UFC Undisputed 3

UFC Undisputed 3

39 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Chopping 'em Down

Chopping 'em Down

Get the TKO win by damaging the opponent's legs.


How to unlock the Chopping 'em Down achievement in UFC Undisputed 3 - Definitive Guide

First of all make a Created fighter, put him in the featherweight division and put all of his stats to zero.

Put the game on beginner, go to the featherweight divison and pick Jose Aldo. Aldo has some of the best leg kicks in the game. Pair him off against your CAF.

When the match starts hold the LT, hold the left stick toward the opponent and start pressing A or B.

You can also run toward the opponent and hold the left trigger, press A or B. This would land a more devastating leg kick.

When you TKO him with leg kicks, the achievement is yours. Good luck.

15 Aug 2012 17:41

Hold LT and press A or B to leg kick your opponent, do this enough and your opponent will start to limp, then when their leg reaches 100% you should receive a TKO victory.

11 Feb 2012 15:08

Here is my simple easy to follow video guide

check my other guides
for all ufc achievements!
& other games

comment if improvements can be made below thx.

© TheGreatGameMaster ©

24 Nov 2012 01:23

I would recommend doing this trophy against your weak CAF (all 1 stats). It will make the trophy so much easier. Load up a fight on beginner and choose any fighter to use (preferably a strong fighter). At the start of the fight walk up to your opponent and repeatedly leg kick them (press + or + ). Make sure you also try to block their punches so that they don't KO you. After a while the CAF will begin to wobble, continue to leg kick and they will fall to the ground and the referee will stop the fight. The trophy will pop after the fight has been stopped.


Hold and press or to kick the opponents legs. After around 20 kicks your opponent will start to limp, this makes it a lot easier to land even more kicks to the leg, keep kicking the leg and eventually your opponent will collapse to the floor and you should recieve the TKO victory. If your having trouble you can always fight CAF with no stats.

Leg kicks do a lot more damage when thrown in with a combo, the easiest combo to land is a jab by pressing , then the right leg kick by holding and pressing

This can be done with a second controller.

Hold and press or to kick the enemy.

After 20 blows to the legs, your opponent begins to limp,

and this is a sign that the trophy is very close,

you need to hit him a couple more times so that he falls to the ground and the referee stops the fight.


17 Feb 2012 11:52

1 Comment
You can also easily and simply get a trophy by playing two joeys alone or with a friend.
By BEE_83 on 28 Apr 2012 13:52