Two Point Hospital

Two Point Hospital

61 Achievements


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Life, the Universe and Everything

Life, the Universe and Everything

Complete Wave 42 on Topless Mountain


How to unlock the Life, the Universe and Everything achievement in Two Point Hospital - Definitive Guide

Credit to LordMakanaki for some great tips on how to beat this in the Two Point Hospital forum on TrueAchievements, which I used and adapted. I haven't completed this yet but I am on wave 31 with $8.5 million and on wave 30 I got a 77% cure rate so I am not concerned about finishing this.

Before I get onto the tips and tricks, it is important to note that you do NOT currently need to meet the cure rate to progress to the next wave. I'm not sure if this is following the latest patch in May 2020 to fix console stability issues but this is when I noticed it. This may get patched but I was clearing stages by just getting over 50% clear rate on each wave - video below which shows me getting a cure rate of 51% and clearing the wave and also shows treatment prices at 100% which was key to earning money - therefore you need to clear 42 waves by getting over 50% cure rate on each wave to get this achievement.

EDIT 19TH JUNE 2020 - This no longer works. You now have to get 70% to beat the wave. I tested this on wave 33 and failed on 66% cure rate. Kicking myself that I didn't finish this achievement sooner.

Tips and tricks to making money and earning this achievement below:

1. Have 2x2 corridors almost everywhere. You need to have everyone moving at a brisk pace. 2x2 is fine but it can get a bit hectic later on if not wider - keep an eye on where you get big groups of patients. If it's near drinks machines, then you may need to buy more. If it is near particular rooms, you may need to move one room so that there is more space for patients to move. The risk if not is that they slow down and either get angry or die from low health.
2. Make 3x3 GP offices and cram them with medicine cabinets (I could fit at least 10)
3. All rooms at prestige 5
4. Statues on corridors so you get max environment bonus - this reduces complaints from staff for wage increase demands. ALWAYS use these instead of plants
5. Have coffee stand, chair, sweet dispenser, hand sanitiser and fire extinguisher in each room except GP. Put more than 1 fire extinguisher in rooms with equipment, especially those where the equipment deteriorates fast such as the DNA labs.
6 micromanage staff - for example i always picked up and put the staff in the training room, janitors to machines that needed urgent repairs, missing staff in rooms with a long waiting line
7. NEVER use AC units - use ice sculptures instead
8. use fast treatment policy - I had it at 85%
9. Keep as many GP offices together as possible. Do not have other diagnosis rooms too far from GPs.
10. Put all treatment prices to 100%. This is important as this is how you will get your money. The game will complain about your reputation but this really doesn't matter on this level.
11. Only promote staff when they complain about wages. Train all staff to their maximum potential without promoting. Hire doctors based on what skills are available or train to what skills you want them to have without promoting. Do not hire well qualified doctors if you can help it as they will be expensive. You want roughly 50% of your doctors to be GP trained, 20% treatment trained, 15% DNA trained, 10% psychiatry trained and 5% surgery trained.
12. - have 1 luxury drink machine or laxative drinks machine (50-50 split) with 1 of each in main sector and amusing snack machines in each sector
13. You do not need to buy every sector in the level - only buy new sectors when you genuinely run out of space.
14. Keep an eye on warnings - some of these can be 'low seismic activity' but some can be extreme. Make sure you check to see what type it is and check the condition of the mechanical equipment accordingly to ensure you don't have too many explosions or fires.
15. On the topic of fires, you will get solar flares constantly and janitors will take fire extinguishers out of rooms to fight solar flare fires. Constantly check the rooms to see if there is a fire extinguisher in there and replenish stock. Feel free to add a few in corridors just in case.
16. The amount of patients coming into the hospital per wave caps from wave 28 at 150 patients. The cure rate caps at 70% from wave 31.

Rooms by wave 31:
- 18 GP offices
- 15 diagnosis rooms (4x psychiatry, 4 general diagnosis, 5x DNA lab, 2x ward)
- 1 of each treatment except 2x surgery and 2x pharmacy.
- 1 staff room for each building sector
- 3 receptions with 6 reception pods
- 1 training room
- 1 small bathroom for each sector

- 16 receptionists - Only upgrade customer service.
- Nurses 14 - 50-50 split between treatment and diagnosis, injection skill on 1 nurse and ward skill on 3 nurses (treatment for injection and diagnosis for ward).
- janitors 16 - all must have maintenance, most should have ghost capture, have 1-2 janitors with good upgrade skill (around 3).

