Two Point Hospital

Two Point Hospital

61 Achievements


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I'd Like To Thank My Mother

I'd Like To Thank My Mother

Win every award in a single hospital


How to unlock the I'd Like To Thank My Mother achievement in Two Point Hospital - Definitive Guide

Note that this is a compilation of things that helped me acquire this very early as opposed to a complete solution. First off your going to want to do this on a hospital that you have already gotten three stars on as you won’t have to worry about losing money, rep, etc. Also your going to want to do this on one of the first few maps as the awards are the easiest as they are different in the later hospital. You do NOT need to get all awards in one year just get them at least once over the years in the same hospital. Once you have gotten the last award you needed note that it won’t pop immediately. You need to click the overview tab and then scroll over to where you can view the awards and then it will pop. Not sure why this is the case but it popped immediately once I looked at the awards.
The easiest map to get this on for me was the second map. Your going to want to start by getting three stars on the map getting as many of the awards as possible. Make your hospital the most efficient one as possible by keeping the prices low until there is a surge of people coming in with lines then jack the prices up to 30-40 percent and people will pay most of the time because the hospital is mobbed. Your going to want to buy the gold star award and fill all of your buildings with them enough to get them to level five prestige. It’s a very overpowered item as just a couple can level up your prestige making it one of the best items in the game. This should help you get the most prestigious award.
The two hardest awards the only ones I actually had any trouble with were the janitor of the year and no deaths. For the no deaths utilize quick load by saving every month or so and if you get a death just quick load back and once you get to the awards at the end of the year it will pop. The hardest one is the janitor of the year was the hardest and last one for me and what I did was hire a 5 star janitor right at the beginning of the year and purchase the rose bush with Kudosh and in the other building put up like 40 of them. They need watering very often so just keep watering them all year long fixing the machines when needed so you don’t have fires and take short breaks as few as possible. By doing this focusing only on this as your last award then you should have no problems.
If you have any questions please comment I’ll be sure to answer. Thanks if you downvote please let me know why!

27 Feb 2020 22:59

The rose bush strategy worked great and so did lowering the prices! I used the first map since I already had the no death award and for the assistant award I just used 1 assistant throughout a year and fired any others.
By Level 99 NPC on 28 Feb 2020 00:33
Glad I could help!
By jimmyclutchman on 28 Feb 2020 05:32
thanks for sharing your tips! worked great with the rose bushes
By sKyNeXu5 on 28 Feb 2020 12:59
Yeah, thanks for this. I had gotten them all previously in Flottering naturally while I was going for my world class Psychiatrist.

Through my own ignorance/misinterpretation I thought the achievement had to be for being awarded all 8 awards at the same time for a single year!

