UFC Undisputed 3

UFC Undisputed 3

39 Achievements


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Getting A Leg Up

Getting A Leg Up

Defeat a COM on Advanced or higher in Exhibition or Tournament Mode with each Leg Submission.


How to unlock the Getting A Leg Up achievement in UFC Undisputed 3 - Definitive Guide

Either in exhibition mode or tournament mode select advanced difficulty and you have to defeat the computer with a each different leg submission.

You can do this with a CAF with 100 submission offense.

The six leg submissions are:

Ankle Lock - From Open Guard, On Top, click cn_RS

Kneebar - From Open Guard, On Top, Hold cn_LB + click cn_RS

Flying Scissor Heel Hook - Only available with a Sambo fighter, Both Fighters Standing, Sprint by clicking cn_LS + hold direction, Hold cn_LB and click cn_RS

Inside Heel Hook - Only available with a Sambo fighter, Both Fighters standing, hold cn_LB + click cn_RS

Outside Heel Hook - Only available with a Sambo fighter, from an Ankle Lock, click cn_RS to submission switch

Toe Hold - Only available with a Sambo fighter, From Half guard, On Top, Hold cn_LB + click cn_LS + click cn_RS or click cn_RS to switch from Kneebar.

After every win you can select rematch and it will count you don't have to exit to main menu

13 Feb 2012 10:00

Awesome solution, this video is great!!! I fought against another CAF with 0 skills and attributes, made it super easy. Thumbs up!
By CombatRok on 16 Feb 2012 01:03
perfect solution...the video is a big help!
By Rydensaur on 17 Feb 2012 16:05
awesome tips.big thumbs up.took me 10 mins with your list.i can confirm you can just go back to character select too after each successfull sub.not sure about rematch option tho.
By FL trooper be on 21 Feb 2012 14:17
I don't know why but i got this achiev buged. I do it 15x times but not achievement already. I do it on ultimate difficult and same problem. Can any one help me ?
By MMA Pesa on 24 Feb 2012 11:43
Great guide, got it first try!!!
By Damavik on 01 Mar 2012 22:19
I swear I have done all of these moves multiple times on Adavanced difficulty and still no achievement. Anyone else having similar issues?
By DaveKinetic on 02 Mar 2012 01:58
mine seems to be bugged too
By RogueCrippler on 05 Mar 2012 23:39
done them all in 2 weight classes now. Good guide, just cant get it to pop
By RogueCrippler on 06 Mar 2012 00:04
Thanks,worked great.
By paddycfc22 on 06 Mar 2012 17:14
I was just checking out fifa street demo and this poped?! It says i unlocked it 3/5/12 which was yesterday, when i did all six subs but got no achievement. Oh well at least it finally poped hahaha
By RogueCrippler on 06 Mar 2012 22:47
I eventually got it. I was trying to do it with a roster fighter and it wouldn't unlock, did it with a CAF and it unlocked pretty straight away.
By DaveKinetic on 20 Mar 2012 00:40
I definitely think this is glitched. I just tried this 3 times. The only difference is I didn't create my own opponent. I used a Fabricio Werdum I downloaded who was a 0 overall. Think that may have affected it?

Anyway, if anyone can help me out, please let me know! I followed this guide to the T, with the exception of the opponent.
By mcvizzlerizzle on 20 Jul 2012 04:54
was the guy you used a sambo fighter?
By iNTiMiDaTe xX on 20 Jul 2012 08:25
how do you stop them kicking you off when you are on top and how do you posture up in open guard
By Mike the Owl on 15 Aug 2012 13:22
Great guide. I did all but the flying scissor heel hook and it popped after the toe lock submission. Thanks for the list.
By Razza69 on 17 Aug 2012 20:32
great guide man. Thanks
By McSvine on 05 Jan 2013 09:26
The last one, the toe hold, through me off since you had two ways to do it. I got it after I reread the step. Guide worked perfectly. Thanks!
By The Sharkopath on 27 Aug 2014 17:01
Popped first try using a two CAFs on 5 round advanced difficulty. 2nd CAF being 1 skill helped tremendously
By FiteTalk YT on 31 Jan 2023 21:15
Tremendous solution. Very clear and well written. Easy to understand for anyone. How anyone could in good consciousness give this negative votes is beyond me. Big +1 from me for your attention to every detail.