Good luck. This achievement is arguably more long than it is difficult.

04 May 2020 20:17

I prefer this guide. Thank you
By Zeadaches on 26 Jul 2020 23:03
Very helpful guide! thank you. only additional comment i would make is not to bother with surgery, treating patients takes too long and requires too many staff, you can easily pass every level without it. The best advice i can give, as above is to micromanage your staff, if a room needs a staff member, move them there, all staff get lost around the map, its more efficient to move them to required rooms yourself
By Nevvers on 19 Aug 2020 21:08
That +100% Treatment cost tip makes this super easy (still a long grind though)! By Wave 42 I had 90%+ cure rates and $24 million in the bank. smile

My rooms by wave 42: 12x GP offices; 4x DNA, 3x Psych, Cardio, General Diag; 2x Ward, Injection, Surgery; and 1x the rest (1 reception with 10 cubicles).

My staff by wave 42 (almost all trained to 5 star in specific skills): 32x Doctors; 31x Nurses; 10x Assistants; 13x Janitors.
By Lockie on 28 Nov 2020 04:07
One thing I did to speed it up in the later waves was once I reached 70% cure rate, I sent all the remaining patients home.
By JJ DANG3R on 10 May 2021 21:45
I'm not sure when the max patient count changed, but it now continues increasing by 5 up to 220 patients at Wave 42. Not sure if this is because its the Windows version or if its changed since this guide was written
By Ditto51 on 11 Jul 2021 18:54
@Ditto51 that only applies to the Windows 10 version. The console version caps at 150, which I think it reaches at Wave 28.
By segagamer on 11 Dec 2021 16:10
Great guide, very helpfully, but for some reason I didn’t get the achievement till wave 45 started, so be wary it make take a few waves after to pop up
By Rollo jr on 17 May 2022 21:29
I went all the way to 46, no achievement. Reloaded by save from 41 and it unlocked once 42 finished the second time. Bit stressful given the time commitment for this one, certainly recommend saving before the end for this one.
By WithTheDawn on 29 Aug 2022 10:40
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This is the layout I had when finishing wave 42. It's not pretty but it gets the job done. I used another level and boosted my research money about 10 times at the beginning wave 1 to get around 1,000,000 dollars. Then I built the three research rooms and hired 12 researchers. It kept me in the green and started making money around wave 10. I was constantly researching all 3 ones that give money. I'm glad I had this setup because around wave 30 I was losing around 300,000 before each wave started. But after it got rolling I was making over a million each wave.

Hope this helps someone.


01 Apr 2020 13:56

I need finish ALL other levels to research money Max upgrade ?

I start this level with 400,000 and i don't have more money upgrades...

Do you start this level with 1.000.000? And How you conciliate between wait for research/blank doctors with gp offices and other constant necessities etc??

I Just need finish 3 last levels (The city ones) for me... But i dont start yet...

Its better finish them First?
By LanziX on 03 Apr 2020 08:43
I would save this level for last. Use the map Milton or one you have a nice fast research room. Research the money ones then stop them right before they change over and then restart them on the topless mountain. Once they are done. Save and many times until you have enough money to get a large research on this map.
By Chad Wilburn on 03 Apr 2020 23:19
Ok.. understood..thx for tips...:)
By LanziX on 04 Apr 2020 09:01
Good Luck!
By Chad Wilburn on 20 Apr 2020 15:34
Is there any kind of blue print type image rather than just the vid? I haven’t started this level yet but it would be nice to look at an image and everything labelled to make it easier
By ONTY 1 TDOG on 28 Apr 2020 08:49
God damn, this is hard. Just people constantly rage quitting. If I place anything to relieve the boredom, thirst or hunger, they all swarm around it and waste time, then suddenly everyone is dying from lack of health instead.
By boydo1990 on 30 May 2020 10:39
Screw their entertainment and no restrooms..make them for your people only..have about 15 receptions and diagnoses them and make them pay the MAN!! aka you :)
By Chad Wilburn on 01 Jun 2020 18:26
I beat it, I actually set my prices to -10% and that meant after every stage, they would actually gain happiness compared to losing it when set to 100%. I also set my diagnosis to 40% and it still worked alright, got me past the 50% mark.
By boydo1990 on 01 Jun 2020 18:31
Just finished wave 19 and just short of 3 million in the bank. Basically gotten to a point where I felt it was a matter of time working through the waves. Sent all my patients home as I'd hit the cure % and I've gotten the bug where a patient refuses to leave the hospital.