Jump back to Flottering and opened the Awards screen on the Overview menu and it popped right away. Thank you! +1
By ninjaraiden2003 on 28 Feb 2020 16:21
Thanks for sharing got this in third hospital didn't unlock till I read about going into the overview menu
By TrueBlueOlly on 29 Feb 2020 01:19
Your welcome thanks for the thumbs up!
By jimmyclutchman on 29 Feb 2020 01:53
Thanks for this! I had this done in Mitton Uni but didn't realise you had to look at the overview tab, unlocked it thanks to your guide +1
By SteadySphere on 01 Mar 2020 21:04
Thanks for the tip about the overview menu!! 👍
By OzzysShadyDisco on 02 Mar 2020 00:04
I am doing it on Mitton because of no reason at all. I got all of them except No Deaths on almost every single year now. I did not even think about abusing the qui saves though xD thanks for the tip I'll get it for sure next time 👍
By NafrayuNox on 02 Mar 2020 03:02
No Deaths You can Cheese if you don't hire any staff then no patients stay in the hospital long enough to die. But make sure you do it last as you probably will not be winning any of the other awards that year!
By Thetoptom007 on 02 Mar 2020 19:58
I also got this on the second map, i had won all awards, played some more and moved onto next hospital not thinking about cheevo. When i read this, i loaded up map and went back to the second hospital again and went to the awards screen (X, RB, RB, overview, LB LB) and the achievement popped straight away.
By Onsidic on 03 Mar 2020 16:51
I got it in the first hospital. The janitor award was the last one I got. I put a bunch of plants down and assigned one of them to only water plants. Then I kept 'calling' him to water them. I played the year sped up and got the award in a flash. I did have to open the awards screen again as well to get the achievement. Thank you for the tip! Wait...🤔
By CensorErikII on 04 Mar 2020 10:38
I tend to disagree I played for over 5 years and did not get janitor of the year but hey you got it so. Hope my solution helped somehow!
By jimmyclutchman on 05 Mar 2020 18:40
Yeah, I finally got janitor on first hospital by placing like 13 rosebushes and only having one janitor water them.
By fallouthirteen on 09 Mar 2020 00:54
Your welcome! Thanks for the up vote!
By jimmyclutchman on 15 Mar 2020 18:59
This is not working for me, says i have received 1 of each reward on my hospital but not all in the same year, just is not popping for me. have even looked at the overview page.
By MFS Saltypop on 17 Apr 2020 15:56
You looked specifically at the page that shows the awards??
By jimmyclutchman on 20 Apr 2020 19:31
I’m having the same problem. I’ve unlocked all the awards in a hospital and it’s not unlocking.
By Nana Lurgi on 02 May 2020 08:40
Well I’m the third unlucky one then...
By Chizzle e4 on 08 May 2020 23:18
well it didnt unlock at first to me also, but i visit the awards tab and it pops instantly
By JohnnyKoi on 21 May 2020 19:20
What johnnykoi said.
By Mike731 on 27 Jun 2020 15:29
Didn't know it only worked from the Awards Tab. I already knew I had done it, but had to open that tab to get it. Thanks!
By thebritt2001 on 10 Nov 2020 04:50
Nailed it on the janitor. Got it the first year.....
By Legit Spam on 16 May 2021 15:36
This unlocked for me on Sandbox mode, in case you want to tilt the scales in your favor ever so slightly by giving yourself a ton of cash and kudosh to start off!
By Kriminal64 on 04 Jun 2021 00:18
I have this on the Hospital that introduces Training, but did not unlock. I have them all, but not in 1 year.
By KGI KlikoNL on 21 Aug 2022 18:24
As you said on the solution, it unlocked just after I watch the rewards screen. Thank you very much!
By pequenyo Miss on 20 Feb 2023 12:16
If anyone opens the awards tab after getting the last award(s) you need and the achievement still won't pop just save, back out to the main menu then load your hospital back up and check the overview screen again.

This is what I had to do after checking the overview screen after my last award and no achievement popped.
By LT Andy on 05 Oct 2023 11:36
Another way to cheese no deaths is to send any low health patients home. When their little low health icon pops up, send them home. Save monthly just in case one of your idiot doctors or nurses messes up a treatment.

I did it my first year when all I had was a GP and a Pharmacy. They tend to only send patients needing a GP and pharmacy in for awhile. Dismiss anyone else for facilities you don't have for the first year.

The other awards will come naturally through play on a decent hospital.
By MAJORPOOPY on 05 Mar 2020 06:23
Once you have gotten the last award you needed note that it won’t pop immediately. You need to click the overview tab and then scroll over to where you can view the awards and then it will pop. Not sure why this is the case but it popped immediately once I looked at the awards.
My god, this explains everything. I thought you had to get them all in one year. Thanks!
By segagamer on 15 Mar 2020 07:54
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If you, like me, only are having trouble getting the No Death-award then:

Start your next hospital, by building absolutely nothing the first year and send every patient home as soon as they arrive.

When the first year have passed, you'll get the No Death-award. No patients == no deaths :)

Now build your hospital like you normally would and earn the remaining awards.
If the cheevo doesn't pop, after you have gotten at least one of all awards; press cn_X and go the overview tab and scroll to the awards and then it should pop :)

14 Mar 2020 20:31

Thanks for the tip. This is actually the most useful guide for this achievement :)
By Slugger Maxman on 21 Mar 2020 14:26
Another option for the no death if you already have a hospital that has the other awards.
This is the way I did it - make a quick save, turn off autosaving then remove all of your reception areas/desks then set game to max speed and wait. It will probably take 2 award ceremonies since you will probably already have deaths in the current year or may have patients die that have already been admitted.
By Larvi1 on 25 May 2020 03:09
Now, I'm no good at giving full, step by step guides. So this isnt all inclusive of what needs to be done.