Also I second CombatRok's suggestion to use an unimproved CAF against a Submission specialist Sambo fighting CAF to make short work of the chievo.

I am primarily a striker/kickboxer type, so without this clear guide, I dont know if I would have ever stumbled upon these submissions on my own!
By SGT Impaler on 20 Feb 2012 12:41
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For this trophy you will need to win a match using all of the leg submissions in the game, make sure that you are fighting on at least Advanced difficulty (Again fight against your weak CAF). The submissions are listed below:

  • Inside Heel Hook (Use Ryo Chonan from PRIDE Welterweight) (Both fighters standing hold and press ).
  • Ankle Lock (Rousimar Palhares from UFC Middleweight): When your opponent is on the ground and you are standing over them at their feet, click .
  • Outside Heel Hook (Rousimar Palhares from UFC Middleweight): Follow actions for ankle lock. Then once you are in the ankle lock press for a submission switch into the heel hook.
  • Flying Scissor Heel Hook (Ryo Chonan from PRIDE Welterweight): Sprint towards opponent and holding and clicking .
  • Toe Hold (Rousimar Palhares from UFC Middleweight): Get into half guard open and hold towards your opponent's legs, hold and then click to start the submission.
  • Kneebar (Rousimar Palhares from UFC Middleweight): Follow the instructions for the toe hold and once you start the submission press to submission switch to the kneebar.

Here is a video to help:

Credit to intimidategaming for the video


Either in exhibition mode or tournament mode select advanced difficulty and you have to defeat the computer with a each different leg submission.

The six submissions are:

  • Ankle Lock - From Open Guard, On Top, click
  • Kneebar - From Open Guard, On Top, Hold + click
  • Flying Scissor Heel Hook - Only available with a Sambo fighter, Both Fighters Standing, Sprint by clicking + hold direction, Hold and click
  • Inside Heel Hook - Only available with a Sambo fighter, Both Fighters standing, hold + click
  • Outside Heel Hook - Only available with a Sambo fighter, from an Ankle Lock, click to submission switch
  • Toe Hold - Only available with a Sambo fighter, From Half guard, On Top, Hold + click + click or click to switch from Kneebar.
And as always, the trophy was translated incorrectly!

The trophy is given for providing 3 different twists of ONE naga at the Advanced difficulty level. Personally, I received the trophy after this.

Here is a video to help, for some reason the guy makes 3 different creases on each leg, why I still don’t understand?


I'll decipher what you saw. To begin, bring the enemy's stamina to 50-60%. First appointment - +R3, heel twist .

Second technique (third on video) - +R3, wait a couple of seconds and again +R3, red-hot knuckle.

Third move - lying on the opponent - +R3, and again +R3, ankle lock (although from a standing position, you can also get into this grip by pressing +R3 3 times).

23 Feb 2012 13:47

1 Comment
In the video, the guy does 5 different painful holds on one left leg, I personally had to try all 5 to get a prize
By selvo13 on 29 Mar 2014 22:56
The trophy can be obtained in an even easier way.

1. Create a fighter in the middle white with no characteristics.

2. We choose Rusimar Pulhares in the middleweight and the created fighter as our opponent

3. Set up the simulation

There are only 4 painful techniques:

Ankle lock - From Open Guard, On Top, click .

Kneebar - From Open Guard, On Top, Hold +click R3

Heel Hook - Hold + Click R3

Toe Hold - From Half guard, On Top, Hold +click +click R3

21 Apr 2012 18:34