So yeah, I have to start the entire thing again because I can't succeed or fail the wave. Basically stuck in an infinite wave that can't progress because of a bug. So just a warning for anyone before they try this, make sure you make a save BEFORE you start ejecting patients and maybe make another save after they've all left and the countdown for the next wave starts.

Guess it's back to wave 1 for me to start over again. Fuck my life.
By ninjaraiden2003 on 26 Jul 2020 08:17
Yeah, it happened to me again in my next/current run but luckily, saving at the start of dismissing patients and not saving again until the next wave countdown starts meant I hadn't lost any progress and could just reload and dismiss patients again.

I will say though, BOTH times the bug occured when dismissing a psychiatry patient that was currently laid on the patients chair and receiving treatment/diagnosis from a psychiatrist. With this in mind I've opted NOT to dismiss/send patients home that are receiving or in the process of receiving a treatment OR diagnosis of any kind until it's completed.
By ninjaraiden2003 on 31 Jul 2020 12:16
For me, the bugged patient had been called into the GP Room. On my second attempt (successful, Windows version), I dismissed patients very liberally, but only those who were in corridors and listed as queuing for a room (none in rooms or listed as "called into room"). None glitched. But I still strongly agree with your advice to save before dismissing any patients.
Now to do it all over again on Xbone! LOL
By GracefulShelf37 on 04 Aug 2020 04:18
Interesting, just watched a streamer do level 42 she only had 4 GP offices with level 5 GPs, massive ques lol but she beat it so possible. I like you would have gone with a million GPs but maybe not now. Going to start this tomorrow unless its better to do the other dlcs first? Anyways thanks for the tips!
By Zanarkand99 on 20 Apr 2020 02:42
Video is all I have. There is many ways to lay it out just pock the smallest plot for all the check in people. Then next land plot have your Gp's. Then your diagnosis in one plot and put your treatment stuff in two other plots. I had to play it a couple of times to get the feel of the level. It definitely is different from all the other levels. Good luck
By Chad Wilburn on 28 Apr 2020 10:46
I second the above advice to SAVE BEFORE DISMISSING PATIENTS, then VERIFY that they're not anywhere on the map or in the Patient List before saving again!

My level also corrupted last night thanks to this infamous stuck patient bug (none of the usual tricks will make them leave). Hoard 28 complete. 13 million savings. 120 perfectly trained and leveled staff with no negative traits. Would have been smooth sailing all the way to 42.

This literally game-breaking bug is unacceptable for a game that has been out for two years and has released a steady stream of paid DLC's! It's curious how payment related bugs are always apparently so much "easier" to fix than the broken products being peddled. Paying customers have freely offered several possible solutions.
By GracefulShelf37 on 26 Jul 2020 22:26
So I am using the layout in your video (with some small differences) and it was plain sailing to about wave 28. Now however I am losing money and have gone from 1.5mill to 800k.

I’m also consistently falling short of the 65% cure rate by 1-3 patients.

I also have people giving up on waiting for diagnosis rooms?

The differences I made were:

Where you have the escape room I placed all treatment rooms for nurses - to avoid any travelling between the two treatment blocks

I resisted until wave 28 to build any surgery rooms. The treatment takes too long and sometimes it can waste a few months of significant losses.

I currently don’t have the 3 full research rooms - I tried with one researcher churning out 45k. 12 researchers is going to cost me more in wages than it will make surely?

Would have been good in the video to have gotten an idea of the staff level/skills.