I will say there are a number of tips to be known about this achievement.

1) You do NOT need to get all of the awards in 1 year despite the lack of pop from seemingly getting one of each. Once you see you have one of each from the yearly review, go to your hospital's financial overview and look at awards. The achievement triggers when it see's all 8 are awarded and this menu is different from the yearly review's.

2a) No Death Award's are tough but I recommend replaying the first level. Focus on the 4 primary health services. Pharmacy (Nurses), GP Office (Doctors), Ward(Nurses) ( General Diagnosis (Nurses) (Optional?).

2b) I assigned 2 nurse's or doctors to each specialty, honing in their skills with training and restricting them to ONLY that specialty. Example: 2 Nurses to the Ward with Ward I, Ward II, and Treatment at minimum. 2 Nurses to Pharmacy with Treatment and Pharmacy at minimum, 4 Nurses total so far, etc. Don't let them overlap jobs, just runs the risk of them failing since those training slots are precious.

3) Have, at most, 2 janitors and 2 receptionists. Try to get 1 to do everything, get all the training needed and make sure they move fast and repair fast. Assign the janitor to doing quick tasks exclusively. The Best Janitor Award and the Best Assistant Award is purely a numbers of game of doing the most tasks but you need to juggle this around their energy. Give them the most opportunities to empty Garbage, and Greet Guests respectively.

4) Abuse the quick save feature every few minutes. If you get a death, then you can reload real quick and redo it.

5) For the early half, before you get the needed trainings in for each staff, reject everything thats "cure x number of patients". You have nothing to prove the burden could harm your No Death Award.

In conclusion, I unlocked this with:

2 Pharmacy's both with the Rank 3 Upgrade installed on the machine
1 Ward with 6 Beds, and 2 nurses assigned to it constantly (The required and optional setting)
2 GP Office's with no less than 2 Doctors that know Diagnosis II and up.
1 Bathroom
1 Staff Room
2 De-Lux Clinic's Room with Rank 3 Machine's
1 Training Room
A bunch of plants (for the Janitor to water)
A few good nurses and doctors
No more than 2 Janitors and 2 Assistant's

Hope this is organized and easy to read, let me know if you have any questions.

08 Mar 2020 01:07

I highly disagree with having more than one assistant and janitor when going for those specific awards. It makes it way harder to get as they will both be working on tasks splitting the work and require a boatload of more micromanagement. You should do this after getting three stars on the hospital so you don’t have to worry about losing money, bad rep, etc.
By jimmyclutchman on 09 Mar 2020 18:47
Thank you for this... Already won all awards, thought I had to win them all in one go until I read about looking on the overview page - popped straight away!
By Cruzeberry on 11 Mar 2020 12:58
If you have two janitors and set there tasks right, you can make it so they cover each other's work when I break in theory. I set my janitors to split the work but make the more frequent tasks on one person (watering the plants). As for the assistants, if you have a gift shop open, you can make it so one is ONLY the reception desk and the other is gift shop and desk. You can force the desk to always be covered but hey, everyone should get a break lol

3 stars comes naturally on the first level, i left that part out as it wasn't something I tried to do but it did happen. To retroactively try to get an established hospital to follow the no deaths award was a huge undertaking for me and harder to do than just establish early ground rules. It was tough for me to control the sheer volume of people coming in so everyone eventually dipped super low in health.
By ShadowRaven9 on 10 Mar 2020 00:48
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Main point that I didn't realise is that you don't need to earn all awards in one year so you can focus on one award at a time.
Also for the trophy to pop you will need to go to the overview for that hospital and flick to the awards tab once you get the last award you need.
Thanks to
as I used this as a guide.

13 Jul 2020 18:07

To get a trophy, you don’t have to receive all the awards at once; you can accumulate 1 of each award over several years. When there is at least 1 of everyone, go to the rewards tab and the trophy is yours.

14 Aug 2020 20:26

1 Comment
Easy to complete at the second level, the only more or less difficult reward is for the orderly of the year, then you need to build 40 bushes of plants in a separate building, assign a certain orderly to the plants and water them with them for a whole year
By Chronicle on 01 Feb 2021 14:40