you have about two sugar plantations in the middle of everything. They will give you +20% efficiency to every nearby plantation which will be extremely useful in the long run.

5. Happiness, how to deal with it?

Food happiness - turn off local consumption in every food source and make sure your citizens get their food from groceries and shopping malls. This combined with Food for the people will give you a lot of food happiness (over 70%).

Housing - max budget, elecricity and especially armed caretaker will give you about 100 housing happiness in the tenement but it will decrease your crime safety. Modern apartments are really good because they have low electricity demand. Flophouses are the great option to store many people in tight place (3 families per square) but the tenement is just better due to housing quality.

Entertainment - whatever gives max service quality. Movie theatre works well because it lets poor in, has 24 visitors and has a decent service quality. You can build it in Cold wars. I'd go with circus max budget before it because of capacity.

Job happiness - there is nothing you can do really apart from siesta which will decrease your efficiency. You could always get the production lines with highest job quality but to be fair I just left it at 50 and ignored it completely.

Liberty vs crime safety - Right to arms is really good because it increases your global liberty, factions approval and military strength. It will however decrease your crime safety but you can always compensate it with building more police stations.

The rest are self explanatory. Just build more (and get the ones with better quality) to improve the rating.

6. Why those landmarks? Why not Colosseum?

Registan of Samarkand - insanely overpowered building. Not only you don't need to place high schools anymore and wait until your students get higher education, those kids can actually start straight from college so they can go to college jobs earlier. If they are not after higher education, they can go to pretty much any job on the island. Moreover, you can get professional soldiers easily because over 50% of your population is eligible for work.

Hikore Castle - you are invaded quite often. You need more HP so your buildings can withstand those invasions.

Saint Basil's Cathedral - whenever your citizens visit faith buildings, their happiness is increased. When they are not visiting them for quite a long time, it's decreased. In other words, if you have a nice faith coverage, you'll get a nice boost to your citizens' happiness.

Colosseum is actually really nice but it has one big drawback. You need good entertainment buildings (stadium, rollercoaster) that are unlocked in Modern times and a decent food variety. It's simply easier to bump it using other methods.

Obviously the Cathedral requires more focus on faith buildings. At the end of the day it's all personal preference so you can go with Colosseum instead of Cathedral.

7. Max budget? Why do I need it?

Max budget gives you +25% to baseline building efficiency. That means higher housing quality, better service quality for utility (like entertainment, healthcare or faith) or better productivity for industry. The customs office is actually increasing your price by 6% instead of 5% which does make a difference in thr long run.

However, the real reason why you want a max budget comes from a capitalist minister of economy. They give a +7% to efficiency whenever a bulding is running on the highest budget so instead of 125% you're going to run a 132% baseline efficiency. It does make things go well and if you combine it with other bonuses you'll find yourself getting over 200% productivity, especially on plantations. In other words, one plantation is doing a two plantations job for lower cost (and workforce) than getting two plantations.

Bear in mind that it is usually not that efficient to run it on each building. You should be fine with military or entertainment on a base budget but it would be useful to get lower quality buildings (like tenements) into a mansion level. Or buff your production for, you know, more cash. I didn't max the housing budget for modern apartments because they were good enough on a base efficiency.

8. Constitution, why those options?

I'm not going to cover default options. They are there primarily because of being neutral.

Economy first - we don't really care about polution. Extra productivity is useful.

Official separation - normally I'd go for liberty option but we need to arrest people in Cold wars.

Love it or leave it - we have a little bit of an issue with immigrants. You'll notice that for quite a long time you'll have a lot of vacancies (and that's why you need immigration office) but then after few years you'll have quite a lot of unemployed. This helps keeping everything in check and those extra unemployed can just leave Tropico for good.

Sponsored content - I'll explain it in Point 10.

9. Edicts, why those?

Right to arms - primarily for stronger military and global liberty. It lowers the crime safety but that's ok.

Agricultural subsidies - super useful edict. It gives you more efficiency to your agriculture buildings. I get it in literally every single mission, unless I do a full tourism playthrough.

Social security - getting rid of shacks so college students can live in tenements.

Mandatory waste sorting - you'll have many residences, you want to minimize polution from those buildings. Environmentalists will be happy too.

Child allowances - useful for determining family wealth. By excluding kids from family wealth calculation you can get more people to well-off which helps getting them to use correct facilities.

Food for the people - you have a strong agriculture so you have a food surplus. Use it to buff your food happiness.

Advanced boat services - faster boats means reaching ports quicker. Also your citizens will travel quicker using those boats.

Literacy program - self explanatory, quicker graduation is always great.

Military police - you have a lot of military and you should be fine with liberty. All negatives can be easily compensated and pros are worth it. Also works really well with Right to arms.

10. So... can you explain why are you using the sponsored content?

It's simple, it is an alternative way to earn money with just a little drawback. Note that constitution doesn't give you any negative consequences, it's essentially neutral with a buff to earning money. Your liberty gain will be slightly smaller but that's ok. You're going to earn over 1,500 monthly from just one TV station. Bank will give you more money (up to 1,000 from one). Convict labour is another passive income that could help you. Finally 3 offices in Modern times will give you 5,000 on their own. I was getting around 5,000 monthly from first three sources which gave me a solid buff to the economy. Multiply it by about 40 years and your cash will accumulate just nicely.

22 May 2021 18:27

1 Comment
On easy I found that the tourism part was better served by spamming around 15 hotels with a few 'well off' entertainment buildings kept the money flowing more easily. A second tourist port did wonders as well
By HollyRose78 on 19 Aug 2021 14:57