I’ve got a manual save to go back to - going to see if I can salvage the save file - hopefully without abusing the researching elsewhere trick
By metallicafan459 on 10 Sep 2020 01:51
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i found this one pretty easy once I figured out what I all had to do. I couldn't play this like all the other ones (you'll go broke pretty quick! I think I made wave 15 before it wasn't financially feasible to keep it open (i wasn't bankrupt, but wasn't making any profits and couldn't afford to build the new demands as i was paying the employees a lot!.)

So i started over... Which was for the better anyway. I read a few of the other comments, and got some great ideas. Medicine cabinets and the ice sculptures were a great addition, and saved my techs a ton of time!

For starters. receptionists: Micromanage them, (ONLY when the wave starts.) Keep them in the reception pit at all costs when the wave starts. I fired a few employees cause after every patient they'd want to go on break! Once the wave has fully passed through reception, send them to break. then let them do their thing the rest of the time. Once the queue gets above 15, I would add another. At level 27 (I think.. 150 patients was the max) I had 9 receptionists. None of them were trained. i hired the cheapest ones. about 30-45 days before the wave ends, I sent them all on break so they were ready to go for the next wave. (it's much smoother for you if they're well rested!). when the wave starts I manually bring them all back into the pit.

GP offices. Put them as close to the reception area. Again. going minimalist. at level 27 I had 11 GP offices. Once the queue got above 7, I built another one. Train them in GP, obviously. coffee machines, candy machines, and hand sanitizers in each room. I put 3 of the medicine cabinets in each room to help with treatment(3x3). Plaster them with the gold star awards to get them to the 5 stars.
I kept the reception, GP, injector, 2x pharm and 2x diagnostic rooms all very close to each other.

Added on to the original building around wave 3 and don't think I moved to the building just north of the original until level 10-15. Bought the building south of there around 20. It is most efficient to keep everything in as small of area as possible (employee travel....) The south building is still half empty at level 42. Since I was profitable up to level 40, (150k+ per wave), no more patients are added, I'm on cruise control at this point. the last few waves I left things run...

I have the following:
one receptionist room
11 GP
2 pharmacies
2 diag rooms
1 training room
1 shock clinic
1 correcting pool
1 pest control
1 head office
1 de-lux
1 clown
1 injection
1 chroma
1 resolution
3 psychiatry
1 fracture ward(5 beds, 2 plaster casters), 2 employees when the queue started to get larger
1 escape room
1 pans lab
1 ward (10 beds, 3 employees, 2 screens). added them as the queue got larger
2 surgery
1 indentification
3 break rooms and bathrooms (One of each per building)

Plaster each room with gold awards to get the 5 stars, 4 fire extinguishers in rooms that need maintenance. add as many medicine cabinets as you can get to fit.

You don't need to push everyone through asap! The longer queues help pace the rest of the rooms down the line from being overcrowded... I think it took 5 months per wave. The more offices you have, the more expenses (employees, upkeep...) you have, and more employees works against you in the "down months" between waves.

BE PREPARED TO LOSE MONEY! for a few months at a crack..... I on average lose 80k per month when i get to the down time... ( I make close to 180k during the busy months). I made anywhere from 100k-300k per wave. It is important to watch this, to ensure you stay profitable!!! at level 40, my wage expenses were 102k per month. keep this as low as you can. towards the end my expenses were about 115k a month (they keep wanting raises....) and I started to lose money (about 5-10k a month). I had plenty of reserves, so not concerned.

when i started out, I purposely failed levels till i got about 400-600k in cash (after building what was required to be built, upgrading and adding on) and felt i was profiting well! Then I started playing the game. Do not pay your employees well.. pay them so they are just above the lowest wage! train one employee with a paid trainer, then have them train everyone else, keeping costs down. Only buy what they are requesting. Train the staff during their free times.

It is a lifesaver to send your techs to repair everything, when there are 5-10 patients left, no matter how little damage there is, and before any disaster hits. Close rooms when machines are smoking. start letting patients go when you get down to 10, unless you need them to get the cure rate up (you will start losing money!).
You don't have to hit the rate, just get above a cure rate of 50%. If you feel you're going to run out of cash, fail a level a few times. I was averaging a cure rate of 55-60%

as for staff - 23 doctors, 19 nurses, 9 assistants, 13 janitors.
Janitors -
all ghost capture trained, maintenance trained (level 3, (mech was level 2)).
Only one was mechanic trained (level 2). All were allowed to do any task, minus mechanics. The mechanic was the only tech who could do every task.
Doctors -
GPs - all trained in GP, level 3-4
all non gp doctors were trained in treatment level 3-4 (including the surgeons and the DNA)
Psychs - trained to level 3
surgeons - level 2 (feel free to train a few GPs in surgery too. they finish GPing, they can help surgery)
Nurses -
5 only allowed to work in the ward and had ward training 2
the rest were trained to treatment (levels 3-4)

hire whatever - don't train them! (They'll want more money)

Don't forget to repair the plaster caster in the fracture ward!
if you get the staff challenge for curing 20 patients.... It takes about 45 days for the first patient to be "cured" (from checking in to leaving).
if you get the earn 800k challenge, don't bother with this method. you'll never make it.
Don't worry about the hospital reputation, either. Mine was non existent. Ignore any challenge that doesn't give you money. don't bother with the happiness (this will cost you $) or x days without death challenges (you might be able to get this very early)!
I only lost 82 patients to rage quitting in 42 levels out of 4900 total, so. I kicked out 79 patients, and 726 died (oops). 604 of those were from failed treatments. My goal was to just pass the level, so... not too concerned about the ineffictive or failed treatments!.

and don't forget to get the cure 10 paitients in a row achievement! save and reload will help you on this greatly! I got mine on level 2. Failed the level a lot of times so I could get some cash and upgrade what little was required at that level! Once I was ready to go, I passed it very easily.

26 May 2020 04:42

Hi, here are a few tips for getting this one finished. I found it was easy going until wave 31 when suddenly I started losing money each wave and by wave 33 I was bankrupt (-$500,000). I had to restart from my last save several times. The two main issues you need to balance are budget and speed of getting the wave through. If you have too many doctors (GPs) they end up costing you money while idle, for example.

Here's a video of my hospital at wave 39 and it remained the same until wave 43.

Here are my main tips for completing this.

I had 6 receptionists. Any less and some patients will leave in anger before being seen. Make sure the staff room is nearby. Towards the end of a wave, place all receptionists in the staff room so they are fully energised for when the wave arrives. You'll need to manually put them back in the reception and make sure they don't leave. You could probably afford a 7th receptionist.

General Practice
The next step is getting people diagnosed as quickly as possible. I changed my policy to send for treatment at 80% diagnosis. I had 9 GP rooms. I did have more, higher level doctors in those rooms but I found the cost to be too high. Level 2/3 GPs are fine, they'll get the job done. *Add Medicine Cabinets into your GP/diagnosis rooms.*

I made all rooms level 5 as I built them. This keeps the staff happy and your resulting staff costs lower. At the end, I had over $100k of pay demands which weren't an issue because the staff were compensated with nice rooms. Use the Gold Star Award decoration liberally. It costs a few grand per room but the long term savings far outweigh the initial cost (janitors will still complain, just drop them in a staff room). I also used Ice Statues in the middle of rooms instead of air con. It does the same job and doesn't take time from your janitors to service. On that note, don't put any plants about the place - waste of resource. Make sure every room, especially treatment rooms, has fire extinguishers. They're cheap and they will be needed.

You can see from my layout that I have reception/GP in one block, diagnosis/GP in another and treatments in the other blocks. Make sure toilets and staff rooms aren't too far away. In the treatment block I used *laxative drinks machines*. They increase health. Have 2 DNA rooms and if you can, 2 MEGA scan. Also 2 psychiatrists.

Make sure all treatment/diagnosis machines are upgraded and you set only qualified staff to work in the correct rooms - this improves the chance of curing. 2 surgeries will be needed.

I've mentioned about the start of the wave, make sure you get everyone through the reception as quick as possible. When you get to the stragglers at the end of the wave, say last 10, if you've already hit your 70% cure rate, kick the remaining patients out. It takes too long and costs you money to keep them in the hospital. With my set-up, I was getting 75% cure rate easily.

This is the part where I hit trouble and it took me a while to solve it. You don't want your wage bill to be above $75k per month. Having 5* staff isn't worth the cost. You can see from my video the staff I had, once I figured that I stopped promoting. Hire well early in the game (check their characteristics) and train in the relevant skills they'll need for the rooms they'll be using. I did have additional rooms which I sold when I hit financial difficulty. In hindsight, a research lab generating money would've been useful. Also, check under the illnesses tab which you have a high reputation for and then put the price up 10% on those treatments.

I hope that helps, let me know if you need further elaboration on any point.

07 Apr 2020 15:14

I believe that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here we go:

Basically, all you need to do is:
1 - Build up your GP offices little by little, starting at around 3 up to 6-7 by wave 15 and 10+ by wave 30.
2 - Train your staff continuously, get a few specialists (surgery/psych/etc.) and put all the others as treatment/diagnostic only
3 - Once your reputation maxes out, jack up all the prices by 100% (you'll see lots of complaints but that's how you'll stay afloat)
4 - After each wave is past the assistants, close the reception to let them rest until the beginning of the next wave

The rest is just a bit of micromanagement, I bought 1 of each robo-janitor to ease off on the whole hiring janitors process at first but you don't really need to.

13 May 2020 00:00

This achievement isn't so difficult once you get into a certain routine, but it certainly does take a long time. Reaching Wave 42 took me a cumulative total of about 16 hours - it's especially slow in the first few waves during your hospitals growth. Make sure this is the last stage you tackle (excluding the REMIX stages) as you'll need all of your knowledge and experience from the rest of the game - you can garner some tips from my guide to all (base game) stars if you wish
Two Point HospitalThe (Second) New Gold StandardThe The (Second) New Gold Standard achievement in Two Point Hospital worth 891 pointsEarn 63 Gold Stars

You don't need to do the money trick of "researching in another hospital and finishing off in your main hospital" for this. You can if you want but I don't see the point.

Note that this guide is specifically for the Xbox version of the game, which caps at 150 patients per wave at around Wave 28, making waves 28 to 42 nothing more than repetition. The Windows 10 version does not have this cap, so by Wave 42 you will need to have set up an extra hospital building to split the reception with more receptionists hired, and include a couple of extra GP's, diagnosis and core treatment rooms (Pharmacy, Psychiatry and Injection), the accommodating staff room and toilets, and with maybe an extra one of the busier dedicated treatment rooms as at this point you'll be at 250 patients. In short if you get the 3 stars in this hospital then you certainly have the core knowledge to be prepared to reach Wave 42.

Above is a video link showing my hospital at Wave 42 (apologies for it being in Spanish, but the UI is in the same placement), with its staff numbers, the buildings I purchased and the policies I set, together with the prices all being at +100%. I recorded the entire wave being played so you can see what I essentially did between waves 28-42, since as I said before, by Wave 28 the patient limit caps at 150. So if things are running smoothly by around Wave 28, there's no reason for you to expand/change anything unless you notice a particular bottleneck in your setup and want to speed things up a bit. There is a bit of micro managing involved (which I explained below), though I was after max efficiency. You don't necessarily have to go to such lengths, though I would recommend at least managing the receptionists.

As you can see, by Wave 42 money was not an object and the only thing that was an annoyance was the staff AI (particularly with the Surgery), so to do the best you'll need to do some micro managing. Let me explain some key points in order to help you reach there;

- Prepare some optimal room templates. If you've reached level in the game and haven't prepared any optimal room templates, start now. Looking at my video you'll see that most of my rooms are as small as possible and crammed together with lots of medicine cabinets etc to help with diagnosis and treatment rates while also making its prestige really high. Make sure you prepare this before continuing or this stage will take you much longer thang 16 hours, and you'll end up with patients bouncing around the hospital for longer trying to get their diagnosis, and a lower cure rate.

Source of room templates;

IMGUR album from above;

- Wave 1; Make sure you hire as many staff that have the suitable qualifications as possible (GP, Pharmacy, Diagnosis and Repair skills). Customer Service is nice but not necessary at Wave 1. If you start the stage and only have 1 of these, restart the level, and keep restarting until you get 2 or three. Hire 2 receptionists even if it means hiring one with nonsense qualifications; you can fire and replace them when someone better turns up.

- Once you have the staff, set the prices to +100%, Diagnosis prediction at 85% and make sure Staff are allowed to leave rooms when idle. Also set your Queue Length Warning to 1 (you'll see why later). Reputation has no effect in this stage as you'll always get the same amount of patients delivered no matter your rep. Some patients will be unable to pay, but that doesn't matter; this is all about taking as much money from everyone as possible, from the rich and poor. Cure rates will be good enough to reach Wave 42 (if you want to go higher then you'll need to gradually reduce the price afterwards). Use reception desks instead of the reception room for now.

- Wave 2; install a training room to distribute knowledge around (ie if you have Janitors or Receptionists with no qualifications). Set policy to promote staff automatically. Take out loans if money starts being a problem.

From here on out it depends on too many factors so I'll give some general guidance.

- Once you reach $300k with no loans, set staff to be promoted automatically, build a second training room, and start upgrading your Diagnosis machines.

- Focus on your diagnosis rooms first; Train the GP's up, the Diagnosis nurses and doctors, and upgrade those machines first. You want to get as many people away from your GP's as fast as possible and into treatment rooms. Only train the Treatment staff once you have no more Diagnosis staff to train.

- Doctors for DNA Lab, I only trained them for treatment as I was concerned about my cure rate, but in hindsight I should have just done diagnosis as well. I would train, in order, "DNA, Treatment, Treatment 2, Diagnosis, Diagnosis 2".

- The moment you run out of space of the first building, expand into the next. I expanded in the following order (I can't remember the plot numbers, sorry);

1 - South East
2 - Extension of the original plot
3 - South West
4 - East

I didn't see a reason to expand past 4 plots on Xbox, and I only purchased the East block at around Wave 22. For PC my 5th block was the West one.

- After your first expansion, pause and restructure your hospital to begin matching my video layout, including replacing the reception desks with a reception room. I arranged the hospital so that the original plot is nothing more than the "Diagnosis Block" (GP's, Nurse Diagnosis rooms, MEGA Scanner), and the expansion is the "Treatment Block". Only expand again when you need more diagnosis rooms (ie more GP's, MEGA Scanner) and expand again when you need more Treatment rooms.

- Now that you've expanded and are starting to get the hospital layout into a more permanent state, start placing amnesties so that you can extract more money from patients. This includes;
One Luxury Snack, Luxury Drink and Laxative Drink machine, clustered up, with bins and arcade machines nearby.
Fire extinguishers throughout corridors, as lasers will set fire to random parts of the corridor, and you want to avoid janitors pulling from rooms with machines in them.
Benches, to help keep patients from storming out when waiting.

- Place some Kiosk Hut's around so that your assistants can help extract more money from patients and staff when the reception stops needing attention, and to keep thirst/hunger/happiness levels up. What I do is the moment the Reception room queue clears, I close the room, forcing the assistants either go to the staff room if needed, or to attend the Kiosk Huts around the hospital. Ideally you'd place the same amount of huts as the number of assistants you have.

- Remember to regularly check the Prices window to bring them up to +100%. If you hear a "click" when pressing Right Bumper to raise the prices, that means you're raising something! Keep pressing until you no longer hear the "click". You'll not have to do this after Wave 30.

- Don't expand too quickly! Only buy new plots when you've run out of room, only increase the number of GPs when the queue length starts getting to 10+ per GP, and only multiply the diagnosis/treatment rooms when the queue length starts being 5+.

- If you ever get a notice about a staff member being unhappy/threatening to quit, just send them to the staff room.

- After wave 30, I increased everyone's salary by +1% until there was no more "average satisfaction" (orange bar) left.

- Make a Research room when you have over 2mil and upgrade the Correcting Pool room so that you can upgrade it to +3. Once that's done, assuming you have nothing else to research other than the repeatable stuff, fire the researcher and sell the Research facility - it's not worth the money (or your attention) to get the 40k regularly.

- Towards the end of each wave I would start sending staff to the staff room. You can do that with the Y button in the staff list;
When there was less than 10 patents remaining, I would send all Assistants and GP's
When there were less than 5 patients left, I would send all diagnosis staff (excluding Psychiatrists and DNA Staff)
When the "next wave" countdown timer started, I would send all Treatment staff
Janitors I would leave alone since they're largely autonomous.

By Wave 42 I had;

7x Receptionists
9x GPs
18x Janitors (only ~2 of them had the "upgrade" qualification, and it would only be at level 1 or 2)

A larger chunk of my staff were level 5 in their qualifications, including Assistants.

The rooms I had;

2x General Diagnosis, Cardio, Fluid Examination, MEGA Scanner, XRay
3x DNA Labs, Pharmacies, Surgeries
2x Psychiatrists (was preparing for 3, though wasn't necessary)
1x Everything else (except toilets and staff rooms, which I put where needed.

The battle is largely just getting to Wave 28 - after that it's just a case of repetition and time. If you want to save scum in case you screw up, that's possible to do.

Any questions post below.

13 Dec 2021 09:28

The longest level on the way to platinum. To get 3 stars on a level you need to complete 30 waves, and for a trophy 42. But more on that in order.

So the game has an interesting feature, how to get money if you don’t have enough of it. The progress of scientific research at one level is transferred to another. That is, you need to build a large Scientific Research office at some initial level (For me, for example, this is at the Phlegmington level), appoint and train 5 scientists. Then we just quickly study the research for which we are given money, but not to the end, until about ~990 ~1490 and ~1990. We go to the required level and further study these studies there. As a result, we have a total of free 100k bucks.

The peculiarity of the Headless Mountain level is that patients come only every new wave and their number is fixed (the increase ends at 150), you also need to maintain the recovery percentage starting from 55% and after every 10 waves the percentage increases by 5.

From the very beginning, all you have to do is increase the cost of therapy for patients by 100%; no one will refuse, except for a couple of isolated cases.

I won’t describe the initial stages since they are simple, but already in the region of 15-20 waves it becomes a little harder due to the rapid decrease in money. I would only advise you to immediately upgrade all devices from the very beginning and train staff as early as possible.

Below, under the spoiler, I will post a diagram of the layout of my offices, which I can calmly cope with and do not strain myself every wave with a cure rate of around ~93%

I will describe how many and what kind of employees I have, as well as their tasks, to make it easier to navigate:

13 x General practice (work only in general practice offices)
5 x Therapy (only work in the rooms of Darkness, Decostrutivism, Turtle Brain, Shock, High Definition and Control Room)
3 x Psychiatry (work only in the Psychiatry office)
3 x Surgery (only work in Surgery)
4 x Genetics (each person has learned 2 diagnostics and 2 therapies, they work only in DNA)

Junior medical staff

9 x Diagnostics (work only in the General Diagnostics, Cardiology and Fluid Analysis rooms)
4 x Ward service (work in the Chamber and Perelomnaya offices (these offices have 2 work slots for employees))
5 x Therapy (pure) (work only in the offices of Deviation, Color Therapy, Pest Control, Surgery, Physionomic Therapy and Quester)
6 x Pharmacology. Injection and other therapy (only work in the Pharmacy, Treatment, Deviation, Color Therapy, Pest Control, Surgery, Physiotherapy and Kvester rooms)


9 x Work with clients (work at the register)

All orderlies have permission to extinguish fires, this is important!

1 x Mechanic (works only with upgrades until everything improves, and then does everything except repairs and catching ghosts)
8 x Repair (Only works with Repair)
6 x Ghost Hunting, Endurance, Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, Training Master Class (Works on everything except upgrading and repairing, i.e. cleaning)

If at the end of the wave you have ~10 patients left, then it’s worth looking at their diagnosis. If this is, for example, a surgery that takes a long time, then you can safely send them home so that you don’t have to pay the staff for nothing for a month or two.

Also, after the 30th wave, the staff will be sad because of the low salary, do not increase it until they want to quit, otherwise if you constantly increase it, then paying bills may exceed your income and you will quickly go into the red.

21 Aug 2022 12:07